Todays “READERS POLL” question is:  Do you feel its time for Mayor Winnecke to make a public statement concerning the Zoning Appeals Board rejection of an upscale Restaurant-Bar on West Franklin Street?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “IU WOMEN’S-MENS SWIM AND DIVING TEAMS”.

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  1. KC should have asked the city to buy it for him, maybe a little extra to grease the wheels and a 20 year phase in on taxes. Evansville dirty politics doesn’t understand his business plan. Or he didn’t buy the property thru Tucker. Expect the sound of crickets.

    • Probably if one would inspect Winnecke’s campaign donors’ list, KC would be absent. Wow, if KC only was aware of the Winnecke Way his issues would be nothing more than an image in the rear-view mirror

  2. CCO, good grief, time to move on to a new topic !

    Why not write about the financial hole the current Mayor and Controller have dug for our fair city ???? We can’t pay the Health Insurance Bill, and we have $ 77 Million in fresh bond obligations coming on board ($ 20 MM Hotel, $ 57 MM IU Med School infrastructure).

    ” What, me worry ?”

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