Readers Forum December 26, 2016



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  1. From the Wall Street Journal this morning:
    “President-elect Donald Trump has so far appointed five billionaires and half a dozen multi-millionaires to serve in his administration. The vast financial holdings of the Donald Trump nominees mean they face what is likely to be one of the most arduous and expensive Senate confirmation processes in history.”

      • Oh. I’m not complaining. I own a business (that I do not run anymore) and farm land. And I”m Republican. I am all pro-business.


        Just pointing out to the coal miners and the blue collar laborers that voted for the reality TV star Trump, WHO is running their government.

          • (…..I have NO idea what this Jeb Warrick stuff is, in case you didn’t know. And you don’t know A LOT. Maybe Trump can make us all a bunch of money. I like money, so I’m ok with that. But this guy? He’s a reality TV star. And you voted for this piece of crap. I’m gonna remind you of that for four years Mainstreet.)

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