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Chamber of Commerce Upcoming Events


Understanding Financial Statements
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The Chamber Office – 318 Main Street (Innovation Pointe Building, 4th floor)
7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
$20 per person
Attendees will gain a better understanding of business financial statements, including the following:
Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Statement of Cash Flow
Statement of Changes in Shareholder Equity

What Can The Chamber Do For You Lunch
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The Chamber Office – 318 Main Street (Innovation Pointe Building, 4th floor)
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
This FREE luncheon will be held on the first Wednesday of each month.
Members are encouraged to attend one session per year to learn about the many benefits of Chamber membership, including the following:
Member Discount Programs
Advertising Opportunities
Networking Opportunities
Chamber iPhone Application
Miscellaneous Benefits
Seating is limited to the first 45 registrants per month.

Breakfast with U.S. Senate Candidate Dan Coats
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The Chamber Office – 318 Main Street (Innovation Pointe Building, 4th floor)
7:30 a.m.
$10 per Chamber member; $20 per non-member
The Chamber’s Government Affairs Committee will host donuts and coffee with Dan Coats, candidate for the United States Senate on Thursday, October 7. The Chamber hosts periodic events with elected officials and candidates to give our membership an opportunity to hear individual’s positions on issues of importance to the business community.

October Business Exchange at Fox & Hound
Thursday, October 7, 2010
4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Join us for great food, a cash bar and excellent networking at a beautiful location.
Invite your friends, colleagues and clients to join you!
Business Exchanges are held on the first Thursday of the month at various Chamber member restaurants.
Over 75 business professionals attend each month.

Red Cross asks for public support to help stuff Totes with Hope for Local Veterans


(Evansville) – The American Red Cross of Southwestern Indiana is proud to launch Totes of Hope, a program designed to engage the community to help give back to low-income and homeless veterans in time for Veterans Day.

Created and launched last year, Totes of Hope program distributed over 400 care packages including basic toiletry items as a way to say more than just thank you for their service to our country for Veteran’s Day. “Services to our Armed Forces and Veterans is a vital component of Red Cross Services and when we heard many of our local veterans were lower income or homeless and need of vital supplies to survive, we knew this was a community problem we wanted to help combat,” said Matt Bertram, Regional Chapter Executive.

Totes of Hope aims to engage the community to help collect supplies over the next five weeks but this year hopes to put together and distribute 800 totes to low income or homeless veterans in our community. All donated supplies will then be stuffed in a Red Cross totes and delivered to local veterans on Friday, November 12th at both the Evansville VA Clinic and Vet Center. You can help stuff a tote and offer hope to a local veteran by donating any of the following supplies:

§ Baby Wipes

§ Hand Sanitizer

§ Shampoo/Conditioner

§ Bar of Soap

§ Soap Caddy

§ Deodorant

§ Razors & Shaving Cream

§ Toothbrush

§ Toothbrush Caddy

§ Toothpaste & Dental Floss

§ Pocket Pack Facial Tissues

§ Plastic Combs & Brushes

§ Socks

§ Shower Shoes or Flip Flops

§ Stocking Caps/Ear Muffs

§ Gloves

§ Small Umbrellas

§ Phone cards

§ Crossword Puzzles

§ Sudoku Books

§ Books or Magazines

§ Deck of Cards

§ Pocket Calendars

§ Prescription Caddy

§ Bus Tokens

§ Canned Goods/Openers

“We hope people will think about items they need to survive including toiletries, personal items, cold weather items and more and help us ensure our local veterans have these items as the winter months approach” Bertram added. “If every person in our community would donate one item, we could meet our goal of stuffing 800 totes and help say more than just thank you to our local heroes in time for Veteran’s Day.”

Donations of the above listed supplies can be dropped off at the American Red Cross building at 29 S. Stockwell Road in Evansville or any Expressway Family of Auto Dealerships in Evansville & Mt. Vernon through Friday, November 5th. 2010. For more information about the Totes of Hope Program or to make a monetary contribution to support American Red Cross Services to Our Armed Forces programs including the Totes of Hope Program, visit our website www.evansvilleredcross.org.

Vanderburgh GOP Newsletter


Meet and Greet this Year’s GOP Candidates!

If you haven’t had a chance to meet your candidates for this year’s elections, here is your opportunity. The Republican candidates running in Vanderburgh County will be getting together for several meet and greets in the next couple of weeks.

Oct 2nd 6pm @ Washington Square Mall- Rally for Cheryl Musgrave

Oct 8th 5-6pm @ CK Newsome Center, 100 E. Walnut St

Oct 11th 5:30-7:30pm @ North Park

Come out and meet your candidates!

Get Your Tickets Now!
Reagan Day Dinner Quickly Approaching

The Vanderburgh GOP’s first annual Reagan Day Dinner will take place this Thursday, September 30th and will feature Lt. Gov. Becky Skillman as the keynote speaker. Be sure to get your tickets while they’re still available. The festivities kick off at 6:00 pm at Cambridge Golf Course. Platinum Corporate Table Sponsorships are available for $1500, Individual dinner tickets w/ a VIP pass are $250, and Individual dinner tickets are $100. If you have any questions about this event please call Republican HQ at (812) 425-8207 or email vandygop@gmail.com.

Upcoming Events

There are several ways to participate in upcoming GOP events:

Republican Statewide Candidate Reception: Join a generous group of hosts in supporting the 2010 statewide Republican team on Monday, September 27th at the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana: State Treasurer Richard Mourdock, Auditor of State Tim Berry and Secretary of State candidate Charlie White. RSVP to Julie Southworth at 317-964-3044 or jsouthworth@indgop.org

Women R.O.C. Prosecutor Debate: Republican candidate Nick Hermann, and Democratic incumbent Stan Levco meet for a series of questions on Thursday September 28th from 6-8pm at the central library downtown.

Musgrave at Newburgh Kiwanis: Cheryl Musgrave will speak to the Newburgh Kiwanis on Thursday morning, September 30 at the Newburgh Central Library. The meeting is from 7-8 am.

State House and State Senate Live Debates: The League of Women Voters of Southwestern Indiana will host live debates between the candidates for state representative and state senator on Thursday, September 30th from 7-8:30pm. The debates will be televised on WNIN.

Rally for Cheryl Musgrave: Join Cheryl Musgrave on Saturday, October 2nd at Washington Square Mall for a fun night of 50’s, 60’s and 70’s music as well as a classic car cruise-in! Speakers include Indiana Superintendent of Public Education Tony Bennett, State Treasurer Richard Mourdoch, and Kristi Risk. $7 per family suggested donation. RSVP to brenda@cherylmusgrave.com or call 812-204-1993.

Gov. Mitch Daniels at the Chamber: US Chamber President Tom Donohue and Gov. Mitch Daniels will be speaking at the Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana’s annual dinner and meeting on Thursday, October 12th at the Centre in downtown Evansville. The evening will begin with a reception at 5:30 pm, with dinner/program beginning at 6:30 pm. More than 500 people are expected to attend. To RSVP, please contact Carly Griffin at cgriffin@ccswin.com or 812-425-8147. Tickets are $75 per member and $750 per table of 10. Tickets are $150 per non-member.

Commissioner Candidates Debate: On October 14th at 8:00 pm the League of Women Voters will sponsor a televised forum between the county commissioner candidates on WNIN. Tune in as GOP candidate Marsha Abell tackles Troy Tornatta.

