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The Poll Results Are In on County Government Character


Susan Kirk
Eric Williams

Eric Williams and Susan Kirk Lead the Pack

During the first week of August, the City-County Observer conducted a non-scientific online poll asking the following question:

“Which of the following three Vanderburgh County elected officials do you consider to be the most transparent, trustworthy, credible and dedicated?”
An assortment of Vanderburgh County elected officials that are not in the legislative bodies were listed on the survey. The respondents of the survey come from the more than 1,085 unique visitors to the City-County Observer’s website during the week that ended on August 6, 2010. A total of 208 unique users casted a total of 360 votes for an average of 1.7 votes per user. It is obvious that some of the voters chose not to utilize their three votes as the total available to be casted was 624 votes. The tabulation of votes in order of finish is as follows:

Sheriff Eric Williams: 102 votes
County Clerk Susan Kirk: 83 votes
Treasurer Rick Davis: 46 votes
Coroner Annie Groves: 39 votes
Assessor Jonathan Weaver: 27 votes
Prosecutor Stan Levco: 17 votes
Surveyor Bill Jeffers: 16 votes
Recorder Z Tuley: 15 votes
Auditor Bill Fluty: 15 votes

The ever popular Sheriff Eric Williams whose law enforcement plan was recommended by the consolidation committee polled very well garnering a vote from nearly half of the respondents. Susan Kirk who has established a record of integrity polled a strong second, leading a pack made up of political newcomers Rick Davis, Annie Groves, and Jonathan Weaver who seem to attract some appreciation. In a virtual dead heat for 6th place were the pack of Stan Levco, Bill Jeffers, Z Tuley, and Bill Fluty.

Care should be taken in reaching any real conclusions with respect to the ranking of these people. Name recognition certainly contributes to a person’s decision on whom to vote on and the name recognition among this group ranges from Sheriff Eric Williams and Susan Kirk who is very well known to some of the others who carry out their duties in relative obscurity. It is reasonable to assume that Sheriff Williams’ and Ms. Kirk’s strong showing in this poll is a strong indicator of their future electability to other offices. It is however no indication on any challenges that the bottom group may have as they are certainly not as well known. Their low polling may just indicate that they are not well recognized among our readers. All comments that we have received have been complementary of all of these peoples service.

The City-County Observer is encouraged that the people of Vanderburgh County and in particular our readers are embracing character and honesty as the criteria for election to public office.

Interesting Letter to the Editor – Liberalism Threatens Evansville


DISCLAIMER: This letter is printed without bias or any opinion concerning the contents. Published in the spirit of first amendment rights (freedom of speech).

Do they take conservatives for fools? Not if I can help it! Folks, the battle between liberalism and conservatism is alive and well in Evansville and we must unite to overcome the liberal plans to remake our beloved city. Liberals believe our city needs to change and look to out-of-state experts from California, Wisconsin, Illinois, Canada and even Europe to study and recommend strategies for us to adopt. We are expected to understand that these highly educated consultants are best suited to address the social and economic issues of our Midwest city.

Evansville’s City Summit, invited New Generation Consulting, Inc. from Madison, Wisconsin, to offer their ideas for attracting and retaining youth. This group is headed by liberal Rebecca Ryan who went to college at the Institute of European Studies and Budapest University of Economic Sciences. This university was formerly known as Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences. It is widely known that a major tenant of liberalism is for the United States to become like Europe, such as with socialized medicine and the redistribution of wealth.

These progressive city planners stress the economic benefits of becoming a “talent magnet” to attract younger progressives, a more socially diverse and tolerant place, to offer more sustainable living conditions that promote sidewalks, less transportation, less urban growth, and be more responsive to our minority, homeless, poor and youth. The goal for liberals is to turn Evansville into a city such as Portland Oregon, Seattle, or Madison, Wisconsin which are well known for their liberal attitudes, lifestyle and progressive agenda.

Similarly, Smart City Consulting, based in Memphis, Tennessee offers advice in redesigning our city. This group is headed by a famous Columbia University liberal, Dr. Richard Florida, who now consults in Toronto Canada. His advice to cities is to nurture their “creative class” and in doing so, the city will thrive. Interestingly, his efforts to change Toronto are not widely appreciated and there is a movement against his practices. After two years, Toronto objects to his methods and now wants to reclaim their city, institutions and government.

