Home Breaking News “READERS FORUM” MARCH 4, 2018




We hope that today’s “Readers Forum” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

Todays “Readers Poll” question” Is: Do you feel that City Council has more pressing issues than worrying about amending the current noise ordinance?

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  1. The Trump White House is on fire

    No one works there anymore cause they all resigned or are indicted

    The answer on what Trump would do if “he got the 3am Phone Call” has now been answered: PANIC, CANNOT SPELL “DYING”…Trump has lost his mind, and would destroy the country.

    But my favorite chaos moment yesterday?

    The lipstick pig Joebiden being called in the Saturday CCO comments: “A Gun Nut Who Loves Dead Kids.” !!!

    Winner. Winner. Chicken Dinner!!

    C’mon Lipstick Joe. Show us your panic over Trump’s Presidency being CONSUMED BY FIRE 🔥 by more posting about guns today.

    • I agree with what you’re saying. The JoeBiden guy really is a tool scared to talk about anything, literally anything, other than guns.

      But Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and the US Chamber of Commerce are doing a great job managing the clown trump and passing what large Republican business owners want. They own trump. And the are doing a great job.

    • Trump is playing the electoral college map. Steel is made by and large in PA. Need PA to be re-elected. Autos by and large are made in MI. Need MI to be re-elected. AL is made by and large in the midwest, need midwest states to be re-elected. Don’t need coastal democrats to be defeated. Perhaps, until the dems start messaging and stop the bs Russia , Russia, Russia, victory maybe denied. Of course, we have the talking points, “The tax cuts were for the rich” Go to http://www.taxplancalculator.com and see how you may fair under this reform act.

      • Uh. Car and Truck prices are going UP because of this. Refrigerators. Washing machines. Planes. Tractors. Everything.

        All for 350,000 Union Steel members.

        • Yea, Dan. To hell with 350,000 union steel workers. Continue to give our money to the Chinese communists instead.

          • So you were cool when Obama saved autoworkers jobs. Right? I don’t see how it’s different.

          • No sh–. 100% an example of Dann’s hypocrisy.
            Also shows he is not a conservative nor a Republican.

    • comes on susans trumps makings to manys jobs gona cuts my frees welfares we needs to makes up more lies on trumps he is winnings and wes donts like its downs with trumps

    • Trump is a master politician. He is calling the democrats out, making them throw their cards on the table and then ridiculing them. He forced a play on healthcare, made the democrats look foolish, forced a play on DACA and immigration, made the democrats look more foolish. His new tax game is working, made the rich liberal elite ignorant and exposed them to working Americans who don’t see a couple thousand dollars as crumbs. Trump is just thinning the herd, has too many cooks in the kitchen. This guy is use to living in a pressure cooker he thrives on it, he throws up his own balloons, doesn’t depend on the liberal media to do his dirty work. He’s winning, conservatives are solid in his corner and now he’s going after the democrat base.

  2. And here, to open today’s comments, we have in Susan a typical example of a dem Gruber goober voter. Highly instructional. Dems everywhere should be proud to have Susan so accurately portraying their “beliefs”; and their mentality.

    • I’m a Democrat
      My Father before me was a Democrat.
      His Father before him was a Democrat.

      Trumps 25% tariff on steel helps our Union. The fat cat republicans are gonna get hit on this, the hell with you people. Trumps got our back. We want more. And we ain’t done.