Celebrate on Election Night with the Republican Party

Plan to join the Republican Party for its election night celebration on November 2nd in the Maple Room of the Casino Aztar conference center. Attendance is free and open to all Republicans. Join us as we celebrate a monumental year in putting the county, state and nation back on a path toward responsible government.

Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice Public Forum and Annual Action Plan Final Public Hearing and Comment Period


City of Evansville
(EVANSVILLE, IN) – October 1, 2010 – The City of Evansville encourages residents to attend an upcoming public forum to discuss fair housing choice in the community and a final public hearing for the Annual Action Plan.

The public forum and final public hearing will be held on Monday, October 11, 2010, at 5:30 p.m. at the C.K. Newsome Center, 100 Walnut Street. All residents are invited to attend. Public comment will be welcome and recorded at the meeting as part of the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (A-I).

The A-I and Annual Action Plan are part of the City’s Consolidated Plan, a detailed, five-year plan that serves as the application to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Federal funds. HUD funding comes to the City with the purpose of improving the quality of life for low- and moderate-income residents. The plan includes documentation and public input on which needs are greatest in the community and the priority for addressing those needs.

HUD’s required 30-day comment period on Evansville’s 2011 Annual Action Plan begins today, October 1, 2010, and will close on November 1, 2010. The plan will be submitted to HUD on November 14, 2010. The plan will include the estimated allocation of $3,925,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) (formerly called Emergency Shelter Grant), and HOME Investment Partnership funds for the 2011 Plan Year.

A-I Public Forum and Annual Action Plan Final Public Hearing and Comment Period October 1, 2010

The City is hereby publishing notice that copies of its Annual Action Plan are available for review as of 8:00 a.m. today at the Department of Metropolitan Development, One N.W. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Civic Center Room 306, Evansville, IN 47708; and are also available on the City’s website at www.evansvillegov.org. Written comments should be received by the Department of Metropolitan Development at the above address no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 1, 2010.

Before submitting the Annual Action Plan to HUD, the Evansville City Council will hold a public hearing to ratify the Plan on Monday, November 8, 2010, at 5:00 p.m. in the Kevin Winternheimer Chambers, One N.W. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Civic Center Room 301, Evansville, IN 47708. This is an open Public Forum. All residents are encouraged to attend.

For additional information regarding the study, please contact Laura Walker, Community Development Coordinator, Department of Metropolitan Development, at 436-7823 or lwalker@evansvillegov.org.

Please Join Us for Breakfast with U.S. Senate Candidate Dan Coates


Dan Coats

The Chamber’s Government Affairs Committee is pleased to invite you to have donuts and coffee with Dan Coats, candidate for the United States Senate on Thursday, October 7 at 7:30 a.m. on the 4th floor of the Innovation Pointe building (318 Main Street) Downtown Evansville.

The Chamber hosts periodic events with elected officials and candidates to give our membership an opportunity to hear individual’s positions on issues of importance to the business community.

Cost to attend is $10 per Chamber member, $20 for non-Chamber members.

To reserve a seat for this event, please contact Carly Griffin, events manager, at 812.425.8147 or via e-mail at cgriffin@ccswin.com.

*Please note that both candidates running for U.S. Senate were invited to participate in separate events with our membership.



The Arts Council is proud to offer the following jewelry workshop:
Introduction to Polymer Clay Bead Making

• Date: Saturday, November 6th, 10 – 2pm*
*A short break for lunch will be taken around 12 noon. Bring your own lunch OR plan a trip to Subway, just down the street.
• Cost: $25 for Arts Council Members, $30 for Non-Members; fee includes the cost of materials.
• RSVP: Call the Arts Council to register, 812-422-2111
• Class size: limited to 15 people
• Minimum Age: High School


University of Evansville and Evansville Jazz Society

All concerts in Wheeler Concert Hall on Sundays at 4:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Admission to concerts in the Jazz Guest Artist Concert Series is $15.00 for adults ($10.00 for members of the Evansville Jazz Society), $5.00 for students; there is no admission charge for the UE Jazz Ensembles concerts.

October 17, 2010
Harry Pickens Trio from Louisville, KY
Harry Pickens and his group performed one of the best-received concerts on our series, and now make a return appearance

EVANSVILLE MUSEUM (Arts, History, Science)

Admission is free, but there is a suggested contribution of $2 per person.
Membership begins at $35, with a total of seven membership categories

2010 Brew Ha Ha

The Evansville Museum Contemporaries will be hosting the 2010 Brew Ha Ha on Saturday, October 2 beginning at 6:00 p.m. Reservations are $25.00 per person in advance and $30.00 the day of the event.
Please be sure to make your reservations early as this is one of the Contemporaries’ most popular events. Attendance will be limited and is expected to sell out quickly!
Come and enjoy:
• A large variety of micro, specialty, homemade, and imported beers
• Delicious light hors d’oeuvres
• Excellent live music
Admission is limited to those at least 21 years of age, and a valid ID is required. Museum and Contemporaries Membership is not required for entry. Everyone is welcome!

The Contemporaries, an affiliate organization of the Evansville Museum of Arts, History and Science, was established in 1991 with the goal of attracting new people to the Museum, regardless of age, race and creed, as well as encouraging the financial support and enjoyment of the Museum.

All events are open to the public & are fund raisers for the Guild.


Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra-Pops
Vectren’s Opening Night Pops: “Broadway Nights”™ (Music of Lerner and Loewe)
• Saturday, October 2, 2010 – 7:30 p.m.
• & Sunday, October 3, 2010 – 2:00 p.m.
Alfred Savia, Conductor
Craig Schulman, Tamra Hayden, & Philip Hernandez, Vocals
Evansville Philharmonic Chorus
Victory Theatre

Three Broadway stars join your Philharmonic in a dazzling show, bringing to life the legends and ladies of Lerner & Loewe. On the “Playbill” are all of your favorite tunes from Lerner & Loewe’s biggest shows: “My Fair Lady”, “Camelot”, “Brigadoon”, “Gigi”, and “Paint Your Wagon.” This musical adventure catapults you from the realm of the Knights of the Round Table to an enchanted village, from a Gold Rush mining camp to London’s high society. Delight in a show that’ll have you singing, “I Could Have Danced All Night!” Concert sponsored by Vectren Corporation. Media sponsor is 14 WFIE.
Admission starts at $25. Call (812) 425-5050 or order online at: www.evansvillephilharmonic.org. Groups of 10 or more save! Programs, artists and dates are subject to change.


• October 4-9: West Branch Closed – West Side Nut Club Fall Festival
• October 11-29: Early Voting available Mon.-Thurs. 12:00-7:00 p.m. and Friday 12:00-6:00 p.m. at Central, McCollough, Oaklyn, North Park, and Red Bank libraries.

