9/28 5:30-7PM Maura Robinson For County Auditor Fundraiser- Hosted by Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel at the home of Sally Becker
Suggested contribution levels $500 Platinum, $250 Diamond, $100 Gold, $50 Silver For more information or to RSVP call Adairius Gardner agardner@weinzapfelformayor.com (812)484-6568
9/29 6PM Central Labor Council Candidates Night – Labor Temple 210 N Fulton Ave
9/30 9AM Troy Tornatta Golf Scramble – Cambridge Golf Course – 9AM Shotgun Start http://www.gogoodgov.com
$1,200 Tornatta Cup – Foursome Banner Display-Car Display – 2 Hole Sponsors $500 Masters – Foursome- One Hole Sponsorship $150 Hole Sponsorship $100 Lone Duffers
9/30 4-6PM Stephanie Terry for County Council Fundraiser Evansville African American Hosted by Nancy Drake, Gail Riecken and Connie Robinson. Sponsorship information forthcoming…
9/30 7PM 8PM The League of Women Voters of Southwestern Indiana Debate: Broadcast live broadcast on WNIN-PBS9.
State House District 75 (Open seat: Democrat Mike Goebel and Republican Ron Bacon)
District 77 (Rep. Gail Riecken, D-Evansville, and Republican Cheryl Musgrave)
District 76 (Democrat Steve Smith and Rep. Suzanne Crouch, R-Evansville)
State Senate District 49 Open seat: Democrat Patty Avery and Republican Jim Tomes
10/2 9AM Vanderburgh County Democrat Women’s Caucus Meeting-Central Library – Upstairs Meeting Room
10/2 9:30AM Labor walk for Mike Goebel – Evansville Labor Temple 210 N Fulton Ave.
10/2 12-5PM Rick Riney For Perry Township Trustee Fundraiser – West Side Sportsman’s Club 1000 N Peerless Rd.
10/2 3-11PM Jazz, Wine & Arts Fest Downtown
10/2 6:30PM Steve Smith Fundraiser Details TBA
10/4 AM 1st Day a voter may vote absentee ballot in Election office
10/4 Close of Day Voter Registration Ends at close of business day
10/4-9 10AM-8PM West Side Nut Club Fall Festival
10/5 5:30-6:30PM The John F. Kennedy Club of Vanderburgh County – Monthly Meeting – Evansville Labor Temple – 210 N Fulton
10/8 Close of Day End of Pre-Election Campaign Finance Reporting
10/10 7AM YMCA Half-Marathon http://www.evansvillehalfmarathon.org/ The Evansville Half Marathon course starts atop Reitz Hill and winds down through the city of Evansville, Indiana
10/12 5:30 – 8PM SIBA Candidates Night – Holiday Inn – 4101 Hwy 41 N http://www.sibaonline.org 479-6026 to RSVP
10/13 5-7PM Kathryn Martin Fundraiser – Details TBA
10/13 6:30-7:30PM Vanderburgh County Democrat Club – Monthly Meeting Evansville Labor Temple
10/14 TBD Maura Robinson For County Auditor Fundraiser
10/14 5:15PM Teamsters Candidate Night @ Teamsters Hall 5:15 Cold Cuts 6PM Candidates Night
10/14 7PM 8PM The League of Women Voters of Southwestern Indiana Debate: Broadcast live broadcast on WNIN-PBS9.
District 2: Councilman Tom Shetler Jr., a Republican, and Democrat Hayden Barth
District 3: Councilwoman Stephanie Terry, a Democrat, and Republican Bill Kramer
District 4 (Councilman Russ Lloyd Jr., a Republican, and Democrat Tim Taylor)
District 2 (Commissioner Troy Tornatta, a Democrat, and Republican Marsha Abell)
10/15 12pm Deadline by noon to file pre-election campaign finance reports for all candidates and parties
10/15 8AM Weaver FORE Assessor II – Golf Outing
10/16 10:30AM-1:30PM 2nd Ward Walk meet at 2722 Pollack Avenue to begin our walk and end at 1:30 at Rick’s Sportsbar for Pizza and fellowship! Please join us in supporting our Democratic Candidates!!!
10/19 6:30-8PM Evansville For Change – Monthly Meeting Central Library – Browning Room A
10/21 8AM First day a confined voter, a voter caring for a confined person at a private residence, or a voter with disabilities may vote an absentee ballot before an absentee voter board at the voter’s residence or place of confinement
10/22 6PM UNOE Spark Plug Banquet – Walnut Room of Aztar Executive Conference Center Call 428-4243 for Info
10/24 1-4PM Coroner Annie Groves Annual Bean Soup – The Mosby’s River Camp 4803 Old Henderson Road – Bean Soup, Hot Dogs, & Soft Drinks – No Charge however, donations will be accepted.
10/25 5-8PM Stephanie Terry for County Council Fundraiser Gospel Night Club Great gospel music, food and conversation with your councilwoman!!!! Location & Ticket Info: TBA
10/25 MIDNIGHT Deadline by midnight (except for confined voter or voters caring for a confined person requesting delivery of a ballot by an absentee voter board), for the Clerk to receive mailed, hand-delivered, or faxed absentee ballot applications requesting to vote absentee by mail
10/28 PM (TBD) Maura Robinson For Auditor Fundraiser hosted by Erika Taylor and Robert Scott Wylie
10/29 5:30-8PM 2010 Jefferson-Jackson Dinner The Centre
11/1 NOON Deadline, by noon, for the clerk to receive mailed, hand-delivered, or faxed absentee ballot applications from confined voters or voters caring for a confined person requesting delivery of a ballot by an absentee delivery board
11/1 NOON Deadline, by noon, for a voter to vote an absentee ballot in the office of the circuit court clerk
11/1 Deadline for a confined voter, a voter caring for a confined person, or a voter with disabilities to vote an absentee ballot before an absentee board at the voter’s place of confinement
11/2 6AM-6PM General Election Voting: Polls Open 6am-6pm
11/2 6PM-10PM Election Return Results – Veterans Memorial Coliseum
11/9 5:30-6:30PM The John F. Kennedy Club of Vanderburgh County – Monthly Meeting – Evansville Labor Temple – 210 N Fulton
11/10 6:30-7:30PM Vanderburgh County Democrat Club – Monthly Meeting Evansville Labor Temple
11/12 NOON Deadline, by noon, for a voter to produce proof of identification to the county election board to validate their provisional ballot from the general election
11/16 NOON Deadline, by noon, for a candidate to file a verified election recount or contest petition
11/16 6:30-8PM Evansville For Change – Monthly Meeting Central Library – Browning Room A
12/1 8AM Voter Registration Opens
12/7 5:30-6:30PM The John F. Kennedy Club of Vanderburgh County – Monthly Meeting – Evansville Labor Temple – 210 N Fulton
12/8 6:30-7:30PM Vanderburgh County Democrat Club – Monthly Meeting Evansville Labor Temple
12/21 6:30-8PM Evansville For Change – Monthly Meeting Central Library – Browning Room A
12/31 Midnight End of Annual reporting period for 2010 for campaign finance reports for candidates and parties