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Commissioner Tornatta & Winnecke to Wash Cars of Walking to Freedom Contest Winners


Troy Tornatta

Lloyd Winnecke

(Evansville, In) – Vanderburgh County Commissioners Troy Tornatta and Lloyd Winnecke will hold a car wash* September 29, beginning at 3:30pm in the court yard of the Civic Center. The car wash is for the top five individual participants of the Walking to Freedom contest that walked more miles during the contest than the Commissioners.

“Where’s Grandma’s Apron?” – (Genealogy)


Roots - Branches
Nell Jordan will speak about the history of the apron

Date: Wednesday Oct 06, 2010
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Special Collections Department, Second Floor

Children are invited to attend “Apples and Aprons”, which includes:(2) storytimes,a craft and refreshments.
6:00pm to 8:00pm in the Children’s room during the talk in Special Collections.

All programs are free and open to the public.

Reservation are requested, but are not required.

Vintage Aprons will be on display in the Special Collections Department during the month of October.

To register for this event, click on the link below and go to Calendar of Events-October-“Where’s Grandma’s Apron?”




EVANSVILLE, September 27, 2010 – The Vanderburgh County Health Department will hold an Influenza (Flu) Shot Clinic for adults at our facility at 420 Mulberry Street located at the corner of 6th and Mulberry Street on

Thursday, October 7, 2010 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Flu shots will be available for adults nineteen years of age and older for $9, payable by check or cash.

According to Dr. Raymond Nicholson, Vanderburgh County Health Officer, the most effective strategy for preventing the flu is to take a flu shot each year. The vaccines are safe and effective.

For more information about flu shots, contact your physician or
the health department at 812-435-5692.



Nick Hermann

Stan Levco

EVANSVILLE, Ind. – Vanderburgh County Prosecutor candidates Nick Hermann (Rep.) and incumbent Stan Levco (Dem.) will meet for a public debate on Tuesday, Sept. 28 in Central Library’s Browning Rooms A and B. The event, hosted by Women Right of Center (WOMEN R.O.C.) will begin at 6 p.m.

“We feel the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor election is always an important race, so we’re pleased both candidates will be taking part in the September 28 debate,” Women R.O.C. president Holli Sullivan says. “We appreciate it when both parties agree to attend these events because our mission is to present both sides so that voters in this community can make informed decisions.”

Attorney General, Senator Lugar focus on “Mexico In Transition”

Senator Richard Lugar

Zoeller: Mexico’s justice system undergoing fundamental transformation that affects Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS – With Mexico’s organized crime problems in the headlines, Indiana this week is hosting a delegation of 40 Mexican prosecutors and judges and 40 police investigators to train them on the intricacies of the Indiana courts as they prepare for a major transition within their own legal system.

Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller’s office is conducting the Rule of Law training for the Mexican legal professionals that lasts through Friday. The kickoff to the training was a public-education event Sunday on “Mexico In Transition” at Indiana University School of Law in Indianapolis at which U.S. Senator Richard Lugar, R-Ind., was the keynote speaker. Approximately 200 people registered to attend the presentations by Lugar, Zoeller, Notre Dame Law School Professor Jimmy Gurulé and the state attorneys general of six Mexican states.

Solidarity with those seeking to reform Mexico’s criminal justice system was the theme of Zoeller’s remarks Sunday and the basis for the Rule of Law training this week.

“What brings us all together here today is a common goal to seek justice as we address the problems of crime that we share. All of us have watched in dismay as shocking violence has erupted in Mexico as the drug war has escalated between organized crime cartels and the Mexican government,” Zoeller told the audience Sunday. “Our sympathies are with the millions of hard-working, law-abiding Mexican people who want only to lead quiet lives free of violence, crime and oppression,” the attorney general added.

The Rule of Law training springs from an agreement reached in March between Zoeller and his counterpart from the Mexican state of Baja California, Attorney General Rommel Moreno Manjarrez, through the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars. The training is sponsored by the Conference of Western Attorneys General (CWAG) with a grant from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). No state tax dollars are being spent to conduct it. CWAG covered the costs of the visitors’ lodging, educational materials and interpreters.