Adult Programs

Sept. 27 & 29 – GED Classes – in partnership with Vincennes University. Every Monday and Wednesday 5:00-8:00 p.m. in Auditorium, East Branch, 840 E. Chandler Ave. For more information: Call Joey Alsman at (812)774-1269.
NEW Sept. 29 – Memoir Writing for Older Adults – Preserve your family history through this 6 week program. 9:30 a.m. in Indiana Room, Central Library. Registration is required by calling 428-8229 or online at evpl.org.
Sept. 29 – Monthly Afternoon Book Discussion – One Book One Community selection The Help by Kathryn Stockett. 3:00 p.m. in Meeting Room, McCollough Branch, 5115 Washington Ave. For more information: Call Glynis at 428-8236 or visit evpl.org.
NEW Sept. 30 – Bad Movie Night – a Mystery Science Theater film. 6:00 p.m. in Browning Event Rooms A & B, Central Library. For more information: Call Erika at 428-8229 or visit evpl.org.
Oct. 1 – Techniques of Appliqué – Come the first Friday of each month and learn a new technique. 10:00 a.m. in Auditorium, West Branch, 2000 W. Franklin St. For more information and registration: Call 428-8232.
Oct. 4 & 18 – Otona No Otaku – Anime and Manga for adults. 6:30 p.m. in Browning Event Room B, Central Library. For more information: Call Charles at 428-8217.
Oct. 5 – Popular Book Discussion – Homer and Langley by E.L. Doctorow. 6:30 p.m. in Meeting Room, North Park Branch, 960 Koehler Dr. For more information: Call Michael at 428-8237.
Oct. 5 – Lottes Lecture Series with Dr. David Dosa – Author of Making Rounds with Oscar and assistant professor of medicine at Brown University will speak about his experiences. The event is free thanks to a donation from Vista Care in memory of Evelyn and Leonard Lottes. 7:00 p.m. in Browning Event Rooms A & B, Central Library. For more information: Call 428-8241.
Oct. 6, 13, & 20 – Memoir Writing: a six week workshop – preserve your family’s history by writing to capture the memories. 9:00 a.m. in Indiana Room, Central Library. For more information and registration: Call Erika at 428-8229 or visit evpl.org.
Oct. 6 – College Prep Series 2: Getting Accepted – Get advice and have questions answered. 6:00 p.m. in Howard Room, Red Bank Branch, 120 S. Red Bank Rd. For more information and registration: Call 428-8239 or visit evpl.org.
Oct. 7 & 21 – Knit & Listen – bring your knitting or other craft and listen to The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Newbury award-winning author, Kate DiCamillo. 10:00 a.m. in Meeting Room, McCollough Branch, 5115 Washington Ave. For more information: Call Cheryl or Glynis at 428-8236.
Oct. 7, 14, & 21 – One Book, One Community Film Series – To Kill a Mockingbird, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, and Driving Miss Daisy. 3:30 p.m. in Browning Event Room B, Central Library. For more information: Call 428-8241.
Oct. 13 – Books for Lunch – No One You Know by Michelle Richmond. Bring your lunch and join the discussion. 12:00 p.m. in Howard Room, Red Bank Branch, 120 S. Red Bank Rd. For more information: Call Nancy at 428-8399 or visit evpl.org.
Oct. 13 – Film Movement Series – Storm (Germany). 6:30 p.m. in Browning Event Room B, Central Library. For more information: Call Chip at 428-8200 ext. 1632.
Oct. 14 – Classics Discussion – Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne. 1:00 p.m. in Meeting Room, North Park Branch, 960 Koehler Dr. For more information: Call David at 428-8237 ext. 4412.
Oct. 14 – Crafting Your Business: Getting Started with Etsy. 6:30 p.m. in Large Group Room, Central Library. For more information and registration: Call Kate at 759-7625 or visit evpl.org.
Oct. 15 – Techniques of Quilting – Come the third Friday of each month to learn a new technique. 10:00 a.m. in Auditorium, West Branch, 2000 W. Franklin St. For more information and registration: Call 428-8232 or visit evpl.org.
Oct. 16 – Paranormal Investigators – join P.I.H.K. as they share their adventures throughout the tri-state. 11:00 a.m. in Browning Event Room A, Central Library. For more information: Call Kate at 759-7625.
Oct. 16 – Father/Daughter Fancy Nancy Tea Party – A special time for dads and their darling daughters. Wear your finest frocks and frippery for some fancy fun! Suggested for ages 3 and up. 2:00 p.m. in Meeting Room, McCollough Branch, 5115 Washington Ave. For more information and registration: Call Cheryl at 428-8236 ext. 3412 or visit evpl.org.
Oct. 18 – Members’ Choice Book Club – My Antonia by Willa Cather. 3:30 p.m. in Meeting Room, Oaklyn Branch, 3001 Oaklyn Dr. For more information: Call Pam at 428-8234.
Oct. 20 – Women’s Fiction Book Club – The Help by Kathryn Stockett. 3:30 p.m. in Meeting Room, Oaklyn Branch, 3001 Oaklyn Dr. For more information: Call 428-8234.
Oct. 20 – Fanfiction Writing Workshop – Interested in becoming a writer? Get your start by writing Fanfiction. 6:00 p.m. in Howard Room, Red Bank Branch, 120 S. Red Bank Rd. For more information: Call 428-8205.
Oct. 20 – Preserving Your Past: House Histories – Learn how to investigate the history of your house using traditional and online research techniques. 6:30 p.m. in Large Group Room, Central Library. For more information and registration: Call Kate at 759-7625 or visit evpl.org.
Oct. 21 – Mystery Lovers Book Discussion – Alexandria by Lindsey Davis. 4:30 p.m. in Meeting Room, North Park Branch, 960 Koehler Dr. For more information: Call David at 428-8237 ext. 4412.
Oct. 21 – Intro to Photo Editing – Using Photoshop Elements 5.0, we’ll learn how to view, crop, edit, and enhance digital images. Red-eye removal included. 6:00 p.m. in Tech Center, Central Library. For more information and registration: Call Nathan at 428-8200 ext. 1515 or visit evpl.org.
Oct. 21 – Classic Film Series – Imitation of Life (1950) starring Lana Turner, John Gavin, and Sandra Dee. 6:00 p.m. in Browning Event Room B, Central Library. For more information: Call Chip at 428-8200 ext. 1632.
Oct. 23 – Blood of Reich with author, Mike Whicker – Mr. Whicker will talk about WWII in Evansville and truth vs. fiction in his novels. A questions and answer session will follow. 10:30 a.m. in Meeting Room, Stringtown Branch, 2100 Stringtown Rd. For more information: Call 428-8233.
Oct. 23 – One Book, One Community Book Discussion – The Help by Kathryn Stockett. 2:00 p.m. in Auditorium, West Branch, 2000 W. Franklin St. For more information: Call Nancy at 428-8232 or visit evpl.org.
Oct. 24 – Public Library Friends Annual Meeting – 2:00 p.m. at Central Library featuring the sounds of the Shade Tree Players. For more information: Call Evelyn at 428-8241.
Oct. 26 – Zoo Lecture Series: White Nose Syndrome, Caves & Bats, Oh My! Dr. Diana Barber, Education Curator with Mesker Park Zoo, will speak about how the dwindling bat population impacts the environment. 6:30 p.m. in Browning Event Rooms A & B, Central Library. For more information: Call Amy at 428-8242.
Oct. 27 – Monthly Afternoon Book Discussion – Educating Alice by Alice Steinbach. 3:00 p.m. in Meeting Room, McCollough Branch, 5115 Washington Ave. For more information: Call Glynis or Alice at 428-8236.
Oct. 27 – Real Ghost Stories and Other Tales – Hear spooky and supernatural stories from local Paranormal Investigators. 6:00 p.m. in Meeting Room, North Park Branch, 960 Koehler Dr. For more information: Call Michael at 428-8237.
Oct. 28 – Culture Night – Join us for a fun and informative excursion to exotic places with food, music, and entertaining conversation presented by international students studying at the University of Evansville. 5:00 p.m. in Browning Event Room B, Central Library. For more information: Call Charles at 428-8216.

