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The City-County Observer Was Correct Concerning the Executive Inn Trigger Date Extension

John Kish

By Don Counts, Editor

On Monday August 2, 2010 the City-County Observer published an article that stated that Audra Levy, the Communications Director for Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel had informed us that the “Trigger Date” between Browning Investments and the Evansville Redevelopment Commission had been amended to August 23, 2010.
Here is what the Law Says:

“It is well-settled in Indiana that boards and commissions speak or act officially only through the minutes and records made at a duly organized meeting.” Brademas v. St. Joseph County Commissioners, 621 N.E.2d 1133,1137 ( Ind. Ct. App. 1993)

In an exchange of emails between a reader of the CCO and Ms. Levy regarding transparency within the local government, Ms. Levy explained the reason for the extension of the “Trigger Date” and that the extension was really “about” 60 days. While that is accurate, being “about” right has no value in legal contracts or horseshoes. Her specific use of the term “about” along with other parts of her email confirms that the City-County Observer was correct in our assertions.

The authorship of “Amendment 1” was simply lacking in attention to detail and could have provided grounds for legal complications. As it turns out Browning’s decision to return ownership of the Executive Inn to the City of Evansville has served to mitigate any potential complications that could have resulted from having the details of “Amendment 1” not exactly matching Resolution 10-ERC-65 that was passed by the Evansville Redevelopment Commission on May 13, 2010, that granted John Kish’s request for a 60 day extension. The legal details at this point have been rendered moot

What is not a moot point and should not be neglected is that someone intentionally wrote “Amendment 1” in a way that was not in conformance with the minutes of the ERC meeting where the extension was authorized. Why would the author of “Amendment 1” do such a thing? Was this to grant additional days without authority to do so? Was this to see if Mr. Goldman could be tricked into signing something that was not conforming to the minutes of the meeting? Was this because the author cannot count to 60 or read a calendar? It is truly baffling, because if the date of August 23rd was requested it would have most certainly been granted.

Good and effective local governance depends on accuracy and openness. Once again, the citizens of Evansville were not given the respect of accuracy and openness. This time we were fortunate. Next time we may not be so fortunate. The devil as they say is in the details, and luckily this time we didn’t get burned. It should not take a “good cop, bad cop” investigative reporting team to have legal documents written as they were authorized and to get public disclosure of important issues of public interests.

Over the course of the last several months, the City-County Observer has in our “Is It True” column, predicted that the Executive Inn project would not obtain financing and that the Executive Inn along with its adjacent parking garage would need to be demolished due to structural problems. Mole #3 will henceforth be known as the Nostradamus of local politics.



Mrs. Levy, Mr. Barnett & Mr. Weinzapfel,

I write you all to express that we taxpayers and voters are in no mood for stonewalling, further shenanigans with tax money, and/or this kind of apparent bureaucratic lawlessness at the local level. (Specifically in relation to the topic of this article, https://city-countyobserver.com/?p=567)

There might not be a law you are technically violating, but people can and do make judgments of integrity, honesty and morality in leadership. Those judgments naturally get expressed in opinions, votes, etc. We as citizens are asked to abide by our laws – to the letter – respecting contractual obligations. Not fully explaining what seems to be a reasonable disclosure item of a public contract seems to imply some form of anarchy might exists at worst, but foul political gamesmanship of information at best.

This is our city, and it’s our tax money at stake, correct? Right or wrong, isn’t it your obligation to let us decide how concerned we should be about your administrations actions?

Out with it.


Dan Effinger
Evansville, IN

The Poll Results Are In on Local Government Character

Dan McGinn
Dr Dan Adams
Wendy Bredhold

McGinn and Adams Dominate with Bredhold a Solid 3rd

During late July the City-County Observer conducted a non-scientific online poll asking the following question:

“Which of the following three City of Evansville elected officials do you consider to be the most transparent, trustworthy, credible and dedicated?”

