Purdue President Mitch Daniels to speak to students





10 a.m. and Junior High School – 10:35 a.m., Tuesday, Nov. 5

North High School and Junior High School


Purdue University President Mitch Daniels is making a stop at the North High School complex on his way into Evansville Tuesday morning. While there he will talk with two classes of Project Lead the Way students at the high school, and then will walk through the high school to the junior high school to speak to three classes of seventh grade students who use the Indiana Science Institute Kits in their science classes.

Project Lead the Way:  PLTW was introduced in 2002 to the EVSC.  The Gateway Program, which is the middle level curriculum, was begun at Helfrich Park STEM Academy and what was then, Harwood Middle School. Shortly after, Reitz High School offered the high school curriculum. Now, The Gateway Program is offered in seven EVSC middle level schools, and PLTW is offered in four EVSC high schools, as well as the EVSC’s Southern Indiana Career and Technical Center, attended by students from five surrounding counties. PLTW teaches problem solving, applied learning, creative thinking, teamwork, and how to use technology.  It also integrates core subjects of math and language arts into the curriculum.

Indiana Science Institute Kits:  Use of ISI kits has been taking place in the EVSC for the past three years at all of its K-5, K-6 and K-8 schools, as well as at McGary Middle School and North Junior High.   ISI kits allow students to engage as they explore and problem solve to create a love of learning, a desire to inquire, and a depth of understanding of the concepts.  Teachers have seen that carry over into other subjects, as well.   Training for teachers takes place during the summer months.  More information about ISI: http://www.indianascience.org.




  1. Daniels is going into the lion’s den. I am sure all the ISTA members are overjoyed.


  2. Daniels did a great job at the Rotary luncheon today explaining how he is going to take Purdue to the next level academically and improve the value parents get paying the tuition and fees of their children.

    The football team could use some help also.☺ Wait until next year–it will be better!

    I sure wish he was President.

    • agree wayne…… Mr.Daniels is a honest strong smart man……..the anti-obama……

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