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IS IT TRUE? PART 2: February 17, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? Part 2 February 17, 2011

IS IT TRUE that yesterday’s announcement by Douglas de Groot took the Vanderburgh party leadership by surprise? ….the select members of the local Tea Party are extremely pleased that Mr. de Groot entered the Republican primary race? ….that the Tea Party membership shall engage both Republican candidates for Mayor in open dialogue concerning serious issues facing the City of Evansville during the upcoming primary?

IS IT TRUE that Dr. Neil Troost has been asked to run as a Republican in the upcoming city election?….if he decides to run for elected office it would be for the At Large City Council seat?…that his passion is to see the city park system in Evansville and Vanderburgh County become a source of civic pride?…that the investment to bring our parks up to exemplary status and to keep them that way is a small fraction of the cost of the new Downtown Arena?…that visitors to the City of Evansville are more apt to judge our city as a place to live or invest by our parks than by a basketball stadium on Main Street?…that the policies that allowed the park system to turn into a neglected domain of drugs and prostitutes is the epitome of poor public policy?….that we bet the good people of Evansville would support a respectable budget to make and keep our parks beautiful and safe for families to enjoy?….that the current leadership and management of the Evansville Parks Department would be terrified of the prospect of an advocate to clean and maintain the parks like Dr. Neil Troost to be elected?

IS IT TRUE that the elected Vanderburgh County Surveyor Bill Jeffers published an excellent article today in the Evansville Courier and Press titled “Keep Elections in Odd Years”?…that the body of the article expands on much more than just election years?…that this article is a well thought out and superbly written observation on the irrelevance of national party agendas in local government?…that Mr. Jeffers also points out that the unification committee after engaging former Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson on the issue of non-partisan elections summarily rejected his advice?…that the City County Observer would like very much to provide a link to this article but cannot because it is not published in the online version of the Courier?…that this article alone is worth many times the 75 cents that the daily Courier costs so please go buy one, borrow one, or visit the library to familiarize yourselves with this article?

Here is a link to the CCO version.


IS IT TRUE? February 17, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? February 17, 2011

IS IT TRUE that back in 2003 the Weinzapfel Committee for Mayor received a whopping $48,000 from the campaign committee of the Dean of the Evansville City Council, Curt John ….that it is obvious that in 2011 Mayor Weinzapfel not only has forgotten this generous gift from the Honorable City Councilman Curt John’s campaign committee but that he also doesn’t seek his wisdom and advise on important big ticket issues facing the City of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that “MOLE #3” is hearing that the overall cost of the new downtown Arena is beginning to go over budget? ….we look forward to John Kish publishing an up to date itemization of the funds that have been spent, committed, or budgeted to put this rumor to rest soon as possible?…that there are other costs that need to be included in the Arena cost break down such as the demolition cost of the Executive Inn and the City of Evansville’s portion of the Convention Hotel Project?

IS IT TRUE that newly announced Mayoral candidate Douglas de Groot ran against Russ Lloyd, Jr. in the Republican primary in May of 2003?….that it is legend that Mr. de Groot muster over 40% of the vote against Mr. Lloyd in the Republican primary?….that the 2011 Republican primary could prove to be similar to the 2003 results?

IS IT TRUE that Missy Mosby and Patrick McBride now have a Republican waiting for them to settle their primary campaign?…that Mr. Bill Kramer will be filing today at 1:30 as a Republican to seek the City Council seat in Evansville’s 2nd Ward?…that Mr. Kramer is not new to the game of politics and has the contacts and potential to give Miss Mosby or Mr. McBride a formidable challenge?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer hosted a public policy forum yesterday at Biaggi’s that attracted a full house of 25 business and political leaders?…that the insurance firm of Torian, Hofmann, Dillow, and Flittner sponsored the event and the Joe Wallace served as the presenter/facilitator?…that both of the State of Indiana’s flagship universities were also represented?…that the theme of the meeting was “Symptoms of Public Policy”?…that the “Symptom” that garnered the most discussion was the state of the parks in the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County?…that there was unanimous agreement that the condition of City Parks is as Symptomatic of the condition of a city as a hacking cough is of the condition of a person?…that it was also expressed that given the entire budget of the Parks Department up against the number of acres of park land that the budget is only about 20% of what is needed to hire high school students to mow the acreage?…that the condition of the parks, especially in the City of Evansville are a “symptom” of poor public policy and a deterrent to Evansville’s ability to attract outside investment?…that this is a relatively cheap problem to correct as it the litter problem which also was supported as a “symptom” of poor public policy?

IS IT TRUE that other “symptoms” that were discussed included population decline in the City of Evansville, a shrinking wage base, educational attainment, safety of certain intersections, business unfriendliness of local government, flooding and sewer overflows, non-existent private investment opportunities, the general inferiority complex, exorbitant electricity rates, and the United Nations metrics of efficiency, transparency, and participation?…that Dr. H. Dan Adams has published a paper on transparency and made it available on his website www.hdanadams.com?

