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Candidate Calls for Withdrawal of County Funds to GAGE

Marsha Abell

Yesterday morning in the budget hearings for Vanderburgh County, Vanderburgh County Commissioner, Troy Tornatta, presented the commissioner’s budget to the Vanderburgh County Council, which included $150,000.00 for the operation of the Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville (GAGE). This organization has been in operation less than four years and during the last year has been managed without a permanent director. GAGE no longer has the ability to perform its core mission of providing advice and assistance to the business community of Vanderburgh County. To add to that, the County receives almost no benefit from this organization. GAGE does assist in reviewing requests for tax abatements, of which there have been less than 3 in two years. To continue to use County funds for this organization is a gross mismanagement of taxpayer dollars. I am calling for the County Council to withdraw funding from GAGE and put an end to this wasteful spending.

The Poll Results Are In on County Governance Character


Troy Tornatta
Russ Lloyd Jr.

Former Mayor Russell Lloyd Jr. Wins, Commissioner Tornatta Second

During the second week of August, the City-County Observer conducted a non-scientific online poll asking the following question:
Which of the following elected Vanderburgh County office holders do you consider to be the most transparent, trustworthy, credible, and dedicated?
An assortment of Vanderburgh County office holders that are in the legislative bodies were listed on the survey. The respondents of the survey come from the more than 1,262 unique visitors to the City-County Observer’s website during the week that ended on August 17, 2010. A total of 153 unique users casted a total of 249 votes for an average of 1.63 votes per user. It is obvious that some of the voters chose not to utilize their three votes as the total available to be casted was 459 votes. The tabulation of votes in order of finish is as follows:
Former Mayor and County Council President Russell Lloyd Jr.: 52 votes
County Commissioner Troy Tornatta: 36 votes
County Councilman James Raben: 30 votes
County Councilman Mike Goebel: 30 votes
County Commissioner Lloyd Winnecke: 27 votes
County Councilman Tom Shetler Jr.: 26 votes
County Councilman Joe Kiefer: 23 votes
County Councilwoman Stephanie Terry: 20 votes
None of the Above: 18 votes
County Commissioner Stephen Melcher: 10 votes

Former Mayor and current County Council President Russell Lloyd Jr. garnered an impressive win with 52 votes or roughly one for every three voters. County Commissioner Troy Tornatta gathered in a solid second with 36 votes. Following the win and place in the show field were County Councilmen James Raben, Mike Goebel, and Tom Shetler Jr., along with County Commissioner Lloyd Winnecke in a statistical tie for 3rd with between 26 and 30 votes each. Newly appointed County Councilwoman Stephanie Terry, County Councilman Joe Kiefer, and our special category “none of the above”, were in a statistical deadlock for 7th place, leaving the self described public servant yeoman County Commissioner Stephen Melcher at the back of the pack with 10 votes.

Care should be taken in reaching any real conclusions with respect to the ranking of these people. Name recognition certainly contributes to a person’s decision on whom to vote on and the name recognition among this group ranges from Former Mayor Russell Lloyd Jr. who is very well known to some of the others who carry out their duties in relative obscurity like newly appointed County Councilwoman Stephanie Terry. It is reasonable to assume that Past Mayor Lloyd’s strong showing in this poll is a strong indicator of his future electability to other offices. County Councilman Troy Tornatta’s strong showing suggests that a future race for Mayor of Evansville is a real possibility. It is however no indication on any challenges that the bottom group may have as they are certainly not as well known. Their low polling may just indicate that they are not well recognized among our readers.

The City-County Observer is encouraged that the people of Vanderburgh County and in particular our readers are embracing character and honesty as the criteria for election to public office.




8209KnightTownshipVanderburghCounty2tslSeal of Indiana
Filed 08/11/2010

Office Official Term
Trustee Linda K. Durham 01-01-07 to 03-11-10
Tonda A. Pauley (Interim) 03-12-10 to 03-29-10
Kathryn Martin 03-30-10 to 12-31-10
Chairman of the
Township Board Suzanne Nicholson 01-01-08 to 12-31-08
Thomas Shelter 01-01-09 to 12-31-09
Norm Kniese 01-01-10 to 12-31-10

We have examined the financial information presented herein of Knight Township (Township), for
the period of January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2010. The Township’s management is responsible for the
financial information presented herein. Our responsibility is to express an opinion based on our examination.
Our examination was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and, accordingly, included examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the financial information presented herein and performing such other procedures as
we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our examination provides a reasonable
basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial information referred to above presents fairly, in all material respects,
the financial information of the Township for the years ended December 31, 2008, 2009 and March 31,
2010, based on the criteria set forth in the uniform compliance guidelines established by the Indiana State
Board of Accounts.

