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  1. Well, I guess we should start tbe day out right by offering a little educational reading material for all of those left-wing socialist sociopaths who hang around this blog advocating the destruction of the fabric of this nation and removal a guaranteed right of the legal citizens of this great country.

    A quick education on rifles and handguns …

    First off, most of you using the terminology have no clue what an assault rifle is! It’s not your fault you don’t know, but it is your fault to ignore facts and to not educate yourself when the knowledge of the world is at your fingertips.

    To begin, an assault rifle is a rifle with the ability to fire fully automatic. That means if you hold the trigger down, it keeps firing until you release the trigger, or the weapon runs out of ammo. The first assault rifle was invented around during WWII with the German Stg44. It had the power of a rifle with nearly the rate of fire of a sub-machine gun (full auto fire).

    Inspired out of this WWII era gun came the most well knows full auto rifles of all time, the Kalashnikov AK-47 and the Colt M16. Both had the ability for fully automatic fire. When people say they want a ban on assault weapons they think they are banning fully automatic rifles from civilian hands. The problem is that these weapons are ALREADY BANNED! And they are not used in murders or mass shootings. Exactly two (2) legally owned full auto weapons have been used in murders since 1834. Two in 82 years. See the National Firearms Act of 1934, Gun Control Act of 1968, and Firearm Ownership Protection Act of 1986. Civilians cannot easily obtain these weapons. They are for military and police use almost exclusively.

    So what is this AR-15 if not an assault rifle? It is a standard rifle that LOOKS LIKE a fully automatic M16, but does not function like one. It does the same thing as any other standard rifle. One trigger pull = one bullet fired. Most of you are not stupid enough to want to ban a Ruger Mini-14 ranch/hunting rifle, but complain that the AR15 is a deadly assault rifle, when they are literally capable of the same thing. Same ammo, same capacity, same function, same firing speed. The aesthetic differences between the two are what some want to ban and have banned in the past, which if you look at them, are pants-on-head-retarded to be consider deadly features.

    Some of the things that made a standard functioning rifle considered an assault rifle are:

    A folding or telescoping stock – (does not make the weapon any deadlier).
    A pistol grip – (does not make the weapon any deadlier).
    A bayonet mount – (does not make the weapon any deadlier).
    A flash suppressor – (does not make the weapon any deadlier).

    You understand this information? The weapons you actually want banned are ALREADY BANNED. The weapons used in these attacks are regular functioning rifles designed to look like their full auto, military counterparts.

    So if the AR-15 isn’t more dangerous than any other standard rifle, then why is is the one being used in all of these shootings? Simple. It just happens to be the most popular rifle in the country. It’s the iPhone of rifles. It is an affordable, accurate rifle that is easy to personalize because everyone makes accessories for it. It isn’t any easier to acquire than other rifles, just more available.

    It should also be mentioned that the handguns are capable of firing the same amount of bullets in the same amount of time as the rifles. One trigger pull = one bullet fired. And you can purchase 30-50 round magazines for most all of them. But none of the weapons are full auto. None are any more dangerous than the other. None are anything near “assault weapons”

    To wrap this up, If you support banning fully automatic assault rifles, fine. You support a law that is already in place since 1934, for good reason. However, if you think we should ban standard functioning rifles because of things like how you hold the grip or how adjustable the buttstock is, you are irrational and paranoid!

    • As Paul Harvey would say, “and now, you know the rest of the story”!

      Good history refresher course!

    • PoseyCD, very well said. The sad fact is the liberal left views the Tea Party, Constitutional Conservatives and gun owners as just as dangerous as the threat from ISIS, Al Qaeda. That is why there is so much far leftist violence at the Trump rallys. They fear the United States will rediscovery its Christian roots and that the Constitution actually means what it says. They fear Trump appointing conservatives to the Supreme Court where liberal Judge’s have been able to re-interpret the Constitution to support the liberal causes of the day.

      • …..you’re being foolish Joe. It’s early, I acknowledge, but Trump is showing NO indication he’s willing to behave the way it is required to win the General Election. Hell, he don’t even want the job.
        James Carville was right from the very beginning. “I have a fever! And the prescription is more Donald Trump! Louder! More Donald Trump.”

      • The casualties at the hands of legally owned firearms dwarfs deaths from Islamic terrorism and it’s not even close.