Oct. 6 – College Prep Series 2: Getting Accepted – Get advice and have questions answered. 6:00 p.m. in Howard Room, Red Bank Branch, 120 S. Red Bank Rd. For more information and registration: Call 428-8239 or visit evpl.org.
Oct. 14 – Crafting Your Business: Getting Started with Etsy. 6:30 p.m. in Large Group Room, Central Library. For more information and registration: Call Kate at 759-7625 or visit evpl.org.n
Oct. 16 – Paranormal Investigators – join P.I.H.K. as they share their adventures throughout the tri-state. 11:00 a.m. in Browning Event Room A, Central Library. For more information: Call Kate at 759-7625.
Oct. 18 & 25 – Harry Potter Wednesday – Get ready for the premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 by watching all of the movies before Nov. 19! 6:00-8:00 p.m. in Browning Event Room B, Central Library, For more information: Call Erika at 428-8229.
Oct. 20 – Fanfiction Writing Workshop – Interested in becoming a writer? Get your start by writing Fanfiction. Grades 6-12. 6:00 p.m. in Howard Room, Red Bank Branch, 120 S. Red Bank Rd. For more information: Call 428-8205.
Oct. 27 – Pumpkin Decorating Contest – Get in the spirit of Halloween by creating your own unique jack-o-lantern! Bring a small pumpkin to decorate and we will provide the decorating materials. Win prizes for the most creative costumes (scariest, silliest, most realistic, and more). Family Activity. 3:30 p.m. at Red Bank Branch, 120 S. Red Bank Rd. For more information and registration: Call Kimberly at 428-8205 or visit evpl.org.
Oct. 27 – Real Ghost Stories and Other Tales – Hear spooky and supernatural stories from local Paranormal Investigators. 6:00 p.m. in Meeting Room, North Park Branch, 960 Koehler Dr. For more information: Call Michael at 428-8237.
Oct. 28 – Culture Night – Join us for a fun and informative excursion to exotic places with food, music, and entertaining conversation presented by international students studying at the University of Evansville. 5:00 p.m. in Browning Event Room B, Central Library. For more information: Call Charles at 428-8216.
Oct. 28 – Halloween Face Painting – Get the perfect face to go with your Halloween costume. Family Activity. 3:30 p.m. in Howard Room, Red Bank Branch, 120 S. Red Bank Rd. For more information and registration: Call Kimberly at 428-8205 or visit evpl.org.

Special Children’s Programs
Oct. 16 – Father/Daughter Fancy Nancy Tea Party – A special time for dads and their darling daughters. Wear your finest frocks and frippery for some fancy fun! Suggested for ages 3 and up. 2:00 p.m. in Meeting Room, McCollough Branch, 5115 Washington Ave. For more information and registration: Call Cheryl at 428-8236 ext. 3412 or visit evpl.org.
Oct. 21 – Halloween Party – Spooky, Spooky, Boo! Wear your Halloween costume and join us for stories, crafts, and more. Grades K-6. 3:30 p.m. in Meeting Room, Oaklyn Branch, 3001 Oaklyn Dr. For more information: Call 428-8234.
Oct. 27 – Pumpkin Decorating Contest – Get in the spirit of Halloween by creating your own unique jack-o-lantern! Bring a small pumpkin to decorate and we will provide the decorating materials. Win prizes for the most creative costumes (scariest, silliest, most realistic, and more). Family Activity. 3:30 p.m. at Red Bank Branch, 120 S. Red Bank Rd. For more information and registration: Call Kimberly at 428-8205 or visit evpl.org.
Oct. 27 – Intermediate Recorder and Boomwhacker Recital – Please support the students as they both perform a set repertoire showcasing their musicality for your enjoyment! 3:30 p.m. in READ Center, Central Library. For more information: Call 428-8225.
Oct. 28 – Halloween Face Painting – Get the perfect face to go with your Halloween costume. Family Activity. 3:30 p.m. in Howard Room, Red Bank Branch, 120 S. Red Bank Rd. For more information and registration: Call Kimberly at 428-8205 or visit evpl.org.
Oct. 28 – Halloween Costume Preview Party – Show off your costume and enjoy slightly spooky stories, creepy crafts, monster music, and trick and treats. Grades K-6. 3:30 p.m. in Meeting Room, McCollough Branch, 5115 Washington Ave. For more information and registration: Call Cheryl at 428-8236 or visit evpl.org.
Oct. 30 – Halloween Costume Party – Come show off your costume and have fun. Family Activity. 2:00 p.m. in READ Center, Central Library. For more information: Call 428-8225.


Sunday, October 3, 2010
4:30 p.m. Organ Recital by Janet Yieh, High School Senior at St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes High School in Alexandria, Virginia. Works by Buxtehude, Bach, Widor and Langlais.
5:00 p.m. Choral Evening Prayer with The Choir School of First Presbyterian Church. Director, Robert Nicholls. Psalm 23 to Anglican Chant, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis by C. V. Stanford (soloist Joanna Fleming), Evening Hymn by Balfour Gardiner.
6:00 p.m. Agape Dinner – main course provided, bring side or dessert to share.


Views of Audubon
August 19-Oct. 11
Artists from the tri-state area have flourished Audubon State park for the past year to capture that perfect Plein-Air painting for the “Views of Audubon” Exhibit opening August 19th. Artworks will be displayed in the lower level gallery at the JJA Museum. The Awards and Artists Reception will be Thursday, August 19th, from 5:00-6:30. Join us afterwards for the Audubon Play in the Museum Courtyard. Exhibit dates: August-Sept. 30th.
Artist Contact: Sponsored by Audubon State Park and Ohio Valley Art League. For further info contact: Kim McGrew at the museum (270) 827-1893 or Jule McClellan (270) 860 1930.

“Walk on the Wild Side”: Nature Programs for Toddlers
Fridays: October 1 & 22, November 12, December 10
10:00 a.m.
Museum – Bird Observation Center
Toddlers 3 – 5 years old
These 30-minute interactive programs will explore what nature has to offer. With each new topic Toddlers will discover how wildlife and nature shapes the world we live in.

October 22 Gone Batty
Bats and Halloween practically go together, but did you know that some types of bats live in really large groups…so large that it is hard for momma bat to find her baby. Learn more about this mystifying animal.
Staff Contact: Julie McDonald at 270-826-2247 or juliea.mcdonald@ky.gov
Cost: $2.00 per child

38th Annual Green River Area Development District (GRADD) Arts & Crafts Festival Saturday, Oct. 2 – Sunday, Oct. 3
10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Audubon State Park
One of Kentucky’s oldest and largest craft festivals is back at John James Audubon State Park. Shop several booths of handmade arts and crafts items from local and regional vendors. Food booths, entertainment also featured.
GRADD Contact: Beth Goetz at 270-926-4433 or bethgoetz@gradd.com
Cost: $3 Parking fee

Holiday Crop – Halloween
Wednesday, Oct. 13
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Friends of Audubon Meeting Room
Adults are invited to enjoy the company of other croppers and refreshments as we create adorable Halloween pages and cards. Materials and instruction for 2 scrapbook pages and 1 card will be available for each registered participant. Or, bring your own scrapbook and materials for open crop time. Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been cropping for years, this Halloween session will give you inspiration and ideas for creating perfect spooky pages and cards.
Pre-registration is required with Beth Tompkins at beth.tompkins@ky.gov or (270) 826-2247.
Cost: $5.00