First Security Announces 2nd Quarter Earnings and Purchase of a New Corporate Headquarters


First Security Inc., the bank holding company for First Security Bank of Owensboro, Inc., announced their 2nd quarter earnings report.
• Net income for the 2nd Quarter of 2010 was $317,857 compared to $189,539 for the same period in 2009, a 67.7% increase. Earnings per share rose from $0.32 in the prior year period to $0.53 in the 2nd quarter. ROA was .57% compared to .42%, an increase of 15 points. ROE was 7.42% compared to 4.89%, an increase of 253 points.
• Net Income for the first 6 months of 2010 was $617,276 compared to $317,801 for the same period in 2009, a 94.2% increase. Earnings per share rose from $0.53 in the prior year to date period to $1.04 in the current year to date period in 2010. ROA was .56% compared to .30%, an increase of 26 points. ROE was 7.42% compared to 3.32%, an increase of 410 points.
The primary drivers that led to this increase were a 36% and 37% increase in net interest income and a 13% and 36% increase in noninterest income for the quarter and year to date periods. The increase in net interest income was primarily attributed to the significant increase in loans from June 2009 to June 2010 and a reduction in the Company’s cost of funds. The increase in noninterest income was mostly due to a 184% and 294% increase in net gains on sale of residential mortgage loans for the quarter and year to date periods as the Company continues to benefit from low interest rates available to residential real estate customers as we originate loans that are then sold in the secondary market.
Offsetting the increase in net income was a 24% and 25% increase in noninterest expense for the quarter and year to date periods which was primarily due to additional personnel and strategic expenses related to the Company’s acquisition of the Bowling Green and Franklin, Kentucky branches of Integra Bank. The Company believes that the investment in additional personnel will help support the Company’s expansion and allow for greater shareholder value in the future. Strategic expenses represent one-time costs associated with acquiring the 5 branches and do not represent ongoing expenses for the Company.
• Assets total $228,652,000 as of June 30th 2010, compared to $188,985,000 one year ago, an increase of $39,667,000 or 21%.
• Loans continued strong growth and for the quarter ended grew $5.5 million or 3.45% bucking the trend of the majority of banks nationwide. Balances for loans ended the quarter in excess of $165 million compared to less than $160 million for the prior quarter. Loans increased from year end 2009, approximately $6.7 million or 4.2% and $20.1 million or 13.8% for the last 12 months.
• Deposits declined per management’s strategy of decreasing costs, modifying liquidity, and improving net interest margin. Deposits declined $3.5 million or 2.3% for the recent quarter and $9.8 million or 6.0% year to date. Consequently, net interest margin improved to 3.35% for the most recent quarter compared to 3.16% for the prior quarter and 3.07% for the same quarter in 2009.
• Asset quality indicates total non-accrual loans for June 30, 2010 is 1.00% compared to 1.06% at year end 2009. Total delinquency on June 30th was 1.96% compared to 2.27% at year end 2009. net charge offs were .021% through June 30 compared to .056% for year end 2009., loan loss reserves continued to be adequate at 1.24% of loans.
• Building Purchase- The Company announced the purchase of a new corporate headquarters located at 313 Frederica Street in downtown Owensboro, KY.

First Security announced the acquisition of a 28,000 square foot building across the street from their existing headquarters in downtown Owensboro. M. Lynn Cooper, President and CEO stated “We are excited about remaining in downtown Owensboro. We need additional space to take care of our rapid growth and this building purchase provided us a long term strategic answer to our space needs. Additionally, we are committed to assisting Owensboro in its downtown growth initiative and felt we can best do so by remaining downtown and creating new jobs and enhanced facilities for our customers.”

First Security Inc. is the holding company for First Security Bank of Owensboro, Inc. a $335 million asset bank with locations in Owensboro, Bowling Green and Franklin, KY and Evansville, Indiana.

JFK Family Fun Day


The John F. Kennedy Club will hold it’s 3rd annual Family Fun Day on Saturday, Aug. 28, at Burdette Park. The event, which will begin at noon, will feature local Democratic Party candidates and will be highlighted by featured speaker Pat Bauer of South Bend, who is the Indiana Speaker of the House. Vop Osili of Indianapolis, who is running for Secretary of State, is also planning to appear and make comments. Admission, which includes food, music, putt-putt golf and swimming, is $10 per family. Call Rick Davis at 598-7123 to RSVP as soon as possible in order to ensure enough food is available for > attendees.

Updated City/ County Reorganization Committee and Subcommittee meeting dates


The following is a current schedule of City/ County Reorganization Committee and Subcommittee meeting dates.

Tuesday, August 17
Governance Subcommittee 9:00 a.m. Teamsters Local 215 Office, 825 Walnut
Reorganization Committee 5:30 p.m. Civic Center Room 301

Thursday, August 19
Reorganization Committee 5:30 p.m. Civic Center Room 301

Friday, August 20
Planning, Zoning & Land Use 3:00 p.m. Civic Center Room 305

Tuesday, August 23
Finance Subcommittee 1:00 p.m. Teamsters Local 215 Office, 825 Walnut

Thursday, August 26
Reorganization Committee 5:30 p.m. Civic Center Room 301

Tuesday, August 31
Reorganization Committee 5:30 p.m. Civic Center Room 301

EVSC Looking for College Grads to Volunteer to Help Parents


The Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation’s Early College High School is now seeking individuals who have graduated from college to volunteer for the Early College Coaching Series (ECCS). One of the EVSC’s newest innovative school models, Early College High School opened its doors on Aug. 11 to 84 freshman high school students from the EVSC’s five high schools.

The University of Evansville is partnering with the EVSC in this quest for college coaches. The UE Alumni Association and the UE African American Alumni Association is arranging for alumni to serve as college coaches to the parents of early college students. The coaches (college alumni) will work with the families (parents, guardians, advocates) of early college students. Coaches will provide parents with consistent support and guidance by building trust, establishing a relationship, listening, and investing their time to help parents navigate the complexities of college.