In July, the Economic Club of Indiana hosted a luncheon featuring a retired mayor from Milwaukee Wisconsin, John Norquist. He is known as a fiscally conservative socialist. His idea, “New Urbanism” centers on making our neighborhoods more walking and biking friendly and to revamp our transit system to reduce environmental impact that results from autos. At it’s core is the reconstruction of the “European” city. New Urbanism is based out of the large urban city of Chicago, Ill. One is left to wonder how much local money has been spent on speakers’ fees for ideas that can be easily gleaned from the “consultants” books and publications?

Another example of liberalism encroaching our city is the “Bank On” project that originated in San Francisco, California. It is touted as a means of “economic inclusiveness” to help the poor, such as illegal aliens, get bank accounts. While many believe it is a good thing to help our “unbanked” get financial support, one could argue that this also leads to Evansville becoming a sanctuary city for illegal aliens. Many opponents warn that banks should not open accounts to those who may be earning their money illegally and of inherent dangers in not requiring valid ID or social security cards to open an account.

Liberals will have us believe that Evansville isn’t capable of addressing these important issues on our own. And yet, we have several universities, highly educated professionals, city council, local government, outspoken citizens, a rich ethnic history of Germans and strong minority groups. Multiple social alliances exist in Evansville, serving our homeless, poor, disadvantaged and at risk populations. We have a great health care system, manufacturing, economic development groups and a wonderful river city in development.

Within the USA, Evansville is centrally located and many of us pride ourselves on NOT having fancy coastal trappings. We reject liberal ideas of pandering to the restless youth who “need to be attracted” and fawned about as if spoiled brats who must have a culturally stimulating, progressive, tolerant and green environment to entice them to Evansville.

Instead, we gladly welcome newcomers who accept us for what we are: a flawed city in need of improvement. We should focus our efforts on attracting and keeping anyone whose values are in line with ours and who will help improve our city. Our citizens are conservative traditionalists and smart visionaries who value: liberty, individual rights, family, charity, church, patriotism, military, farming and small government. We consider ourselves Americans but embrace ethnic pride. A majority are pro life, pro guns and pro USA!.

This isn’t rocket science! We all want a clean, vibrant city with various attractions, jobs, recreation, cultural and educational opportunities. Our citizens are best suited to decide what matters most and will use ingenuity to make things happen because it is the right thing to do for Everyone! Strong conservatives eagerly lead the charge to preserve our traditional values, protect our liberties and develop this city from within, not from progressive think tanks and European scholars.

Audrey Andress

Posey County Voter’s Forum- hosted by The Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana and the Mt. Vernon Democrat.


When: Thursday, October 14, 2010- 6:00 p.m.
Where: Posey County Community Center, 111 Harmony Township Road, New Harmony, IN

Candidates from various parties and races will speak and answer questions before an audience of voters. Posey County Circuit Court Judge James Redwine will serve as the event’s moderator and questions will be asked by Mount Vernon Democrat Community Editor Sara Manifold. Candidates in opposed races will be given 90 seconds for an opening statement. Each candidate will then be given two minutes to answer each question. Unopposed candidates will be given two minutes to address the audience.

If you would like to submit a question for a candidate, please do so by Monday, October 2, 2010.
This event is FREE!

For more information or to submit questions, contact Tiffani Weatherford, Posey County Administrative Director, at 812.838.3639 or via e-mail at tweatherford@ccswin.com.


Open Your Eyes: Employing Individuals with Disabilities


(Evansville, IN) – September 3, 2010 – The Advisory Board on Disability Services will host a workshop and job fair entitled “Open Your Eyes: Employing Individuals with Disabilities” on Wednesday, October 27, 2010, at The Centre, 715 Locust St. The event is aimed toward employers and job seekers in the Evansville-Vanderburgh County area.

The event will begin with a half-day workshop (from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) which will include local experts presenting information to employers on ADA requirements, how to make the workplace accessible, and the advantages of employing individuals with disabilities.

The lunch session from 12:00 to 1:15 p.m. will feature a keynote speaker and the presentation of the 2010 Employer of Distinction Award by Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel and the Vanderburgh County Commissioners. This award recognizes employers in the public and private sectors for demonstrating a commitment to providing employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.

The day will be capped off with a job fair from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. for potential employees with a disability. The job fair will provide local HR personnel and business representatives an opportunity to solicit qualified candidates for current job openings. The Evansville Area Human Resources Association will have members available during the job fair to assist job seekers with resume writing and interviewing tips.

There is no cost to attend the workshop and job fair. There is a $15.00 fee to attend the awards luncheon. To register for the workshop and/or luncheon, please contact the Human Relations Commission at (812) 436-4927. Job seekers do not need to register for the job fair.

