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  1. Here’s an excellent article explaining the liberal lefts post election whining that something other than the American voter’s rejection of their socialist policies caused Hillary’s defeat.

    “We know it’s been reported this morning the Russians tried to hack the Republican Party. They were unsuccessful in doing that. They obviously were successful in hacking Podesta and the Democrats because of lax security. But this notion that it is the Russians who somehow won this election is, again, patently absurd, and is another example of really insulting people and saying to people, ‘You may have voted this way, but you don’t really know why you voted that way. You voted that way because you were manipulated by somebody halfway around the world,’” he said.


    I voted for Trump because Obama and Hillary were hellbent on turning our great nation into a France like socialist sanctuary country of sissies. The Ruskies had noting to do with that,

    • The next fake news stories will be that the Russians acquired the Health Insurance Companies and doubled the premiums ..the Russians were the ones that broke into Hlliary’s bathroom and installed the illegal server ..the Russians were the ones that passed out all those Blackberries to Hilliary and her staff ..the Russians were responsible for installing the DNC’s IT security ..the Russians were responsible for establishing the Clinton Foundation ..of course, the Russians were responsible for NAFTA and promoting the Pacific Agreement ..the Russians took control of her campaign and told her to ignore PA, MI, & WS ..Finally, they hacked her TelePrompTer and inserted the phases “deplorables” Dispictables etc. The element responsible for her defect is staring her in the mirror.

      • ….can’t even be happy winning? The election is over! But no…

        Have to be insecure about Hillary……..what, the next FOUR FREAKING YEARS?

        Need to pretend Russia is not a threat to the United States? Need to pretend that the CIA and the FBI are somehow Hillary supporters because they are doing their patriotic job and going after Russia?

        You guys are pathetic, childish and immature.

        • Mr. Becker,

          I did not vote for Trump ..just tired of the whiners when things do not go their way it seems these sort of things develop. Bush 41 won and many did not like the outcome ..Obama won and again many did not like the outcome but we all survived. And I expect we will survive Trump ..simply speaking, Hilliary and Trump were bad candidates apparently Trump’s message convinced those in the battle ground states that he was the best of worst. Btw, you bet if the shoe was on the other foot and the Trumpsters were crying those lying ladies caused his defeat and they started running ads demanding the Electoral College not vote for as they were saying that lying crooked Hilliary wonder how the Lame Stream Media would be handling it. umm???

          ps ..as the Regulator advised ..get over it ..

        • Russia took a wrong turn when they fell for the ideas of the German-Jewish social philosopher Karl Marx in 1917. The country paid a hell of a price for that wrong turn. They are coming out of their experiment and they have a lot of ground to make up, but we have more in common with the Russian people than we do with the majority of the Islamic countries in this world. We should be mending fences with them so that both our nations can prosper going forward.

    • I just might stop by for one also if the waitress is a soft porn queen that tommy used to bang and the meat came from Slovenia.


      Aw Geez, you just can’t make this stuff up….

    • I’m convinced, the CIA says that the Russians are behind the hacking. Wait a minute, did they also say that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction???

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