Anyone who would like to be a part of this pioneering effort to transform the college going experience, should complete the ECCS Application Form online today. For more information please visit : http://www.evansville.edu/parents/coaching.cfm or contact Angela Williams, assistant director of Alumni and Parent Relations at UE at 488-2900.

For more information on Early College please contact, Wendy McNamara, Director of Early College High School at 492-0532 or visit www.evscschools.com/earlycollege.

ARTS E-NEWS With Links to the Various Events


Arts Council’s Art from the Earth/Art to Save the Earth Juried Exhibition

The Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana is issuing a Call for Entries for its Art from the Earth/Art to Save the Earth juried exhibition. Through a generous grant from Alcoa Warrick Operations the exhibit will feature artwork in three distinctive categories: ceramics, sculpture/wood, and recycled aluminum cans. The exhibit will be on display in The Bower-Suhrheinrich Foundation Gallery located at 318 Main Street in downtown Evansville from September 13, through October 21, 2010.

Art from the Earth/Art to Save the Earth will open on Thursday, September 16 at 5:00p.m. with a public reception and awards ceremony, and run through Wednesday, October 20. This exhibition will showcase original artwork from artists in our region, including Southwestern Indiana, Southern Illinois and Kentucky.

David Huebner, Adjunct Professor of Art and Art Workshop Supervisor at the University of Southern Indiana will serve as the juror for this exhibition.

Pre-registration for this exhibition is required! The Arts Council requests that a completed entry form and fee be submitted by August 25. The Arts Council member’s fee for this show is $20 for two entries; non-members $25. Artwork will be received on either Monday, August 30 or Tuesday, August 31, from 9am – 5pm.

For more information or to request an entry form, contact the Arts Council at 812/422-2111, or go to our website at www.artswin.evansville.net, to download the form.

The Arts Council is proud to offer the following jewelry workshop:
Introduction to Polymer Clay Bead Making• Date: Saturday, November 6th, 10 – 2pm*
*A short break for lunch will be taken around 12 noon. Bring your own lunch OR plan a trip to Subway, just down the street.
• Cost: $25 for Arts Council Members, $30 for Non-Members; fee includes the cost of materials.
• RSVP: Call the Arts Council to register, 812-422-2111
• Class size: limited to 15 people
• Minimum Age: High School

Here is your opportunity to have fun while exploring the exciting versatility of polymer clay. This four hour workshop is packed with experiences in basic polymer clay properties, color mixing, bead formation, and special techniques. Each student will leave this class with a completed pendant necklace and bracelet. No experience is necessary, just a willingness to learn! The only thing students need to bring with them is their enthusiasm & creativity!
Students participating in this workshop will learn the following:
 basic polymer clay facts
 the use of specialized tools for bead making
 how to mix colors using blends and canes
 how to form various shaped beads
 how to finish beads
 incorporate finished beads into completed jewelry, including how to wire-wrap
and string your beads
Instructor will supply polymer clays, tools, rollers, ovens, molds, cord for pendants and bracelet, and printed information.

Workshop Instructor: Sarah Thomas
Sarah Thomas has been an avid artist since high school and began making jewelry in 2006. She was introduced to the art of polymer clay by an artist friend and immediately became hooked! Sarah makes and sells her own jewelry at her studio, Imagine That, in Evansville, IN. She is also a painter and incorporates many of these techniques into her beads and jewelry, for unique and stunning effects.

ACSWI Artists & Exhibit Locations for the month of AUGUST 2010
Bower-Suhrheinrich Gallery
318 Main Street, Suite 101 – Evansville, IN 47708
August 2 – September 9
Designs for the Theatre: A collection of set, costume and lighting designs
-featuring the designs of designs of Patti McCrory – Professor of Design, Costume Designer, Eric Renschler – Assistant Professor of Design, Scenic Designer, and Joe Flauto, Professor of Theater, Emeritus from the University of Evansville and Shan Jensen, Associate Professor of Theater at the University of Southern Indiana.

BSF Gallery Front Window (Alcove) Art
318 Main Street, Suite 101 – Evansville, IN 47708
Eric Schirmer

Evansville Commerce Bank
20 NW 4th Street – Evansville, IN 47708
Katherine Fuchs
Fifth Third Bank
20 N.W. Third Street – Evansville, IN 47708
Sharon Bingle, Betsy Welborn Fenner & Jon Fuchs

Old National Bank – Downtown Evansville
18 N.W. Fourth Street, Evansville, IN 47708
August 8 – Sept. 3
Susan Petty & Kyle Westlie

United Bank – Downtown Evansville
18 N.W. Fourth Street, Evansville, IN 47708

Angel Mounds is proud to host Walk-N-Roll, a 2-mile walk and 5K run to raise awareness and funds for CJ’s Bus, on August 21, 2010. CJ’s Bus is a rapid-reponse mobile unit that offers nationwide assistance in the aftermath of natural disasters. It was established by co-founder Kathryn Martin in honor of her 2-year old son, CJ, and other family members who were lost in the same F3 tornado that desolated Angel Mounds in 2005. For more information or to see photos from last year’s Walk-N-Roll, visit cjsbus.org. To register as a participant, contact Mark Rumsey at (812) 305-2268 or mark@cjsbus.org The walk begins at 7:30 a.m. and the run begins at 8:30 a.m.

