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Behold the radical socialist Democrats that now openly threaten to prosecute ICE for enforcing the laws of the United States. If you call yourself a Democrat, like Senator Donnelly supporters, this is what you are indirectly supporting. A vote for Mike Braun is a vote against this lawless nonsense of the new Democrat party.
“A Democratic candidate for Attorney General of New York promised in a video message to prosecute U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) if elected.
In an interview with NowThis, former Democratic congressional candidate and Fordham Law professor Zephyr Teachout outlined her support for the “Abolish ICE” movement, citing what she characterized as unconstitutional and cruel actions taken by the federal agency.
“ICE has to be abolished, ” Teachout said. “And I say that as somebody who is running for one of the top law enforcement jobs in the country.”
“There is so much wrong with ICE that goes to it’s very structure,” she continued. “The idea that people are ‘illegal,’ the idea that we should see immigrants as a national security threat, and that ICE should be placed under the Department of Homeland Security – by the way, the area where the president has the greatest authority to do the most damage – just doesn’t make any sense.”
Teachout promised that if elected, “I’ll continue to speak out against ICE, I will prosecute ICE for the criminal acts.””
Trump said Mexico was gonna pay for The Wall.
Joe, was that a lie?
“The peso tumbles after Trump reiterates promise for a border wall”
(Joe wont answer. He knows it’s a lie. There ain’t gonna be no Wall. Trump had two budgets to get it. Didn’t do it then, won’t do it this time either. Joe knows he’s a liar.)
Anyone who gets his news from russiatoday.com, is not only an idiot, but they can’t be trusted.
It’s not over yet. Trump will make Mexico pay for the wall. Trump is a man of his word, something that is foreign to liberals. Trump has accomplished a lot in 18 months. of course he’s had a lot of help from the new liberal democrats. Trump needs to hammer more on the efforts of liberals to eliminate the 1st&2nd amend, there’s a lot of decent democrats out there that are watching liberals and just shaking their heads. Come on over, be on the right side of history, for once in your life act like an America and support Trump.
It is over.
Your words are pure b.s.
Not believable.
I know it, you know it, even the people who like Trump, know you have diahreea coming out of your brain there Newspeak.
Will Raben obstruct a larger jail . In 2005 Dave Mosby wanted bigger. Raben said no. Looking like it. Shetler too? Do they like no law enforcement?
Did you see the latest Trump rally videos? The people showing up to these things these days? They are not Republicans!!! That’s not the GOP!!
Fringe, conspiracy groups, dangerous trash groups, skinheads, neo-nazis, infowars and breitbart readers – the fringe groupies, people that looked like they just “got out.â€
If that is Trumps GOP anymore, we are gonna be fine, and get our Republican Party back. Bunch of crazies at those rallies anymore.
no Wayne, as the rest of the world see it, THESE ARE REPUBLICANS, like it or not. Their guy out nominated all the others and Trump and his flock IS the face of the GOP. This is why the entire Congress needs and will be replaced in November. Havent heard a word out of our current 8th District Rep- Whats his name?
Did they look like this: https://www.google.com/search?q=antifa&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS690US690&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjAtsjZ0c7cAhUpw1QKHSNaCBMQ_AUIDSgE&biw=1366&bih=662&dpr=1#imgrc=05TOkzmRHYQ4EM:
Or did they look like this: https://www.dailywire.com/news/33324/watch-maxine-waters-supporters-burn-american-flag-ryan-saavedra
Its funny you should say that fake ghost rick davis, but the pictures in your link?
THESE PEOPLE ARE NOW TRUMP PEOPLE! The Trump-Republican Party took all of the miscreants, all of the fringe trash, all of the crazies – from the Democratic Party – and they are all Trump-Republicans now!
Good riddance!
The picture was Antifa. They are the left wing equivalent to neo nazis. They hate Trump and do everything they can to shut down right wing speech. They also practice intimidation and violence. I group Anitifa and the neo nazi groups into the same basket. That would be the basket of deporables that Hillary spoke of. All hate mongers have a home in that basket whether they support democrats or republicans.
Yep, Trump worked up his Tampa Rally supporters, as you describe as “Fringe, conspiracy groups, dangerous trash groups, skinheads, neo-nazis, infowars and breitbart readers”, with this radical idea:
“Trump in Florida: ‘The Time Has Come for Photo ID’ for Voting”
Joe, how did Putin get all those people to show up at the Trump rally in Tampa? I know the people of Russia and Crimea love Putin but getting all those people to show up at a rally is amazing. What has Trump got on this guy?
Time for the liberal snowflakes to find their safe places:
BOOM! Trump Approval at 50% — 5 POINTS HIGHER THAN OBAMA at Same Point in His Presidency
His approval rating definitely improved in Russia after Helsinki and for good reason Joe;
Sharp increase in positive views of U.S. among Russians since Helsinki
“Russia’s leading polling firm Levada found that 42 percent of Russians held generally good views of the United States in July, compared to 40 percent who held bad views. The data marks the first time that positive views of the U.S. outweighed negative views since December 2013.”
Here’s how he racks up to past presidents after 560 days. Trump represents the green line Joe;
As you well know, this November 6 will be the only poll that matters, and without the electoral college involved, hopefully will start leading us out of this national nightmare;
Donald J. Trump
The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.
11:45 PM – Nov 6, 2012
161K people are talking about this
I be damn! At one time the boy who would be King told the truth.
Which proves miracles still happen….
The only miracle lately is Trump getting in the White House.
Liberal democrats created the new republican party. Liberal democrats hate law enforcement, meddle with our elections with illegals, want open borders, unlimited unvetted immigration, hate white people because of their own white guilt, want sanctuary cities to protect their criminal voters, think it’s OK for men and young boys to have sexual relationships. Democrats know this is true but say the don’t believe in that part of the party platform. And some democrats give them a pass. It is basically the equivalent of someone joining a white supremacy group or the Nation of Islam and saying they don’t believe it’s right to hate Jews. It’s your party, man up, own it. When I see Maxine Waters, Pelosi, Rahm, Deblasio, and a host of other liberals I understand how Hitler came to power. I honestly find it difficult to understand the animosity between democrats and Putin, both support and encourage a godless and classless society. They fit like a glove and hand.
Wow. Describing himself! Newspeak, you have the worst tell in America.
(You’re also under a lot of stress! tick-tock, tick-tock.)
more diarhea Newspeak.
You are the new Al Sharpie!
words typed that are meaningless graffiti thrown up out of FEAR
the only good thing anti American anti Israel little barry hussein did was to create MAGA TRUMP………….and without a doubt MAGA is kicking ass………………………working hard playing hard middle America loves MAGA TRUMP…………………MAGA…………………
Trump’s lawyer’s office is raided by the fbi
Trump’s chief accountant is called to testify on fraud, bribery, tax evasion charges.
Trump’s campaign director is in jail for a lifetime of charges.
Trump’s son admitted to conspiracy with the russian goverment to win an election.
The single most dangerous special counsel in America was appointed to investigate Trump
and Mueller hasn’t even released his report.
Wayne is right. The only people who believe Trump is innocent are skinheads, neo-nazis and crazies.
Who the hell are you fooling Al Sharpie, JoeBiden and Newspeak?
tick-tock, tick-tock
the only good thing anti American anti Israel little barry hussein did was to create MAGA TRUMP………….and without a doubt MAGA is kicking ass………………………working hard playing hard middle America loves MAGA TRUMP…………………MAGA…………………
Donald Trump is having a rally in Wilkes-Barre, great town, Iron City beer. Putin is an amazing man, he keeps pulling these huge crowds to help mighty man MAGA.
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