Home Breaking News “READERS FORUM” AUGUST 18, 2018



We hope that today’s “Readers Forum” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?


Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Are you pleased with all of the new development in downtown Evansville?

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  1. Good morning readers of the City County Observer!

    This past week had some terrific on-point posts by Reader’s here at the CCO, but the best, most accurate and most succinct was by Ann Coulter. She creatively pointed out how ironic, revealing, pathetic, stupid and ignorant it is that Trump’s own White House Staff Office Liaison Chief is now being criticized by President Trump as somehow beneath the dignity of Trump!

    Omorosa has been an employee of Trump’s longer than his three wives, after all.

    Here is Ann Coulter’s post:
    Ann Coulter Aug 15, 2018 at 8:20 am
    White House Staff Chief Omarosa is giving Donald Trump fits, revealing how small and insignificant he is, and reminding us every day we do not have a Leader in the Oval Office, we have a pretender, a disgraceful reality-TV star, instead.

    Trump created her. She is his mirror image.
    They are the same worthless, insecure trash diva’s.

    Congratulations pretend to be Republican Trump fans. You should be proud.

    Have a great weekend everyone! Thank you City County Observer!!
    I expect more of this is coming, you know. This piece of trash Omarosa has “a treasure trove” of more tapes and recordings, some say over 2000, and said she intends “to make Trump bow down to Omorosa” by dominating him with a drip, drip, drip of tape releases.

    It is a reality TV Trump White House, all right!

    • “Angry Opposition: Every day brings new examples of the supposedly open-minded, inclusive, tolerant, peace-loving left threatening or attacking Trump administration officials or Trump supporters. Hatred and intolerance has been standard operating procedure on the extreme left. But thanks to enablers among Democrats and the press, it’s quickly becoming dangerously “mainstream.””


    • Still a Trump supporter. This Omarosa deal reminds me of a Lincoln statement when he was told that McClellan was bad mouthing him behind his back, Lincoln said, why would he do that, I’ve never done anything for him. I had a choice between Hillary and Trump, there was never any other choice, there’s not one republican that could have gotten out the vote to beat Hillary. Trump grabbed the imagination of the American people and has remained true in his efforts to keep his campaign promises. Above all else he has shown just how destructive and sinister the deep state is to our democracy. Most people with any intellectual activity going on in their craniums are aware that new democrat party is not similar to the old Nazi party, it’s exactly like the Nazi party. Omarosa is like a democrat in many ways and there’s only one word that adequately describes both, Ingratitude. I think Rahm the mayor of Chicago has finally seen the light and knows there is no hope for Chicago and other major democrat controlled sewer systems, liberal democrats are ungovernable and have no concern for the future. No concern for the future is normal for people with no children or liberals who aborted them. Open borders, sanctuary cities, violence in the cities, and a wrecked economy is our future should democrats ever get in full control again.

    • They’re smart and insightful.
      They know Trump and your submissive boot lick, Joe, too.

  2. New Slogan for the democrat party, freshly coined by high ranking democrats,” America has never been great, nor will it ever be great. For most of us this is an inaccurate statement but for a lot of our citizens living in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, DC NY, Philly, Cincy, Memphis and groups of other democrat controlled cities it’s true. They will only experience the greatness of this country when they move. I heard a democrat in Chicago the other day wanting to know what was happening to his city, east answer, democrats.

  3. Look at Chicago. ANY American who has tolerance for that Democrat controlled mess is delusional. I can site many more, but Chicago and Obummer’s former COS should be enough. See what happens when you take the Libtard approach and let the criminal asshole run wild. Former law enforcement and the only solution, take back the streets. This goes for ALL American cities who support Libtard agendas, especially Sanctuary Cities. Are you all that fu–in stupid that you can’t see that the Libtard Leftist movement is dooming the US. Poop Patrol is San Fran cause the homeless, illegal assholes shit in the streets!!!!! You want that for your city? Tell the Libtards, go to Hell, we want law and order. Now if that hurts your fu-in feelings, go with the horde of illegals and Libtards. Go to Canada, go to Hell as far as I am concerned, but get the f-k out of America.

  4. You know, we all have disagreements, but this is what burns my ass;


    Yes, it can always be worse. We could elect a president who would rather burn in Hell than play golf.

    Like this guy;


    $74 million tax payer dollars for the Orange skank so far to play golf, and $89 million for Big O for 8 years doing the same.


    Never forget pilgrims, this is the same enchilada that said Ted Cruz’s pappy helped kill Kennedy. And soldiers that were captured, like some of the North Korean remains he brags about returning, are beneath him. Bone spurs and all.

    50% of CCO readers sucked it up like a homeless Russian finding a full lost bottle of vodka.


    Yeah buddy….

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