Home Breaking News “READERS FORUM” APRIL 12, 2019



We hope that today’s “READERS FORUM” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?


The Tribune-Star reported the most notable changes in this proposed gaming law are: “the creation of a new, independent gaming license for Vigo County; requires a public question to be added to either 2019 general or 2020 primary ballot; if the referendum passes, Vigo County officials must form a gambling advisory board in Vigo County; this board would consist of the Terre Haute Mayor, a Vigo County Commissioner, the President of the Vigo County Capital Improvement Board, a Chamber of Commerce appointee and a member appointed by the governor”?  …this committee make-up looks like a bunches of “Foxes Watching The Hen House?


Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel if the Legislature approves a new Casino to be built in Terre Haute it will hurt Tropicana-Evansville?

Please go to our link of our media partner Channel 44 News located in the upper right-hand corner of the City-County Observer so you can get the up-to-date news, weather, and sports. We are pleased to provide obituaries from several area funeral homes at no costs.  Over the next several weeks we shall be adding additional obituaries from other local funeral homes.  Please scroll down the paper and you shall see a listing of them.

.If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us at City-County Observer@live.com

FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.”READERS FORUM” 


  1. Republicans Have Nothing To Offer Except Hate And Fear

    Something is getting more obvious about the Republican Party. Republicans have nothing to offer except hate and fear, and it’s been this way since the 1980’s

    The only two ideas from the GOP are tax cuts (for the wealthy) and deregulation. We are starting an election season and Republicans have nothing to offer the American people. It’s been 40 years, and all they have ever done is cut taxes for the rich and allow Corporations to run roughshod over our environment with deregulation. None of that has ever helped the average working class person here in the United States

    That’s an issue. Reagan came along and destroyed the Labor Unions, and to this day they have not recovered. In doing so, America’s once vibrant middle class was destroyed. That’s not the only thing Reagan did. Aside from having no ideas other than cutting taxes and deregulation, Republicans stay in power through two mechanisms hate and fear. When I think back to Reagan, I remember him telling us we need to be angry. That we needed to hate black people because of their taking all of our tax dollars by being on welfare. He invented the “Welfare Queen”

    Republicans and their media echo chamber Fox’s News have painted a picture of well to do black folks just sitting around collecting unemployment checks and food stamps. It was a lie and a myth then (and still is) but it worked. Just like Trump today Reagan worked his base into a frenzy until they were foaming at the mouth. The Republican base was in fear of their livelihoods. By doing so, Reagan got people to vote Republican even though they had nothing to offer

    What is Trump doing? He’s cutting taxes. He is deregulating, and he’s getting his base to hate a new group of people. The others. Immigrants! They’re the bad guys. First, it was the black people then it was the Muslims. Now, it’s the Hispanics. You can bet your bottom dollar come general election time it will be Socialist and Progressives

    Who’s the next target? Who’s the next group that we need to hate and fear so much that we’re willing to vote for a political party that has had no new ideas since who knows when? Since 1980 we have been told by different Republican leaders which group we need to hate and why we need to vote for Republicans to keep us safe from these groups


    • Dude, your telling us to hate the Republicans as bad people. Pot calling kettle black. Are Trump’s drones following you?

  2. Trump’s Gone Full Jessep

    If you haven’t haven’t recently watched the 1992 film, A Few Good Men, it’s a good time to do so. Especially for the particular monologue delivered from the stand by Colonel Nathan Jessep, played by Jack Nicholson

    The colonel gave an illegal order (a Code Red) to his men to dispense extrajudicial punishment to PFC William “Willie” Santiago after which Santiago died. Up to this point Jessep has been a hard ass, bordering on rude. But this particular monologue depicts Colonel Jessep at his worst, when the mask slips off and the monster who can justify his worst impulses does so because his ego won’t permit any serious questioning of his authority.

    This is Trump, from reports based on feedback from those in his presence, he’s gone full Jessep and whatever mask he’s worn has slipped off. He’s given illegal orders, in direct opposition to his oath of office and the Constitution, the law and a court order, when he demanded the separation of asylum-seeking families at the border while “ranting and raving” that “border security security was his issue”

    He believes he is the law, as if he’s king. No one in the White House seems able to disabuse him of this concept, if they are trying at all

    A number of senior staff have been fired throughout Trump’s 26 months in office, the latest such termination resulting in the departure of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. It’s not clear whether the departure of Secret Service director Randolph Alles was for the same reason, the timing is suspicious given the appearance of a purge across DHS leadership

    One employee whose continued employment suggests they aren’t explaining the limits of executive authority is White House counsel Pat Cipollone. His presence was noted in reports about a meeting in which Trump had a narcississtic meltdown about DHS’ inability to stop asylum seekers at the border. Why was Nielsen the sole target two weeks later instead of Cipollone?