In his speech Sunday, Zoeller touched on concerns about undocumented workers leaving Mexico for the U.S., the demand for illicit drugs in the U.S. that Mexican drug cartels have supplied and the growing problem of human trafficking in Indiana. But Zoeller also noted economic statistics that show Mexico is second only to Canada as the largest destination for Indiana’s exports, including manufacturing equipment and medical supplies.

The current drug war in Mexico is taking place even as Mexico’s court system undergoes a fundamental transformation, from the inquisitional system of closed written court proceedings inherited from the Spanish to an advocacy system of oral argument similar to that of the United States. That transition is under an amendment to the Mexican Constitution adopted in 2008, and is part of a larger effort to reform and modernize Mexico’s justice system that involves retraining of Mexican legal professionals, Zoeller said.

During the Rule of Law training this week, Indiana lawyers, judges, prosecutors and deputy attorneys general will instruct the Mexican legal professionals on the critical components of Indiana’s justice system. The visitors from Mexico will learn the methods under Indiana law of adversarial trial proceedings, attorneys’ opening and closing statements, direct testimony and cross-examination, preserving forensic evidence at crime scenes and collecting evidence and witness statements.

Among the top legal experts leading training sessions this week are Indiana Chief Justice Randall Shepard, Indiana Supreme Court Associate Justice Frank Sullivan, Indiana Appeals Court Judge Nancy Vaidik, Indiana Solicitor General Thomas M. Fisher, Notre Dame University Law School Professor Jimmy Gurulé, Marion County Superior Court Judge José Salinas, Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Stan Levco and several others.

“Legitimacy and trust in the eyes of the public are foundational components for any nation’s system of justice to work effectively,” Zoeller said. “The goal is that our visitors will be better prepared to lead Mexico’s transition into its new adversarial legal system – which is one facet of this larger transformation of Mexico’s system of justice from the inside out.”

Zoeller noted that he was honored that Indiana’s two most-respected foreign-policy experts have assisted him in the effort. Lugar, the former chairman and current ranking member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was the keynote speaker Sunday and offered his perspective on U.S.-Mexico relations. Former Congressman Lee Hamilton, D-Ind., also co-authored with Zoeller a recent letter to the editor on Rule of Law in Mexico that appeared in Indiana newspapers.

Also speaking Sunday at a panel discussion moderated by Professor Gurulé on “Mexico in Transition” in Indianapolis were six state attorneys general from Mexican states. The attorneys general are:

· Pedro Flores Vasquez, State of Tlaxcala

· Miguel Rafael Gonzalez Lastra, State of Tabasco

· Alfredo Higuera Bernal, State of Sinaloa

· Karim Francisco Martinez Lizarraga, State of Baja California Sur

· Rommel Moreno Manjarrez, State of Baja California

· Carlos Zamarripa Aguirre, State of Guanajuato.

NOTE: The Letter to the Editor co-authored by Attorney General Greg Zoeller and former Congressman Lee Hamilton about supporting Rule of Law in Mexico is at this link:


Collective Bargaining Letter From City Attorney David L. Jones



Please click on the following link:
Collective Bargaining Letter from City Attorney David L. Jones

David L. Jones Evansville IN Corporate Council

Statements from Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel Regarding Ongoing FOP Contract Negotiations


(EVANSVILLE, IN) – September 22, 2010 – The City of Evansville has been made aware that the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) distributed a news release on September 21, 2010, regarding ongoing contract negotiations between the City and the FOP. The following statements from Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel are in response to statements and allegations made by the FOP in said release:

“Contract talks between the City and the FOP are continuing and ideas continue to be exchanged.

It is highly disconcerting and unfortunate that the FOP has broken a long-standing tradition of
conducting contract negotiations with the City in private.”

“The FOP’s primary focus in these contract talks has been to shift their financial responsibility
for retiree medical costs to the City and thereby to the taxpayers. Contrary to the suggestion in
the FOP’s news release, the City has offered wage increases as a part of our multi-year proposal
to the FOP. The current starting salary for an Evansville Police Department (EPD) officer is
among the highest in the state. The proposed change by the City to decrease officers’ starting
salaries would help offset the shift of the financial responsibility of the retiree medical costs as
demanded by the FOP.”

“While the FOP has never previously shown any interest in taking the lead with regard to
enhancing the EPD’s ability to recruit minorities, we welcome any positive change in the FOP’s
position regarding minority hiring.”

