Reader Forum September 25, 2016



Todays READERS POLL question is:   Should Council delay spending money on new Zoo exhibits and put money towards Employee Health Care costs?

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  1. George Mason in whom the Mason-Dixon line was derived is considered arguably the father of our Bill of Rights which were adopted this very day in 1789 stated the following:

    ..George Mason argued in favor of citizens being armed, as he stated at Virginia’s Ratifying Convention, 1788 (3 Elliot, Debates at 380):

    “When the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised…to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them; but that they should not do it openly, but weaken them, and let them sink gradually, by totally disusing and neglecting the militia.”

  2. Well its official, Mr. Obama has created a banana republic out of the United States of America:

    It is Obama’s Justice Department, and it is Obama’s FBI, that he has blocked from doing their jobs in the name of partisan politics, namely, protecting Hillary Clinton from the justice system!! What a pack of Marxist hooligans this bunch are, and what a stranglehold they have on this Country at the moment!

    I can not wait to throw these bums out on their butt in November. If Obama ever had a “legacy” it has been destroyed by his illegal actions in support of Hillary Clinton. When will these people learn that ANYONE WHO EVER HAS ANY DEALINGS WITH THE CLINTONS COMES AWAY WITH SHIT ON THEIR HANDS?

  3. How things have changed from one year ago ..McGinn boldly stating that our financial position was on solid footing and proclaiming those prophets of boom to be nothing more than political.

    ..and now with his ear focused on Sir Lloyd Winnecke wants to spend millions on his favorite subject, the Zoo while our cost of operations, i.e. the General Fund over spent in the previous year by over 12 million ..what kind of nitwittery, as Gordan Litty would coin is this!!!

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