Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Do you think that the Presidential Inauguration will be peaceful?

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  1. Unfortunately I believe it will have chaos and many disgruntled people trying to start riots ,I’m praying there will be no gun violence, to many butt hurt people out there p/o that HRC did not win the election……that’s what I think
    I pray that it goes smooth and our country will reunite as the red white and blue again and become the greatest country on the face of the earth once more

    • Get real

      The bloodshed and violence will be from the right-wing gun nuts who feel “threatened” and claim it was “self-defense”

      Drumpf has done nothing but spread divisive politics and hatred for any opposition, something he continues to do. His actions will lead to WWIII or some other massive war conflict since he is unable to contain his five-year-old tantrum psychological problems.

      The problems have NOTHING to do with the loss by Hillary and EVERYTHING to do with a child being in the Oval Office

      • Why make yourself so sad? Suck it up snowflake. You have eight years to make through. GIve some money to the Clinton Foundation. I hear that they are hurting since they have no power to broker for donations.

        • Eight years of Drumpf?


          He will be lucky to make it past the Inauguration

          • With the threats from the left? Snowflakes best stay away from the hell that would rain down on them.

            Now write 100 time on the black board. “President Trump.”

  2. The main stream liberal media will give great coverage to the radical leftist protesters at the inauguration to try to delegitimize Trumps election. Never underestimate the intolerance of the liberal left and their anti-American socialist cohorts. Here’s a good article on what these “protesters” are really about:

    “Lee Stranahan, an independent journalist and blogger who covers protest movements for Breitbart, adds: “It’s important that Americans not be lulled into a false sense of security by such an oversimplification. While it’s been proven that funders like [billionaire George] Soros and the Democrat party have paid protest organizers and some protesters, groups like the violent Black Bloc typically aren’t motivated by money, but instead come to protests because of their anti-American ideology, base criminal desires and thrill seeking.”

    Opponents of President-elect Donald Trump’s have accused him of “inspiring violence” and bringing out the worst in people. Wrong. The active and passive sponsors of left-wing political mayhem are the ones guilty of enabling it over the past quarter-century. Restoring peace and justice starts with restoring law and order. Either you’re against the rule of the mob or you’re with it.

    Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/443946/donald-trump-inauguration-protests-planned-lefitist-disruption

    • I would just like to point out, JoeBiden created this puke and pablum story from Breitbart. Joe reads Breitbart everyday, cause the Editors at Breitbart put out accurate, important news. LAUGH MY ASS OFF!!!

      “Yes, I hired a black porn star to protect me as my Bodyguard. Some will accuse me of being a vain, exhibitionist homosexual attention-seeker with a fetish for black men, blowing his expense budget on trivial, ego-feeding social media bait. I don’t know where they get their ideas. I just love black men and their enormous appendages.”

      Breitbart News Headline: “Why I Hired A 6 ft 6 Black Porn Star To Protect Me”

      Well JoeBiden……..good for you. You read Breitbart and post their stuff here as news. Laugher!!!

    • The History channel tonight at 9 Joe;


      I asked the mother of a special forces soldier a few months ago how many tours of duty over in those cesspools he had done since I hadn’t seen him for sometime and she said 11.

      And Bucshon was scared to death to even let us know how he voted on eliminating the Office of Congressional Ethics.

      Such a disconnect….

  3. From the Wall Street Journal TODAY:

    “WASHINGTON, January 18, 2017 Mr. Trump’s performance over the last month has hurt his standing, not helped it, as a growing share of Americans disapprove of how he has handled his transition to the White House. The Republican will take the oath of office as the least popular new president in at least a generation. While most new presidents have enjoyed a spate of bipartisan goodwill as they begin a term in office, Mr. Trump is getting no honeymoon from either Democrats or Republicans across the political environment.”


  4. Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Do you think that the Presidential Inauguration will be peaceful?

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    I think it is THE most damning indictment of the Democratic Party that such a question would even be asked.

    • BOY! Press….you and JoeBiden……! Scared, scared, scared about the Inauguration.

      Protests make good reality TV! What you are scared of. Your guy. He’s a reality TV star!!

      What do you expect? This is all par for the course for the Reality TV President. You peons need to grow up.

      • Mr. Becker, there is no “H” in “WINNER”. You sir, are a “Whinner” of epic proportions.

        • (…I don’t get this whiner stuff. It’s like you don’t know what to say. Who’s whining? I’m smiling my ass off!! ONE OF THESE DAYS…..you will realize the election is OVER. Joe….You can’t spend 4 years talking about Hillary. THE ELECTION IS OVER. Trump is President. The subject: Is Trump.

    • As more Democrat politicians, sold out civil rights icons, and Hollywood mannequins announce they won’t attend the inauguration, the likelihood of violence decreases.

  5. I think liberals and democrats are going to give us a full display of the hate festering within their souls. Men like Lewis have spoiled the spirit of the civil rights movement and the dream of us all playing together. Clearly they have seen the Oval Office as theirs to bequeath to whom they deem most beneficial to their agendabut are upset that the great folk of the fly over zone has taken a stand.

