Readers Forum December 31, 2016



Todays “READERS POLL” question is: How do you rate the 2016 performance of the Vanderburgh County Council ?

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FOOTNOTES: Todays “READERS POLL” question is :How do you rank the Vanderburgh County Councils job performance in 2016?

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  1. Well, it is clear Putin considers Trump his poodle. And Congressional Republicans are looking into Trump connections to Russia, now:

    From Wall Street Journal, today, December 31:
    “Republicans have been warning Mr. Trump that Mr. Putin is no friend of the U.S. and have signaled that they may step in to tighten sanctions on Russia if the Trump administration insists on taking a conciliatory approach to Mr. Putin. “Russia does not share America’s interests. In fact, it has consistently sought to undermine them, sowing dangerous instability around the world,” said Republican Party House Speaker Paul Ryan. “Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (Republican, Arizona) plans to hold hearings on foreign cyber threats to the U.S.
    Mr. McCain has said that Russia and the hacking will be part of the focus. Among those scheduled to testify are Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Adm. Michael Rogers, the director of the National Security Agency.”

    Hearings by his own Republican Party. Scheduled before he even takes office.

  2. …meanwhile, this is the news at Breitbart News:

    by Breitbart News Editor Milo:

    Here is an excerpt from the article from the Breitbart Editor:
    “So when I was invited to another meeting in Los Angeles this past weekend, I decided I needed protection. Over 6 feet of protection, specifically, with rippling black muscles and an unfathomably gigantic penis.”

  3. Military intelligence has learned that ISIS in their search for ancient ruins to further ruin and after re-taking the ancient city of Palmyra, Syria, are now turning their sights on Mesker amphitheater.

    Better fire off a tweet to the amphitheater-elect savior Joe before it’s too late.

    If he’s not too busy jerking on Putin’s chicken neck I’m sure he’ll cut um off at the pass for you.

    Or at least build a Great Wall around it.

    And make ISIS pay for it….

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