Home Uncategorized Questions and Details of the Right to Work Poll


  1. Just as I suspected…

    Take a close look at the questions 4, 5, and 6(a/b)…

    In question 4, there are 6 subsections. The sub-questions that are POSITIVE come first, while the sub-questions that are NEGATIVE come last, effectively carrying over the negative thoughts into the succeeding questions. Here, the idea is planted in the respondents head, 60% of whom admittedly know little or nothing about Right to Work legislation, that the Republicans are against unions and are against the “little man”.

    Question 5 then takes that negative connotation and associates it with the Right to Work legislation, tying the “union-busting,” “little man-hating” Republicans with the legislation.

    Question 6 (a/b) is the clincher though… Here, the question is led off with the phrase “Experts say that a Right to Work law would result in many fewer…” This is the slight of hand that made this survey what it is. Telling bunch of admitted novices on the subject that “experts say” something NEGATIVE about it is a clever but transparent trick of the trade. Anyone with a novitiate understanding of the proposed law and a lukewarm level of participation in the survey will always err on the side of ageeing with the unnamed “experts”. Also note at the percentage who disagree that Right to Work should be a priority (67%) is very similar to the number of people who claimed to know little or nothing about the legislation (60%).

  2. The real question should have been did the brother of the Chairman of the ERC (Bob Goldman)represent Steven Scott of Center City Properties in legal matters?
    Should a poll be conducted if this action is ethical for the Goldman Brothers ?

  3. Never trust an attorney and/or pawn broker from the same family.

    Its time for the people to rise up and protest and boycott Goldman’s Pawn Shop!!!!!

  4. I agree with you. The only way to get the attention of this greedy pawn broker is through his billfold. Unite and protest against this self serving pawn broker that has cost the taxpayers of this community millions of dollars.

    Finally, he needs a haircut and he needs to lose the stupid bow-tie!!!

  5. Former Governor of Illinois (BLAGO) finaly got what was coming to him today
    for his political crimes.

    It is my prayer that the outgoing Mayor of Evansville will get similiar.

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