        • Funny how Scalia wrote his opion that there are limits to th e2nd in his opinion favoring Heller against DC gun control but hoplophobes twist it as that he favored their style of gun control.

          It was an interesting article on the AR15 though. Still, ban every AR15 and mel tit down and you will still have mass killings. We need to focus on hardening targets and find a more workable method of denying access to those who would cause harm.

    • Nobody needs anything that holds more than 10 rounds for hunting or self defense. Period.

      • ….and the future Supreme Court WILL agree to a change like that.
        You can’t deny the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. BUT it says “a well REGULATED militia”…….and that means it is Constitutional for the Supreme Court to agree that regulations permitting checks on sizes of guns, the number of guns, the amount of ammo it will hold…all of these things…….because Trump is such a disaster and will put Hillary into the Oval Office…….all of these things are part of the future of the gun culture.

      • Where did the magic number 10 come from? Just a nice round number you picked? Why not 12? Or 7?

        • I’d be happier with 5, but that would make the tea nuts’ heads explode. The fact of the matter is we have weapons that are handed out like parade candy which are designed for one thing, kill as many humans as possible as quickly as possible. The tea nuts will argue this is for our protection from government tyranny. The government has far superior fire power. If they wanted to kill you, they’re going to get it done. You don’t need a high capacity weapon for hunting, target shooting, or self defense. Period, end of story.

          • So… 5 rounds? Just wanted to get a handle on what is considered ‘high-capacity’. A shotgun firing 00 buckshot fires 9 pellets (each equivalent to a .32 caliber bullet as far as size, which is bigger than the .223 bullet an AR typically fires) with each pull of the trigger. A shotgun which holds 5 rounds therefore holds 5 x 9 = 45 projectiles. Is that ‘high capacity’?

            Also: ” The government has far superior fire power. If they wanted to kill you, they’re going to get it done. ”

            We have been fought to a standstill for the past 13 years or so by an enemy (Iraqi and Afghani insurgents) who are the technological equivalent of cavemen compared to our armed forces. Superior firepower clearly does not = ability to unequivocally dominate and subjugate.

            Concur that it seems far too easy for bad guys to get ahold of guns in this nation.

          • DB, the only reason they’re able to do that is we’re trying to avoid wiping out large numbers of civilians. In your tyrannical government camp roundup scenario I doubt that would be a concern.

          • “Handed out like parade candy.” Don’t know much about the topic do you? If only hoplophobes understood that a shotgun sweeps a room quicker.

    • So, “Posey County Dutchma” (used to be “Posey County Dutchman”, I think) how do you feel about Trump tweeting that he is going to meet with the NRA on “No fly, no buy?” It appears your candidate is going to try to shove them down the “slippery slope.”

      • He’s not my candidate. I’m pretty sure if you read my posts on here you’d have seen I think Trumpster, Hilldebeast, and even Sandman are/were the worst candidates that either national political party could come up with. I’m thinking about not voting for a Presidential candidate in the Fall (which I hate to do) or voting for a Libitarian candidate.
        Trump is unqualified, Hilliary is a lying piece of manure, and Bernie is an unrealistic Socialist. That said, I understand why Trump has done so well playing to the masses. The masses that are fed up with the destruction of the fabric of this country brought about by the current narcissist occupying Pennysylvannia Ave in DC.

    • It’s about time that someone explained the difference between fully automatic and semi automatic rifles. Assault Rifles are already banned. And I personally believe that is unconstitutional but I guess the SCOTUS didn’t agree with me back when they allowed the 1934 law to stand.

      I wish someone would take Hillary out to the rifle range and teach her how to shoot a real Assault Rifle in Fully automatic mode and show her the different so she and others would shut up about banning Assault rifles. And the damn media needs to get their talking points corrected. They spread this misinformation more than anyone else. And they should know what they are doing. They like to spread the fear and hate and stir up the pot more than anyone else. They sell more news papers this way.

      A well regulated Militia, The right to bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed.
      What we had as a well regulated militia back in 1776 was a group of farmers fighting for their rights against the well trained and well armed British Army. They fought and won our freedom and they wanted to make sure that they could do it again if things didn’t work out right. That’s why we have the bill of rights to preserve our ability to have free speak, Freedom for illegal search and seizer and the arms to preserve those rights.