Adult Artists Retreat
Friday, Oct. 15
Audubon Museum
Beginning to advanced artists, are invited to participate in the all day Artist Retreats monthly from 9:00-3:00pm. Bring your own artwork and supplies. Lunch will be potluck. Special speakers and noon programs will vary monthly. The fee is $15, due the day of.Pre-registration is required
Staff Contact: Kim McGrew-Liggett Audubon Museum (270) 827-1893 kim.mcgrew@ky.gov

Fall Foliage Fiesta
Saturday, Oct 16
1-2 p.m.
Audubon Museum
How does nature transition from sunny, warm summer days to crisp and wintry conditions? During this PowerPoint presentation, visitors will peek inside nature’s bag of seasonal tricks that allow for life to exist in seemingly unbearable conditions. Afterwards, take a walk outside and soak in the colors and sounds of Audubon State Park’s most colorful season.
Staff Contact: Julie McDonald at 270-826-2247 or juliea.mcdonald@ky.gov
Program Fee: Free

History, Lore, and Lure of the Appalachian Dulcimer
Presented by Alan Darveaux
Monday, October 18
6 p.m.-7 p.m.
Audubon Museum
Since the 1800’s, the Appalachian dulcimer has intrigued musicians and listeners alike. It is arguably the most popular American folk instrument and originated out of Appalachian mountain culture. Locals made their own instruments customizing them to their personal preferences. Dulcimers brought the hometown, rural, dulcimer-playing cultural history to worldwide recognition. Some individuals influential in bringing the dulcimer instrument and culture to recognition are Jean Ritchie, Robert Force and Al d’Osche, Joni Mitchell, and Richard Farina. According to Alan Darveaux, “Music crosses all boundaries.” Come understand the dulcimer’s historical importance and feel the heartbeat of our heritage.
Staff Contact: Julie McDonald at 270-826-2247 or juliea.mcdonald@ky.gov.
Program Fee: Free

Drop-by Dulcimer Concert Presented by Alan Darveaux
Tuesday, October 19
3 pm – 4:30 p.m.
Audubon Museum
Alan Darveaux is the first Kentucky State Dulcimer Champion. He was the Grand Champion Dulcimer at Harper Van Hoy’s Old Time Fiddle Convention. He made the top five at the National Flat Picking Championships in Winfield, Kansas. Alan has taught workshops from Bar Harbor, Maine to Orcas Island, Washington and was featured at the National Australian Folk Festival. Alan’s dulcimers are well respected in the dulcimer world.

Alan’s unique and energetic style of stand up dulcimer playing adds to the songs and tunes of traditional, old time, folk, contemporary folk and his own singer/songwriter material presented in his shows.
Staff Contact: Julie McDonald at 270-826-2247 or juliea.mcdonald@ky.gov.
Program Fee: Free

“Audubon’s Fabulous Fibers”
Oct.21 –Feb. 6
10 a.m. – 4 a.m.
As the brilliant beauty of the fall foliage covers the grounds of Audubon State Park, so does the colorful array of fibers in the “Fabulous Fibers” exhibit by several tri-state artists. The public is invited to the opening reception at the JJA Museum on Oct. 21st from 6:00-7:30
Exhibit dates: Oct.21st -Feb.6th
Museum hours: Daily 10:00-5:00 Winter hours: Thurs.-Sun. 10:00-4:30
Staff Contact: Kim McGrew-Liggett Audubon Museum (270) 827-1893 kim.mcgrew@ky.gov

Ghost Hunters
Monday, October 25
6 p.m.
Audubon Museum
Just in time for Halloween the Paranormal Investigators of Henderson Kentucky are at the Audubon Museum at 6 p.m. to give an overview of their latest spooky research into ghost stories and sightings. Learn more about this group, their mission, and their experiences with researching scientific paranormal activity at Ellis Park, Angel Mounds, the Daviess County Courthouse, and more! Cost: Free.

Halloween Spooktacular
Saturday, October 30
11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Bring your little Goblins to visit the enchanted courtyard of the John James Audubon Museum for the annual Halloween Bash. Hayrides, face painting, story telling, costume contest, games, pumpkin painting, magicians, Halloween photos and more. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Staff Contact: Kim McGrew-Liggett at (270) 827-1893; kim.mcgrew@ky.gov or main office (270) 826-2247
Cost: TBA

Holiday Art for children & adults:
Tiny Tot’s Turkey Time
Friday, November 5th
JJA Museum
Tiny tot’s ages 3-5 will have a blast at “Turkey Time” ART at the Park from 10:30-11:30. Dress for a mess.
Pre-registration is required. Contact Kim McGrew kim.mcgrew@ky.gov
Fee: $5.00 per class

“Holiday Pottery for All”Saturday, Nov. 13
Design your holiday pottery just in time for Santa. There will be 2 sessions at the JJA Museum on Saturday, November 13th.
*Children ages 3-8, along with an adult: 10:00-11:00.
*Students ages 8 & up: 1:00-2:00.
The fee will be $15.00, which includes materials for one plate. Plates will be fired and returned to museum for pick up. Pre-registration is required by Nov. 8th.Please contact Kim McGrew at (270) 827-1893 or kim.mcgrew@ky.gov

Holiday Crop – Thanksgiving
Wednesday, Nov. 17
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Friends of Audubon Meeting Room
Adults are invited to enjoy the company of other croppers and refreshments as we create adorable Thanksgiving pages and cards. Materials and instruction for 2 scrapbook pages and 1 card will be available for each registered participant. Or, bring your own scrapbook and materials for open crop time. Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been cropping for years, this Thanksgiving session will give you inspiration and ideas for creating perfect family-themed pages and cards.
Pre-registration is required with Beth Tompkins at beth.tompkins@ky.gov or (270) 826-2247.
Cost: $5.00

Henderson Co. Gifted Student Exhibit & Reception
Thursday, December 9
Henderson County Gifted Art students, from the 4th & 5th grades, will have their annual exhibit from the Audubon Art Programs, on Thursday, December 9th from 5:00-6:30. All students, parents and faculty are invited to attend the reception.
For more info contact Miss Kim at (270) 827-1893


A special presentation of “Love Letters”
Performed by Jack and Sue Schriber and WIKY’s Dennis Jon Bailey and Diane Douglas
Love Letters, by A.R. Gurney, is composed of letters exchanged over a lifetime between two people who grew up together, went their separate ways, but continued to share a deep and complex love. As the actors read the letters aloud, what is created is an evocative, touching, frequently funny but always telling pair of character studies in which what is implied is as revealing and meaningful as what is actually written down.