    • Grow up and learn what reality is.

      Drump’s was elected as president after a campaign fomenting hatred and intolerance, and the attempt to raise hatred-inspired influence thru Drump’s Cabinet picks that reject universal rights, have put the human rights system at risk.

      Drumpf seeks power through appeals to racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and nativism. He continues to make BS claims that the public accepts violations of human rights as supposedly necessary to secure jobs, avoid cultural change, or prevent terrorist attacks.

      But the FACT that the right-wing bootlickers on THIS page show proves that disregard for human rights offers the likeliest route to tyranny. Drumpf is a threat to human rights.

      • Obama huffed and puffed because (he says) Russia exposed American voters to the truth about the dems thru the Podesta e-mails. To punish them he expelled a number of Russian “diplomats”.
        Bradley Manning was convicted of stealing military secrets while he was serving in our military, and was serving time in prison. Obama’s reaction? Pay for a sex change operation and let him out of jail.

      • Grow up yourself. Recess is over snowflake. That threats and violence during this against Trump is not and has not originated from trump and his supporters. It was instigated and PAID FOR, by the those on your side of the protest fence. That’s the FACTS little one.

        Hurl all the pejoratives and accusations you want. Your party and your people fought against slavery and civil rights and venerate the racist Robert KKK Byrd and mysoginist Ted Kennedy. Like a moth drawn to a flame, your party is attracted to every extreme idea and pout like D. Becker when you don’t get your way. That’s the FACTS Muchaco.

        The fact is that the snowflakes and whiners in THIS page and in THIS nation can no longer hide in their SAFE PLACES where they hurl hate at any not like them but want to be protected in the little safe zone. challenges them an want to. That’s the FACTS Alfalfa.

        The children are out of the White House and the adults are moving in. Pull a safety pin out of your diaper and pin it on your lapel. That should protect you from the Big Orange Monster.

        BTW, I am allowing grace that your original comment about Trump not making it through his inauguration you meant falling from his own weight not assassins bullet.

        >>>>But just so we are clear, how about stating publicly that assassinating Trump would be an act you do not encourage or support.<<< I don't want to see people getting the wrong idea about you.

    • Lewis did NOT attend Bush 43 festivities ..so what else is new???? If this sh…t happened eight years ago, the race card would have been played all through the mainstream news media.

      • And your point?

        Rep. John Lewis, a civil rights icon, made a simple mistake in what he said. But you right wing trolls make it seem like he covered up a crime or some other heinous act. Drumpf violates all standards of decency on an hourly basis, and you want to dwell on a SINGLE error a man made after standing up for the civil rights of Americans for decades.

        And lest you try and forget, the inauguration he boycotted last time was due to the Supreme Court stealing the election for Dubya, and Rep. Lewis did not attend that inauguration due to Dubya also being an illegitimate President

        Rep. Lewis’ office admitted that he misspoke when he said boycotting Drumpf would be his first in 30 years of office, and he released a statement that “”His absence at that time was also a form of dissent. He did not believe the outcome of that election (including the controversies around the results in Florida and the unprecedented intervention of the U.S. Supreme Court) reflected a free, fair and open democratic process.”

        But the main difference is that after this error was pointed out, he admitted the mistake. Unlike Tangerine Trump, the man owned up to making a slight error from an event 16 years ago. Drumpf is a blight on America, but refuses to ever admit to all the errors he has done and the mistake he has amde

        You and your “idol” Drumpf are the definition of a loser

  6. I loved Trump’s tweet to his popularity polls, “same people who said he would lose the election.” It was great again. Can’t wait for tomorrow.

  7. Todays news puts Barack Obama’s approval rating at 60% according to the polls. After the election are there still people who really believe any of these polls?

  8. Funny how the immature children who vote for dems accuse Republicans being afraid while snowflake dem voters all over the country cower in corners at the thought of Trump. Meanwhile, the neo-coms that represent their “leaders” hire goons to promote insurrection. And the fake news, who lambasted Trump when he would not arbitrarily accept results from an election not yet conducted, urge them on.
    The fake news (all networks, CNN in particular) who gave us polls saying Hillary was ahead 6-8 points in Florida two days before the election is now giving us polls saying the public is dissatisfied with Trump’s handling of the transition. Note to fake news: we’re not children and we’re not buying your B.S.

    • …..PRESS! The election is over! Why more on Hillary from you? You guys. If the subject is Trump, you’re afraid to discuss it. Telling…….

        • PRESSANYKEY…..Ha! You don’t want to acknowledge Trump is President now! You chicken-shit! All this crap about whining is you running from having to acknowledge your reality TV star is President now! I’m smiling my ass off. But you? FEAR. That’s why you live in the pre-election world where you get to talk about Hillary. WELL THE ELECTION IS OVER. Reality TV Star Trump is President. The subject is: Trump.

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