28th annual Native American Days
Angel Mounds’ paramount event returns September 24-26, 2010! A culmination of everything Angel Mounds has to offer, Native American Days spans space and time to present a full narrative of Native American lifeways. The event includes numerous demonstrations and hands-on activities, an Indian market, performance area, and concessions. So whether you’re into music and dancing, prehistoric tool technology, basketry and weaving, children’s games, or just love to shop and eat, this fun-filled weekend is for you. As one of the largest events focused exclusively on Native American culture in the tri-state, this is a one-of-a-kind enrichment experience you won’t want to miss! Admission is $10 per vehicle.

Upcoming Meetings:
We meet the 4th Tuesday of each month except December, 6:00 pm to 7:45 pm at McCullough Library. Date and Location changes are announced in advance.
• August 24: ASG National Confrence report from attendees
• Sept. 28: Cut out Christmas stockings, bring rotary cutter with wavy blade, cutting mat, scissors. Fabric and pattern will be supplied.

Eligibility and Media
The exhibition is open by invitation only to artists 18 years of age and older who are residents of the Tri-State area of IN, KY and IL. No photographs, sculpture, three-dimensional or digital work will be accepted. Fabric art suitable for hanging will be accepted. Artwork must be securely wired and ready to hang; no sawtooth hangers. All work must be original and executed since January 2008. Dimensions of any work not to exceed 36” x 40”. Solarbron Pointe, Inc. (SPI) has the right to refuse any piece not meeting SPI standards.
The Communities of Solarbron proudly host the 2010 Art of Our Decade Annual Invitational Juried Art Show. The exhibition will showcase the extensive artistic talent in the tri-state area as well as bring attention to the unique art collection of Solarbron.
Rules of Entry
• Artists may submit up to two (2) entries. Entry fee is $25 for up to two (2) pieces. Check should be made payable
• to Solarbron Pointe, Inc. Labeled artwork, entry fee and stamped notification card are to be hand delivered to
• Solarbron Pointe on appointed dates and times. The submitted work must correspond with the entry card.
• Artwork must hang for the duration of the show, and may not be removed prior to that date. Work not collected within one week of show closing becomes the property of Solarbron Pointe.
To obtain an entry form: E-mail jjulian@solarbron.org or recep@evansville.net
Young Audiences Indiana has Open Call for Artists
Indianapolis, IN – Young Audiences Indiana is seeking applications for professional artists in the fields of, but not limited to, Visual Art, Music, Dance, Theater, Writing and Storytelling to work in various Indiana schools as Teaching Artists. We believe in using the arts to leverage learning in every classroom. Young Audiences is looking for passionate, professional artists that are interested in learning about arts-integration and are open to developing effective educational programs with the help of our staff.

Young Audiences Indiana is especially interested in art related to new media and technology, programs with ethnically and culturally diverse themes, and contemporary art forms. We are also seeking arts workshops, residencies, or performances that connect to Science, Math, and Technology curricula. Applications and more information can be found on our website at www.yaindy.org. Applications are due by September 17, 2010.

Application information sessions will be held in various regions of the state on the following dates:

• August 13, 2010 – Indianapolis
• August 16, 2010 – New Albany
• August 17, 2010 – Columbus
• August 18, 2010 – Fort Wayne
• August 19, 2010 – Lafayette

Times, locations, and details can be found on our website www.yaindy.org.

CALL FOR ENTRIES – The Evansville Museum’s 55th Mid-States Art Exhibition will be accepting entries from August 1st – September 19th, 2010. Over $7,000 in purchase and merit awards will be available. Open to any artist residing in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, or Tennessee. All work must be original, completed within the last three years, and not previously exhibited in the Mid-States Art Exhibition. The competition is open to the following categories: Painting, Drawing, Graphic Arts, Collage, Sculpture and Mixed Media. No photography is accepted. For a prospectus please visit www.emuseum.org/art_compet.html or call the Museum at 812-425-2406.
• Event Details: CCDE Open Company Auditions
• Date of Event: August 21, 2010.
• Location: 3111 N. First Ave, Evansville, IN 47710
CCDE is proud to host our special guest Heath Gill of the Atlanta Ballet to conduct our yearly company auditions with our older students ages 13 & up. Heath is one of CCDE’s graduates, and it is a special honor to have him come back home to critique the auditions. Also to adjudicate will be our Ballet Master William Gordon of Evansville, and Ballet Mistress Jeanine Sobel of Madisonville. Students must be 13 to audition, men and women are invited. The company tours the tri-state area yearly to bring our outreach programs to the children of the area. This year, CCDE will perform the Nutcracker in Evansville, Henderson, Vincennes, New Harmony, and Jasper, and will perform Hansel & Gretel in Madisonville and Evansville in the Spring.
The Children’s Center for Dance Education will begin it’s 15th season of Dance Education in the Tri-State area. The non-profit children’s arts education organization continues to strive for excellence under the Artistic Direction of Deena Laska-Lewis, Associate Artistic Director Jaime Reininga, and highly qualified staff. Scholarships are available based on income as a part of fulfilling our mission that “Every Child Should Dance”. At CCDE we believe that all children should have equal accessibility to the art of dance, regardless of race, economic background, or religion and we actively welcome diversity within our school. All new and current students are invited to register, meet instructors, and have their picture taken with a Princess.
Visit www.childdance.org for more information.
Tuesday through Saturday: 9:00am to 4:00pm
Sunday: 12:00pm to 4:00pm
CLOSED Mondays: – Holiday Exceptions Apply
Admission: Last Admission to the Museum is 3:30 p.m. **, 18 Months and Over – $7, Members – FREE
• August 18th – Summer Fun Series from 2-3:30 p.m. “Stained Glass” – This craft project may look like a fancy window, but it’s much less fragile!
• August 19th – Story Stretchers at 10:30 a.m.
• August 21st – Story Stretchers at 10:30 a.m.
Boat Design – Think you can engineer a boat that will float? Use our supplies to create your vessel and then test it out in our “pond” to see how fast it is and how much it can carry from 11-1 in the Lobby.
• August 25th – Summer Fun Series from 2-3:30 p.m. “Psychedelic Bookmarks’ – Get ready for school in style with our special swirly bookmark craft that demonstrates capillary action!
• August 26th – Story Stretchers at 10:30 a.m.
• August 28th – Story Stretchers at 10:30 a.m.
Suds! From water drop races and whirlpools to big bubbles, we’re filling our lobby with sudsy H2O fun from 11-1 in the Lobb
The Mainstage Season:
1. The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Music and lyrics by William Finn; book by Rachel Scheinkin
Six young people in the throes of puberty, overseen by grown-ups who barely managed to escape childhood themselves, learn that winning isn’t everything and that losing doesn’t necessarily make you a loser.
Sept. 17-19, 24-26, Oct. 1-3 Sponsors: 5th 3rd Bank, Scripps Howard Foundation

