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Job creation starts with ending politics of division


By Wenda McNamara
Candidate for State Representative District 76

When I first announced my candidacy for State Representative, I pledged that my top priority would be to help bring new jobs to Southwestern Indiana. As we’ve watched the national recession unfold, it’s clear that economic development is more competitive and more vital than ever before. But while Indiana as a state continues to lead the country in new private-sector job growth, I can’t help but feel that our corner of the state often lags behind.

So what are we to do to ensure that new jobs come to places like Posey County? I think we must put a stop to the divisive politics so often used by those who represent us today. We must focus on those shared common goals of new jobs, increased income and a robust economic climate that is inviting to businesses looking to start up or relocate.

Nowhere is this more evident to me than in how some local leaders have handled the construction of the Aventine plant in Mount Vernon. Elected state officials have continued to lambast, ridicule and openly protest this company as they seek to bring permanent jobs to our area, all for the sake of short term political gain.

Fighting for the use of local labor in the construction of the facility is certainly a worthy cause, and an idea I champion wherever possible. But putting members of the community at odds with one another on economic development issues isn’t a case where one side wins and one side loses. If the plant doesn’t open at all, we all lose out on those new jobs and that new economic development.

But this isn’t just about one plant. This is about the message it sends to other businesses that could potentially bring other jobs. When they look at how hostile our legislative leaders have been to one business, what incentive is there for any of them to attempt the same? In an economic climate where business is already tough, why add the burden of unfriendly elected officials?

Under the current economic strain, we need leaders who will do everything possible to bring together the labor force and business owners who would invest in our corner of the state. We must send the message that Posey County and Southwestern Indiana are open for business, and we welcome with open arms any who would like to add jobs here. We’re all in this together, and the politics of division do nothing to benefit any of us. We need representatives who will work to bridge those divides, not create them.



City Council President BJ Watts & City Council members:

I appreciate the ordinance that got passed recently regarding transparency. However, I have a hard time agreeing that anything regarding City Budget is transparent at all as long as the budget hearings are not televised. Since we started televising public meetings, County Council has always televised all their budget hearings and City Council never has televised one of their budget hearings. It is past time that we find ways to schedule the correct room and televise the meetings. If the cost is the issue, don’t televise something else, but all the budget hearings need to be televised.

Regarding sewer rate increase that will be discussed Monday night:
In recent weeks, County Commissioners had a hearing on Bohanan Estates Barrett Law regarding obtaining city sewers. Basically the residents agreed a couple of years ago for public sewers. It finally has progressed to time to bid the project. The cost for this could run as high as $9,000 per lot plus tap-in fee plus 30-35% surcharge on sewer which will only continue to increase as we continue to address CSO issues. I am not sure where this project is now because it came out in public testimony that the initial cost for Barrett law was low-balled and the residents are now not so sure they want it or can swing it at this price. One sucker even has a double lot so I think they get to pay double.

If it actually does cost them 9,000-10,000 per lot, you could buy a car for that and that would pay for how much college….. at least some. Unreal amount for privilege of having city sewer plus they get the 30-35% surcharge each and every month thereafter.

I agree that county residents get a break on a lot of things in this community and I am more than willing to address that with reorganization. I don’t think we should have to wait for reorganization to address the sewer issue.

I would like to see real justification for the 30-35% surcharge. I would like the percentage to be reduced as we continue to address the never-ending CSO issues.

Cathy Edrington

WHO-WHAT-WHEN-WHERE by “Life Style Lil”


Ever see the TV ad “What’s In Your Driveway?“ In my case, it’s a D-Patrick Mercedes Benz sold to me last week by the renowned TONY RICKETTS.
One of the best keep secrets in downtown Evansville is the Twilight Bistro located at 221 Main Street, Evansville. It serves out of the world lunch specials and homemade soups. For outstanding service call 421-0606 for takeout orders.
Congratulations to Lezlie Adams for bringing new life to the North Main business district. Lezie just opened up a Plus Sized Chick consignment shop at 309 North Main Street in Evansville. The CHIC is taking consignments and is open Tuesdays through Saturday from 9:00 A. M to 5 P. M. Oh, she will take sizes 14 and up!