Sponsors for “Open Your Eyes: Employing Individuals with Disabilities” include the City of Evansville, Vanderburgh County Commissioners, Sycamore Services, University of Southern Indiana, Community Job Link, Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation, the United Way of Southwestern Indiana, Evansville Area Human Resources Association, and the Ohio Valley Center for Independent Living.

The Advisory Board on Disability Services is a newly-created Board to improve services and relations with City-County government and the disability community. The Advisory Board meets the first Friday of the month at 11:00 a.m. in room 301 in the Civic Center Complex. For more information regarding the Advisory Board on Disability Services, contact the City-County Human Relations Commission.


Women ROC

EVANSVILLE, Ind. – A Sept. 9 debate between Vanderburgh County Commissioner candidates Marsha Abell (Rep.) and incumbent Troy Tornatta (Dem.) will be open to the public at Central Library Browning Rooms A and B. The debate begins at 6 p.m.

The September 9 debate will be hosted by local group WOMEN Right of Center (WOMEN R.O.C.).

In addition, WOMEN R.O.C. will host a debate on September 28 between Vanderburgh County Prosecutor candidates Nick Hermann (Rep.) and incumbent Stan Levco (Dem.). This event will begin at 6 p.m. at Central Library.

“Our group plans these public events because we feel it is so important for the community to be informed about the issues before they step into the voting booth,” notes Holli Sullivan, president of Evansville-based Women Right of Center. “We’re not about endorsing one party over the other at such events. Our mission is to promote knowledge and involvement in politics and the community.”

Business Profile: TXTBookRental for Area High Schools and Colleges


“Driving the Cost of Textbooks Down for Families”

Upon graduation from the University of Evansville, Schroeder School of Business, Evansville based entrepreneur, Alex Beaver immediately launched an enterprise that is dedicated to saving students and their families as much money as possible on the third largest expense of a college education. That cost is the cost of textbooks. With the average cost of textbooks now topping $1,000 per year, an opportunity to save families money through the emerging business of textbook rentals is just the business model that stoked Alex’s passion for cost effective education.

TXT Book Rental has a simple policy of providing textbook rentals at the lowest cost possible to students and their families. TXT Book Rental does this first by scouring the country and acquiring the books needed at the lowest price possible and then practicing a policy of offering the highest residual value justifiable at the end of the semester.

Priming the Pump, the Buy Back: I sat with Alex in his retail storefront’s convenient location on Evansville’s west side just off the Lloyd Expressway behind the Steak and Shake during the spring buy back. Students would come in with the books from the spring semester wanting to exchange them for cash. Most had already been to other bookstores and were dissatisfied with the offers they had received. After scanning a book, TXT Book Rental’s proprietary program would present Alex and his co-workers with the current “bid” for that given book. In every case TXT Book Rental offered some premium to the highest bid out there. The net result of that policy is that nearly every student was paid more for their book than they could have gotten anywhere else and were paid in cash right on the spot. TXT Book Rental offers an even higher bonus for those willing to accept store credit that can be used during the next semester.

Destocking the Shelves, the Rental Week: When it is time for school to start, Alex and his cohorts are a beehive of energy spending individual attention on each student using their proprietary process to not only find the right books for the student’s school but to scan the globe for the most favorable “ask” price for that book. The net result of this process is of course that each student gets the best rental rate possible for their books. TXT Book Rental always seems to practice lagniappe with each customer giving then just a little extra.

How Much Can One Save by Renting? As previously mentioned the average cost per year for textbooks when done the old fashioned way is over $1,000 per year. Through choosing to rent and leveraging the innovative highest bid and lowest ask policies employed by TXT Book Rental, a typical student can expect to save over $600 per year on books. Over the course of a four year degree program these savings can amount to $2,500 less than students and their parents spend or borrow for books. TXT Book Rental’s motto of “Rencho Books” is truly a great way to drive some of the cost out of a college education without driving out any value at all.

Convenient Online Shopping: TXT Book Rental has an interactive website where one can shop for books for courses at all of the local colleges and even for some high schools. The website is www.txtbookrental.com. Follow the link and give it a whirl. You never know how much you can save.

What does the Future Hold? Where there are inefficiencies or monopolies, there is always an opportunity for entrepreneurs to prosper. Alex Beaver and his band of merry cohorts, like Robin Hood and his merry men, have carved out a niche business that enables students and parents to drive down the cost of education. TXT Book Rental has both the aspirations and plans to expand this business model both regionally and nationally. With a great education, inherent curiosity, and an entrepreneurs spirit to drive them TXT Book Rental has what it takes to make a serious business in the emerging field of textbook rentals. Next step: digital books.