    In A Few Good Men, the story arc centers on the two Marines charged with Santiago’s death as a result of the Code Red. They argued they were following orders from their superior officer, and as we see in the climax, Col. Jessep finally admits he gave the order. The court renders its verdict:

    The Nuremberg defense will not hold; an illegal order is illegal no matter the rank of the person issuing it, and obeying it is illegal as well. Government employees who commit illegal acts even at the order of the president violate the law as well as their oaths of office:

    I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” (5 USC 3331)

    Support and defend the Constitution. Well and faithfully discharge the duties of office. Obeying an illegal order fulfills neither of these.

    Founding father John Adams said, “We are a nation of laws, not of men”

    Walls are useless if they defend not the law and our country’s values, but one man’s sick, skewed ego


  3. Again, why post RR’s off topic posts. JB does the same. As we all are amused by their back and forth, let’s focus on Evansville and the CCO topic of the day. Yes, of course gambling in Terre Haute will cause a drop to Evansville’s Tropicana. The real problem is that the administration did not push for the 6 million dollars. That should be the real question. Why did our legislators and administration drop the ball?

    • It’s only going to get worse in the new format. RR reminds me of Ross Meny, who has a letter to the editor in the C&P wailing that there are too many babies being born in the world. Leftist are basic cut-and-pasters of far out red blogs. I just keep rolling past RR’s and most of JB’s posts. The same with almost everything originating from Franklin College.

  4. What part of “Readers Forum” and “What’s On Your Mind Today” are you failing to comprehend? You gripe when anybody posts on the “Is It True” pages, and you gripe when the damn topic of the day is the “Readers Forum”

    Look at the top of the page: “We hope that today’s “Readers Forum” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way”

    We all have seen your constant requests to censor topics that somehow offend your fragile ego, but there are those of us that see the failures at the national level to be just as important. The moral and ethical rot in the right-wing in Washington and Trump is leading to the decline of America

    Nobody is making you read what we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way Go ahead, post whatever you think are issues to address, and we will post what think are issues of concern. But maybe stop with the requests to censor those you don’t agree with. The freedom to comment on subjects of national importance are just as important as local and state issues. But trying to suppress and blacklist what you do not like is immaterial to everyone else

      • “Dude” I have seen your whines about suppressing anyone you disagree with on here. Anyone who thinks the daily loads of right-wing crap are repulsive you want to gripe about. So “dude” you can chill out all you want

  5. Today’s CCO headline of the year:

    Senate Committee OKs Shooting Teachers With Pellet Guns In Training Drills

    INDIANAPOLIS–Teachers may soon have the option to be shot with pellet guns during active shooter training.

    The Senate Education and Career Development Committee amended House Bill 1253–a bill creating handgun training for teachers–Wednesday to allow school staff to choose to be shot with projectiles during the optional 39-hour training process.


  6. Trump Tried To Dump Asylum-Seekers In Sanctuary Cities To “Retaliate Against Political Adversaries”

    A pair of White House Einsteins (Trump and Stephen Miller) had what they thought was an ultra-clever solution to the immigration crisis. Rather than hold asylum-seekers at the border, they wanted to load them on trucks, bring them to sanctuary cities, and dump them onto the streets. Not because that would be a good solution to the immigration crisis, but because it would “retaliate against Trump’s political adversaries” and Trump was apparently particularly keen on the idea of taking busloads of immigrants and dropping them onto the streets of Nancy Pelosi’s district in San Francisco

    According to the Washington Post, they brought this plan to the Department of Homeland Security not once but twice, including once during the government shutdown Trump engineered before he signed on to the funding agreement and promptly wrecked it with his declaration of a national emergency at the border. Even among the Trump-appointed leaders of DHS and ICE, the plan to use thousands of human beings as a political attack letter sounded alarms. When the White House pressed the plan, the legal team at ICE pushed back

    Miller personally brought the proposal to the deputy director of ICE according to two DHS officials who spoke with the Post, who has acknowledged that the conversation took place. This is a senior White House adviser pressing the deputy director of ICE to take human beings applying for asylum and drop them onto the streets of American cities as a means of punishing political opponents

