We hope that today’s “Readers Forum” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?”
Todays “Readers Poll” question is: If the Democratic primary election for the 8th District US Congressman was held today who would you vote for?
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EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.


  1. We complained when Bayh wanted to be elected but didn’t even live in Indiana.

    Bucshon wants the same thing, but doesn’t even live in Indiana either.

    That’s a NO on Bucshon.

    • As we all should realize, the state of the local Dem Party is laid at the threshold of Weinzapfel. Remember the gang of 23 headed up by Weinzapfel openly deposing the duly elected Dem candidate for mayor Rick Davis . . hell, even the than Vice chair of the Dems openly declared her support for Whinnie. After owing Kunkle thousands of dollars of back rent, the Dems walked out leaving Kunkle holding the bag. Even labor has abandoned the Dems . . .they consistently show up at the FOP to greet Whinnie. If the local Dem loyalist come out and vote for Weinzapfel, they need counseling!!!!

  2. Manchurian candidate in the White House these days. Met his bosses one day in a meeting in the Oval Office. The anti-demon is here. “He came in saying he was the savior. That he, and only he, was the way forward. And the weak fell to their knees and made a path for him.”

  3. During their encounters and subsequent interactions, Clifford said Trump never mentioned his marriage to Melania. Clifford said the affair continued for several years.
    “[I]f I was his wife and I found out that my husband stuck his dick in a hundred girls, I would be less mad about that than the fact that he went to dinner and had like this ongoing relationship,” Clifford told the magazine, adding that Trump “never mentioned” Melania.
    Asked about what she thought about the fact that the president was married, Clifford said, “At the time, I didn’t think that much about it. But now that I have a baby that’s the same age that his was at the time, I’m like, ‘Wow, what a dick.’”
    Asked whether she had a message for Trump or his wife at the time, Clifford said, “I don’t know. Karma will always bite you in the ass.” – Stormy Daniels – Possibly our next First Lady pilgrims


    LOL! Beam me up Scotty. Or as my major bro shar pie would say, “Give Reg some Jim Beam”

    Believe me 100% and beyond….

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