All of the members of the City Council along with Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel and Alberta Matlock were listed on the survey. The respondents of the survey come from the more than 1,000 unique visitors to the City-County Observer’s website during the week that ended on July 30, 2010. A total of 168 unique users casted a total of 287 votes for an average of 1.7 votes per user. It is obvious that some of the voters chose not to utilize their three votes as the total available to be casted was 504 votes. The tabulation of votes in order of finish is as follows:

Dan McGinn: 91 votes
Dr. Dan Adams: 73 votes
Wendy Bredhold: 24 votes
Curt John: 20 votes
Alberta Matlock: 14 votes
Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel: 13 votes
Missy Mosby: 12 votes
Don Walker: 12 votes
John Friend: 12 votes
Connie Robinson: 11 votes
B. J. Watts: 5 votes

As spotting trends in polls is filled with nuance the City-County Observer will not be assigning any particular policy conclusions to the results of this poll. We do not consider this poll to be an indicator of our reader’s opinions on windmills, smoking, firehouse closures, or construction projects. What is clear from this poll is the trend of the big picture of our readers when it comes to the character of the elected officials of the City of Evansville.

It seems as though the slate of candidates that rode the coattails of Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel into office in his trouncing of republican candidate David Nixon in 2007 as members of Team Weinzapfel, are no longer getting much of a ride. The lone exception to the disappearing coattails of the Mayor is Dr. Dan Adams who was a solid second in the voting with 73 votes. The winner of the poll Dan McGinn is most certainly not a candidate that was backed by the Mayor. Membership on Team Weinzapfel garnered between a low of 5 votes to B. J. Watts to a high of 24 votes for Wendy Bredhold. Ms. Bredhold was appointed to her seat and has shown both a principled and independent streak with her votes.

The clear indication from this poll is that the more a candidate has broken rank with the positions of the Mayor, the higher number of votes they collected. It is clear that the voters in this poll equate principles, independent thought, and a willingness to vote outside of a controlled block to be an indicator of character. The next City of Evansville elections will be in 2011. The early indication is that character, honesty, and transparency will be at the top of peoples list when deciding who to vote for.

The City-County Observer is encouraged that the people of Evansville and in particular our readers are embracing character and honesty as the criteria for election to public office.

Who Will Be the Next Mayor of Evansville: The Poll Results


Dan McGinn Councilman

Dan McGinn vs. Rick Davis

During late July the City-County Observer conducted a non-scientific online poll asking our readers who would be the best person to be the next Mayor of Evansville.

Nine members of the community all of whom have had their name mentioned as potential candidates for Mayor were listed in the survey. We also included at the request of a reader the category of “none of the above”. There was no opportunity for someone to write-in the name of another candidate. It must be pointed out that some of these candidates have openly expressed a desire to be Mayor and others have not. The fact that someone is mentioned as a candidate is no guarantee that they have any interest in the office of Mayor of Evansville.
The respondents of the survey come from the more than 1,000 unique visitors to the City-County Observer’s website during the week that ended on July 23, 2010. A total of 243 unique users expressed their preference. The tabulation of votes in order of finish is as follows:

Dan McGinn (R): 77 votes
Rick Davis (D): 44 votes
Erik Williams (D): 27 votes
Lloyd Winnecke (R): 26 votes
Russell Lloyd Jr. (R): 17 votes
Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel (D): 14 votes
Troy Tornatta (D): 10 votes
Joe Kiefer(R): 7 votes
Steve Melcher (D): 3 votes

Examining the party affiliations leads us to the conclusion that if the primaries were held among our readers that the general election would match Republican City Councilman Dan McGinn against Vanderburgh County Treasurer Rick Davis. Unfortunately neither of these gentlemen has expressed particular interest in the job. Perhaps that is part of the attraction that our readers see in them.

The Democratic primary appears to have the potential for some serious surprises if the slate of candidates contains Sheriff Erik Williams and Rick Davis as both are considered to be well qualified. An interesting twist could really spice up the primary in the event that Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel seeks a third term and/or Commissioner Troy Tornatta, both of whom garnered less support than the “NONE OF THE ABOVE” category throws their hat into the ring. Both are seasoned politicians with fundraising skills and would be formidable candidates in the race.

