Polls Archive

 Do you feel that voters of the 8th Congressional District want Congressman Lary Buschon and his opponent Dr. Richard Moss to have civil and respectful debates about the issues that affect us?

  • YES (84%, 220 Votes)
  • NO (12%, 31 Votes)
  • NO IDEA (4%, 11 Votes)

Total Voters: 262

Start Date: 02/20/2018 @ 10:32 pm
End Date: No Expiry

Do you feel that Congressman Buschon should have treated Dr. Moss with more respect during and after his speech?

  • YES (79%, 178 Votes)
  • NO OPINON (14%, 31 Votes)
  • NO (7%, 17 Votes)

Total Voters: 226

Start Date: 02/19/2018 @ 11:03 am
End Date: No Expiry

If the Republican primary for the 8th District Congressional race was held today who would you vote for?  

  • DR RICHARD MOSS (40%, 128 Votes)
  • NONE OF THE ABOVE (20%, 64 Votes)
  • RACHEL COViINGTON (6%, 19 Votes)

Total Voters: 320

Start Date: 02/15/2018 @ 11:08 am
End Date: No Expiry

Do you feel that Democrat William Tanoos should put additional time and effort in campaigning in Vanderburgh County if he expects to be the next 8th District United States Congressman?

  • YES (82%, 139 Votes)
  • NO IDEAL (12%, 20 Votes)
  • NO (6%, 11 Votes)

Total Voters: 170

Start Date: 02/15/2018 @ 12:22 am
End Date: No Expiry

Do you feel that State Representatives McNamara,  Bacon, Washburne and Sullivan were correct in voting "yes" on the "Pay Day Loan" bill?

  • NO (82%, 214 Votes)
  • NO IDEA (10%, 27 Votes)
  • YES (8%, 19 Votes)

Total Voters: 260

Start Date: 02/12/2018 @ 7:58 pm
End Date: No Expiry