EVSC Sets Dates for Immunization Compliance


The Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation has set deadlines by which all students must show proof of Indiana State Law required immunizations for school attendance, or approved waivers. While most elementary schools in the EVSC have nearly 100% compliance, middle and high schools have not fared as well.

New immunization requirements were announced last spring for all students in 6th-12th grades in the State of Indiana. At that time, the EVSC in conjunction with the Vanderburgh County Health Department, offered free immunization clinics in most of the schools; sent home information regarding the new requirements; sent out Connect-ED family notification messages to parents regarding the requirements; as well as information about upcoming summer clinics. Letters and phone messages have been sent out by schools this fall, as well.
Still, a large number of students do not have up-to-date records that have been turned in to their school nurses.

The EVSC has set the dates below by which students need to have their immunization documents turned in to the school nurse or they may not attend school until in compliance. Connect-ED messages will be sent to students beginning in October, who show any deficits in current immunization reports.

Deadlines for compliance are:

All Middle Schools: October 18

Bosse High School: October 25
Central High School: Nov. 1
Reitz High School: Nov. 8
North High School: Nov. 15
Harrison High School: Nov. 22

The Vanderburgh County Health Department has arranged for special extended free clinic times on Tuesdays beginning Oct. 5 (Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26, Nov. 9, Nov. 16) from 1-7 p.m. at their offices, 420 Mulberry Street. This will be offered in addition to their free walk-in clinics Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Children must be accompanied by or have written permission from a parent / legal guardian and must bring a complete shot record showing all immunizations received since birth, which can be received from the child’s health care provider and the school nurse. For more information, go to http://www.vanderburghgov.org/Index.aspx?page=2287

Board of Public Safety – MINUTES Wednesday, September 22, 2010


City of Evansville Seal
Building Commission – Police Department –
Code Enforcement – Ron Beane Fire Department – Chief Keith Jarboe
Emergency Management –

~ Pledge of Allegiance ~
Business with representatives:

Motion by President Bagbey, 2nd by Ms. Huff and so ordered to approve the following items:

Brent Jackson, Presidents Neighborhood Association, appeared requesting the ally be closed from the 1000 block – 1400 block of S. Harlan on the odd side of the street for cleaning and cutting vegetation. He also request 4 dumpster permits.

Motion by Ms. Huff, 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to deny the request to change the parking signs:

Alberta Matlock, City Clerk, checked the parking situation in the 200 block of SE 4th several different days at different times and did not find a problem. She did not find any reason to change the current parking signs. Mr. Marshall did not attend the meeting.

Departmental Reports:

A. Building Commission ~ Ben Miller

~ No business ~

B. Emergency Management ~ Sherman Greer

~ No business ~

C. Police Department – Chief Brad Hill

D. Fire Department ~ Chief Keith Jarboe

Motion by President Bagbey, 2nd Ms. Huff and so ordered to approve the following preventative maintenance program:

1. Requests approval of bi-annual preventative maintenance program for exercise equipment from Gilles Fitness in the amount of $3,000.00.

Motion by Ms. Huff, 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve the following two requests:

2. Approve price quote for pavement sealing and striping from Pavement Sealing Company, Inc. in the amount of $4,058.00.

3. Requests permission to seek bids on new fire apparatus.

Motion by Ms. Huff, 2nd by President Bagbey and so ordered to approve the opening and awarding of the bids for demolition of the following properties:

E. Code Enforcement ~ Ron Beane

Emergency raze at 509 Covert Ave due to safety problems.