• Saturday, October 23rd: An elegant evening including a cash bar, dinner, and the performance, all beginning at 6:30 p.m.
• Sunday, October 24th: A breathtaking champagne brunch and performance, all beginning at 1:30 p.m.
• At the Old National Bank Atrium
• Food provided by The Riverview by Firefly
• Tickets: $50 per person
• Corporate tables: $400 (8 guests)
• Send payment and number of guests to Evansville Civic Theatre, 717 North Fulton Avenue, Evansville 47710, or call 425-2800 for tickets

A gala evening/afternoon of food and entertainment, a fundraiser for Civic Theatre
*Seating is limited to 150 per performance, so please reserve early

Yes, it is still summer, but the kids are in school and our favorite holidays are just around the corner meaning that Christmas will be here sooner than maybe we want to accept.
For those of you that want to start early on your shopping, consider something a little different and have Dan draw a caricature of someone on your Christmas list. Please visit his web site at: Karicaruresbykisner.com. That is caricatures spelled with a ‘K’ or call him at 812-491-3623. Leave a message and he will return your call and help you give a unique gift for someone special in your life. He will be accepting new projects from now until the end of November. HO! HO! HO! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

The Spirit of Evansville Sweet Adeline Chorus
Our Chorus are members of the Sweet Adeline International and sing 4 part harmony in capella style music. We meet every Monday at 601N Boeke Rd ( Good Samaritin Home) in Evansville.
Contacts: Linda Weber, Newburgh, In; Ph: 812-853-8709
Carole Rich, Evansville, In; Ph: 812-550-7093

Jazzafloozie – Jazz Duo
featuring Cynthia McDonald & Bob Green

Interested in booking us for your private party or event? **SPECIAL RATES FOR FUND RAISING EVENTS…? Contact: Cynthia McDonald, 812-305-4242 or Booking agent (fast, easy & no fees!): Jazzafloozie – Jazz Duo” www.gigmasters.com/jazz/cynthiamcdonald/ Web site: www.jazzafloozie.com• Saturday, September 04, 2010
• 11:00 AM – Lyles Consolidated School, Princeton, IN

The New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art presents “Continuum,” by Carolyn Roth, October 1 through November 14. A reception for the artist will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. on Friday, October 1, and is free and open to the public.

The title of Roth’s exhibition alludes to the artist’s extensive career as an artist and art educator while focusing on the artwork she has recently created and the contributions she will continue to make to the world of art. Since her retirement from the University of Southern Indiana, where she was an instructor in art, Roth has been able to travel the world and take inspiration from her recent travels to French Polynesia and China. The new works are based on memories and photographs of these recent travels with her husband, Dr. Charles T. Barber (also recently retired from USI). Roth also has been experimenting with ink and watercolor drawings on rice paper as a collage element in her acrylic paintings inspired by her tours in Asia. This technique has allowed her to incorporate line into her paintings in a distinct way and has permitted her to take the use of line in a new direction.

Roth taught at USI from 1984 to 2009. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Herron School of Art of Indiana University in Indianapolis, and received her Master of Fine Arts degree from Florida State University in 1969. Roth has taught and shared her passion for the arts throughout the years at seven universities across four states.

Roth has won numerous awards for her art and has been in exhibitions across the United States and in Paris, France. Her work is represented in the collections of the University of Southern Indiana Foundation; Southeastern Illinois College in Harrisburg, Illinois; the Indiana State Museum in Indianapolis, IBM Corporation, Hunter Gallery of Art, and the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga, Tennessee; The University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee; Florida State University in Tallahassee; Herron School of Art; University of Evansville; and Ruth Golden Holmberg Collection in New York City.

Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 11am – 3:30pm; Sunday 1pm – 3:30pm
Admission: $7.50 for adults; $2.50 for students; $1.50 for children 12 and under
Reitz Home Museum Lowers the Price of Tours on Tuesdays during the months of September and October.
Between 11:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. tours during the lunch hour will be at the
very low price of $ 3.50 per adult admission. (Regular price is $ 7.50) Enter at the Reitz Carriage House on Chestnut Street between 1st and 2nd Streets. No reservation necessary. When ordering your box lunch at Just Rennie’s you will receive a special cookie treat with your Reitz Home receipt.
For information call 426-1871.


Archabbey Library to host work of textile artist Joanne Weis
• The Saint Meinrad Archabbey Library Gallery, St. Meinrad, IN, will exhibit the wall hangings of textile artist Joanne Weis from September 28 through October 30. Her series, titled “Holy Ground,” explores manmade spaces that heighten spiritual awareness; another series explores natural spaces that evoke contemplation.
• Her work uses white silk and fiber reactive dyes to immerse stamp or screen. Other natural fibers are dyed and added to create surface detail and texture. Layered images and textures create intriguing surfaces.
• Weis, of Louisville, KY, received her master’s degree in art, with a focus in creative fiber art, from the University of Louisville in 2010. Her work has been exhibited in invitational and juried shows in Louisville and around the region. Her art is found in numerous private collections around the country.
• For library hours call, (812) 357-6401 or (800) 987-7311, or visit the Archabbey Library’s website: www.saintmeinrad.edu/library/library_hours.aspx.
• The exhibit is free and open to the public. Those wishing to view the exhibit may want to arrive at least 30 minutes before closing time.

Dominican priest to present homiletics lecture at Saint Meinrad
Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology, St. Meinrad, IN, will present the 20th annual John S. and Virginia Marten Lecture in Homiletics on Tuesday, October 5, at 7 p.m. (CDT) in the Gallery.

In his talk, “Communicating in a World of Landlines and iPhones: Preaching Across the Generations,” Fr. Andrew Carl Wisdom, OP, will explain that, in today’s diverse Sunday assembly, intergenerational preaching is not a luxury, but a necessity. This lecture explores preaching to all the generations at once as “the challenge of our time” for those who wish to be considered credible preachers.

He will also conduct a workshop on Wednesday, October 6, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Flexible Conference Room, located on the fourth floor of Newman Hall. Both the lecture and the workshop are free and open to the public.

Fr. Wisdom currently serves as the promoter of vocations and the director of The Society for Vocational Support for the Dominicans (Order of Preachers), Province of St. Albert the Great in Chicago. He also leads retreats and workshops for campus ministries, parishes, diocesan clergy and religious.

He earned an undergraduate degree in social work and worked in management positions for several not-for-profit organizations before becoming a Dominican friar. He earned his MA in theology at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome and attended Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis for a doctorate in preaching. He currently resides with the Dominican friars at St. Pius V Priory in Chicago.
This lecture/workshop series is made possible by an endowment established by the John S. Marten family of Indianapolis. For over two decades, the late John Marten and Virginia Marten have generously supported the homiletics program at Saint Meinrad.
There is no cost for the lecture or workshop, but registration is encouraged. For more information, contact Dr. Richard Stern at (812) 357-6627. Parking is available in the student parking lot on the south side of the campus.

Monte Cassino pilgrimages to be held in October
• Saint Meinrad Archabbey’s pilgrimages to honor the Blessed Mother at the Monte Cassino Shrine have been scheduled for the Sundays in October.
• The pilgrimages begin with an opening hymn and a short sermon, followed by a rosary procession. The service ends with the Litany of the Blessed Virgin and a hymn. Speakers and topics for the pilgrimages are:
1. October 3—Fr. Sean Hoppe, OSB “Mary, Queen of Peace”
2. October 10—Br. Maurus Zoeller, OSB “Marian Shrines and Pilgrimages”
1. October 17—Fr. Prior Kurt Stasiak, OSB “Mary, One Who Trusted the Lord”
2. October 24—Fr. Joseph Cox, OSB “Mary, the Good Soil”
3. October 31—Fr. Pius Klein, OSB “Mary, Mother of Faith”

• Services begin at 2 p.m. Central Daylight Time. The public is invited. The Monte Cassino Shrine is located one mile east of the Archabbey on State Highway 62 in St. Meinrad, IN.
• For more information, call Mary Jeanne Schumacher during business hours at (812) 357-6501.


