Prime Lodging LLC releases addendum to Hotel Proposal


Addendum Pushes Construction Start Date to April 2012 but retains Summer 2013 Grand Opening

In an addendum to the proposal to develop a downtown Convention Hotel, Prime Lodging LLC has supplied additional details regarding the start and finish date of their proposal. Chris Verville, the Managing Membr of Prime Lodging has proposed a contract signing date of October 2011, with construction to commence during April of 2012. “The time in delaying the start of actual construction will be used to refine the construction plan so that the completion of the project and the grand opening will not be impacted”, said Mr. Verville in an exclusive interview with the City County Observer.

Mr. Verville went on to state that the grand opening date of the Summer of 2013 will be in time for the City of Evansville to compete on a level playing field with other cities for 2014 conventions and that the added planning time will expedite construction and keep the City of Evansville’s investment from the risks associated with commencing construction prior to full funding of the project.

Prime Lodging Addendum in full:

Prime_Lodging_Addendum_#1_072511_(2) (1)


  1. Okay, so we read about Kunkel having a 100% for sure letter from that place in California to make them a loan.

    Have they offered that letter of commitment up for anyone to read?

    • We contacted them by email to offer them the opportunity to release it. If they take us up on it we will post it.

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