On the Republican side, it is about time that Evansville fielded a credible candidate and we expect that Wayne Parke will assure that happens not only for Mayor but for all of the Council seats as well. Councilman Dan McGinn, our top vote getter has not expressed any aggressive interest in the job. County Commissioner Lloyd Winnecke and County Councilman and former Mayor Russell Lloyd Jr. are the next highest vote getters in our poll. Both are experienced in running a campaign but only Winnecke has expressed interests in becoming the next Mayor of Evansville. However Winnecke, like his close political friend Mayor Weinzapfel, must overcome the secret meetings where the Homestead Tax Credit scheme was hatched along with the controversial salary arrangement between Tom Barnett, the City of Evansville, and Gage, where both Winnecke and Mayor Weinzapfel sit on the executive committee. As this poll was conducted prior to the recent election of Wayne Parke as Republican Party Chairman, the residual effects of that election are not reflected in our poll.

The City-County Observer is encouraged that the people of Evansville in another poll and in particular our readers are embracing character and honesty as the criteria for election to public office. We encourage an honest and issue driven 2011 election season for all City of Evansville offices.





“Practical Steps of Permanent Weight Loss”


Joe Klemczewski, PhD, and Kori Propst, MS, of the Diet Doc, show you how to implement a permanent weight-loss plan that fits YOUR lifestyle! Learn how to eat carbs, eat in restaurants, and eat the food you like on your way to better health.

Diet Doc” Joe Klemczewski is a highly trained nutritionist and world-renowned body builder who has earned degrees in physical therapy and other health related fields. Dr. Joe works with the highest-level professional body builders, models, and general public through his innovative online nutritional programs (thedietdoc.com, dietdocevansville.com, perfectpeaking.com). Kori Propst graduated from the University of Wyoming with a B.S. in Exercise Physiology and a M.S. in Community Counseling. She combined her career as a Licensed Professional Counselor with certifications in Personal Training and Weight-Management Consulting in her own wellness practice before joining The Diet Doc.



REGISTER ONLINE AT http://www.willard.lib.in.us/calendar_of_events/event_details.php?eventID=368





Since no one answered all 10 TRIVA questions last week we shall carry forward this contest for another week. Thanks to the 137 people who sent in answers to this contest!

TRIVA contest number two (2) about EVANSVILLE and VANDERBURGH County starts today. You have until August 2, 2010 at noon to answer all 10 questions correctly. If no one answers all 10 questions correctly then this contest shall be carried over to the next week!.

The first person who answers all 10 TRIVA questions correctly will receive a free gift certificate from SHOW ME’S RESTURANT & BAR- EAST OR WEST (valued at $250.00). This certificate will be for a all you can eat “WING PARTY” for 20 people. We can guarantee that SHOW ME’S RESTURANT & BAR -EAST OR WEST has the best chicken wings in this region!

No one who works or has worked for the CITY COUNTY OBSERVER and/or their next to kin are not eligible to participate in this contest!


1) In what facility was the Refrigerator bowl played?

2) What does Mannerchor mean?

3) What business had the slogan “Every Meal Has Taste Appeal?

4) What was Mike Vandeveer’s 1st elected office?

5) In what year was Evansville coldest temperature recorded?

6) Who bought and sold remodeled the Jackson House?

7) What U S President landed at Dress Regional Airport and then went to a barbeque in Henderson, Ky.?

8) What was the first two (2) animals to be part of Mesker Zoo?

9) What man received two (2) free tickets to every event held at Roberts Stadium for many years?

10) What was the only auto repair garage in Evansville made of white glazed brick?

PLEASE SEND FINAL ANSWERS to publisher@city-countyobserver.com

Economic Development Coalition Helps To Build Communities


(July 30, 2010) – The Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana announced its mid-year accomplishments in Community Development with more than 35 written and administered grants for 2010. An integral part of its mission, the Coalition provides up-to-date grant program information to units of local government and works with local elected officials to identify projects that could potentially be funded by grant awards. Since its formation in 2006, the Coalition has secured $32,266,710 in direct grants for its four partner counties to help with projects such as water and sewer improvements, downtown planning and purchase of emergency responder equipment.

“We love what we do! It is very fulfilling knowing that in a small way the Coalition is helping to build this region for generations to come,” said Debra Bennett-Stearsman, Vice-President of Community Development for the Coalition. “It is an honor working with the communities to make them better places to live.”

