Home Education PEF to help parents thank staff & teachers

PEF to help parents thank staff & teachers


Through December 11, the Public Education Foundation of Evansville, Inc., is offering its Holiday Thank a-Teacher and Salute-A-Staffer program, with cookies for the honorees.

With a donation to PEF, parents, guardians or grandparents can thank a particular teacher or staff member while also supporting PEF classroom grants.  Also, former students who wish to express gratitude for textbook and life lessons are encouraged to do so.

This year, in partnership with Piece of Cake, 210 Main Street, each thanked staff or teacher will receive a coupon for one free homestyle Piece of Cake cookie.

Requests must be received by December 11, and all thank you cards will be sent with a small gift to honorees by December 14.  The school principal will also be notified for the staff and teachers’ records.  Cookie coupons are good through December 21.

Proceeds from the program fund local Excellence in Education grants, provided by PEF to teachers and schools each fall.  On average, annually PEF awards $10,000 in Excellence in Education grants to 15-18 teachers and schools affecting more than 2,100 students each year.

Persons wishing to participate can access the Thank-A-Teacher and Salute-A-Staffer form through the “Support Us” page and also the “Home Page” at www.pefevansville.org or can send an


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Thank a Teacher PEF

e-mail request to info@pefevansville.org.  Donation amounts are confidential.  The thank you card will be sent to designated recipients within one week of receipt of donation.

The Public Education Foundation is a private not-for-profit agency that provides direct funding to local public schools and teachers for innovative, student-centered programs.  For 30 years, from an office at 100 NW Second St, Evansville, the PEF Board of Directors has provided thousands of students with professional-level, hands-on experience via direct support for its signature projects such as the House Building Project, Summer Musical, Missoula Children’s Theatre and academic team competitions.  Annually, PEF provides over $350,000 in program support, and direct teacher grants and student scholarships.

The mission of the Public Education of Evansville, Inc. (PEF) is to inspire and reward student-centered innovation in public education.  PEF Board, supporters and staff believe that high quality public education is fundamental to the economic, cultural and civic health of our society; and that all students deserve the best possible public education in order to realize their full potential.

Follow PEF on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Public-Education-Foundation-of-Evansville-Inc/), Twitter (PEFEVV), and at www.pefevansville.org