    This scheme was formal enough to circulate around DHS and ICE under the subject line “Sanctuary City Proposal” and in addition to targeting San Francisco, the idea was to bus would-be applicants not to larger communities, but to “small and mid-sized sanctuary cities” where they would be a greater burden. The effort was to intentionally overwhelm communities in the hopes that they would cry out for help and admit that Trump was justified in his actions

    ICE officials responded by expressing concerns over every aspect of the plan, from liability to cost. If DHS was going to allow those seeking asylum to register, then transport them hundreds or thousands of miles, that would be a huge additional expense compared to just registering and letting them go (the system that worked well before) but which Trump derided as “catch and release”

    If DHS wasn’t going to bother to register the immigrants for hearings, but only take them in and dump them, wasn’t that a hundred times worse than the system Trump had complained about?

    Neither of those answers thrilled Miller. Now that Nielsen is gone at DHS, and Trump has withdrawn the nomination of acting director Ronald Vitiello at ICE for “someone tougher” it seems that Miller may get a third swing at his plan to dump people where he thinks it will hurt the most

    Personally, I am thinking these morons should do this. Because bringing people into American cities where they can wait out the time to their asylum hearings with dignity and while planning for their future is infinitely better than destroying families and holding them apart in dusty, ill-suited locations on the border. Or warehousing their children in abandoned Walmarts in the care of the lowest bidders


  7. New York Times: Trump’s Immigration Policy Wins Black Votes

    Democrats must block President Donald Trump from using his pro-American immigration policy to win more African-American voters, says New York Times columnist Charles Blow.

    “I believe that Trump’s team, if not him, understands the fissures in this immigration debate and is using them,” Blow wrote April 10. He continued:

    As Trump said in January in an Oval Office address after shutting the government down because Congress wouldn’t fund the construction of his wall: “All Americans are hurt by uncontrolled illegal migration. It strains public resources and drives down jobs and wages. Among those hardest hit are African-Americans and Hispanic Americans.”

    That is a pitch to both blacks and Hispanics already in this country. There is a real cleavage between second-, third- and fourth-generation Hispanics and new arrivals.


    A Quinnipiac University poll last year found that 54 percent of blacks and 55 percent of Hispanics thought immigrants’ illegal crossing of the border with Mexico was an important problem. Additionally, 31 percent of blacks and 40 percent of Hispanics believed in using the National Guard to patrol the border with Mexico, and 13 percent of blacks and 25 percent of Hispanics supported the building of Trump’s wall.


    • I know several local Hispanic families. They weren’t born here. They came here legally. They paid their dues. They became citizens the legal way. They are royally pissed about the number of illegals coming into this country and have expressed this influx of illegals should be stopped.

      • OMM, very true. The Democrat national leaders can’t understand the position of legal immigrants and have double down on open borders. Their wacky 2020 candidate Beto O’Rourke actually wants to tear down the existing border. Basically they are guaranteeing a landslide Trump win in 2020.

    • Trump’s Claim That Black Americans Are Hurt Most By Illegal Immigration Is Wrong As Usual


      When Trump makes the case for his border wall he repeats a popular right-wing BS talking point “America proudly welcomes millions of lawful immigrants who enrich our society and contribute to our nation, but all Americans are hurt by uncontrolled illegal migration. It strains public resources and drives down jobs and wages. Among those hardest hit are African Americans and Hispanic Americans”

      Activists and academics say those comments are based on half-truths and stereotypes about undocumented immigrants taking jobs that would normally go to black and Latino Americans. As George Borjas, a professor of economics and social policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, explains

      “Because a disproportionate percentage of immigrants have few skills, it is low-skilled American workers, including many blacks and Hispanics, who have suffered most from this wage dip. According to census data, immigrants admitted in the past two decades lacking a high school diploma have increased the size of the low-skilled workforce by roughly 25 percent”

      That means it’s not just African Americans who took a hit. White working-class voters with little education or skills are also hurt when more people with low skills enter the workforce. Research shows increasing the labor supply could actually increase job opportunities in certain industries with sizable numbers of black and Latino workers

      A recent study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania found that an increase in the labor supply resulting from immigration could actually generate more employment in industries such as home construction and food production. More demand for goods and services means greater demand for those providing those goods and services. While less-than-credible studies incorrectly suggest that undocumented immigrants take jobs from native-born black people and Latinos, data simply doesn’t bear out a correlation between undocumented immigration and unemployment rates among native-born racial and ethnic minorities

