Radicalizing the world against Israel?


    Freedom, IndianaAuthor Andrew Horning is the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s candidate for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.  He will be speaking at the Fort Wayne Farmer’s Market, Saturday, September 28 after 12:30pm, and will be available to discuss this press release at 1pm.

    First, the disclaimers:

    I’ve a smidge of Jewish DNA, but that’s not why I believe Israel is a wonderful country in spite of institutionalized racism.  Many of my close family members, including my daughter, have made trips to the Holy Land.  I personally enjoyed working with two Israel-based medical software companies.  I want Israel to succeed as a nation in health, peace, prosperity and freedom such as we’re supposed to have here.  Furthermore, whether Netanyahu is a hero, or a corrupt monster, or both, is not my concern. 

    My concern is that almost all of our elected politicians do whatever AIPAC, over a dozen other pro-Israel groups and Netanyahu want, at a very high cost to both of our nations, and more importantly, to the people therein.  Our money and combined actions have trained and armed a growing global body of anger toward Israel that will not end well.  Not for Israel, and not for the nation we should be concerned about…our own.

    At least Trump openly admitted he works for Israel, in the form of his major donors, Miriam and Sheldon Edelson.  “I’d always give them something for Israel,” he said; and “I gave them the Golan Heights, and they never even asked for it.”  That was after he asked of David Friedman, “Give me a quick lesson on the Golan Heights; like five minutes or less.” 

    Indiana’s federal politicians are as at least as overt in their devotion to the other nation, but less candid about the process and people involved. 

    I don’t believe that the close to 90% of AIPAC donations that go to Democrats means that Republicans are cheap to buy.  I think Republicans tend to be religious, and their Whack-a-Mole response to every group that seems to threaten Israel is buoyed by good intentions.

    But you know which road is paved in good intentions.  Western nations’ Middle East interventions have been self-destructive and catastrophic through the past 111 years.  I suggest we dust off and apply a principle best articulated 223 years ago: “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations—entangling alliances with none.”

    That may just forestall WWIII, save two great nations, and offer World Peace as a nice side benefit.

    Liberty or Bust!
    Andy Horning


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