Tri-State Art Guild In Cooperation with The Friends of Angel Mounds presents Community of Artists, Art Exhibit of Collaborative Works
August 8 – October 1, 2010
Angel Mounds State Historic Site

Artwork is rendered in a variety of styles and mediums including acrylics, pastels, stoneware and paper. Collaborating artists include Jane Parisotto & Alison Parisotto, Julie Lovins & Shirley Davis, Becky Hostetler & Paula Mitchell, Laresa Kerney & Stephen Reifsnyder, Elizabeth Davis & Lisa Heichelbach, Stephen Cochran & Marilyn Wilkerson, Carolyn Jones & Job Corps Art Students.

Co-Exhibit of 3D Work: “Art Books” by Stephen Cochran of the Bound to Be Around Bindery in Mt. Vernon, IN.

Exhibits are free to the public however admission is required to view the Angel Mounds Interperative Center and mounds. Hours Tues-Sat 9-5 & Sun 1-5. For directions, call Angel Mounds at 812-853-3956. For additional show or guild membership information, please call 270-826-6674 or visit the website www.tri-stateartguild.org.
Fall RopeWalk Visiting Writers Reading Series
USI’s fall 2010 RopeWalk Visiting Writers Reading Series http://www.usi.edu/book/index.asp and Barnes and Noble Booksellers. For more information, call Nicole Louise Reid, associate professor of English, at 812/464-1916.

The Childen’s Nutcracker is returning to Vincennes sponsored by Psi Iota Xi, Alpha Omicron Chapter along with the Children’s Center for Dance Education of Evansville. Auditions for local children will be Sunday, October 3rd from 4-6 PM at Vincennes – Lincoln High School: for dancers ages 4-18 and for singers ages 8-14.

To prepare for the auditions find “Information” and “Audition Application Forms,” at www.vincennescvb.org on the lower menu-bar at Documents & Itineraries. The dancers will audition in half-hour time blocks by age group. Singers will sing God Bless America. You’ll find rehearsal schedules at the CVB website as well.

“Ticket Order Forms” for reserved seating for the December 4th performance are also available at Documents & Itineraries.

For further information, contact Sunshine Wolfe, Nutcracker Chair, at PSIIOTAXI@hotmail.com.

Art exhibit opens Oct. 5 at VU’s Shircliff Gallery
Vincennes University’s 2010 Ceramics Invitational exhibition opens Oct. 5 and will feature the works of 10 guest artists, including former VU faculty member Brad Schweiger. A reception for the artists will open the exhibit from 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM (EST) at VU’s Shircliff Gallery of Art. The exhibition will continue through Nov. 4. Admission is free and the public is invited to attend.

Featured artist Malcom Smith, associate professor at Indiana University Bloomington, will present a ceramics workshop for VU students in the art annex from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, followed by a lecture at 2:00 p.m. in Shircliff Theatre.

The exhibition will be curated by Barry Barnes, VU assistant professor of art.

Shircliff Gallery of Art is located at the corner of First and Harrison streets on VU’s Vincennes campus. Gallery hours are 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday; 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Fridays; and 12:00-3:00 p.m. on Sundays, or by arrangement. For more information, contact Morgan Ford Willingham, Shircliff Gallery Director and assistant professor of Art and Design, 812-888-4316.

The VU Music Department Gala Concert will take place on Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m. (EDT). This event is free and will feature the Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, VU Connection, Concert Choir, Brass Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, piano solos, and performances by department faculty members.
For tickets or more information, call the Skelton Center box office at 812-888-4039, or visit www.vinu.edu/redskelton.

Vincennes Lincoln High School
Tuesday, October 19 – LHS/CMS Fall Choir Concert, 7:00 PM, LHS Auditorium. Free admission. This concert will feature the CMS 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Choirs, LHS Counterpoints, Accents, and Lincoln Singers.

The VU Community Series will present pianist Jim Brickman on Oct. 20 at 7:30 p.m. Brickman has been named the most charted male adult contemporary artist to date, with six of his albums receiving gold and platinum status. He is known for his romantic solo piano compositions, pop-style instrumentals, and vocal collaborations with many recording artists. For tickets, call the Alumni Office at 812-888-4354.

The VU Theatre and Music Departments will present five performances of the musical comedy “25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” beginning Oct. 27 at 7:00 p.m. Performances will continue on Oct. 28 at 7:00 p.m., Oct. 29 and 30 at 8:00 p.m., and Oct. 31 at 2:00 p.m. As six young people in the throes of puberty vie for the spelling championship of a lifetime, they learn that winning isn’t everything and that losing doesn’t necessarily make you a loser. Audience volunteers will be recruited to participate on stage as guest spellers. Tickets cost $7 for adults and $5 for seniors and non-VU students.



Learn to paint in Oils: Mondays, Oct. 18 – Nov. 22
6 to 8:30 PM at the Communities of Solarbron, Evansville, IN
Learn to paint in oils with local award winning artist, Michael Bartholomew. This is a six week class
that will help you understand how to compose and paint any subject matter of your choice in a step-by-step
manner. You will learn the process and techniques in the art of picture making, that will help you to achieve accuracy
in drawing, the importance of mixing correct values, plus more.

The cost of this class is $125.00. Does not include materials to be purchased. Open to beginners and advanced artists.
For more information, visit www.bartholomewfineart.com for a complete list of materials. To sign-up, please email Michael at mb.fineart@wowway.com.
Class size is limited, sign-up early! Registration deadline is Sunday, Oct. 17.

Two-night Raku Workshop
October 20th and 27th
It will be at the Potter’s House on the Oakland City University campus, Oakland City, IN. The times will be 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. both nights. The cost is $30.00. That will cover everything for both nights (tools, clay, glaze and firing).¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬

Reserve your seat for The Chamber’s Annual Meeting & Dinner TODAY


Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Centre, Downtown Evansville
5:30 p.m. Cocktail Reception with Cash Bar
6:30 p.m. Annual Meeting & Dinner Program
The cost is $75 per Chamber member; $750 per table of 10; and $150 per non-member.

The Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana’s Annual Meeting & Dinner is one of the Tri-State’s most established business traditions. This event brings the region’s business, education and government leaders together to one event, on one night, at one place. This is truly the networking event of the year with over 800 people expected to attend.

Tom Donohue, President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce will serve as the Keynote Speaker and Governor Mitch Daniels will serve as the Guest Speaker.

This year’s program will kick off with a cocktail reception that will begin at 5:30 p.m. The Annual Meeting & Dinner program will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will feature a delicious dinner; an awards program to recognize the Business, Business Person and Volunteer of the Year; the Annual Report from Chamber President & CEO, Matt Meadors; and a presentation from Tom Donohue and Governor Daniels. The program will also feature the induction of the Chamber’s 2010 Chairman of the Board, Jeff Deig, Industrial Contractors, and the 2010 Board of Directors and Officers.

The Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana hosts its Annual Meeting & Dinner in order to communicate the issues and initiatives that The Chamber has undertaken or supported over the past year. It is a way to show The Chamber’s impact, while previewing the organization’s program of work for the next year. This annual Chamber event is one you won’t want to miss. It’s The Chamber’s opportunity to embrace and celebrate the business community and honor the Tri-State’s business leaders.

