Friday October 22, 2010
IS IT TRUE that on November 17, 2009 that there was a regularly scheduled meeting of the Vanderburgh County Commissioners? ….that all three County Commissioners were recorded as in attendance at that meeting that was presided over by President Troy Tornatta? ….that Vanderburgh County Treasurer Rick Davis made an extensive power point presentation at that meeting that covered the subject of the homestead tax exemption? …. that the following paragraph is unedited and taken directly from the transcript of the meeting of the Vanderburgh County Commissioners?
“Basically the state wants to weed out people who may own several homes in one county, or several homes throughout the state and they’re getting a homestead exemption on all of these homes. Those forms will be filled out by the taxpayer and mailed back, and the Auditor will verify that they only have one homestead mortgage.â€
IS IT TRUE that President Troy Tornatta of the Vanderburgh County Commissioners knew that his wife Ann Tornatta still owned the home that she had before their marriage? ….that President Tornatta knew that she was treating that home as a rental as opposed to a residence? ….that President Tornatta was aware that the homestead tax exemption could only be applied once per married couple?…..that President Tornatta presided over a meeting of the Vanderburgh County Commissioners where the Treasurer of Vanderburgh County clearly articulated the intention of the State of Indiana to “weed out†people who were taking the homestead tax exemption on multiple properties?
IS IT TRUE that Ann Tornatta (Mrs. Troy Tornatta) truly seemed to have been surprised by the allegation of receiving improper benefits from two homestead tax credits? ….that the system of advising the taxing authorities of a marriage that eliminates ones homestead tax credit is not as clear as it could be?….that there are probably many more newlyweds who had separate homes that have inadvertently found themselves in a similar situation?…..that Mrs. Tornatta showed remarkable courage by showing up at today’s press conference to confront this allegation face to face?
IS IT TRUE that all tax bills that went out in Vanderburgh County in 2010 had a pink page explaining the inappropriateness of receiving a homestead tax credit on multiple properties?….that Troy Tornatta as a member of the County Commissioners had every opportunity to have been aware of the situation regarding multiple homestead tax credit?…..that as a sitting County Commissioner Mr. Tornatta should have known about this?…..that the City County Observer wonders why he did not know????
IS IT TRUE that the Front Door Pride program to date has constructed 8 homes in the Goosetown area?…. that after more than a year only three (3) of those homes have identified a buyer and that only two of those have closed the deal? ….that the average cost to produce each house is just under $200,000 before realty fees? …that the average home is 1,670 square feet and costs the City of Evansville $115.79 per square foot to build?….that the most recently reported sale price of a Front Door Pride home is $130,000 (77.84 per square foot)? ….that there are seven (7) more houses that are on the schedule to be built?….that at the rate the first eight (8) houses are selling that it will take 5 years to sell all of these houses?…..that by the time all of these houses are sold the City of Evansville will have lost a total of over $1,000,000 for this social experiment?
IS IT TRUE that the median list price of a home in Evansville, Indiana right now is $112,900? ….that in the neighborhoods where Front Door Pride homes are being built, there are 36 homes listed with an average list price of $65,797?….that the average listing price is propped up by the Front Door Pride homes that are currently listed? ….that any private business that planned to build $200,000 houses in an area where the average value is $65,797 would be considered impractical and headed for bankruptcy?…..that the presence of $200,000 homes in a neighborhood like Goosetown are out of place?…..that vacant lots and abandoned homes are the next door neighbors of the Front Door Pride homes?….that the most effective programs like this fix the neighborhoods first and then build houses that can be sold for what they cost to build?…..that Habitat for Humanity does a great job of building appropriate homes that promote urban home ownership?
Thursday October 21, 2010
IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has readers in 6 countries, 33 states, and 22 Indiana cities?….that the CCO has significant numbers of readers in New York City and Houston, Texas?…..that Houston and New York rank right after Evansville in our Google Analytics visitors profile?…..that next in line is Grantham, UK where the University of Evansville has a campus?…..that the City County Observer is now attracting independent thinkers and voters of every age demographic?
IS IT TRUE that there will be a press conference called by Wayne Parke on the Evansville Civic Center steps at 10:30 this morning? ….that the subject of this press conference will be alleged improper property tax activities involving incumbent County Commissioner Troy Tornatta?
IS IT TRUE that Mildred Motley, Executive Director of the Evansville Housing Authority did not have her contract renewed by the board of directors of the EHA?….that Ms. Motley since being attracted to Evansville in 2004 by the Evansville Housing Authority has done an exemplary job of re-engineering and re-organizing an agency that had a history of sloppy performance?…..that Ms. Motley put an end to many ingrained business practices that were questionable?….that the City County Observer is very curious to hear Mildred Motley tell the story of her surprise departure from her own perspective?
