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Political Consultant And Secretary Of Vanderburgh County GOP Files Complaint Against Candidate Jeff Hatfield

Political Consultant And Secretary Of Vanderburgh County GOP Files Complaint Against County Commission Candidate Jeff Hatfield
Vanderburgh County Elections Board,

As a registered voter in Vanderburgh County, I hereby am making an official complaint against Jeff Hatfield as a candidate for Vanderburgh County Commission District 2.

As of 3:18 pm, there has been no filing for a Committee, candidate or exploratory, for Hatfield for Commissioner.
Mr. Hatfield declared his candidacy earlier today, May 11th, 2018.  Around the same time, he releases to the public a website and video supporting his candidacy.  Indiana Law is very clear that if funds were raised or spent in the support of a candidate for office, a committee must first be formed, treasure named, and an account established for the maintaining of those funds.
Mr. Hatfield has had logos designed, videos produced, and website created, all without the proper declaration of exploratory or candidate committee.
As an owner of a campaign consulting firm that provides such services, it’s conceivable that Mr. Hatfield has already spent thousands of campaign dollars without properly disclosing his fundraising and expenditures.  Even if these materials were free, he would still need to disclose them as in-kind contributions and would need to have already filed his declarations.
In failing to do so, his first official act as a candidate for office has been to intentionally defraud the voters of Vanderburgh County.
Hobart Scales
Evansville, IN
FOOTNOTE:  Mr. Scales informed us that the Vanderburgh County Elections Board will be hearing the above complaint next Friday at 11:30 am.
This letter was posted by the City-County Observer without opinion, bias or editing.
This is a developing story.