    • …..see, here’s the problem.
      PoseyCD’s explanations of “assault rifles” vs “pull once/fire once” is all well and good (he did good, I’m a life-long hunter), but the issue REALLY is…….a change is coming to America’s gun laws because the GOP Candidate (right now anyway) is so substandard, so ill-suited, and so clearly dangerous to the majority of Americans…….backing Trump is a guarantee of putting Hillary Clinton into the White House.

      (Pressanykey….spends all his time talking to other white old guy racists, and they tell him Trump’s not in trouble. They believe it, but they’re wrong.)

      And that means WHAT? for all this guff over assault rifles?
      The answer is: Trump’s campaign (or lack of one) is paving the way for a Dem controlled Senate, possible a Dem controlled House of Representatives and a Dem controlled White House.
      The result is CHANGES to America’s gun laws courtesy of a friendly Dem majority Supreme Court.
      Courtesy of Trump, everyone reading this will be dead before the Supreme Court is ever conservative again.

  2. Did anyone notice yesterday how Trump acknowledged in his speech/rally how the GOP and the RNC are not backing him up? Speaker of the House? No. Senate Majority Leader? No.
    Trump said, “I’m all alone on this.”
    He’s burning up. The RNC Convention is STILL over 30 days away. Rules are still not established.
    Find another horse fellas. Find another horse.

  3. The Bill Kristol “establishment”, good ole’ boy wing, of the Republican party is in fear of losing their hold on the party. It would not make a bit of difference if the nominee is Donald Trump, or anyone else, IF that person was not groomed for the job and approved by the establishment within the current party.

    And what have they done that would elevate them to such a position? Nothing! They are more concerned about keeping their power within the party than in helping candidates who have views that coincide with the majority of true Americans get elected.

    You have only to look here locally to find the same thing. The local establishment that consists of wealthy chamber types care only about increasing their net worth at the expense of the working class taxpayers.

    Along comes a popular candidate like Donald Trump and the establishment is quaking in their boots that they might lose their hold on some of their corrupt power.

    That is why some people who frequent this website are desperately thrashing out at Trump supporters. These anti-Trump people are just old white racists with a lock on local government spending, who can not go out and make an honest living on their own, they have been living off the taxpayers money for so long they have forgotten how free markets work. It is ALL ABOUT political power to them. What a bunch of whining maggots.

    • …sounds like someone else is “doing the whining” cause he’s scared of the way things are going for Trump. Tune in today. Rush Limbaugh is gonna whine and complain all day long about how things are so unfair for Trump. And this “sudden claim” that those who realize Trump is a disaster “can’t make a living on their own?” The entire freakin’ business community thinks Trump is a disaster!
      You’re bleeding out of your behind Pressanykey. Trump’s having a bad month. Wrong time to have a bad month.

    • Press, the idiocy of political correctness has become so ingrained under the Obama administration that the day after the Jihadist nightclub shootings, that the CIA Director was talking about how they needed more diversity within the CIA.

    • Popular? He got 13 million primary votes. He’s going to need 5 times that many to come close to winning in November, and it isn’t looking good for him.

      • Depends on who shows up to vote. Republican primary voters are outnumbering Democrats compared to 2008.

  4. David Horowitz (6-13-16):

    Donald Trump’s speech on national security, which he delivered the day after the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida, will change the dynamic of this election.

    The speech was specific, detailed, and on the money. Trump showed how strategic securing the border is, how important stopping immigration from terror zones like Syria is, and how deadly political correctness has become. Political correctness – which transforms the Islamic world, which has a lot to answer for, from aggressors into innocent victims – functions as a shield for Islamic terrorists, and handcuffs law-abiding citizens prompting them not to report suspicious activities by Muslims for fear of being called racist.

    Trump was especially courageous (and politically incorrect) in pointing out that the Muslim communities in which the terrorists operate know what is going on but don’t say anything. What a contrast with Hillary’s speech today, which focused on reinforcing political correctness – attacking so-called assault rifles, as though guns and not fanatics were the problem, and emphasizing the importance of not alienating Muslims by acknowledging that a large and growing segment of the Islamic world is at war with us. What contempt for Muslims who are also victims of Islamic terror!

    Does denying reality encourage non-belligerent Muslims to help us? For seven and a half years, the Obama administration has closed its eyes to the Islamic dimensions of the terrorist threat, has refused as long and as much as possible to even use the word “terror.” And what has been the result? Muslims in San Bernardino and St. Lucie – as Trump had the political courage to point out – saw something but said nothing about the atrocities brewing in their communities.