Location Velpen Stradtner Powers
16-18 West Delaware St House/Duplex $14,000.00 $ 7,979.00 $ 8,173.00
211-213 West Michigan St. House/Duplex/Garage $ 9,800.00 $10,390.00 $ 9,329.00
312 West Louisiana St. House $ 4,670.00 $ 4,898.00 $ 3,873.00
1118 West Florida St. House $ 6,000.00 $ 6,335.00 $ 6,750.00
1120 West Louisiana St. House $ 7,800.00 $ 5,625.00 $ 8,000.00
1134 Henning Ave. House $ 5,200.00 $ 6,090.00 $ 5,743.00
1216 Harriet St. House $ 4,800.00 $ 5,465.00 $ 4,378.00
1326 W. Columbia St. House/Shed $ 7,800.00 $ 6,150.00 $ 7,930.00
1404-1406 W. Eichel Ave. House/Duplex $ 8,000.00 $ 7,485.00 $ 7,986.00
4406 Kensington Ave. Garage $ 6,800.00 No Bid $ 1,648.00
506 E. Gum St. House $ 4,200.00 $ 5,475.00 $ 4,770.00
620 Adams Ave. House $11,500.00 $15,090.00 $11,286.00
915 E. Blackford Ave. House/Garage $16,500.00 $ 9,675.00 $ 8,360.00
1039 E. Gum St. House $ 4,200.00 $ 5,625.00 $ 4,730.00
1204 S. Governor St. House/Shed $ 4,400.00 $ 6,075.00 $ 6,135.00
1206 S. Governor St. House $ 5,500.00 $ 5,990.00 $ 5,873.00
1214 S. Governor St. House/Garage $ 6,800.00 $ 8,390.00 $10,900.00
1211 S. Bedford Ave. House $ 7,000.00 $ 6,135.00 $ 8,365.00
1220 S. Grand Ave. House/Garage $ 5,220.00 $ 5,375.00 $ 6,675.00
1242 E. Sycamore St. House $ 4,200.00 $ 5,745.00 $ 5,280.00
1415 S. Elliott St. House/Deck $ 6,900.00 $ 7,385.00 $ 7,987.00

1. 16-18 West Delaware St.-House to Stradtner for $7,979.00

2. 211-213 West Michigan St.-House/Duplex/Garage to Powers for $9,329.00

3. 312 West Louisiana St.-House to Powers for $3,873.00

4. 1118 West Florida St.-House to Velpen for $6,000.00

5. 1120 West Louisiana St-House to Stradtner for $5,625.00

6. 1134 Henning Ave-House to Velpen for $5,200.00

7. 1216 Harriet St-House to Powers for $4,378.00

8. 1326 West Columbia-House and Shed to Stradtner for $6,150.00

9. 1404-1406 West Eichel Ave.-House and Duplex for $7,485.00

10. 4406 Kensington Ave-Garage to Powers for $1,648.00

11. 506 East Gum St-House to Velpen for $4,200.00

12. 602 Adams Ave-House to Powers for $11,286.00

13. 915 East Blackford Ave-House and Garage to Powers for $8,360.00

14. 1039 East Gum St-House to Velpen for $4,200.00

15. 1204 South Governor-House and Shed to Velpen for $,400.00

16. 1206 South Governor-House to Velpen for $5,500.00

17. 1214 South Governor-House and Garage to Velpen for $6,800.00

18. 1211 South Bedford Ave-House to Stradtner for $6,135.00

19. 1220 South Grand Ave-House and Garage to Velpen for $5,220.00

20. 1242 East Sycamore St-House to Velpen for $4,200.00

21. 1415 S. Elliott St-House and Deck to Velpen for $6,900.00

Consent Section:

Motion by Ms. Huff, 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve the following MPO Recommendations:

1. Randy Cain requested a review of the intersection of Martin Lane and Newburgh Road for the installation of a 3-way Stop control. Recommendation: Based on the traffic data collected and the accident data available, no change in right-of-way control is warranted at this time.

2. Ron Reisinger requested review of the intersections of Harlan Avenue with Madison Avenue or Monroe Avenue for the installation of an all-way stop control to deter speeding. Recommendation: No change in right-of-way control is warranted at this time. Coordinate with law enforcement for monitoring and enforcement of the current statutory speed limit. The Safety Board had some questions as to what time of the day the study was conducted. Laura Lamb, Transportation Planner, advised the traffic count devices were in place at the intersection on August 10th and picked up 48 hours later on August 12th.

3. Jim Cruse, Traffic Engineering Department, requested review of the intersections in the Diamond Villa subdivision for appropriate right-of-way control signs and any other warranted traffic improvements. Recommendation: It is recommended that Stop signs be installed according to the layout attached.

The following item was tabled. Ms. Carr will be invited to the next meeting to discuss the crosswalk.

1. Donna Carr, Weekday Christian Education, requested a crosswalk be painted on Weinbach in front of Voegel School. They have a mobile unit that is going to be permanently setup at Kwik Copy across from the school on Weinbach. The crosswalk would allow the children that attend classes in the mobile unit a safe way to cross the street. The Safety Board wanted School Safety Officer Pete Dossett’s input. Officer Dossett is not opposed to it. He went on to say “By putting a crosswalk in, it will create a safe and direct pathway to the mobile unit”.

Motion by Ms. Huff, 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve the following signs:

2. The City Engineering Department has obtained approval from the Board of Public Works to accept the Crown Point subdivision off of Oak Hill Road for city maintenance. This subdivision does not fall under the new developer sign ordinance. The City Engineering Department is asking approval to install city signage in the subdivision.

Motion by Ms. Manis, 2nd by Ms. Huff and so ordered to approve the following road closings:

1. Greg Utley is requesting EB lane Old Post Road From Berry Lane to 1st Avenue be closed
Saturday, September 25th from 3:00 p.m. until Midnight for the North Band Invitational *BARRICADES REQUESTED*

2. Patricia Weinzapfel, by Ed Ziemer, is requesting approval to close Main Street Between 1st Street and Riverside on Friday, October 8th, from 4:30 p.m. until Midnight for “Rockin for Robin” for the Robin Evernham Foundation to benefit cancer research. *BARRICADES REQUESTED*

Motion by Ms. Huff, 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve 1 parking permit for Peyronnin Construction Company.

1. Sandy Wright, Peyronnin Construction Company, is requesting 2 parking permits for the Arena Project. Peyronnin has already been granted 1 parking permit. The limit for parking permits is 2 per job site.

Motion by President Bagbey, 2nd Ms. Huff and so ordered to approve the following requests for Taxi Cab Driver Permits:

1. William D. Kensell

2. Timothy P. Rank

Motion by Ms. Huff, 2nd Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve the request to revoke the following Taxi Cab Driver Permit:

1. Frank Goff

Motion by Ms. Huff, 2nd Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve the following requests for Parade – Walk – Run Permits:

1. Debbie Hebbeler, Executive Director, Tri-State Multiple Sclerosis Association requests approval for a parade permit on Sunday, November 7th starting at 1:30 p.m. The parade is ½ mile long. It includes 1 vehicle (Comaier Wheelchair Van). Starting at Romain Discount Used Car lot, over the Expressway ramp to Fielding Road to front of Harrison High School to Cullen Avenue over the Expressway Ramp back to Romain Car Lot. (Around Harrison High School). This was continued from the September 8th meeting due to proof of insurance. Proof of insurance has been received.

2. Rev. Philip Hoy, Vanderburgh County CROP Hunger Walk, requests approval for a Run/Walk permit on Saturday, November 6th starting at 10:00 a.m. The walk is 2.2 miles long. It begins at East Side Christian Church, corner of Weinbach and Bayard Park Drive. Walk goes E on Bayard Park Dr, left on Alvord Blvd, left on Mulberry St, right on Frederick St, cross U of E Campus, S on Rotherwood, left on SE Blvd, E on Blackford Ave, left on Alvord Blvd, left on Bayard Park Dr back to East Side Christian Church.

3. Gwen Godsey, Principal, Reitz Memorial High School requests approval for 2 parade permits on Friday, October 1st, First permit requested is from 6:30 a.m. and will end by 6:45 a.m. the purpose is for the Senior Homecoming Float to travel from 711 College Hwy. to the school located at 1500 Lincoln Ave. The Second permit is request on Friday, October 1st starting at 6:15 p.m. and ending at 6:45 p.m. to transport the homecoming court to the Enlow Stadium. Start at Lincoln and Benninghoff, E on Lincoln, N on College Hwy., E on Powell.

4. Kristin Hood, SWICA Wellness Coordinator, requests approval for Run/Walk permit on Saturday, October 30th starting at 9:00 a.m. for 9th Annual Ray/Ray Memorial 5K. Race starts at SWIRCA, N on Baker, W on Morgan, N on Read, E on Richardt, S on Heidelbach, W on Herndon, through Garvin Park, S on Main, W on Morgan, S on Baker, return to SWIRCA.

5. Stanley Gilham, Youth Director Salem UMC, requests approval for Run/Walk permit on Sunday, October 3rd starting at 2:30 p.m. for 5K Run for charity (youth missions program). Race starts at Salem Church, 6311 Kratzville Rd, to Kratz Ave, right on Kratz, left on First Ave, to Kratzville Rd, right on Laubscher Rd. Turn around at the dead end of Laubscher back to Kratzville. Turn around at Kratzville and Wimberg Rd. Back to Salem UMC. (3.1 miles).

6. Penny Eades, Isis Temple, Daughters of the Nile, requests approval for Run/Walk permit on Sunday, October 17th at 4:00 p.m. to benefit the Daughters of the Nile. Route will begin on Riverside Drive, continue W on Riverside Dr, make U-turn onto Riverside Dr heading E, another U-turn up the exit of the boat ramp. Take the Greenway path to Sunset Park. Exit Sunset Park and return w on Greenway, w on sidewalk of riverfront, U-turn onto Riverside Dr. near Main St. and continue back down Riverside to Walnut, left on Walnut end in front of Hadi Shrine Building. *BARRICADES REQUESTED*

7. Harold Matthews, Chief of Security, University of Evansville requests approval for Parade permit on Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. for homecoming. The parade will start at Carson Center, E on Walnut, S on Weinbach, W on Lincoln, N on Rotherwood. *BARRICADES REQUESTED*

The following handicap parking requests were tabled until the requestor can attend a Safety Board Meeting and provide further information:

1. James R Connelly and Karen Connelly are requesting approval for two handicap parking spaces at 223 S. New York. Attached is a response from Supervisor, Jim Cruse, with the Traffic Engineering Department who went out to inspect the site. 223 S. New York Ave. has some parking in the rear but this is a 4 unit apartment building. I was informed by their son that that one of their vehicles is parked in the rear and does not run. He seemed surprised that both had applied for a handicap parking space. I believe we should allow for one “Handicap” parking space in the front of the home for both to share if they meet the additional criteria.

2. Wanda J. Turnage requests approval for handicap space 401 E. Virginia Street. Paperwork is in order.

Motion by Ms. Huff, 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve the following:

1. Approve claims.

2. Acknowledge receipt of Towing report for September 1-15, 2010

3. Approve the minutes of Wednesday September 8, 2010


Next meeting, October 13, 2010 at 1:30 pm

City-County Human Relations Commission Annual Dinner Proves to be Provocative, Motivational, Celebratory


Dr. Cornel West
(EVANSVILLE, IN) – September 24, 2010 – The Evansville-Vanderburgh County Human Relations Commission Annual Dinner and Mayor’s Celebration of Diversity Awards was held on Friday September 24, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. at The Centre.

The featured keynote speaker, Dr. Cornel West, is one of America’s most provocative public intellectuals. A champion for racial justice since childhood, Dr. West’s writing, speaking and teachings weave together the traditions of the black Baptist Church, progressive politics and jazz. The New York Times has praised his “ferocious moral vision.”

Currently the Class of 1943 Professor at Princeton University, West burst onto the national scene in 1993 with his bestselling book, Race Matters, a searing analysis of racism in American democracy. Dr. West graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University and has a Ph. D. from Princeton. He offers weekly commentary on The Tavis Smiley Show, was an influential force in the development of the storyline for the Matrix movie trilogy, and has released two CDs highlighting his belief that growing divisions in our society foster despair and distrust.

His new book, Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud, A Memoir, is a compelling exploration of his heart behind the human mind; and like its author, it is brilliant, unapologetic, full of passion, yet cool. This poignant memoir traces West’s transformation from a schoolyard Robin Hood into a progressive cultural icon.

In addition to the rousing keynote presentation by Dr. West, Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel presented the following 2010 Mayor’s Celebration of Diversity Awards at this evening’s event:

• Workforce Diversity Award – Old National Bank

Awarded to a business or organization that has been successful in achieving a diverse workforce.

• Development (Willie Effie Thomas Award) – Sylvia Weinzapfel, Executive Director, YWCA

Awarded to an individual who has successfully implemented diversity education and communication in an organization, business or the community.

• Community Relations (Sue Woodson Award) – Rev. Adrian M. Brooks, I

Awarded to an individual, business or organization that has achieved exceptional success in developing diversity activities which encourage and support success in the area of community relations.

• Leadership Award – Youth Build, George Flowers, Executive Director

Awarded to a business or organization that has developed supportive diversity strategies throughout a business, organization or community.

• Sadelle Berger Award – Jamil Wali (Posthumous)

This top award honors the tireless work of an individual, organization or business that promotes fairness, inclusion and respect for all in the community, and has made a significant impact.