We hope that today’s “READERS FORUM” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way.


Todays “Readers Poll’ question is: Do you feel that President Donald Trump is a racist?

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  1. The word RACIST means different things to different people. Is it words? is it actions? Is it the way I wear my clothes? Is it where I live? Is it what I drive? Is it where I give my money for charity? Is it all the above? or on thing? Its depends on your personal opinion.

    • It depends on your agenda. Baltimore is a crap hole. It has been that for many years. Calling it out for being a crap hope is not racist because the data supports the assertion. The fact that Elijah Cummings is black and represents the nastiest congressional district in the country is not about race. It is about squalor. Give me a choice between living in Representative Cumming’s western district and a refugee camp on the border, I am going with the the refugee camp. It is safer, meals and sleeping quarters are provided and it is an overall better place to be. President Trump is crude but he is right. Cummings needs to stay home and advocate for his own people and knock off his compulsive showboating.

  2. Calling Trump racist is a normal response from liberal democrats when they are losing. Liberals and fake news use false racism claims as a way to divide this country. I think when the democrats lose again in 2020 it will be extremely vital to own a weapon. Look at any democrat controlled city and see the crime, filth, drugs, homelessness and what you see is a prime example of what causes up risings. Decent people are taking notice of the democrats and what they see is not good. The new leadership of the democrat party, mostly women of the SQUAD ilk, will distance themselves from real Americans in this area.

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