2. A Christmas Story, By Jean Shepherd; adapted by Philip Grecian.
Dec. 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19 Sponsors: Vectren, Toyota

3. Doubt, A Parable, by John Patrick Shanley.
Feb. 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27 Sponsor: 14 WFIE

4. The Dixie Swim Club, by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope, and Jamie Wooten.
April 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23 Sponsors: 104FM WIKY, Hahn Realty

The Nextwave Musical:
1. Children of Eden, music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz; Book by John Caird; based on a concept by John Lisanby
May 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 Sponsor: Integra Bank
D’Alto Studio of Performing Arts
303 Stockwell Rd Suite B in Evansville ( Stockwell just north of the Lloyd )
Phone 812-402-4166
Beginning Spanish Class
December Moonlight is offering the following Spanish classes. These classes are for beginners only. Class is $15 each class with a nominal fee for books and supplies, if needed. Classes begin August 20 and 21. Class size is limited to 4 students per class. Classes are ongoing.

Beginning Spanish for 3-5 year olds: Fridays at 4:30
Beginning Spanish for 6-8 year olds: Fridays at 5:00
Beginning Spanish for 9-12 year olds: Saturdays at 1:00
Beginning Spanish for 13 year olds through adult: Saturdays at 1:30

If interested, please call Carolyn Howard at (812) 454-4712 or email Carolyn@DecemberMoonlight.com
EVANSVILLE MUSEUM (Arts, History, Science)
Admission is free, but there is a suggested contribution of $2 per person.
Membership begins at $35, with a total of seven membership categories

Old Gallery
Working Together juried exhibition
July 11 – Sept. 12

Koch Science Center
Hands – On 4
May 2 – September 12

All events are open to the public & are fund raisers for the Guild.

Adult Programs
• Aug 21 – Fall Lawn Renovation: “How to Bring Your Stressed Lawn Back to Vibrant Health” Larry Caplan, Vanderburgh County Extension Horticulture Educator, will cover renovation techniques, soil preparation, seeding techniques, and fall maintenance. 10:00 a.m. in Meeting Room, Oaklyn Branch, 3001 Oaklyn Dr. For more information: Call 428-8234 ext. 5401.
• Aug 23 – Canning, Preserving, and Cookbook Exchange – Susan Plassmeier, Purdue Extension educator, will demonstrate the basics of canning and preserving. Susan will focus on the best and safest ways to can and preserve the foods from your garden. McCollough’s first cookbook exchange will follow Susan’s presentation. Bring your used cookbooks to exchange.
2:00 p.m. in Meeting Room, McCollough Branch, 5115 Washington Ave. For more information: Call Glynis Rosendall at 428-8200 ext. 3791.
• Aug 26 – David Rosenfelt – This New York Times best-selling author (and former writer for Hill Street Blues) will talk about his work and newest book, Dog Tags. He will be answering questions following his talk. Books will be available for purchase and signing. 7:00 p.m. in Browning Event Rooms A & B, Central Library. For more information: Call Evelyn Walker at 428-8200 ext. 1241.

Sunday, September 5. 2010
4:30 p.m. Organ Recital by Thomas Drury, Director of Music at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Evansville
5:00 p.m. Choral Evening Prayer with The Choir School of First Presbyterian Church. Director, Robert Nicholls
6:00 p.m. Agape Dinner
Patrons of the Alhambra Theater’s al fresco film series have another free Fourth Friday event on August 27. Two Arts District galleries will be open before show time at sunset.

1. Billy Hedel’s Studio, 916 SE Sixth Street (303-3722), will open to the public from 6 to 8 pm. In addition to Hedel’s large paintings and line drawings, he will exhibit small works on paper by Carole Douglas, who recently was awarded an Individual Artists Program grant by the Indiana Arts Commission. Fifteen percent of sales will be donated to Patchwork.
2. Fountain View Gallery, 27 Adams at Second Street (423-0888), also open until 8 pm, features an exhibit of new paintings by Cynthia Watson and work in a range of media by other local artists.
**Call the individual galleries for exhibit information and regular gallery hours.**
Definitive Career Development Book for Artists is Launched
Katharine T. Carter & Associates and Running Hare Press announce the publication of Accelerating on the Curves: The Artist’s Roadmap to Success. This definitive guide to self-marketing and career advancement for artists is the culmination of 25 years experience guiding countless artists toward successful professional outcomes.