      While the talking point has NOT led to black Americans and Latinos supporting Trump’s policies, activists say the president is being divisive and unhelpful when it comes to addressing larger issues related to immigration. The playbook that Trump is using seeking to divide and conquer is old and tried and Americans can see through it. The only people that benefit from it are Trump’s allies who run large corporations including for-profit detention centers and prisons across the country

      “Working ages Black and Latinx citizens who have been denied a quality education, relegated to high poverty communities, struggle because we are not addressing the core investments that would viable economic path for them. We can blame immigrants if we need a scapegoat. But immigrants aren’t creating the problem” per Maya Wiley, a public policy professor at Harvard

      The claim that black and Latino Americans lose job opportunities when undocumented immigrants come to the United States is not likely to go away anytime soon. But if Trumps’s goal is to get more support for his border wall from black and Latino Americans, pitting people of color against others seeking to benefit from the American Dream probably won’t do that. Instead, it will probably only expand Trump’s reputation as being one of the most divisive presidents in recent history


  8. Every House Democrat But One Plus Two Republicans Co-Sponsor Bill Forcing Schools To Let Male Athletes Compete On Girls’ Sports Teams

    Two Republicans join Democrats to co-sponsor bill mandating that schools let males compete on girls sports teams.

    Democrats’ Equality Act would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make “sexual orientation and gender identity” under federal anti-discrimination law


  9. Ronald Reagan needs to leave the confines of his mother’s basement and enjoy the fresh air of the outdoors and some sunshine.
    Perhaps some one-on-one time with Joe Biden in the squared circle at the local Guns ‘n Hoses tournament.

      • Dear America (and JethroBodine):

        According to the BS letter released by Attorney General William Barr, the still-hidden-from-view Mueller Report concludes that President didn’t collude with the Russians

        Perhaps not. But if I may calmly carve out a cache of confirmed concurrent conclusions:

        He did (and still does) canoodle with the Russians, cave to the Russians, carry on with the Russians, canonize the Russians, cater to the Russians, cowtow to the Russians, connect with the Russians, cuddle the Russians, coddle the Russians, cackle with the Russians, cling to the Russians, cower before the Russians, caress the Russians, coo at the Russians, click with the Russians, compliment the Russians, congratulate the Russians, carry the Russians’ water, cotton to the Russians, converse over a cuppa covfefe with the Russians, clap for the Russians, capitulate to the Russians, and confide to Vladimir Putin: “You complete me”

        However. we can concede that he doesn’t criticize the Russians, clash with the Russians, curtail the Russians, complain about the Russians, contradict the Russians, cross the Russians, combat the Russians, cajole the Russians, condemn the Russians, curse the Russians, confront the Russians, or constrain the Russians

        Clear? Cool



  10. RE: Today’s topic of a potential new gaming casino located in Terre Haute and if it would significantly impact the local casino in Evansville (and French Lick too).
    I’m all for it. The local casino needs some competition for players. Heck, I think a new, additional, casino should be built in Evansville to give the existing one a run for its (our) money.
    The previous owners of the local casino (Carl Icahn and friends) weren’t the most generous casino operators but they were significantly better than the current owner/operators (Gaming and Leisure Properties/Eldorado Resorts). The current regime operating the local casino has laid off employees, tightened payouts, raised prices at the restaurants, reduced operating hours of services (hosts and Rewards Center), cheapened any giveaways, reduced facility maintenance (look at the outside of the Pavillion building along the river side of the building), reduced comps (food/meals) to players, and is currently understaffed with both dealers and waitstaff in the casino and restaurants. Thecresult is now this casino is losing many of its higher tier players (Black card and Platinum card players) to French Lick and Harrah’s Horseshoe near Louisville. Many local players are even returning to Harrah’s Metroplis near Paducah as they are treated better there than at the local Tropicana casino.

  11. There are more than 10,000 illegal aliens living in the United States who are from foreign countries that have been designated as state sponsors of terrorism by the State Department.

    Newly obtained federal data from the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) reveals there to be over 10,000 illegal aliens living in the U.S. from countries that are state sponsors of terrorism, including Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan.

    All of the illegal aliens have either been already ordered deported by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or have pending deportation orders, despite remaining in the U.S. The overwhelming majority of illegal aliens, once resettled in the interior of the country, are never deported. There are more than 1.7 million illegal aliens living in the U.S. who have not been deported despite having been ordered deported or having pending deportation orders….

    Specifically, more than 6,000 — or 61 percent — of the 10,000 illegal aliens are from Iran, while 20 percent are from Syria, 18 percent are from Sudan, and less than one percent came illegally from North Korea.

