Pence won’t rule out run for president



By Jessica Wray

INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana’s Gov. Mike Pence is leaving the door open on a potential 2016 presidential campaign.

In a conversation Friday with NBC’s Chuck Todd of “The Daily Rundown,” Todd asked if there was a chance voters could see Pence on the ballot for the 2016 presidential race – and Pence didn’t rule it out.

“You know, I haven’t spent one second thinking about anything other than the job that I was hired to do,” Pence said.

But when pressed, he didn’t say he wouldn’t run. As Todd prodded Pence, the governor touted facts about Indiana’s economy without directly addressing his questions.

But Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, said it’s unlikely that Pence’s name will crop up as a serious contender for 2016. With only a year into his first term as governor, Sabato said it’s difficult to see Pence giving up the governorship so early to pursue presidential aspirations.

“That’s why I don’t take it seriously,” Sabato said. “I could see him running after two terms as governor. Absolutely. He would be finishing in 2020 and at 6-1/2, 7 years as governor.”

Sabato, who helps create the Center for Politics’ Crystal Ball presidential watch lists, said he hasn’t seen a concrete indication that Pence is ready to make a commitment.

Robert Dion, chair of the political science department at the University of Evansville, said it’s a win-win situation for Pence to dangle the presidential carrot.

“He didn’t slam the door because he doesn’t need to,” Dion said. “He can’t go wrong. This is enormously flattering. If he chooses not to run, he’s still being mentioned as a major presence in the party.”

Dion said the combination of Pence’s unique skill set – he’s comfortable with national media, is a skilled speaker and has experience on Capitol Hill – with current uncertainty within the Republican Party, makes Indiana’s governor a possible GOP champion.

But speculation of Pence’s political ambitions is nothing new, he said.

“He’s setting up very nicely to at least make a strong case for himself,” Dion said. “Whether he ultimately jumps in or not.”

This isn’t the first time in recent years a Hoosier has been under national political scrutiny. Indiana’s former Gov. Mitch Daniels flirted with the presidential spotlight, and rumors he would run on the 2012 ballot – which were already high – soared after his keynote speech at the Conservative Political Action Committee in Washington three years ago. ​

Jessica Wray is a reporter at, a news website powered by Franklin College journalism students.


  1. The only attribute Pence could bring to a presidential bid would be, –a Super-Sized Ego.

  2. Must be a really slow news day. Pence for Pres. is a scarey scarey thought though. Excuse me. It’s time for a nap.

  3. I’d love to see Pence run for president. He could pull Shorty out of Purdue for a running mate and to help get the womens vote.

    • I think he’ll find people like him who think it’s alright to shut the goverment down won’t get a lot of folks who think he should be president. He’ll appeal to Teabaggers, fellow scowlers and busybodies who want to control your life.

      Pence will never be president unless he’s already identified a retirement university, like Elias Daniels did.

      • No Teabagger’s would not follow him. Are you sure you know what the Tea Party stands for?

        Most people don’t. All they “know” is they are against them.


        • There is no lack of information out there linking Pence with the ‘Baggers. You must not have checked at all.

          And from that suspect source Wikipedia:

          ‘Mike Pence, Republican U.S. Representative from Indiana’s 2nd (2001–03) and 6th (2003–2013) congressional districts and a member of the Tea Party Caucus.[37] In May 2011, Michael Muskal of the Los Angeles Times described Pence, who is running for Governor of Indiana in 2012, as “a ‘tea party’ favorite”.[38] In November 2012 Pence was elected governor.’

          The internet is rife with articles linking Pence with the Tea Party. You’d almost have to try to not see them.

          • Pence is a charter member of the teabillies, a five star general in the “shut ‘er down” brigade.

            One of the Grand Poohbahs
            Palin/Santelli/Paul/Pence BFF Cruz is a johnny come lately compared to him.

  4. Pence would be terrific when compared to the current embarrassment, President Vacation. P.V. will soon show the world what a lame duck looks like up close and personal. The big question for Mr. V. is “Where are we going next for vacation, Darling?”

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