The 363 page volume is anchored by Katharine T. Carter’s detailed roadmap approach to building an exhibition record and advancing from local and regional success to a path toward national recognition. Also included are numerous practical guidelines and approaches to marketing and presentation–sample pitch letters, artist statements, press releases and résumés, as well as protocols and advice on the best ways to effectively approach and communicate with professionals in each sector of the art world. In addition, individual contributions by the company’s distinguished Associates cover a broad range of issues and professional development topics. And finally, a comprehensive, up-to-date Information Resources index provides a wealth of useful research tools, publications, contacts and professional services essential to artists.

Founded in 1985, Katharine T. Carter & Associates is the only company in the U.S. to offer museum and gallery placement services and comprehensive promotional support to artists, as well as educational programming, public relations and marketing. The prestigious roster of company Associates includes leading critics, curators, editors, dealers and marketing professionals. Over the years, the company’s efforts have resulted in over 700 one-person museum exhibitions for artist clients. This record of success is the foundation for the approaches and strategies outlined in Accelerating on the Curves.

Additional information and the text of the introduction to Accelerating on the Curves can be found at www.ktcassoc.com/roadmap.

Individual, institutional, or press inquiries can be addressed to:

Katharine T. Carter & Associates
PO Box 609
Kinderhook, NY 12106
(518) 758-8130

Accelerating on the Curves can be purchased online with a credit card, or by mail with check or money order. As an introductory offer, shipping costs and taxes will be included in the $95 price on all orders placed through December, 2010
Bluegrass Creek Dulcimer Festival
• What: The 6th annual Bluegrass Creek Dulcimer Festival will be held on September 10 & 11, 2010
• Where: At Camp Revial 1040 E Boonville New Harmony Rd Evansville In.
• Featuring: This Year we will be featuring Guy George And Bing Futch.
There will be workshops on all kinds of instruments Fri and Sat.
• For more info.: Visit go to www.bluegrasscreek.com

Fall Music Festival: A Benefit Concert for Riley Children’s Hospital
The 2010 Fall Music Festival will be Saturday, September 11th at the Vanderburgh 4 H Center. All ticket sales will benefit Riley Children’s Hospital. We are still in need of sponsors to make this year’s event a success.
The concert will be a family-friendly event, and will feature many of the area’s finest musicians representing a variety of musical genres.
Musical artists include:
• Carl Rodenburg, Jeff Harmon Jazz,
• Shawn Needham and the Black Sheep,
• Andrea Wirth, Marvin Daniels Family Band,
• The Strolling Tones, Dang Heathens,
• Charlene Blay and the 2nd Edition,
• Logan Dyer & Friends, others to be announced.
Music will begin at 12:00 noon and continue through 10:30pm.
Local vendors will be invited to sell art and produce.
Concessions will be available. Please bring seating.
The festival will take place rain or shine.
All activities will be in open-air shelters.

Exclusively for The Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana
Special offer from “Town and Country Ford” for the month of August, 2010
Contact Don Kipp your sales consultant at “Town and Country Ford” for all the details.
Please call or e-mail and set-up an appointment 812.598.8560 don.kipp@superfordstore.com
See you at Town and Country Ford in August, 2010
Arts IN August…
presented by Trinity United Methodist Church
All Concerts begin at 3:00p.m.
 August 22, 2010—Catherine Clarke Narodolillo, Luther Lewis, Reginald Smith, Tedrin Blair Lindsay
The Spirit of Evansville Sweet Adeline Chorus
Our Chorus are members of the Sweet Adeline International and sing 4 part harmony in capella style music. We meet every Monday at 601N Boeke Rd ( Good Samaritin Home) in Evansville.
Contacts: Linda Weber, Newburgh, In; Ph: 812-853-8709
Carole Rich, Evansville, In; Ph: 812-550-7093
Jazzafloozie – Jazz Duo
featuring Cynthia McDonald & Bob Green

Interested in booking us for your private party or event? **SPECIAL RATES FOR FUND RAISING EVENTS…? Contact: Cynthia McDonald, 812-305-4242 or Booking agent (fast, easy & no fees!): www.gigmasters.com/jazz/cynthiamcdonald/ Web site: www.jazzafloozie.com

RiverTown StoryTeller’s meeting
RiverTown StoryTellers will meet at the Ohio Twp. Central Library in Newburgh, IN the first Wednesday of Feb., April, June, August, Oct. and December, 2010. The meetings are open to everyone interested in a good story. Bring a favorite story to share or come listen to others tell their stories. A short business meeting is held from 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. and then the stories begin.