A lagniappe is a small gift given to a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase

Article contributed by Joe J. Wallace of Hadannah Business Solutions who serves as a business consultant to TXT Book Rental. www.hadannahbusiness.com, 812 431-3877

Care Select care management system Changes


OMPP regarding the Care Select care management system. Please note the statement that Care Select has been redesigned. Members should be receiving a letter be the end of the month. Those not eligible for the newly designed program, or who do not voluntarily opt in, will continue to receive traditional Medicaid (sometimes also used to refer to Medicaid Disability).

INDIANAPOLIS (August 20, 2010) – Today the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) announced that beginning October 1 the scope of the state’s Care Select program will change to focus on disease management, specifically on members with chronic conditions.

“These changes will allow us to focus on members with chronic conditions, while at the same time providing benefits and services to all of our Medicaid recipients,” said Pat Casanova, Director of Indiana Medicaid. “Disease management will help patients with chronic illnesses lead healthier and more productive lives.”

Care Select was established by the State of Indiana in November, 2007, to improve the quality of care and health outcomes while controlling the growth of health care costs for members. Earlier this year, the Medicaid Medical Advisory Cabinet completed a study, which focused on claims from the first two years of the program, that failed to show the program was effective in producing positive health outcomes and controlling costs.

Beginning in October, eligible members with asthma, diabetes, congestive heart failure or coronary heart disease, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, severe mental illness and depression will have the option to participate in disease management programs that the Care Management Organizations (CMOs) provide for their chronic conditions. Members who do not opt-in as well as Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waiver members will be enrolled in traditional Medicaid. HCBS waiver individuals receive case management services through the waiver.

Due to the voluntary nature of the redesigned Care Select Program, providers will no longer be auto-assigned members but members will choose their PMP at the time they opt-in to the program.

About 32,000 Medicaid members will be eligible for the disease management program. Currently, Care Select has 73,000 members. Members who are no longer eligible for Care Select will continue to receive traditional Medicaid. Care Select participants will be notified of changes by the end of August.

FSSA expects to save $7.6-$8 million in the current fiscal year and $10.7-$11.3 million for SFYs 2012 and 2013 as a result of a smaller client base as well as reduced fees for the delivery of disease management verses administratively costlier care managment.

News from The New Evansville Arena Project


New Evansville Arena Project Issues Request for Hockey Proposals

EVANSVILLE, IN – The New Evansville Arena Project announced today that it has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a hockey team to become the home team for the new arena, scheduled to open in November, 2011.

“We have received inquiries from the several organizations interested in establishing a team in the new arena,” Project Director John J. Kish said. “This RFP is the start of the process that is intended to culminate with a five-year agreement for the home team of the new arena, which will be an ideal venue for hockey.”

The new arena will feature a floor that can accommodate a full regulation size ice sheet as well as two locker rooms specifically configured for hockey teams. The New Evansville Arena Project and the Arena Project Committee will conduct the review process. They will make a recommendation to the Evansville Redevelopment Commission.

To date, the project has received expressions of interest from:

• The Evansville IceMen of the International Hockey League, a league that combined earlier this year with the Central Hockey League to produce an 18-team organization.
• The ECHL, a 20-team league that includes the Cincinnati Cyclones; and
• The United States Hockey League, a 16-team league for players bound for college that includes the Indianapolis Ice.
• The North American Hockey League, a 26-team league with teams in St. Louis, MO and Springfield, IL.

The new 290,000 square-foot Evansville Arena, opening in late 2011, will be the region’s center for sports and entertainment, designed to host basketball, hockey, concerts, exhibitions and shows for audiences as large as 11,000.



Honorable Steven David
The Honorable Steven H. David of Boone Circuit Court will be sworn-in as Indiana’s 106th Justice. Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels named Judge David to succeed Justice Theodore R. Boehm who retires September 30th. Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard welcomes Judge David to the Court. “My colleagues and I are pleased to have Judge David join us. He showed exceptional talent during the application and interview process”

Judge David commented, “I am honored to be bestowed with the trust and confidence of Governor Daniels. I am looking forward to working with such a tremendous Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice Shepard. To be considered with Judge Moberly and Mr. Mulvaney was an honor in itself. I am anxious to serve the citizens of Indiana.”