“Efforts like those exhibited by Debra and her team enrich the quality-of-life for the region’s residents and helps to attract both talent along with new businesses to our communities,” said Greg Wathen, President & CEO for the Coalition.

The Coalition also recently completed the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) document for submission to the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA). Spearheaded by consulting firm Strategic Development Group, a committee of 46 community leaders was brought together over a period of four months to compile goals and objectives for the region. A master list of projects for future grant consideration by the EDA and the Indiana Office of Community & Rural Affairs (OCRA) is also part of the document. The CEDS document may be viewed at www.southwestindiana.org/cd_CEDS_Report.

The Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana acts as the umbrella economic development organization for Gibson, Posey, Vanderburgh and Warrick Counties in Southwest Indiana. The Coalition facilitates and coordinates business retention, expansion and attraction activities; and, supports efforts to enhance the business climate through regional capacity building. For further information about the Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana please visit our web site at www.southwestindiana.org.

Economic Development Project Listing



Project: Urgent Need – Fire Station
Grantee: Knight Township
Year: 2005
Grant Amount: $500,000.00

Project: Burdette Park
Grantee: Vanderburgh County
Year: 2008
Grant Amount: $2,500,000.00

Project: Berry Plastics
Grantee: Evansville
Year: 2009
Grant Amount: $3,000,000.00

Project: CEDS
Grantee: Vanderburgh County
Year: 2009
Grant Amount: $12,500.00
Total Vanderburgh Grant Amount: $6,012,500.00

Project: Firefighting Vehicle
Grantee: Elberfeld
Year: 2006
Grant Amount: $130,000.00

Project: Historic Preservation
Grantee: Newburgh
Year: 2006
Grant Amount: $500,000.00

Project: Wastewater System Improvements
Grantee: Lynnville
Year: 2007
Grant Amount: $500,000.00

Project: I-69 Comprehensive Plan
Grantee: Warrick County
Year: 2008
Grant Amount: $50,000.00

Project: Elberfeld
Grantee: Warrick County
Year: 2009
Grant Amount: $878,737.00

Project: CEDS
Grantee: Warrick County
Year: 2009
Grant Amount: $12,500.00

Project: Sewer
Grantee: Chandler
Year: 2009
Grant Amount: $1,643,850.00

Project: Water
Grantee: Chandler
Year: 2009
Grant Amount: $3,834,328.00

Project: Stonehaven Sewer
Grantee: Warrick County
Year: 2009
Grant Amount: $600,000.00

Project: Downtown Plan
Grantee: Newburgh
Year: 2010
Grant Amount: $50,000.00

Project: Downtown Plan
Grantee: Boonville
Year: 2010
Grant Amount: $50,000.00

Project: Lighting Retro-Fit
Grantee: Warrick County
Year: 2010
Grant Amount: $83,000.00

Project: Stonehaven Sewer
Grantee: Warrick County
Year: 2010
Grant Amount: $500,000.00

Project: Community Corrections
Grantee: Warrick County
Year: 2006-2010
Grant Amount: $396,000.00
Total Warrick Grant Amount: $9,228,415.00

Project: Urgent Need – Fire Station
Grantee: Ft.Branch-Union
Year: 2006
Grant Amount: $300,000.00

Project: Special Needs Facility (GCARC)
Grantee: Gibson County
Year: 2005
Grant Amount: $209,000.00

Project: Fire Station
Grantee: Somerville
Year: 2005
Grant Amount: $289,500.00

Project: Comprehensive Master Plan
Grantee: Fort Branch
Year: 2006
Grant Amount: $50,000.00

Project: Firefighting Vehicle
Grantee: Oakland City
Year: 2006
Grant Amount: $150,000.00

Project: Wastewater System Improvements
Grantee: Fort Branch
Year: 2007
Grant Amount: $500,000.00

Project: Comprehensive Master Plan
Grantee: Owensville
Year: 2007
Grant Amount: $48,600.00

Project: Special Needs Facility (GCARC)
Grantee: Princeton
Year: 2007
Grant Amount: $248,972.00

Project: I-69 Corridor
Grantee: Princeton
Year: 2007
Grant Amount: $50,000.00

Project: I-69 Comprehensive Plan
Grantee: Gibson
Year: 2007
Grant Amount: $50,000.00

