We hope that today’s “Readers Forum” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?


Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel when President Trump endorses Mike Braun for the US Senate it will enhance his chances of being elected?

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  1. Parents fight back after school drops Pledge of Allegiance for student-authored oath to ‘global society’””

    Janice Crouse, conservative analyst and author of “Children at Risk,” told One News Now the situation serves an important lesson for parents.

    “I think parents should take heart … in that the administration was forced to change their minds and go back to having the Pledge of Allegiance,” she said. “And I think parents can learn from this that they do need to speak out, and they do need to know what’s going on so that they can speak out.”


  2. Domestic terrorists Antifa created violence at a Blue Lives Matter March. How can these NUT BAGS “Counter Protest” that law enforcement lives matter?? So sad.

    Antifa goons Chant “Kill One Cop, Then Kill More” at Philly ‘Blue Lives Matter’ Counter-Protest — 11 Arrested

    The #BlueLivesMatter March is underway. About 20 people are marching down Arch Street toward Logan Square in support of police. @WHYYNews @BasSlabbers pic.twitter.com/ZdL6p5hLew

    As is typical these days a far left Antifa mob held a violent counter-protest.

  3. Rest in Peace John McCain. I did not agree with you on every issue but I did respect you

    • So true pogo.

      I’m just trying to think of what person since I was beat on the ass at 2 seconds old I have agreed with on every issue.

      Let me think about that for a couple years and I’ll get back with you.

      Fine post pogo….

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