    At the same time, the progressive enablers of Islamist terror have been busy blaming Christian conservatives for the anti-gay hatred that is a core belief of the Islamists, rooted not only in their religious texts but relentlessly broadcast through their Imams and mosques.

    Donald Trump has shown how dangerous and deadly the PC orthodoxy of the political left is. He has laid out the practical steps that are absolutely necessary to protect Americans but have been missing during the seven and half years of Obama’s appeasement administration. And – it should be said – that have been missing from critiques of Obama by Republicans fearful of being politically incorrect.

    The Republican outcries against Trump’s call for a moratorium on Muslim immigration from terror zones are disgraceful and dangerous. The attacks by Republican renegades on Trump as a “trickle down racist” are disgusting and dangerous. They serve only one purpose, which is to cripple the only candidate in this presidential race who will actually defend this country and not facilitate its dismantling and destruction.

    David Horowitz is the author of Progressive Racism.
    Obamacare Insurance Premiums Set to Skyrocket Yet Again

    • Democrats can not be trusted with the security of this Nation. They have proven that time and again.

      • Pak

        Yeah, the 3,000+ dead on 9/11 under Bush, and the thousands of dead US soldiers fighting wars right wing idiots lied about, show how right wing does a fine job


        • Agreed! Here’s a “blast from the past” about how competent the Repukelicans are in national security. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3BIKOqoHlU
          Don’t forget that the attack on Afghanistan was ordered a week prior to 9-11 and it was about OIL, not terrorists. So many have died doing what they believed was protecting their country, but it was really about protecting the 1%’s money.

        • Americans were being attacked and losing lives all over the globe as well as here at home during the 8 years of the weak Clinton Presidency. His patent response was “we will find the people responsible and bring them to justice.” The problem was, HE NEVER DID! He projected weakness and it was that weakness that fostered 9-11. George Bush had barely been in office 8 months, and was still operating with a bunch of Clinton appointees.

          Democrats can NOT BE TRUSTED with the security of this country.

  5. Press, excellent article highlighting the Obama/liberal policies of intentionally weakening America from the inside. This political correctness nonsense is to handicap law enforcement in the defense of the Country.

    • JOE B……He’s talking to himself and other old white guys who agree with him. Let’s be clear, those guys won Donald Trump the GOP Primary. But that picnic is over. And there aren’t enough of those guys to win the general election. My point is PAK posts LINKS and CUT AND PASTE stuff….for his own consumption.
      NO minds among the rest of the electorate needed for Trump to win the General Election are being changed.
      In fact…..Trump is LOSING more voters every day.
      That’s a BIG problem. TRUMP is making Hillary the next President. Trump is her biggest asset.

  6. LOL! That’s funny. I think Trump is going all the way bat shit crazy. He’s redder and breathing so heavy when hes on TV. That makes him look scared and desperate.

  7. Instead of the enemy needing a Trojan horse , our president and other dumocrat politicians just let the enemy right it to kill american citizens

  8. it is amazing that barry hussein the manchurian president and dirty doormat hillary act like defense lawyers for islam terrorism while the islam terrorist are killing Americans……it is amazing that barry hussein the manchurian president and dirty doormat hillary continues to talk about gay rights all the while invading the country with animals that believe in killing gays and treating women as inferior……………that my friends is why they call the radical left……..simply libtards……………………TRUMP 2016………..

    • ATTENTION……MORE TO COME…..but your guy, Donald Trump, the mystery appears to be solved on WHY he isn’t bothering to moderate his tone for the General Election. His fans? His audience? They LOVE him for not moderating his tone.

      It turns out Trump is NOT trying to win the Presidency.
      Trump is defining a WIN after the election as “I am gonna start Trump Cable Network and keep my fans.”

      Really. No kidding. It’s on Politico, all the news outlets. Trumps after election plan is to start a Cable Channel.
      AL SHARPIE……he knows you will tune in. Trump is suckering everyone. This campaign thing…….him acting like he doesn’t care if he wins? It’s true. All he’s doing is KEEPING HIS AUDIENCE LOYAL for what’s next.
      Can you spell “suckers?”
      There is no campaign staff cause he isn’t in it to WIN. He is in it to start a new Trump news channel.

      • …unbelievable. Really…..unfreaking believable. It’s why he continues to say exactly what his “core audience” wants to hear. Build an audience for Trump Cable News Channel.
        Presidency? No, not at all.

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