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PGP International chooses Vanderburgh County, Indiana


VANDERBURGH COUNTY, IN (August 30, 2012) – The Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville is pleased to announce that PGP International will break ground in northern Vanderburgh County today opening their sixth facility in the United States. PGP International is owned by Associated British Foods, a diversified international food, ingredient and retail group with 102,000 employees in 46 countries. PGP evaluated over 45 sites in multiple states before choosing Vanderburgh County for their newest location.

“We are making a significant investment in Evansville to better serve our customers and the
people who enjoy their products,” said PGP International Chief Executive Officer Nicolas

Terry Doyle, PGP International Vice President of Operations, added: “The site was selected
among dozens of Midwest locations due to the talented pool of highly skilled potential
employees with manufacturing experience. We are happy to join local employers, and hoping
to attract graduates of well-regarded courses in food science, manufacturing, and engineering
at nearby universities and colleges.”

As a leading manufacturer and supplier of high protein crisps and grain crisps for the Cereal,
Energy and the Nutritional Bar industry, PGP International will soon produce rice based product
offerings at their new 70,000 sq ft (expandable to over 200,000 sq ft) manufacturing and
distribution facility located in the Vanderburgh Industrial Park. The facility will be constructed
under the direction of Evan Beck and Steve Kahre of Woodward Development & Construction,
Inc. Initial production at the facility is expected to begin in the summer of 2013.

PGP International will create 41 new jobs in Vanderburgh County with an average wage of
$22.00 per hour. The economic impact on the community resulting from these jobs and the
investment will total in excess of $28.7 million per year. Because of this impact, PGP
International was awarded a 10 year Tax Phase-in from Vanderburgh County on their real
property investment of approximately $6 million and personal property investment of
approximately $15 million.

“PGP International is the type of company that any community would be fortunate to have.
They focus on hiring and training local talent, recognizing that investment in their employees
provides the greatest return,” said Debbie Dewey, President of the Growth Alliance for Greater

In addition to Tax Phase-In, local and state officials strived to formulate an economic
development incentive package that would attract PGP International to Vanderburgh County.
Additional local incentives include; several training grants and/or training assistance from
Vanderburgh County, Ivy Tech Community College, and Vincennes University.

The Indiana Economic Development Corporation offered PGP International a Skills
Enhancement Grant of $105,000 and EDGE tax credits of $320,000 over a 10 year period. On
the-job Skills Enhancement training grants were also offered through the Indiana Department
of Workforce Development.

“Anytime the community leaders can announce the location of a new company in our area with
new jobs, new opportunities for our residents and new opportunities for affiliated companies
to look at our area for expansion, it is truly a great day. We welcome PGP International to our
community,” said Vanderburgh County Commissioner, Marsha Abell.

Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke added, “PGP International is a welcome addition to our
community. The company’s focus on worker and food safety and its continuous commitment to
improvement underscores PGP’s key values and its goals of providing the highest level of
quality and customer service. I believe the residents of Evansville and Vanderburgh County will
be grateful for the job opportunities that will result from this new venture.”

The Growth Alliance would like to thank a number of departments and organizations that
assisted in some way to this project, including: the Indiana Economic Development Corporation,
Woodward Development and Construction, the Office of Mayor Lloyd Winnecke, Grow
Southwest Indiana Workforce, the Evansville Industrial Foundation, the Economic Development
Coalition of SW Indiana, Ivy Tech Community College, Vincennes University, University of
Southern Indiana, University of Evansville, Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation,
Southern Indiana Career and Technical Center, Vectren, Evansville Convention and Visitors
Bureau, and Indiana Southern Railroad.