New Harmony Art and Antiques Stroll
August 21, 2010, 4-7 p.m.
The New Harmony Winter “Art and Antiques” Stroll will be held on Saturday, August 21, from 4-7 p.m. in downtown New Harmony. Several galleries, including the New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art, the Women’s Institute and Gallery, and the Hoosier Salon will feature receptions for the artists. The Antiques Showrooms in the Mews, Creation Station, Design Bank 505, Antique Emporium and Chi’c & Tiques will remain open for the evening. The art and antique stroll is free and open to the public. During the reception the artists will be available for questions. For further information on New Harmony please call 812-682-3156 or visit www.newharmony.biz.
1. “Contemporary Glass,” an exhibition by some of the Midwest’s finest emerging glass artists, opening at the New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art, features the work of Jiyong Lee, Carmen Lozar, Amy Rueffert and Matt Urban. The New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art is located at 506 Main Street in New Harmony, IN and is open from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, and noon until 4:00 p.m. on Sundays. For further information please call 812-682-3156 or visit www.nhgallery.com.
2. Women’s Institute and Gallery will feature the work of Linda Fugate-Blumer in the exhibition “Beauty That Speaks for Itself” running from August 20-October 17. The Women’s Institute and Gallery is located at 916 East Granary Street, it features changing exhibitions, women resources, gifts, and seminars in an 1870 New Harmony home. Open Friday & Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm; Sunday noon to 5:00 pm. Please call 812.682.3799 for more information.
3. The Hoosier Salon will be hosting the “Good Ole Summertime” Member Exhibit featuring the artwork of member artists from around the state. Refreshments and beverages will be available 4:00-7:00 PM and many of the artists will be on hand to discuss their art. Cash awards of $1,000 will be given to award winners at 6:00 PM. More information can be found by calling 812/682-3970.
4. The art gallery “Creation Station: Art Fueled by Imagination” will feature custom airbrushing, glass etching and other handcrafted items by Rick Huffman, Bill Gerg, Ali Huffman, Brent Wallace, Joshua Bowles, Elisabeth Klauburg and Bob Zasadny. Creation Station is located at 6060 B Main Street in New Harmony.
A reception will also be held for Steve Carner, a New Harmony based artist, who recently carved sculptures of four of New Harmony’s most prominent historical figures. The reception will be held in Redbud Park located on East Church Street next to the Yellow Tavern.

Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 11am – 3:30pm; Sunday 1pm – 3:30pm
Admission: $7.50 for adults; $2.50 for students; $1.50 for children 12 and under
Wine Down to the Weekend:
The Board of Trustees of the Reitz Home invite you to – Wine Down to the Weekend, every Thursday through August 19th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Reitz Carriage House – outside if the weather permits. Free Admission, Wine $5.00 and Beer $3.00, complimentary hors d’oeuvres

18th Annual Mystery Event – Honoring Jack and Sue Schriber
Presented by Casino Aztar and Reitz Home Preservation Society
Reitz Home Noir, Author Kelley Coures and Director Jack Schriber
Saturday, August 28, 2010 starting at 5:30 p.m. for the Mystery Play and then continuing to Kirby’s Private Dining for Dinner, then announcement of the Mystery winner who receives a gourmet dinner for 8 in their home by Ronnie Lee, and small live auction which includes an all expense paid trip for two persons to Riu Palace (5 Star All-Inclusive Resort) Cabo San Lucas October 4th through 9th, 2010 and 4 Tickets to a Colts Game. Call Reitz Home, 426-1871.
August 10-September 26: Exhibit of icons, silverpoint drawings
• The Saint Meinrad Archabbey Library Gallery, St. Meinrad, IN, is presenting an exhibit of artwork by artist Michael Moran, CP, of Bronx, NY. Exhibit dates are August 10 to September 26.
• Br. Michael professed his vows in 1974 as a brother of the Eastern Province of the Passionist Community. In 1977, he received a master’s degree in theology from St. John’s University in New York City in comparative religions. Though largely self-taught, he studied art with August Mosca, a noted Long Island artist, from 1984 to 1989. He attended The Art Students League in Manhattan from 1989 to 1990.
• One of his specialties is painting icons, translating this ancient art form of the Eastern Christian Churches into contemporary terms. His works have been exhibited since 1985 in galleries and museums, largely in Illinois, Kentucky, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas. His icons are in many churches and private collections in the United States.
• In this exhibit, “Icons and Silverpoint Drawings: An Invitation to Mystery,” he paired icons, with their detailed and colorful depictions of Christ and the saints, with silverpoint drawings, mostly detailed renderings of plants and flowers.
• For library hours call, (812) 357-6401 or (800) 987-7311, or visit the Archabbey Library’s website: www.saintmeinrad.edu/library/library_hours.aspx.
• The exhibit is free and open to the public.
Tri-State Art Guild
In Cooperation with The Friends of Angel Mounds
presents Community of Artists, Art Exhibit of Collaborative Works
August 8 – October 1, 2010
Angel Mounds State Historic Site
Artwork is rendered in a variety of styles and mediums including acrylics, pastels, stoneware and paper. Collaborating artists include Jane Parisotto & Alison Parisotto, Julie Lovins & Shirley Davis, Becky Hostetler & Paula Mitchell, Laresa Kerney & Stephen Reifsnyder, Elizabeth Davis & Lisa Heichelbach, Stephen Cochran & Marilyn Wilkerson, Carolyn Jones & Job Corps Art Students.

Co-Exhibit of 3D Work: “Art Books” by Stephen Cochran of the Bound to Be Around Bindery in Mt. Vernon, IN.