For more information and/or to reserve your seat for this important gathering, please click here or contact Carly Griffin, events manager, at 812.425.8147 or via e-mail at cgriffin@ccswin.com.

Please plan to join us at The Chamber’s Annual Meeting & Dinner on Tuesday, October 12



The community meeting held by the park board on Sept. 15 to hear citizens’ views about the placement of a baseball complex in Wesselman Park was arduous, lengthy, and frustrating.

For the first two and one-half hours, David Dunn and his hired environmental studies group, Bernardin and Lochmueller, droned on explaining concepts that, as head of the study Mr. Tom Cervone stated, could have been defined using the condition “better, worse, or the same.” If that rule of “better, worse, or the same” had been followed, the Dunn baseball portion of the meeting would have lasted about 30 minutes.

It became clear that Mr. Dunn is not going to budge from his insistence on spending $18 million on the ball complex, an amount totally out of line given the relative need for such a project. There are great differences between needs and wants. I vote for spending less by placing these commercial fields in another location and have money left for future needs.

Here is the kicker. When the original deed was written for the Wesselman land transfer from the state to the city, it contained the following quote: “Provided, that if said real estate is used for purposes other than park purposes the title to said real estate shall revert to the State of Indiana.” This means we would have to look at the definition of “park” as it was used in 1963, the date of the deed. We would need to look at all other dealings of the Park Board to determine if only “park purposes” strictly have been and will be adhered to. Senator Wesselman was laying ground rules for the future.

This land was to be used as only park land (not commercial purposes) in perpetuity.

I don’t want the city to lose the Wesselman land, but this may be what it takes to make people realize exactly what is being pushed at warp speed down everyone’s throat. Slow down! The rush is Dunn.

To Members of E/V Park Board:

There is a difference between “park” and “recreation”; otherwise why would you include both terms in the name of the department which you serve. This difference is very important in considering the question you have before you.

The term “park” is very inclusive. It refers to relaxing, enjoying a rich natural experience, walking alone or with friends or family, experiences that are personal, not structured. These park experiences are inclusive. And they are available to all citizens.

The term “recreation” refers to an exclusive experience. This is exemplified by structured activities such as team sports. We all know that the majority of citizens in this area do not participate in organized sports, so in this sense “recreation” excludes the majority.

This is not to say that one or the other is bad, just different concepts.

This idea can be taken further when dealing with the CVB baseball complex. In this case, the envelope is pushed out to include a commercial aspect, that being to make money for the specific group of businesses that the CVB represents. Again, there is nothing wrong with making money. It is the fact that the location is inappropriate, especially considering the “only for park purposes” clause in the quit claim deed which gave the park land to the city from the state.

I realize that you believe the stadium weighs heavily in the decision. But it should not. The stadium and its fate should be a separate issue from the decision on the ball complex. As you know, you are obliged by your position on the Park Board to do what is right for the park, to do the very best for all citizens, not just a few.

On the other hand, the stadium issue is gummed up with mega-bucks and city politics that have upset citizens for awhile here. What happens with the stadium effects the ball complex but should be decided on its own merit. And the city has at least a year to render a decision on the fate of the stadium. It still must function until the arena is ready. If you look at the ball complex as an easy answer to getting rid of the stadium, then you short-change all the citizens of Evansville and Vanderburgh County because you do not consider the bigger picture, that being the appropriate land use going forward. The future is a long time.

It is important to remember the financial aspect of this ball complex. First are Dunn’s figures and projections realistic? Has anyone run independent comparisons? One hundred thousand visitors seems high, very high. As the groundskeeper for USI stated, have details such as umpires, ambulances, groundskeepers etc. etc. etc. been even considered much less planned? Even if you have very competent sales people at the CVB, it will take several years to build up a reputation and a following. We are not resort central. Heck, we’re not even Bloomington, a town that is a lot more hip, green, and youthful. And again, to put all this hype and activity close to the preserve and the neighbors is not smart. Plus $18 million? That’s way over the top.

Secondly you may have read the information that Steve Heeger and Ted Huppert sent you regarding the two types of sound measurements that could have been used when doing noise studies for the ball complex. What other bits of information have not yet surfaced that will weaken or dispute other portions of the studies presented at the Community Meeting of the Park Board on Sept. 15? Try very hard to imagine yourself living on Boeke Rd. right across from Wesselman Park. Even if you like baseball, it could get very old after awhile. Then consider if you find the game annoying.

Thirdly there is a huge difference between needs and wants. The city is in mega-debt for the arena and perhaps more. The Centre is not cutting it. This CVB debt would take it over the top (Even though I realize that the CVB debt is not city debt, it is in a sense approved or disapproved by city and county officials.) There would be little to no extra funds in the capital account for the CVB to use on any other worthy project for a very long time.

Fourth, if the mayor wanted Roberts down, he should have addressed that issue at the time of starting the arena process, and not dumped it on someone or some group to solve the problem and face the public discontent. Yes there are still uses for Roberts, and yes, I personally would like it razed. There are many passionate opinions out there for and against these views. What if you elected to use Roberts for five more years? It could make the money to pay for its demise or repairs.

Can the city utilize Recovery Zone bonds or Build America bonds to raze Roberts? Or has the city reached its maximum amount allowed for bonding? Just a thought, but I do think it is the city’s (the city council and the mayor) responsibility to deal with what is definitely an issue intimately intertwined with the new arena. After all, it is the city that owns Roberts. The Park Board has been assigned the task of managing it, and in fact, even some of the “managing” is tasked to SMG with promotions and ticket sales.

Think about this. If Roberts can be razed, by whomever and by whatever method, then I can guarantee that the land will be put back to park: natural, lush, green with native species, and amenities for all citizens. I have had encouraging discussions with Sycamore Land Trust and various charitable foundations regarding such a project. Please hold me to it. Green is the right thing to do.

Most sincerely,
Martha Crosley

Evansville Police Department Sets Community Forum Schedule


(EVANSVILLE, IN) – September 30, 2010 – The Evansville Police Department (EPD) has set the schedule for a series of community forums as part of the EPD’s Diversity Management Plan (DMP). Every citizen of Evansville is a customer of the EPD. As such, all citizens are invited to attend and participate in these forums, at which all attendees will have an opportunity to express their thoughts and observations about what they see as the strengths and weaknesses of how the EPD provides services throughout the community. Forums will be held as follows:

Tuesday, October 5
6:00 – 7:45 p.m.
Red Bank Branch Library
Howard Meeting Room
120 S. Red Bank Road, 47712

Wednesday, October 6
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Academy for Innovative Studies (formerly
Harwood Middle School)
Media Room
3013 N. First Ave., 47710

Friday, October 8
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Hebron Elementary School
4440 Bellemeade Avenue, 47714

Tuesday, October 12
3:00 – 5:00 p.m. (Age 50 and Older)
6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (Under Age 50)
C. K. Newsome Community Center
Recreation Room
100 E. Walnut Street, 47713

Additional community forums will be scheduled if necessary. The forums will be facilitated by the consulting firm of Woodard & Associates, Inc., which has been contracted by the EPD to guide the development and implementation of the DMP.

The mission of the EPD is to partner with the community to improve the quality of life by reducing the fear and incidence of crime, to recognize and resolve problems, and to fulfill the law enforcement needs of the citizens of Evansville, Indiana.

Warrant Issued for Craig Joseph Wilhelm


Sheriff Eric Williams

Please click on the links to read the news release: