Home Political News Paving the way for Hoosier success

Paving the way for Hoosier success



With the first two weeks of legislative session under my belt, I have a full plate of topics and proposals to discuss with fellow lawmakers. One of the main courses being dished out within the House is road funding.

Hoosier roadways serve 6.6 million people and contribute $246 billion to our economy, and it is vital we continue supporting our transportation system. As the Crossroads of America, we have invested into our roads and bridges by:

  • Completing or nearly completing 87 roadway projects;
  • Constructing 413 new centerline miles;
  • Reconstructing 65 interchanges;
  • Resurfacing 6,350 miles of highway; and
  • Rehabilitating or replacing 1,070 bridges.

There is still work to be done, as roadways are key to our economic growth and serve as the arteries to Indiana’s beating heart of productivity.

Indiana’s state and local transportation systems are funded through revenues collected from taxes and fees related to cars and commercial trucks, along with a bit of federal funding. Road funding from the state comes from the sales tax, driver’s license fees and the gas tax.

We have made it more than a decade without raising the gas tax, but that has not kept up with the inflation of our economy. Our vehicles are more fuel efficient, resulting in decreased collections from the gas tax. In fact, some cars and trucks can make it through our state without stopping and refueling. This is why Indiana should not rely on one single approach to get the funding needed for Hoosier roads.

Our transportation infrastructure touches every part of our economy and will to drive economic development in the future. It is my goal to maintain and improve our roads and bridges while keeping our commitment to fiscal responsibility.

As various road funding proposals are considered, I will do my best to represent House District 75 and meet the needs of our communities. Please contact me with your thoughts and input by calling (317)232-9833 or emailing h75@iga.in.gov.