IS IT TRUE that the part of the City of Evansville to the east of Haynie’s Corner has traditionally been called Goosetown? ….that significant public money has been spent in efforts to revitalize Goosetown including a new park, a couple of million dollars on Front Door Pride houses, a $195,000 purchase of a home that was in turn sold for $30,000, and a $142,000 green brick alley? …. that the Goosetown Homeowner’s Association has been under the leadership of Fred Cook for many years?….that Mr. Cook recently moved a couple of blocks from the official boundaries of Goosetown and was stripped of his leadership role?…..that the Goosetown Homeowners Association is not recognized as a member of the United Neighborhoods of Evansville (UNOE) by Evansville DMD?…..that this failure to recognize this membership status has jeopardized a free mammogram program for low income women?
IS IT TRUE that the Goosetown Homeowners Association receives support from the Susan G. Komen Foundation to spread the word about a program offering free mammograms to low income women? ….that approximately 25 women received free mammograms since April as a result of this outreach program?….that a staff member of the Evansville Department of Metropolitan Development (DMD) informed the Komen Foundation that the Goosetown Homeowners Association is not a member of UNOE, causing the funding for this outreach program to be terminated? …that UNOE recognizes the Goosetown Homeowners Association as a member with dues paid and paperwork in order through 2011?
IS IT TRUE that some low income women from Goosetown may not learn about this program that provides free mammograms that are instrumental in early detection of breast cancer due to this loss of funding due to incorrect information?….that Mr. Fred Cook called Mayor Weinzapfel in an effort to clear this situation up so the outreach program can be eligible for funding again?…that Mr. Cook and the women of Goosetown are still waiting for a return phone call?
IS IT TRUE ironically that Fred Cook is the announced candidate against incumbent Councilwoman Connie Robinson to represent the 4th Ward on Evansville’s City Council election in 2011?….that this sounds like a similar political backlash against Mr. Cook and the women of Goosetown to what Rick Davis had to deal with when he announced his intention to run for Mayor?
Wednesday October 20, 2010
IS IT TRUE that starting on October 20th, 2010 that our signature column IS IT TRUE will be updated daily? …. that IS IT TRUE is becoming recognized as a column that with the help of Mole #3 stays at the forefront of forecasting that which is in need of review and oversight in local government?….that this Mole Hill is turning into the Mountain that is dedicated to driving Evansville politics from the domain of backroom deals to a place of clarity and sanity? ….that the need for Mole #3 to have some help is always increasing? ….that the City County Observer always appreciates the efforts of all of our Moles and aspiring Moles who send us information that drives better public policy?….that we never tell who our Moles are?
IS IT TRUE that Dan Shaw of the Courier and Press took the initiative to investigate the moving expense situation with respect to the pending move of the Vanderburgh Democratic Headquarters from the soon to be demolished Executive Inn parking tower?…that Mr. Shaw’s article drew a rapid rebuke and a letter from Mark Owens, Chairman of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party?…..that it was first published in the City County Observer in the Spring of 2010 that Browning Investments would not be going forward with the Convention Hotel project? ….that the same City County Observer accurately predicted the pending demolition of the Executive Inn and its parking tower? ….that Mark Owen asserted that the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party has a 5 year lease with Browning beginning July 31, 2010 and expects that Browning Investments will be paying the Democrats for early termination of that lease? ….that July 31, 2010 fell after the “Target Date†of the agreement between Browning and the City of Evansville? ….that Browning could not have delivered on any such contract and that it was widely known at that time?
IS IT TRUE that Browning disputes Mr. Owen’s claim? …that Jamie Browning, vice president of real estate development with Browning, said Browning Investments does not plan to compensate the Democrats for moving expenses? ….that Mark Owen asserted to Mr. Shaw that the agreement makes Browning responsible for paying “compensation for a tenant’s relocation.â€?….that John Kish, the director of the Arena project is already negotiating to move two cellular towers?…that Mr. Kish would not be doing this unless the City of Evansville was assuming responsibility for honoring leases associated with the Executive Inn parking tower?…..that Chairman Owen also stated that “The Vanderburgh County Democratic Party would not seek, nor would we accept compensation from the city, or taxpayers, for its relocation,â€?…. that Mr. Kish and the taxpayers of the City of Evansville will be pleased to allow Mr. Owen and the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party to honor his pledge to not take the money from the taxpayers to move the Democratic Party Headquarters.
IS IT TRUE that several strong young Democrats have expressed a willingness to help move the Party Headquarters for free?….that contributing elbow grease, pickup trucks, and pizza are the types of things that builds camaraderie and respect in both the Democratic Party and the community? ….that efforts that are done for a cause as opposed to efforts to line the coffers are what this city, this county, the state, and this country need right now?….that there may even be a few republicans, libertarians, and independents that would turn out for the cause?
IS IT TRUE that a strong and courageous free press is the foundation of truth in government?….that the City County Observer is proud of Dan Shaw’s initiative in this and many local issues?….that the CCO admires the drive, energy, and journalistic integrity that Dan Shaw of the Courier and Press puts into every article he writes?….that we stand by his zeal to make this a better place to live with the power of the pen? …that the City County Observer recommends that each and every one of our readers reviews Mr. Shaw’s work on this situation and make your own judgments about the truth?