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  1. ***** WALL STREET JOURNAL, May 12, 2017
    WASHINGTON—Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein pressed White House counsel Don McGahn to correct an inaccurate Trump White House depiction of the events surrounding FBI Director James Comey’s firing. Mr. Rosenstein said he couldn’t work in an environment where facts weren’t accurately reported.

    Folks. Even the Russians are laughing at the clown in the White House. THEY published pictures of Trump in the White House yesterday, that TRUMP didn’t know they took! From inside the White House! The Republican Party? Is it gonna burn with this guy? Fire Comey over Russia? Ha! Now Trump is gonna have to tell another lie that he fired his own Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein because HE knows Trump has burning Russian problems.

    • That’s one of the most uninformed posts I believe I’ve ever seen on this blog, OneEvansville. You win the trophy for Unabashed Misinformation Spreading by a Liberal (in the local contest, of course).

      • 1. It’s the WSJ Sir. That’s not uninformed.
        2. It’s not a liberal news source. Unimpeachably conservative. It’s where all real Republicans get their news.
        3. An off-the-mark reply like that is nothing more than squealing like a stuck pig, disaffected.

        • When President Clinton was in the WH, I had similar views about him over the Waterwater affair, Vince Foster, etc. etc. etc. but one thing I like very much was that my 401k soared. Now, history is repeating itself. My 401k has increased by 16% in the past six months which is a pace of 32% annualized. So, give me more and more of this Russia dialog or whatever bs the fake news can come up with ..hell even the leader of Israel is calling CNN fake news ..they now have an international view!!!

          • BA, I like the wit..! But FBI, CIA and US GOP Senators have all said the Russia bs is real, not fake news.
            Look, I get it. Everybody gets it. Don’t like bad news? Call it fake news.
            But, is the Wall Street Journal fake news too? Of course not.

      • Yes, they totally want this to go away……but it is not going to:


        The libs thought the Lynch and Comey tag-team was going to be in charge for the next four years and could stonewall and clean up, behind the scene, Hillary’s problems. That is NOT going to happen! Hillary’s day of reckoning is coming. The Clinton cancer that has infected the United States Government for the last 25 years is about to be removed from the body politic!

        • The next step is placing Trey Gowdy at the helm of the FBI, which has atrophied under the 8 years of the Obama administration.

          • ole boy here dontwanna talk about trump i guess hell i dont know who linch even is some people

          • Clueless. Even Trey Gowdy, full of glee and Republican ambition, would be happy to take out a corrupt Trump. No loss. None at all. It would be a huge win for the GOP.

  2. Huh? You mean you are offering yet another why-Comey-was-fired story? I’m going to have to re-label my bingo card.

  3. Well ..according to the article in today’s CP, Bee Slough has become an artifacts sanctuary, but what really caught my attention was the figure of $729,000,000 for the correction of the Combined Sewer Overflow project mandated by the EPA ..did we or did we not hear for Winnecke that the project was $540,000,000 and now we hear that the North Main project is well over budget. Apparently, we need a mayor like the one in South Bend with a degree from the Harvard School of Business instead of one from U of E majoring in Drama!!!

    • Sue,

      1) What fun, digging around in the sewage-laden ground to find some old glass bottles !;

      2) LW being a Drama Major: he certainly has leading-man good looks, I can see why you are a little bit attracted to him. LW Manage a Budget ? Not so much. Could we poach the South Bend stud ??

      North Main project over budget ? First I’m hearing about that, do tell . . .

  4. President Trump is without a doubt the first person in hillarys life that tried to protect her honor by firing comey……..and what did the nut job sick commie libs do………..they threw hill yet again under the bus and kept running over her…..for the first time there is a tear in my eye for hill…………..but now on with my bourbon and new FBI Director……. Prosecute that sick bitch…………….little barry and lying rice also……….the plug on the swamp has been pulled…………..Make America Great Again……………

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