  3. Hey, for all of those Green folks . . .

    As it seems, our govt has been shoving down our throats the use of electric autos. Read an article by an engineer on this matter. Average home has only 100 amp service, the E-car requires 75 amps to charge. In a 25 home neighborhood, if one half had E-cars, the grid would be wildly over-used. The chevy Volt will run 25 miles on one charge and has a 16KWH battery. It takes 10 hrs to charge and in Evansville the one kw cost $.16 . .so, to charge the battery for 25 miles would be $25.60 (.16x10x16). Divide 25 into $25.60 = $1.02 per mile. In addition, the Volt holds 9 gal of gas and has a range of 270 miles including the battery portion. If you average 60 miles per hour the 270 will require 4.5 hours than you will have to wait 10 hours for the recharge, thus the trip requires 14.5 hours or 20 miles per hour. Nationwide average for reg gas is 2.90 per gal. The Volt averages 30 mpg including the battery charge. So, the 270 miles will cost 9 gals x $2.90 plus the charge at $25.60 totaling $51.70 or $.19 per mile. But, the cost of the Volt is $46,000 while the same type of auto with 30 mph rating costs $22,000 with fuel cost per mile at $.10 per mile ($2.90/30mpg= .10) averaging 60 miles per hour instead of 20 per hour. Of course, this doesn’t take into consideration the replacement of those batteries cost $8,000 and countless cost of upgrading the grid to accommodate the E-cars. If the average miles driven in the US is 12,000 the added costs of operations would be $1,080 (12,000 x $.09). If the owner drove only 25 miles not using gas, the true cost of operations per mile over gas would be $.92 or $8,395 per year if you drove 25 miles per day each and everyday of the year (.92 x 365).

  4. WASHINGTON, March 3 (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely, according to audio aired by CNN.

    “He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida aired by CNN. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

    • You Gruber Goober are without a doubt dummer than a box of rocks.It was a joke dumbass,now you are the joke.

  5. Just checked out the Courier article proclaiming the OVC tourney put a positive spin on the Fraud Center. Supposed 4,820 fans for a championship game is positive? Let’s see 8 sessions and we all saw the women’s games on Wednesday had less than 600 in attendance. Now, figuring the workers and utilities for this tourney, how much more are we in the hole for? Sports Corp. wants to host again, NCAA and OVC, please say no!!

  6. comes on susans trumps makings to manys jobs gona cuts my frees welfares we needs to makes up more lies on trumps he is winnings and wes donts like its downs with trumps

  7. “From the Chevy Volt’s FAQ page:

    Using the portable 120V charge cord will take approximately 16 hours at the 8-amp default setting, and can be reduced to 10 hours at the 12-amp setting.”

    So, 8A (charger) x 120VAC (standard house current) = 960W x 16hours = 15.4kw (total used over 10 hour span) x $o.16 (per kwh in evv) = $2.64 per FULL charge (aka you ran the battery flat)

    $2.64 per full charge / 53 mile range = $o.o498 per mile on the battery.
    The fuel capacity is 8.9 usgal and the Volt gets 41mpg (combined avg) or, 367miles extended range using gasoline making the total miles the Volt can travel 420.

    The article you read must have been written by a potato engineer…


  8. Jobless claims lowest in 49 years😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 and to top it off we now have 100 million more people then we did in 1969……………….I can now see why the commie libs and their fake media despise Trump so much he is making America Great Again……………………keep the lies flowing libtard………………..losers……………..GOD BLESS MAGA TRUMP AND FAMILY……………..

  9. Within a year, Sheriff Lenhart had led what he calls a “layered” approach to school security and a “conservative” approach to arming teachers in the 3,400-student school district.

    The district spent about $70,000 on safes, bulletproof vests, cameras, guns, radios and ammunition. Uniformed, armed officers cost $200,000 a year, and an insurance policy of $100,000 a year includes coverage for its staff with access to firearms. Those are negligible costs for a school district with a $36 million budget, the superintendent said.


  10. Typical liberal hypocrisy. Note the liberals are protected by gun and walls while they criticize guns and that wall with Mexico:

    “The Los Angeles Police Department will deploy 500 officers to wrap the Dolby Theatre in multiple barriers of armed security for the 90th Academy Awards on Sunday night, an event at which several of Hollywood’s most celebrated stars will actively push for more gun control in America.”

    “Indeed, there will be road closures to prevent people breaching a security perimeter made up of a wall of ten-foot gates and barricades, FBI agents, and firefighters. Police helicopters will be buzzing above and private security guards from Security Industry Specialists will be inside the Dolby Theater.”


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