Went to the new LAMASCO BAR & GRILL with friends and had one heck of time! Got to meet personality plus! Amy Word has the LAMASCO BAR & GRILL rocking! Ask her to make you one of her special IRISH drinks!
Well, well, well. Did you know the famous Tell City Pretzel is back? You now can purchase them at the Newburgh Country Store. Are you aware of the plants and herbs sale going on at the Newburgh County Store? I just purchased 7 herbs for an unbelievable price of 99 cents each. They were normally $3.99 each.
While in Newburgh you should have lunch at the newly opened Café Arazu located at 17 Jennings Street. They have a “monster” appetizer called Tabouleh. The Red Cabbage and Napa slaw with a side dressing called Parmesan Peppercorn is “WOW”. You guessed it; I had had a couple glasses of my favorite wine. For lunch I suggest Chicken Tandoori Pitas. CAFÉ ARAZA is a must “You Should Eat Place.” Call 812-842-2200 or e-mail them at www.cafeazu.com.
I hear that a Creative Knitting business is ready to be launched. After talking about doing this for several years, Marilyn has finally decided to begin her newly created knitting line after urging from her friends and family members. Her specially creative lines of newborn baby booties, hats and blankets are out of this world. Last week she sold about 25 newly born hats she created to a well known photographer in Louisville Kentucky. To get an idea of the specialized knitted keep sakes for your new born or infant please call her at 812-774-8012. I hear she will e-mail you pictures of her one of kind personalized master pieces! They tell me that she is extremely affordable and the yarn she uses is top of the line!
Speak of top of the line. Well-known businessman, Ronald Reicken and Associates did it again. He has created 2 great places to hang out on the mighty Ohio River at Marina Point. You must try the delicious hamburgers with ice cold beer at OV WATER SPORTS and GRILL. Oh you can rent Pontoon Boats and Wave runners at OV WATER SPORTS and GRILL. After boating, friends and family must stop by 2 DADDIES RESTAURANT at the Pointe and treat yourself to great food and beach music. I highly recommend the pizza at 2 DADDIES Restaurant at the Pointe!
Every time I turn around I hear, read or see Anne Wright Tornatta doing a creative fundraiser for the local Red Cross. I say thanks Anne; keep up the good volunteer work!
Ever heard of Vecchio’s Italian Market and Delicatessen? E-mail them at vecchiositalianmarket.com or call 812-490-7879 to learn more about them.
Thanks to the Deaconess Foundation group for providing area women with free mammograms.
It’s sad to see the Hayne’s Corner property is still dormant after all these years. Even after the local political people throwing millions of tax payers’ dollars in that area it hasn’t helped. Maybe Adrian Brooks, pastor of Memorial Baptist Church and a local businessman, should volunteer his services by teaching a seminar to elected officials on how to provide attractive, affordable housing in the Center City!
Hear that the live band at KC’s TIME OUT Lounge & Grill located at the Washington Square Mall was a “MONSTER“! Drink specials, food and live entertainment make this a place worth visiting!
Speaking of free enterprise system – I like the idea of the Evansville Farmers Market locating at the old Greyhound bus station property. It helps local farmers and bakers to make more money by selling their home-grown produce and baked products! That, my friends is economic development, not hula hoop and belly dancing lessons!
The “Healthy Families” Health Fair event sponsored by St. Mary’s Health System held at the BOYS and GIRLS Club of Evansville was a smashing success! Thanks to St. Mary’s Health System for looking out for health concerns of the needy in our community!
Glad to hear Mike Martin, owner of Architectural Renovators, bought the Audubon. I understand he does a masterful job with fixing up historical buildings. Who knows, I just might lease one of his plush condos when he finishes them.
I bought a new TV last week. I went to hhgregg and was waited on by Neil Herzog, general manager. This young man knows his stuff! He sold me a name brand T V at a bargain price. I highly recommend hhgregg!
I hear that the John F Kennedy Club of Vanderburgh County “Meet Your Legislative Candidates” was rousing success.
Oh, if you want “MONSTER” chicken wings go to Show Me’s Restaurant and Bar on the East Side and tell Steve Jr. that Life Style “LIL” sent you!
‘Til next time, don’t take any wooden nickels!



EVANSVILLE – Vanderburgh County Assessor Jonathan Weaver released a statement July 13, 2010 saying he is “still seeking answers” about the payment of the Level II Certified Indiana Assessor appraiser stipends to four of his employees. In addition to being a misrepresentation of the facts, he falsely accuses the County Council of secretly making decisions regarding his office behind closed doors.

During 2010 budget hearings the majority on County Council funded the County Assessor’s budget request of $20.500.00 for Level II Appraiser stipends to be paid to his employees in 2010. This amount covered $1,000.00 for each of eight former township assessors and the County Assessor, plus $500.00 each for twenty three deputy assessors. As is the case for any county officeholder, if additional tax dollars are needed for a budget item, the officeholder submits an appropriation request for the County Council’s consideration and explains the need for the additional money. Mr. Weaver has not done that. He should understand after serving 3 ½ years in office that if he doesn’t have the funds in place in a budget line, he can’t pay any more.

If the County Council would consider and approve his request, the salary ordinance would be amended to allow payment of these funds. Without this approved request, the County Council and the County Auditor as payroll agent has no authority to pay additional compensation to a county employee.

The County Assessor’s claim that paperwork he received from the County Council indicated a decision was made on July 7 outside a public meeting is nonsense. The document his is referring to is a listing of current employees and former township assessors who are currently receiving the stipend. A footnote at the bottom states “AS OF 07/07/12010 – Council APPROVED ONLY 23 Level II (Mandatory).” The date indicates when the document was prepared, not when the action was taken.
“I’m disappointed Mr. Weaver would fire off an inflammatory news release with unfounded allegations against the County Council that are patently untrue. We council members work hard to stay in compliance with the Indiana open door law. He’s been an officeholder long enough to understand the process, he has to request an additional appropriation payment if he has Level II certified employees that are not receiving the stipend. That would then trigger the process for County Council to consider his request,” said County Council President Lloyd.

“Unfortunately, Mr. Weaver has a history of contentious dealings with the County Commissioners, County Council, County Auditor, County Surveyor and County Treasurer. Here we have an example of his latest rant, which makes it appear he doesn’t understand the process,” says Lloyd.





FOOTNOTE: EPD DAILY ACTIVITY REPORT information was provided by the EPD and posted by the City-County-County Observer without opinion, bias, or editing.