Project: I-69 Comprehensive Plan
Grantee: Oakland City
Year: 2007
Grant Amount: $50,000.00

Project: Special Needs Facility (GCARC)
Grantee: Gibson County
Year: 2008
Grant Amount:$500,000.00

Project: Firefighting Vehicle
Grantee: Columbia Township
Year: 2008
Grant Amount: $140,000.00

Project: Firefighting Vehicle
Grantee: Francisco
Year: 2008
Grant Amount: $150,000.00

Project: Community Center Project
Grantee: Haubstadt
Year: 2008
Grant Amount: $465,000.00

Project: Comprehensive Master Plan
Grantee: Princeton
Year: 2008
Grant Amount: $50,000.00

Project: Toyota Boshoku – sewer
Grantee: Princeton
Year: 2008
Grant Amount: $450,000.00

Project: CEDS
Grantee: Gibson County
Year: 2009
Grant Amount: $12,500.00

Project: Special Needs Goodwill
Grantee: Gibson
Year: 2009
Grant Amount: $500,000.00

Project: Storm Water
Grantee: Oakland City
Year: 2009
Grant Amount: $35,000.00

Project: Water Improvements
Grantee: Princeton
Year: 2009
Grant Amount:$2,430,400.00

Project: 25% Match FEMA
Grantee: Hazleton
Year: 2009
Grant Amount: $7,608.36

Project: 25% Match FEMA
Grantee: Gibson County
Year: 2009
Grant Amount: $50,425.27

Project: Windsor Machines
Grantee: Gibson
Year: 2010
Grant Amount: $450,000.00

Project: Wastewater/Storm Plan
Grantee: Fort Branch
Year: 2010
Grant Amount: $40,000.00

Project: Downtown
Grantee: Owensville
Year: 2010
Grant Amount: $50,000.00

Project: Downtown
Grantee: Princeton
Year: 2010
Grant Amount: $50,000.00

Project: Park Plan
Grantee: Princeton
Year: 2010
Grant Amount: $30,000.00

Project: Park Plan
Grantee: Oakland Cty
Year: 2010
Grant Amount: $30,000.00

Project: Water Improvements
Grantee: Oakland City
Year: 2010
Grant Amount: $4,669,500.00

Project: Sewer Improvements
Grantee: Oakland City
Year: 2010
Grant Amount: $2,681,000.00
Total Vanderburgh Grant Amount: $14,737,505.63

Project: Downtown Revitalization
Grantee: Mt. Vernon
Year: 2005
Grant Amount: $50,000.00

Project: Community Center Project
Grantee: New Harmony
Year: 2005
Grant Amount: $500,000.00

Project: Wastewater System Improvements
Grantee: Cynthiana
Year: 2006
Grant Amount: $269,000.00

Project: Acquisition – CAPE Head Start
Grantee: Mt. Vernon
Year: 2006
Grant Amount: $257,250.00

Project: Comprehensive Master Plan
Grantee: New Harmony
Year: 2006
Grant Amount: $50,000.00

Project: Comprehensive Master Plan
Grantee: Mt. Vernon
Year: 2007
Grant Amount: $48,500.00

Project: Comprehensive Master Plan
Grantee: Poseyville
Year: 2007
Grant Amount: $50,000.00

Project: Water System Improvements
Grantee: Poseyville
Year: 2009
Grant Amount: $600,000.00

Project: CEDS
Grantee: Poseyville
Year: 2009
Grant Amount: $12,500.00

Project: Storm Water
Grantee: New Harmony
Year: 2009
Grant Amount: $35,000.00

Project: 25% Match FEMA
Grantee: Posey
Year: 2009
Grant Amount: $17,040.38

Project: Downtown Revitalization
Grantee: Mt. Vernon
Year: 2010
Grant Amount: $49,000.00

Project: Economic Development Plan
Grantee: Poseyville
Year: 2010
Grant Amount: $50,000.00

Project: Silo Project
Grantee: Mt. Vernon
Year: 2010
Grant Amount: $300,000.00
Total Posey Grant Amount: $2,288,290.38