Penn State Punishment Announced


INDIANAPOLIS — Penn State University was heavily sanctioned on Monday by the NCAA as the result of top university officials covering up child sex abuse allegations against a retired assistant coach.

NCAA officials announced that Penn State will be fined $60 million, be banned from football bowl games for four years, and lose 40 scholarships over four years. Penn State’s football victories from 1998 to 2011 will be stricken from the record book.

NCAA President Make Emmert said he had “never seen anything as egregious” as the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal.

The $60 million fine is the amount the football team grosses in a year. The funds will go to organizations that assist the victims of sex abuse.

Penn State football players an incoming players will be allowed to transfer to other schools and be eligible immediately.

Emmert said the athletic program will be on a five-year probationary period and that the NCAA reserves to right to institute a formal investigation and issue sanctions against individuals.


  1. Some one explain to me why they are not allowed to to participate in bowl games and scholarships are lost for 4 years ? The abusers should be punished 100% and then abused by Bubba and his big brothers , sounds like the innocent new athletes are being punished / am I missing something , sports are for the college students Please explain

    • The innocent new athletes can choose to attend another University.

      I still hold that as a country we should take this opportunity to reexamine this obsession we have with collegiate sports. Sports programs bring in money for a University because of the culture of boosters that champion sporting achievement. Anytime this income outweighs the primary University purpose of learning, the result is bad for everyone. It’s no wonder US test scores in nearly every area of academic achievement are well below most other developed nations.

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