Todays “READERS POLL” question is:  Who would you like to see appointed as the next Finance Chairman of City Council?

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City County Observer has been serving our community for 17 years.

FOOTNOTE: We would like to personally thank many of our readers and friends for their prayers, and support to our Publisher during the time of a major medical crisis.  Special thanks to the outstanding doctors and medical staff at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville, Tenn. for providing him with excellent health care over the last several weeks.

Special thanks to our good friend Joe Wallace for stepping up and helping us with the CCO during this difficult time.  He is indeed a good friend.

During the last several days he has been quietly resting at his Evansville home. We continue to be encouraged about his progress.



  1. During the past budget hearings, Butterfly McGinn’s answer to Winnecke’s wild-eyed over spending was to increase our property taxes. Now, he wants to increase our income taxes. His answer to cutting expenses was to divert over 3 million from the General Fund to the Riverboat Fund concerning our out of control computer (IT) expenditures. He never opened his mouth challenging why Russ lloyd, Jr illegally transferred $12.5 million from the Riverboat to the General Funds and asking why after 6 months the 12.5 million was gone. He never inquires why our accounts payable are mounting together with unpaid medical bills. He is nothing short of a puppet head for this administration and the worst finance chairman this city has had the misfortunate to endure. Yes, Hargis needs to be appointed as finance chairperson. Soon the better!!!!

    • When will Lloyd be charged for his illegality? Has this been brought to the attention of the authorities? If so, when will the arraignment be and what court will have jurisdiction?

    • Benedict,

      Sure, Hargis has her CPA title, but she doesn’t seem really sharp to me. She may be a genius compared to the others . . . but why not Adams or Connie ? They seem more battle tested for this. To Hargis credit, she voted against the waste on the Penguins matter . . . but to her detriment, she didn’t publicly voice her opposition to booking the Casino $ 12.5 MM into the General Fund sinkhole. So she has a mixed track record.

  2. Must not forget Fly’s pre-election declaration that he’d be supporting anything Winnecke brought to the council. At the time it seemed like an overbroad pledge of assistance, since he presumably had no way of knowing what (penguins!!) would catch the mayor’s eye next. The glass eye with which he viewed the money transfers and other fiscal machinations carried out by the council have rendered him unfit to head the finance committee.

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