Posey County Democrat Labor Day Event

Posey County D’s
 With the summer winding down and Labor Day this weekend, I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you a safe and happy Labor day
We have a lot of work to do this year to make sure we get Democrats elected this fall. So let’s get started.
Labor Day and River days is the start of the fall campaign, so if you need a yard sign from for a candidate please contact me or their campaign.
Also, the Women’s club will be having their booth again at river days serving Rib-eyes sandwiches and lemon shake-ups, help is always needed for the booth. Please contact Jordan Beach at  jordannjohnson@icloud.com or cell 812-575-9472
Even if you can only be there a couple of hours that’s great
JFK dinner tickets and program sponsors are still available, tickets are just $20, must be purchased by Sept 16th, so we can order food.  Contact Sherry at 812-480-3875 or me.
Speakers will be William Tanoos 8th Dist. Congress candidate & Terry Goodin Indiana House Leader
Dinner Sept 26th @ 6:00 pm at the Mt. Vernon High School Cafeteria
Chicken Rally October 9th at Knights of St. Johns in St. Wendall.
Ticket info will be coming, so mark your calendar’s for this one.


Ed Adams

Posey County Democrat Chairman

210 Dogwood Pl.

Mt. Vernon In. 47620

Home 812-838-0035 Cell   812-457-1183 adamsed85@yahoo.com