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  1. I believe Donald Trump is “qualified” to be in the White House!
    Based on recent events, Hillary could use a good “Court Jester”!

      • He is the founder of “court jester”, and that is not speaking
        metaphorically! If you ask me if he was the founder, absolutely!
        He is his own Most Valueable Player!

        All I do is tell the truth. I’m a truth teller!

        • You have him “nailed” armstrongres!!
          If he wasn’t trying to incite violence among his followers, this would be one of the most amusing chapters in American history. The way I see it, his most fervent followers see the crowds of bitter, angry losers he attracts and it convinces them that they are the majority of Americans. If they were better educated they would see that the Chumps are just a very thin sliver of the electorate that is energized by the presence of a money-grubbing, hate-preaching scammer in the national conversation.
          Trump is losing PA by 11 points to Hillary, yet he told the Chumps in Altoona last night that the only way Hillary would win the state is if “some parts” of the state cheated. He then called on law enforcement and his followers to violate election laws and look out to stop the “cheating.” He must realize that he is stirring unrest, which makes me wonder if he really is acting on behalf of Putin to interfere with national security. I know, it sounds crazy, but this looks bad.

          • Wonder where those “Fox News Channelcatfish’ are today?
            They must not had received todays half dozen talking points from
            Trump yet?

          • LKB – I had the same thought about Putin. Trump is so easily swayed by compliments that maybe Putin just stroked Trump’s ego (or pick a part) and Trump thinks he thinks up these ideas himself. Then out of his mouth they come. It is a crazy thought I know but now you know that you were not the only one who thought it.

  2. Veteran candidate and campaign manager, JAMES CARVILLE, was asked this week, “Hey James, Trump’s campaign staff, trying to figure out their candidate and how to win in the Fall. So, we ask, what’s going on with Trump?

    Here is Carville’s answer. It is enlightening:

    “The guy, he’s feeling impotent. And in his mind, he’s getting outmaneuvered and outflanked by a woman, and he can’t believe it. And the Trump supporters, they’re frustrated. He sees they’re not happy.
    So what’s his reaction? He runs out there saying every ridiculous crazy thing that comes into his head, flailing away. We shouldn’t really be covering this like he is saying serious things. He’s not.
    He’s just a guy that’s been cold-cocked. He can’t believe he’s been hit. His mouth is bleeding, and he’s starting to call everybody names, and he looks stupid in front of his supporters. It’s really pathetic.
    He’s lost it like every day since the Democratic Convention. He had to call a press conference the very first day after the Convention.
    He just got hit. That’s all. He got hit during the Convention. And now he’s like a guy who started a fight, and the other guy punched him back, and his mouth is bleeding. And he’s crying. And yelling and calling people names.
    He looks small. He looks like a loser. He’s weak. He’s down in the polls. He’s not doing well.
    And what’s his reaction? It’s he just flails away out there. That’s all this is. He’s just losing and taking it poorly. He’s reacting poorly because he’s getting slapped around.”

    • Quote: ….and he is starting to call everybody names,

      That was a incorrect statement by James Carville,
      that “name calling” boat had already set sail last year!

      • May be a good question to ask after Trump produces his records!
        Then again, March-2015 and from a political source that are looking
        for any little morsels to help a candidate who has diarrehea of the
        mouth! Or in this case, hurt the other candidate beings it appears
        Trump can not gain traction on his own!

      • Of course, even if she did commit a felony, nobody is going to prosecute her, because that would leave America in the hands of a madman.

        • You’re egging Press on LKB. (smile)
          It’s an accurate statement though. Trump is unstable. He proves it time and time again. Voters have stopped listening to him.
          And even though Trump won the votes of people like Pressanykey long ago….Trump KEEPS talking bigotry to people like Pressanykey! Somethings wrong with Trump – I mean he already HAS THEIR VOTES. Why does he keep talking only to them? Somethings wrong with Trump.
          (And voters have realized it….he’s dead in the water, no more votes he can win. Dead zone.)

  3. It looks to me as if Trump has gone in full destruction mode. He shows that he is unfit to listen to his advisers and he shows that nation that as a future president he lacks the skill to listen to anybody who gives advice. He is a one-man-show, he knows best, he knows better and he alone is able to heal the nation. Nobody except a few nut jobs who still sit and applaud his crazy speeches, seriously believe he is able to win. He will lose by a landslide and take his party down with him. Crash and burn big league.

    He has declared bankruptcy of his candidacy in front of the nation as he has much experience in this having declared many bankruptcies before. Only this time it’s him personally.

    The GOP meantime, or its leadership still continues the pathway to destruction, they still cannot separate from their standard bearer. They are frozen from doing the right thing, to let the presidency go and do what they can to save their party.

    The nearer we come to decision day, we will see the rats jumping the sinking ship, only after we have witnessed the spinelessness of the GOP politicians that continue to blindly support their party rather than their country.

    • “I know more about ISIS than the generals do because I watch “shows” and I have a great mind.” – Trump

      I just watched the Olympics so I think I’ll pole vault over to my neighbors to see how he’s doing then sprint back and play some ping pong….

  4. December 27, 1997; “I think Bill Clinton is terrific. I think he’s done an amazing job. I think he’s got the toughest skin I’ve ever seen, and I think he’s a terrific guy.”

    October 8, 1999; Trump joins the Reform Party, tells Larry King the previous 4 years of Bill Clinton were “disgusting” and Reagan had become his role model. Says he’s forming an exploratory committee to run for president. King asks him who he would pick for his vice-president and he answers, (Listen to this Becker), Oprah Winfrey.

    Trump decides not to run.

    Trump changed Parties seven times between 1999 and 2012, starting when he left the GOP to consider a run under the Reform Party banner.

    Obama ridicules Mop Head at the White House Correspondents’ dinner after displaying his birth certificate saying, “Now Donald you can turn your attention to whether or not the United States had faked the moon landing.”

    Trump files to run for the most powerful position in the world.

    Trump getting beat by a girl.

    Federally prescribed prescriptions on the increase amongst some circles and Mesker Amphitheater advocates.

    To be continued….

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