Exhibits are free to the public however admission is required to view the Angel Mounds Interperative Center and mounds. Hours Tues-Sat 9-5 & Sun 1-5. For directions, call Angel Mounds at 812-853-3956. For additional show or guild membership information, please call 270-826-6674 or visit the website www.tri-stateartguild.org. _________________________________________________________________________________________

First Tuesday Concert Series, Fall Faculty Gala
September 7, 2010 | 7:30 P.M. | Wheeler Concert Hall
The Department of Music faculty present an evening of musical variety to get the concert season started on a festive note. Please join us for this concert and a reception following, both sponsored by Friends of UE Music.

Faculty Recital, Kelly Sulick, Flute
September 14, 2010 | 7:30 P.M. | Wheeler Concert Hall

Jazz Guest Artist Series
September 19, 2010 | 4:00 P.M. | Wheeler Concert Hall
Admission: $15, Evansville Jazz Society Members $10, UE Students with ID $5

Faculty Recital, Kenneth Steinsultz, Euphonium
September 21, 2010 | 7:30 P.M. | Wheeler Concert Hall

Faculty Recital, Elizabeth Robertson, Oboe, and Edwin Lacy, Bassoon
September 28, 2010 | 7:30 P.M. | Wheeler Concert Hall
Judy Chicago
An Internationally Recognized Artist
Will Speak at the University of Southern Indiana
Monday, September 13th at 7:30 in Carter Hall
Judy will speak on her iconic Dinner Party installation and other works
The Dinner Party is in every survey of art textbook, nearly every contemporary art theory and criticism text, and is the touchstone for discussions in multiple disciplines. An exhibition on the Dinner Party will open at the Evansville Museum of Arts, Science and History on September 12th through November 28th. Judy is curtailing her public speaking in order to devote herself to her art. I doubt there will be many opportunities to hear her in the future and certainly not in our area. Books by and about Judy Chicago will be available for purchase and she will sign copies after her talk. I want to thank the Art Department, the University Core Curriculum, and the Evansville Museum of Arts, Science and History for joining together to bring one of America’s most preeminent artists. I encourage you to build this lecture into your syllabi and bring your students to the talk.
For more information on the Dinner Party check with site of the Brooklyn Museum http://www.brooklynmuseum.org/exhibitions/dinner_party/


Workshops on stab-sewn binding styles and techniques
Learn how to make elegant and beautiful books in the Oriental, stab-sewn style in this half-day workshop at Bound To Be Around Bindery, in Mount Vernon, Indiana. Participants will receive an overview of the traditional form of the stab-sewn book, and instruction on how to make a basic four-hole stab-sewn book. They will also learn two additional stab-sewing patterns, and should be able to complete all three bindings during the workshop.
The first workshop will be held on Saturday, August 21st from 9:00 – 1:00, and is open to 5 participants. If demand warrants, additional workshops will be scheduled on September 4th and 11th. Cost of the workshop is $60.00 per person, and includes all handouts and materials. Workshop participants will have three completed books to take home.
Steve Cochran, owner and proprietor of Bound To Be Around Bindery, is a librarian and bookbinder with 20 years of experience in the book and paper arts. He is a member of the Guild of Book Workers, the Arts Council of Southwest Indiana, and the Tri-State Artist’s Guild.
To register or get additional information, contact Steve Cochran by telephone at 812-781-9665 or email at boundtobearound@mac.com.

Annual Plein~Air Painting at JJA Museum
Audubon Museum~Sept. 3rd & 4th
by Devere Burt
Fee: $60.00 for the 2-day workshop
Fri. 9:00-4:00 Sat. 9:00-1:00
Contact: Kim Mcgrew at the JJA Museum for pre-registration & supply list
Kim.mcgrew@ky.gov or (270) 827-1893

New Harmony will host USI Continuing Education Course
You’ll make beautiful paper for your artwork, scrapbook, or stationary in the Introduction to Hand Papermaking workshop. Instructed by Janet Lorence, Artist, Hand Papermaking meets from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., September 11 and 18 at the Double Log Cabin. The fee of $75 includes materials.

Evansville Before the Civil War – (Archives)


Aug 26, 2010
(6:00 p.m.)

Author of Home Town History: The Evansville, Indiana Area, A Photo Timeline, Harold Morgan will present a program based on his extensive research on Evansville’s early history. The program is the second in the Home Town History series, and will survey important events in the development of the city up to the eve of the Civil War. Harold is also the author of Home Front Heroes: Evansville and the Tri-State in WWII.

Reservations are not required, but are appreciated.
You may call (812) 425-4309, ext. 114, or register online at http://www.willard.lib.in.us/calendar_of_events/event_details.php?eventID=376

Event Location:

Second Floor

Statement from Indiana Right to Life PAC Chairman Mike Fichter:


Indiana Right to Life PAC
“One of Indiana Right to Life’s strategic goals for the next five years is to reduce Indiana’s abortion rate by at least 25%. We know that we will not accomplish that objective with Democrat majorities in Indianapolis and Washington. The official Democratic Party platform on abortion adopted in 2008 states: ‘The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.’

It is clear that the Democratic Party’s leadership, platform, and actions are having a devastating impact on the unborn as evidenced by recent passage of the federal health bill and the continued killing of prolife legislation in Indiana by the Democratic majority in the Indiana House.

Republican, Libertarian, Independent and Tea Party candidates will remain eligible for endorsement consideration under the Indiana Right to Life PAC policy. In addition, the IRTLPAC policy will in no way change the nonpartisan nature of our voter guides.”