Political Platform of Weinzapfel for Indiana Attorney General


 Jonathan Weinzapfel was elected mayor of Evansville in 2003 and re-elected in 2007. After his two terms as mayor, Weinzapfel served as chancellor of the Ivy Tech Evansville campus from 2014-2019.

He also served in the Indiana General Assembly as a state representative from 1999-2003.

He currently works as a partner at the law firm of Jones Wallace in Evansville.

Jonathan and his wife Patricia reside in Evansville and have three children.

For more information on Jonathan or his campaign for Indiana Attorney General, please visit www.WeinzapfelforAG.com. To schedule an interview, email media@weinzapfelforAG.com.


Protecting Hoosiers’ Health Care 

At a time when Indiana and the world face an unprecedented public health crisis, Indiana’s incumbent Attorney General is using our tax dollars in a lawsuit, that if successful, would strip away the health care of thousands of working for Hoosier families and threaten those with pre-existing conditions. Now, more than ever, Hoosiers understand the need for every citizen to have access to high-quality, affordable health care — and the need for elected leaders who will fight to protect it, not take it away.

Reforming Our Criminal Justice System to Be More Fair for Everyone: 

As Attorney General, Weinzapfel will protect our communities from crime, reform our criminal justice system to make it fairer and just for everyone, and expand drug treatment for nonviolent drug offenders to prevent crime and reduce spending on prisons. Weinzapfel will work to improve our police departments and rebuild community trust. As Attorney General, he will promote the use of body cameras and expand police training to de-escalate violent situations.

Keeping Our Loved One’s Safe in the Pandemic and Beyond 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Jonathan Weinzapfel will stand up for seniors and protect families’ right to know about COVID cases in nursing homes. He will get doctors and nurses the protective equipment they need, and defend health coverage for all Hoosiers, even in the event of job loss.

Standing Up for Hoosiers’ Right to Vote Safely by Mail 

With a public health crisis during an election year, no Hoosier should have to choose between protecting their health and exercising their right to vote. Indiana is one of only a few states that restrict the right to vote by mail to those who are ill, traveling or at least 65 years old. Jonathan Weinzapfel will stand up for the right of every Hoosier to vote from home in a fair and secure election.

Letting Women Make Their Own Private Health Care Decisions 

Jonathan believes that Roe v.  Wade is settled constitutional law and that women’s reproductive decisions should be private. Ultimately, Jonathan believes we should trust women to make the right decisions with regard to their reproductive choices.

Improving Public Education for Every Student

As Mayor, Jonathan Weinzapfel created the Evansville Education Roundtable to help rally the community to improve public education. As Ivy Tech Chancellor, Weinzapfel developed numerous initiatives to help students earn a degree and prepare for the workforce. As Attorney General, Jonathan Weinzapfel will continue to serve as an advocate for education and creating opportunities for Hoosiers.

Reducing Taxes to Keep More Money in Your Pocket

In the state legislature, Jonathan Weinzapfel voted for 600 million dollars in tax cuts to keep money in the pockets of Hoosier families, not the government. As Attorney General, Jonathan Weinzapfel will fight waste and fraud in government spending.

Decriminalizing Marijuana Possession and Allowing Medicinal Use 

Jonathan Weinzapfel believes Indiana should eliminate criminal penalties for possession of small amounts of marijuana and allow its use for documented medicinal purposes.

Standing Up for Consumers

The Do Not Call List is broken. Jonathan Weinzapfel will fight the telemarketers to restore your privacy and crackdown on phone scams that prey especially on seniors.