IS IT TRUE that Brent Grafton, president of Green Tree Plastics and Republican candidate for Evansville City Council in the 5th Ward that Evansville has a history of industriousness and skills that could be leveraged for economic growth and even a profitable use of Roberts Stadium?…that Mr. Grafton has taken his business from the start-up stage to a platform of high potential that employs just over 25 people within the City of Evansville?…that his company has never asked for or received and incentive from local government?…that when GTP wishes to hire the first people they ask are their current employees and it never crosses their mind to ask for a check from local government?…that 300 Green Tree Plastics would immediately solve the unemployment problem in Evansville and Vanderburgh County without costing a dime of incentives?…that many of the attendees at the forum left with a new appreciation for growing local business as opposed to running all over the world engaging in the economic development practice of “whale hunting”?…that when Evansville people create Evansville jobs, they tend to stay and treat employees better?…that is because these employees are their neighbors too?

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Notice of Lodging of a Consent Decree Under the Clean Water Act


Justice is Done

Department of Justice Publishes City of Evansville Consent Decree in Federal Register

Notice is hereby given that on January 6, 2011, a proposed Consent Decree in United States and State of Indiana v. City of Evansville, Indiana and Evansville Water and Sewer Utility Board, Civil Action No. 3:09–CV–128, was lodged with the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana.

In this action the United States and the State of Indiana seek civil penalties and injunctive relief for violations of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq., in connection with the City of Evansville’s operation of its municipal wastewater and sewer system. The United States’ and State of Indiana’s Complaint alleges that Evansville violated the Clean Water Act and Indiana law by, inter alia: (1) Discharging untreated sewage in such a way as to cause violations of applicable water quality standards for E. coli in the receiving streams; (2) discharging untreated sewage from the combined sewer collection system during dry weather into ‘‘waters of the United States’’ and ‘‘waters of the state’’; (3) failing to maximize treatable flow to the city’s two wastewater treatment plants, known as the ‘‘East Plant’’ and the ‘‘West Plant,’’ during wet weather events, causing discharges of untreated sewage from combined sewer overflow (‘‘CSO’’) outfalls during times when there is remaining treatment capacity at the East Plant and the West Plant; (4) failing to properly operate and maintain the city’s combined sewer and separate sanitary sewer collection systems in violation of the city’s two NPDES permits; (5) illegally discharging untreated sewage from the city’s sanitary sewer collection systems into navigable waters and their tributaries in violation of the city’s two NPDES permits; (6) creating an imminent and substantial endangerment by releasing sewage onto public and private property and into residential dwellings and other buildings; and (7) failing to adequately report discharges from the collection system and CSO outfalls in violation of the reporting provisions in the city’s NPDES permits. Under the proposed Decree, the City will be required to remedy the deficiencies in the capacity, operation and maintenance of Evansville’s East Plant and West Plant, combined sewer system, and sanitary sewer system at a cost that may exceed $500 million. Evansville must make these improvements by calendar year 2032 or, if Evansville demonstrates a lack of financial capability, by calendar year 2037. In addition, the proposed Decree requires Evansville to pay the United States a civil penalty of $420,000 and the State of Indiana a civil penalty of $70,000, and spend an estimated $4 million to connect homes with failing septic systems to the city’s sewer system.

The Department of Justice will receive for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of this publication comments relating to the proposed Consent Decree. Comments should be addressed to the Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division, and either e-mailed to pubcomment-ees.enrd@usdoj.gov or mailed to P.O. Box 7611, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20044–7611, and should refer to United States and State of Indiana v. City of Evansville, Indiana, D.J. Ref. 90–5–1–1– 08738.

The proposed Consent Decree may be examined at the Office of the United States Attorney, Southern District of Indiana, 10 W. Market Street, Suite 2100, Indianapolis, IN 46204 (contact Assistant United States Attorney Tom Kieper (317/226–6333)), and at U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604–3590 (contact Associate Regional Counsel Nicole Cantello (312/886–2870)). During the public comment period, the proposed Consent Decree may also be examined
on the following Department of Justice VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:04 Jan 18, 2011 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00085 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\19JAN1.SGM 19JAN1 mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES 3160 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Notices Web site: http://www.usdoj.gov/enrd/ Consent_Decrees.html. A copy of the proposed consent decree may also be obtained by mail from the Consent Decree Library, P.O. Box 7611, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20044–7611 or by faxing or e-mailing a request to Tonia Fleetwood (tonia.fleetwood@usdoj.gov), fax no. (202) 514–0097, phone confirmation number (202) 514–1547. In requesting a copy from the Consent Decree Library, please enclose a check in the amount of $26.50 (25 cents per page reproduction cost) payable to the U.S. Treasury or, if by e-mail or fax, forward a check in that amount to the Consent Decree Library at the stated address.

Maureen M. Katz,
Assistant Chief, Environmental Enforcement
Section, Environment and Natural Resources Division.
[FR Doc. 2011–973 Filed 1–18–11; 8:45 am]

Mayor Lloyd’s Primary Opponent, Douglas De Groot enters Republican Primary for Mayor


Winnecke to face a challenge afterall

Vanderburgh County Commissioner Lloyd Winnecke had and lost one challenger for the Republican nomination for Mayor of Evansville in the course of 16 hours on Monday and Tuesday and now another challenger has thrown his hat into the ring.