    “We saw on 9/11 the damage that only 19 sleeper cell terrorists could cause,” Wilcox said. “This is just the latest example of the disaster of sanctuary laws, which force ICE agents to operate with one hand tied behind their backs while making our communities inherently more dangerous.”

    Despite sanctuary cities shielding all illegal aliens from deportation, regardless of their criminal history, ICE agents were able to deport on average about 44 illegal aliens in the last two fiscal years who were known or suspected terrorists.

    • Apparently JethroBodine (JB) cannot post a link to this right-wing nonsense. But considering this ignorance is from Breitfart, that’s no shock

      Yeah, this ignorance of “newly obtained federal data from the Immigration Reform Law Institute” is more ignorant than normal, considering this racist BS factory is not a government source, meaning they just make crap up. None of the racists websites promoting this crap link to governmental sources (which I see proves they are full of it and lying as usual)

      The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the organization that “self-identifies” as seeking to reduce both legal and illegal immigration and the group that formed the Immigration Reform Law Institute, as a hate group with close ties to white supremacist groups and eugenicists, citing among other things the organization’s anti-Latino and anti-Catholic attitudes, its acceptance of $1.2 million from a racist foundation, the Pioneer Fund, its hiring as key officials men who also joined white supremacist groups, having board members who also write regularly for hate publications, its promotion of racist conspiracy theories, and the white supremacist beliefs of its founder. The founder became leader of several anti-immigration groups and held white supremacist beliefs while he led the organization

      What a sad and pathetic joke

    • Case Closed: The Justice Department Won’t Stand Behind Its Report on Immigrants and Terrorism (Jan. 7, 2019)

      Customs and Border Protection encountered only six immigrants at ports of entry on the Mexico border in the first half of fiscal year 2018 whose names were on a federal government list of known or suspected terrorists, according to CBP data provided to Congress in May 2018 and obtained by NBC News

      The low number contradicts statements by Trump administration officials, including White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, who said Friday that CBP stopped nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists from crossing the southern border in fiscal year 2018

      On the northern border, CBP stopped 91 people listed in the database


    • In response to Joe(Mesker)Biden’s 12:23Pm post;

      Excellent post Joe. Only 2 problems with it. No one from Iran, North Korea, Syria or Sudan were on the 9-11 planes. Saudis, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Lebanon is where they were from and because of oil, real estate and construction contracts, the real rascals that cause us harm must be allowed to dis-member American journalists, be-head political opponents and guarantee boney ass Jared Kushner loans, all the while focusing all attention on Iran, North Korea, Syria and Sudan.

      Yep, when it comes to another 9-11 happening, it won’t come crossing the Southern border and it won’t come from the countries you mentioned. It will come from our “friends” we have invaluable contracts with.

      Now the answer; Build a Great 35,000 foot high wall completely around Saudi Arabia so no planes can get in or out.

      Sound crazy? The 4 trillion we spent in Iraq, (No Iraqis on planes either), would have been better spent doing just that. Plus we wouldn’t have had to kill 600,000 innocent men, women and children based on a lie.

      Thanks for staying “on topic” today Joe.

      Now onto the spill in aisle 9; shar pie down at the bottom of the page….

  12. Trump Says He May Release Immigrant Detainees Onto The Streets In “Sanctuary Cities Only” Contradicting His Own White House

    Trump insisted that his administration is still actively considering a plan to release detained immigrants into so-called “sanctuary cities” which is a strategy rejected twice in the past year by the Department of Homeland Security

    “Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only” Twittler wrote on Twitter, going on the blather ”The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy, so this should make them very happy”

    The Washington Post first reported on Thursday that the White House has been considering a plan for transporting immigrants in detention and releasing them into sanctuary cities that are Democratic strongholds. According to WaPo the plan was geared toward delivering political retribution to Democrats including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose San Francisco district was discussed as a target

    In a statement on Thursday to reporters, a Homeland Security Department spokesman said the plan “was a suggestion that was floated and rejected, which ended any further discussion” with a DHS official saying that the plan was dropped when it was deemed “so illegal”

    Pelosi criticized the proposal, saying it demonizes migrants, and that “The extent of this administration’s cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated. Using human beings, including little children, as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable. It’s just another notion that is unworthy of the presidency of the United States and disrespectful of the challenges that we face, as a country, as a people, to address who we are, a nation of immigrants”

    Trump’s decision to revive the proposal reflects a growing sense of desperation within the administration over the rising number of migrant families arriving at the southern border to seek asylum


    Further proof that Trump is a delusional and pathetic figurehead of the morons of the right-wing, and that he will self-destruct and take the hypocritical and repugnant rethuglicans with him

  13. Is it true that the posts by JB & RR contribute little to any real conversation? Is it true that their daily shouting matches mimic the political climate of the country where everyone wants to argue to win rather than discuss, learn, and evolve towards something meaningful and helpful?

