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Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that the taxpayer should subsidize the Evansville Thunderbolts?

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    • Behold, the continued failure of Joey to admit that AOC scares the hell out of the right-wing Party of Racism because she is real and talks about the things that need to be addressed. Reagan started the racist language, and Trump and the right-wing have exponentially expanded the racism and utter lack of giving a damn about helping people

      Just like when Reagan invented the fake “welfare queen” trope back in the 70’s the GOP (then and now) have happily embraced this rhetoric to say that blacks aren’t inferior by default, and they sure are lazy and dangerous. Of course, this means that blacks are deserving of punitive treatment, and in no way worthy of the sort of corrective measures that might begin to rectify hundreds of years of slavery and nearly a century of Jim Crow

      When Paul Ryan was trumpeting his failed anti-poverty plan, he accused welfare recipients of suffering from a “culture problem” when he tried to use the right-wing rhetoric of “re-emphasize work and reform our welfare programs” which boiled down to a racist “poor people are lazy” rhetoric. The right-wing and Ryan just want to blame black people for their own ills, without acknowledging that inner-city poverty didn’t just happen, it was built through decades of racist policies

      What are the actual facts, things that Joey never admits to? Most recipients of anti-poverty support are white. Most adult and able-bodied poor people work or look for work because you can’t begin to support a family on safety-net programs. SNAP (nutritional support) only pays $1.40 per meal! Medicaid provides ONLY health coverage, not income with which you can pay rent or child care. More than 50% of households with a non-disabled, working-age adult receiving food support WORK, and 87% worked in the year before or will do so in the year after getting SNAP

      But we shouldn’t be surprised to see unemployed people on SNAP or Medicaid, because THAT is what the safety net is supposed to be there for, to catch economically vulnerable people amid market failures. But the Joey right-wingers do not give a crap about the temporary help for those who need it

      These low-income programs are NOT an increasing source of our fiscal stress, and spending on low-income programs are at its historical level of just above 2 percent of GDP, and it’s slated to soon fall below that average

      It’s the lies of Trump and the right-wing, it’s that horrifying BS of White House “policy adviser” and Nazi Stephen Miller, it’s the old-white-men in Congress who have the “I got mine, screw you” attitude

      • The only ones scared of AOC are liberal democrats and the democrat party as a whole. She has prematurely exposed their hidden agenda. She has almost singlehandedly assured the great orange man another 4 years to hopefully save this great country. The communist have nearly completed their goal to take over the democrat party. When a new mayor takes control of Chiraq=Chicago in the near future people will get a preview of what this country will look like after Trump.

    • Joey, the issue and problem is that the people in Congress who hate America are the old-white racists of the Republican Party, who are doing all that they can to destroy America

      It is laughable that this is a CPAC load of BS from Rasmussen, who is consistently wrong due to being a bunch of right-wing sycophants, which is why Trump and the right-wing use them. When Rasmussen shows Trump is an idiot, they are all wrong, but when they agree with Trump, then you tout their crap

  1. Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 339 pages of heavily redacted records from the U.S. Department of Justice which reveal that former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr remained in regular contact with former British spy and Fusion GPS contractor Christopher Steele after Steele was terminated by the FBI in November 2016 for revealing to the media his position as an FBI confidential informant.

    The records show that Ohr served as a go-between for Steele by passing along information to “his colleagues” on matters relating to Steele’s activities. Ohr also set up meetings with Steele, regularly talked to him on the telephone and provided him assistance in dealing with situations Steele was confronting with the media….

    The documents also show that Nellie Ohr sent numerous emails and reports to Bruce Ohr and other Justice Department officials on Russia issues.

    “These smoking gun documents show that Christopher Steele, a Hillary Clinton operative and anti-Trump foreign national, secretly worked hand-in-glove with the Justice Department on its illicit targeting of President Trump,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “These documents leave no doubt that for more than a year after the FBI fired Christopher Steele for leaking, and for some 10 months after Donald Trump was sworn in as president, Bruce Ohr continued to act as a go-between for Steele with the FBI and Justice Department. The anti-Trump Russia investigation, now run by Robert Mueller, has been thoroughly compromised by this insider corruption.”

    Judicial Watch earlier released 412 pages of documents about FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrants targeting Carter Page, who had been a Trump campaign adviser, which seem to confirm the FBI and DOJ misled the courts in withholding the material information that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC were behind the “intelligence” used to persuade the courts to approve the FISA warrants that targeted the Trump team.


  2. Instead of listening to Joey, I think I will listen to Bill Nye the Science Guy, who respects and apparently agrees with AOC. South by Southwest (SXSW) is a massive conference and where people from the tech, music, film, arts, and other industries come together once a year to talk big ideas. This is the exact opposite of the right-wing “old white guy” massage-tug of CPAC

    New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez headlined a standing-room-only panel at SXSW, and at the end of the panel during the Q&A portion, Bill Nye surprised the audience and approached the microphone with his question like every other attendee, and his question was right on-target and earned him a standing ovation from attendees:

    “I’m a white guy. I think the problem on both sides is fear. People of my ancestry are afraid to pay for everything as immigrants come into this country. People who work at the diner in Alabama are afraid to ask for what is reasonable

    So do you have a plan to work with people in Congress that are afraid? That’s what’s going on with many conservatives especially when it comes to climate change. People are afraid of what happens when we try to make these big changes”

    The congresswoman gave Nye a standing ovation of his own and replied:

    “One of the keys to dismantling fear is dismantling a zero-sum mentality. It means the rejection outright of the logic that says someone else’s gain necessitates my loss and that my gain MUST necessitate someone’s loss. We can give without a take. We’re viewing progress as a loss instead of as an investment. When we choose to invest in our system, we are choosing to create wealth. When we all invest in them, then the wealth is for all of us too”

    In her exchange with Nye, Ocasio-Cortez added “Courage begets courage. The first person who stands up has to encounter the most amount of fear and discomfort, but once that one person stands up, it becomes immensely easier for the second person and the third”

    Nye later Tweeted “AOC gets it. She sees that fear is dividing us. We can address income inequality. We can address climate change if we get together and get to work”

    Ocasio-Cortez also discussed race, class, and dismantling structural imbalances in politics, encouraging the audience (who met much of her words with applause and support) to forgo the all-too-common mentality regarding politics as “boring” and to get involved. She encouraged people that “We should distance ourselves and start getting away from this idea that we should only care about ourselves”​​​

    THAT is the difference between a liberal and a right-winger. Liberals look for solutions, right-wingers just want to maintain the status quo and keep the poor being poor. The GOP will fight for their 99% of the pie, yet still smile as they swill champagne while they begrudge the economically disadvantaged the remaining 1% for food, healthcare, and housing assistance

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