Project Lead the Way/Medical Professions Students to Present Emergency Room Designs


Wednesday, Sept. 14
11:30 a.m.– 1 p.m.
Central High School, 5400 First Ave.
Media Center

Time is critical when it comes to hospital emergency rooms. The layout, technology used and personnel all affect patient care. Seniors enrolled in the Project Lead the Way Biomedical Innovations Course at Central High School have been studying emergency rooms and will present a variety of emergency room designs Wednesday, Sept. 14, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Central High School Media Center.

Groups will present a floor plan of their proposed emergency room, a model of an innovative device used in the ER, and a description of an innovative use of personnel in the ER. Students will then walk two patients through their “emergency room.” Each presentation will last approximately 10 – 15 minutes.

Judges will include Dr. Dan Adams, retired heart surgeon; Chris Keegan, chairperson of the Surgical Technology program at Vincennes University; Margaret Moutseous, manager of the Library Services at St. Mary’s Medical Center; and Marlene Waller, clinical coordinator of the Emergency Department at Deaconess Hospital.