    • It’s Not A Debate, So We Will Not Take Your BS Bait

      You’re dog whistling for racism, sexism, Islamophobia, homophobia, and antisocialism but those are just overtones. I’m not distracted by you, I’m laughing at you while pitying you. Your dog whistle fundamental tune is simply “Join me, I’m a God, No deed too dirty for a deity like me”

      America has discovered its Achille’s heel and it’s in the same spot as it has been in every civilization, a weakness for tyrants, people who play God, pretending they’re masters of reality instead of having to adapt to it. I do not make the grave mistake in thinking the self-deifying like you have a mission. You’re convinced by the sound of your own stridency that you care about making things better. The evidence is that you don’t. Your crusades are just an excuse for playing god

      It’s the same mistake made over and over. It’s a mistake to think Stalin was a Communist, Hitler was a nationalist, Robespierre was a liberal or Trump is a conservative. Tyrants are just self-deifying. Though some come for the mission they stay for the self-deification. They’re gloataholics, addicted to self-aggrandizement

      Self-deification is a drug. It is a delivery system is righteous indignation, the righteousness that makes you feel like authorities on what warrants indignation, indignation that enables you to forget your fallibility. Self-deification is like granting oneself a wild card and a trump card

      Right-wing wild-card: Because I think I’m the solution, I can do anything I want. It’s all for “the cause”

      Right-wing Trump card: What I do will always be smarter and better than anything. If I win I’m a genius saint. If I lose, I’m a genius saint martyr

      Playing god is so simple any idiot can do it: Never apologize, always out-scold anyone who questions you. The shy will shy away, the conscientious will get confused, the gullible will join you. Self-deification is the cheap easy alternative to conscientiousness. Just pretend you’re at war, fighting for the ultimate good. If you’re fighting for the ultimate good, you’re free to do whatever’s necessary. Freer still, the self-deifying pretend they’re fighting for the ultimate good and do whatever they want

      MAGA is actually GAWA: Get Away With Anything. That’s Trump’s draw. His supporters don’t realize it but they’re just in it for the self-deification. They don’t just support Trump, they want to be just like the Mango Moron

      You think you care about making America great again. You’re really just addicted to righteous indignation. It’s obvious from the way you abandon supposed missions as soon as you’re unable to milk them for the gloataholic buzz. You promise no promised land. We hear no vision for future American greatness. Getting there is the gloataholic’s fun, the idiot’s delight of wild card trumping.

      Once hooked on self-deification, there’s no alternative to sticking with it. The crimes mount, the enemies gather. You can’t show weakness or your whole house of wild card/trump cards tumbles. America is being held hostage to leaders who know that if they ever let down their posturing they’d spend the rest of their lives in jail. They’re just hoping to run out the clock.

      I do not make the mistake your their bait as though you care about your causes. I no longer project America’s concerns about the future on you. For you, it’s a shortsighted addiction to declaring yourself victors. To give your concerns the benefit of the doubt is as dangerous as taking a psychopath at his word. I focus instead on your dog whistles’ fundamental note. Expose your self-deification. Your only response is more self-deification, proving my point.

      The lesson to take from our country’s flirtation with tyranny is simple. I simply guard against self-deification dressed up in any mission, right, spiritual, religious, atheistic, philosophical, whatever. That way I continue to get on with my adaptive life without causing social cancers, your righteously indignant wild card, trump card cults of whatever flavor pretending you deserve to rule reality instead of having to adapt to it


  14. I deeply hope my good bud reg was not the person that set himself on fire in his wheelchair in front of the White House…………….although I now suspect that my good bud regTator will start toking up more on mary jane since tators idol the great African Queen barry was spying on MAGA………………….and still got his gay commie ass kicked………………time up reg the cloud of ignorance is all……………u…….got……………

    • I have to go see a man about a dog shar pie and I’m running late.

      But 2 quick questions; What ever came out of when you, following Mop Head’s lead, said Obama “wiretapped” his office? Did Big O go to jail for that or what?

      Also, why haven’t you sent me this lately like you used to once every month for 8 years when in your words, the “Halfrikan” was president;


      Did you lose the link? LOL!….

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