Home Breaking News “READERS FORUM” MARCH 11, 2019



We hope that today’s “READERS FORUM” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?


Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Who Is paying for the financial losses of the Evansville Thunderbolts hockey team?

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  1. MAGAPHOBIA: Hotel Rejects Reservation Request After Learning Triple-Amputee Veteran Brian Kolfage, Steve Bannon and Sheriff Clarke Were Included

    …“The Foundation Hotel Management should be ashamed of their actions and I hope the citizens of Detroit realize that racism and discrimination should not be tolerated especially after what Detroit has been through over the past century,” Brian Kolfage added.

    Sheriff Clarke told The Gateway Pundit the Detroit Foundation Hotel is engaging in the practice of “political Jim Crow laws.”

    “The Detroit Foundation Hotel should hang its head in shame,” Sheriff Clarke told The Gateway Pundit. “They are engaging in the practice of political Jim Crow laws where instead of refusing to do business with people based on one c-word, color of their skin, they are refusing to do business with people based on another c-word, their conservative values.”

    Magaphobia is a real problem in the US.

    Trump supporters are regularly discriminated against, harassed, beaten and threatened by rabid leftists for the ‘crime’ of supporting President Trump and strong borders. It must stop.


    • MAGAt-phobia is the Constitutional right of a PRIVATE business to use the freedom to who they wish to do business with. It is laughable that they want to have their discounts for their racism, but ignore that the hotel never blocked them from reservations, the hotel just elected to not give the white-man discount they apparently feel entitled to

      Considering the hatred and violence these three MAGAt’s encourage, and the death and violence that follow the right-wing white supremacy that the alt-right supports, this hotel is justified in looking out for their guests

      Then there is the FACT that the vast majority of the money already raised will soon disappear. GoFundMe is taking this down and automatically refunding all donations unless you are dumb enough to tell them to forward the bait and switch funds to the for-profit 501(c)(4)

      The rampant stupidity of Kolfage and the rest of the MAGAts in thinking that they have a claim for discrimination just continues to prove they have no understanding of the law. Being a MAGAt is not a protected class, just a sign of ignorance

      If you are dumb enough to donate money to this racist fundraiser, maybe notice that Kolfage is doing a bait-and-switch by forming a 501(c)(4) since contributions to civic leagues or other section 501(c)(4) organizations generally are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. They hide the statement of “Contributions or gifts to WeBuildTheWall, Inc. are not tax deductible for IRS purposes” in small print and on a sub-page

      Trump racists regularly discriminate against, harass, beat and threaten anyone they disagree with for their support for President Trump and his racism and bigotry about the fake border claims

      And then there is the issue that the “organizer” and his LIES about the GoFundMe, which is scamming MAGAts out of money since you cannot fundraise to send money to the government. The page even states that “The federal government won’t be able to accept our donations” and goes on to try and allege that they will build the wall instead of Cheetolini. What a joke these right-wing racists are. They lie to say they will collect $1 billion for a project that is estimated at $50 billion. THey have ZERO legal rights to build a project for federal use, especially for purchasing any land needed

      MAGAt folks are the poster children for nuts

        • Typical Joey bigoted dog whistles. When anyone in government changes a stance, they are “retreating”

          Your hypocrisy is disgusting because religious freedom has been used for centuries to justify numerous atrocities, including the Holocaust AND slavery. You are hiding behind the notion that one’s religious expression correlates to the identity of another human being. American history illustrates that the GOP viewpoint was prevalent over 150 years ago but in a far more horrific context. Confederate era documents are filled with references to God and religion, primarily because the South viewed slavery as a divine right. According to the Constitution of the Confederate States, the words “Almighty God” and “slavery” (none of these words are found in the REAL Constitution) serve as the moral foundation for secession and the formation of a new country:

          “We, the people of the Confederate States, invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Confederate States of America…In all such territory the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected by Congress and by the Territorial government”

          Adopted on March 11, 1861, “the favor and guidance of Almighty God” allowed Southerners “the right of property in negro slaves” and the creation of a new country, and was declared as such as their “God-given” rights

          Thus, the Confederacy was based upon a Constitution that stated God was in favor of slavery; the economic engine of the South

          BAM! Joey loses AGAIN!

      • Non-MAGA hate crimes? How can this be?????

        Police Arrest Black Transgender Woman In Bronx Pepper Spray Attack on White People, Links To More Hate Crimes Being Investigated

        NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Police on Saturday arrested a transgender woman they say attacked a white couple in the Bronx and may be behind a series of attacks in upper Manhattan as well.

        Investigators say the transgender suspect, who is black, confronted a couple on E. 187th Street near Crotona Avenue in the Bronx. The attacker allegedly approached the couple and asked the woman if she was white before pepper spraying her.

        The couple was too afraid to show their faces on camera, but tearfully described what happened in an exclusive interview with CBS2.

        “She pepper sprayed me, I couldn’t see anything,” the woman said. “It really sucked because I knew it was a hate crime.”


        • Oh, grow up. Every black on white crime is not a hate crime, and neither is the reverse. Crime does not just stay within skin colors, but the MAGAt crowd loves to try this dog whistle

          Hate crimes have been rocketing upwards under Trump, and to say otherwise is just supporting the racist and bigoted efforts of the white supremacy crowd.

          Maybe the FBI knows about this, looking at the last reported year available (2017):

          Hate crimes increased in the last three years in a row, ever since Trump started with his BS in 2015/2016, rising 17 percent in 2017-2018 reporting, according to FBI reporting

          Law enforcement officials reported 7,175 hate crime incidents up from 6,121, with more incidents motivated by racial, ethnic or religious bias than in previous years

          2017 saw the largest single-year increase in hate crimes since 2001, according to the FBI

          Racial and ethnic bias continued to be the largest motivators for hate crimes in the U.S., driving 59.5 percent of the total hate crimes reported. More than 2,000 anti-black hate crimes were reported in 2017, nearly half of all crimes motivated by racial or ethnic hatred

          There was also a nearly 23 percent increase in religion-based hate crimes in 2017, with a 37 percent increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes, according to the FBI

          Attacks against Jewish people accounted for 58.1 percent of crimes motivated by anti-religious bias last year, a 4-percent increase from 2016

          In 2018 there another surge of hate crimes that included the deadliest attack against Jews in U.S. history, killing 11 congregants at a synagogue in the city’s Squirrel Hill neighborhood (inspired by TRUMP), a string of attempted mail bombings against high-profile Democrats across the country (inspired by TRUMP), and multiple instances of anti-Semitic and racist graffiti

          Civil rights advocates have been raising concerns about the historic rise in white nationalism across the country

          So take your fake hate-crime crap and find that special place where the sun don’t shine

        • Your entire line of BS whistles from the MAGAt crowd is pathetic.

          The ratio of stupidity is a constant of around 200 to 1, which means for every 100 Rethuglican MAGAt conservatives who are proving they can only speak when they can freely use racism, intolerance, and bigotry, you MAY be able to find ONE who is a liberal who stepped across a line. Statistically, this means 99% of events like this are right-wingers showing their true colors

          Joey, you go ahead and give us these hilarious MAGAt Moments in Racism if it makes you feel better. There are zero facts for this case from a week ago, and police do not appear to have pressed the issue.

          And from an IT perspective, that “text” in the Tweet means zilch. The person had not sent anything, so unless you have proof of who it was sent to, you have ZILCH, Joey

        • Left wing protesters scared silly by a Chuck Norris picture. LOL. Fortunately the police didn’t use a Rambo picture or these snowflakes might have suffered PTSD and need a therapy gerbil. GEEEEZ.

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