Details regarding the swearing-in ceremony will be announced as soon as possible. The media guidelines governing oral arguments will be in place for the ceremony and seating will be limited; therefore, media interested in attending must contact Supreme Court Public Information Officer, Kathryn Dolan at kdolan@courts.state.in.gov so appropriate set-up can be arranged. Previous ceremonies were held in the Supreme Court Courtroom and included remarks by state officials. A photo gallery showing past swearing-in ceremonies can be found at courts.in.gov/citc/museum/swear-in.

In May, Justice Boehm announced he would step down from the bench. According to the Indiana Constitution and state statute the Judicial Nominating Commission recruits and interviews applicants to fill appellate court judicial vacancies and the Governor makes the final selection. The seven-member Commission is chaired by Chief Justice Shepard. It also includes three attorney members who are elected by other attorneys across the state and three non-attorney members who are appointed by the Governor.

The Commission received thirty-four applications for the vacancy. The applications included legal writings, educational transcripts and letters of recommendation. On July 6th and 7th the Commission interviewed all thirty-four applicants. The interviews were open to the press and public. The Judicial Nominating Commission met in executive session for deliberations. The Commission considered legal education, legal writings, public service activities and other pertinent information to find the most qualified candidates. The vote on the semi-finalists took place in a public session. On July 7th the Commission named nine semi-finalists.

On July 30th the Commission interviewed the nine semi-finalists in a session open to the press and the public. The Commission considered those nine applicants in an executive session. The Commission then held a vote on the final nominees in public. The Hon. Steven H. David, Hon. Robyn L. Moberly and Mr. Karl L. Mulvaney were selected. The names of those individuals were sent to Governor Mitch Daniels who selected Judge David as Indiana’s 106th justice.

Link to news release: http://www.in.gov/judiciary/press/2010/0917.html

City of Evansville Awarded $1,655,000 for Levee Improvements


(EVANSVILLE, IN) – September 20, 2010 – The City of Evansville has been awarded $1,655,000 from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (IOCRA) to make improvements to a one-mile section of the levee.

“The area protected by this section of levee includes more than 23,500 residents, numerous businesses and industries, and the downtown Evansville central business district. Flooding caused by a breach of this section of the levee would be truly devastating,” said Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel. “In addition to protecting lives and property, these repairs will move the levee closer to being FEMA Certified, which will save all area residents and businesses considerable amounts of money over the long term.”

The levee improvements will focus on alleviating the toe erosion occurring in the lower portion of an approximately one-mile stretch of levee in Knight Township Section between Stationing 290+00 and Stationing 360+00 (see attached map). The toe erosion to be repaired is due to wave wash when the water level and winds are high. Further toe erosion could ultimately result in upper bank instability.

The project will include re-grading the levee to return the slope to a 3:1 (H:V) ratio, reseeding for erosion control, revetment1 toe protection, and the installation of riprap at the upstream and downstream ends and at a minimum of one (1) foot vertically on the levee slope above the wave wash area. These repairs will return the levee to “as-built” conditions. Per terms of the grant
agreement, the project must be completed by September 30, 2012. The District hopes to begin construction in June 2011 and complete the project by November 2011.

1 A revetment is a stone or concrete facing to sustain an embankment and prevent erosion.

Following Hurricane Katrina, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced that public levees along the Ohio River would be required to be inspected by the Corps of Engineers and to become “FEMA Certified.” Any residents and businesses within municipal areas not protected by a FEMA Certified levee will be required to purchase flood insurance even if they are not located within a floodplain. It is expected that those purchasing flood insurance for the first time would pay up to three times more than existing customers to cover the cost of flood insurance.

The Evansville-Vanderburgh County Levee Authority District system consists of 79,183 feet of earthen levee, 8,175 feet of concrete wall, 1,761 feet of combined wall and highway, 3,160 feet
of roadway levee, 20 pumping stations, 24 movable closures, and 15 sandbag closures along the Ohio River and Pigeon Creek. The flood protection system is designed to pump rainwater from
the City/County back into the river during high river conditions and prevent the river from backing into the sewer system. The District is partnered with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Louisville District, which inspects the levee system annually.

FEMA is currently reviewing the Levee Systems Evaluation Report submitted by the Corps of Engineers. The District expects to receive FEMA Certification at any time.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) designated these funds under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Fund, Appropriation 2 (DR2) for relief of unmet needs resulting from tornadoes and flooding in the State of Indiana. The City of Evansville will also commit $200,000 from the Evansville-Vanderburgh County Levee Authority District (the District) general operating fund for the project.