Political Survey Questions For Contested GOP Primary Races

Republican Party Symbol
The City County Observer has decided to ask candidates running for Vanderburgh County Council and County Commission seats in the May 6, 2014  Republican primary races questions we feel our readers need answers to.  We shall post answers to the following questions by both Republican primary candidate Bruce Swaim, John Montrastelle Marsha Abell and Bruce Ungethiem without opinion, bias or editing.  Every candidate running in contested Republican primary seats have been asked the exact same survey questions.  Posted below are the questions submitted to the GOP candidates by the City County Observer.
1) Why do you feel that you can do an effective job as our next Vanderburgh County Councilman or County Commissioner?
2)  Explain why your education and professional expertise qualify you take on the task of leading our county in a positive direction for the next 4 years.
3)  Tell our readers what you feel are the strengths about your opponent?
4)   Tell our readers what you think are the short comings of your opponent?
5)  What are the main challenges the county faces for the next 4 years?
6)  What’s your stance on future tax increases for the next 4 years?
7)  What areas of county government can we make creative cuts to help keep budgets in line with income stream?
8)  What new county funded programs do you think should be considered during the next 4 years?
9)  Do you feel elected county officials should or shouldn’t be allowed to hire family members to work in county funded jobs?
10) Whats your opinion on political patronage appointments? 
11)  Do you feel that candidates running for public office should or shouldn’t accept political donations from those doing business with the County?
12)  Do you feel that professional services should be formally bid out ?
13)  Closing remarks shall cover any issues about your campaign as deemed necessary.
The City County Observer has e-mailed political survey questions to Pete Swaim and John Montrasttelle Republican candidates for County Council and Marsha Abell and Bruce Ungethiem candidates for County Commission in the upcoming May 6, 2014 GOP primary election.  All register Republicans are eligible to vote.  However, anyone registered to vote in other political party primaries may crossover to vote in the Republican primary.  The deadline for the candidates to return this political survey to the City County Observer is noon on April 11, 2014.  Answers will posted the City County Observer on April 15 and 17,  2014.  Answers to the above question will be posted in the City County Observer without opinion, bias or editing.


  1. “Republican primary candidates Bruce Swaim,”

    You may want to correct that editor.

    Has a C&P bent to it.

    • No sir it hasn’t.

      Fifth line in your article.

      Please correct it before I have Bill Jackson do it for you.



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