Douglas De Groot has signed up as a Republican and challenge Commissioner Winnecke for the party nomination. Mr. De Groot is not stranger to Mayoral politics as he took on former Mayor Russell Lloyd Jr. in the Republican party primary back in 2003 running a frugal campaign in an effort to gain the nomination.

On Monday afternoon Jeremy Heath announced similar intentions only to allegedly be persuaded by a local Republican operative to change the office he is seeking to Evansville City Council member at-large.

Check back as this story develops.

IS IT TRUE PART 3 February 16, 2011: Make you views known on the GUN LAWS


Welcome to Indiana: Which Way to the Public Meeting Varmint

IS IT TRUE that SB Bill 292 if passed will bar local governmental units from passing any gun laws? ….as currently written, they would not be able to stop people from bringing guns in public meetings as long as the person conceals their gun? ….. SB Bill 506 is now on second reading? ….that this proposed bill will let anyone to carry a gun without a permit under certain conditions? ….. that SB Bill 411 makes it illegal for employers to ask employees about guns they might have on the company’s property? ….that this bill has already passed the Indiana Senate? ….if any of these Indiana Senate Bills concern you then contact your elected officials in Indy?

IS IT TRUE that you can contact your appropriate legislator through the following link.


IS IT TRUE? PART 2: February 16, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? PART 2: February 16, 2011

IS IT TRUE that changes of heart and disclosure seems to be coming from all sorts of places nowadays?…that yet another member of the Evansville City Council has come forward to state that he has never used any free tickets to entertainment venues?… that the 5th Ward City Councilman, John Friend told the City County Observer that he was offered tickets for events held at the Stadium but never used them?

IS IT TRUE that this is not the only revisit of position that Mr. Friend has had recently?…that City Councilman John Friend told the City County Observer that he has decided to support a comprehensive smokefree workplace resolution in the City of Evansville only if it had no exemptions attached to it?…that sometimes reconsidering antiquated ideas supported by ill-informed people is the right thing to do?…that sometimes voting for something after voting against it is a redeeming experience for good public policy? …we say–wow to Councilmen Friends public statement on this hot button issue?…that a new resolution should be brought before the Evansville City Council ASAP to get on board with Vanderburgh County and the rest of the progressive cities of America before minds change again?

IS IT TRUE that there have been several requests this morning to be included in any future good public policy meetings that the City County Observer holds?…that emailing us at our published email is the best way to ask for an invitation?

IS IT TRUE that it seems as though VenuWorks is not only charged with the responsibility to fill the new Arena but that they are tasked with selling the naming opportunities and sponsorships too?…that the TEAM that did this for Louisville’s YUM Center spent two years prior to the opening and secured $50M in commitments?…that we wish VenuWorks the best as they get ready to eat this elephant one bite at a time?…that perhaps some of the staff at SMG would make good employees for them to consider as they know the lay of the land?…that Lewis and Clark would have been nothing other than scalped if not for the local guide Sacagawea?…that there are most likely several Sacagawea’s in waiting that can make the monumental task that VenuWorks was just awarded easier to accomplish?

IS IT TRUE? February 16, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? February 16, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the highly regarded 4th Ward City Councilwoman, Connie Robinson shall announce that she shall run for her 5th term? ….this Thursday (February 17, 2011) she shall make her official announcement at 4:45 p.m. at the Civic Center?…that her campaign committee shall sponsor a reception in her honor following her announcement?….that the reception shall be at Zazzy Groove located at 217 Main Street?

IS IT TRUE that the 4th Ward City Council women, Connie Robinson has just informed City County Observer “MOLE # 2” that she has never received free tickets from SMG or any promoter while she has been a member of City Council?

IS IT TRUE that if David Rector, Director of Vanderburgh County Building Authority would spend more time in overseeing the properties he manages and less time playing power politics, tile floors in select offices and rest rooms in the Civic Center wouldn’t be so dirty and smelly?….that the Civic Center and Roberts Stadium seem to suffer from the same sticky floors, rank toilets, and general dirtiness?…if he did some routine cleaning of heating and air condition ducts in the Civic Center employees and patrons wouldn’t have allergy problems caused by less than clean H/A ducts system?

IS IT TRUE that today marks the second good public policy forum held by the City County Observer and the Community Observer?…that the theme of this meeting is “Symptoms of Good Public Policy”?…that one symptom of good public policy is a growing population?…that in 1890 the City of Evansville peaked among American cities at 56th?…that at that time Evansville was larger than Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Dallas, Charlotte, Miami, and Houston, while being the equal of Atlanta and Nashville?…that as recently as 1950 Evansville’s peer cities would have included Phoenix, Kansas City, Tampa, Charlotte, and San Jose?…that at some point in Evansville’s history its population has exceeded the population of seven of the 10 largest cities in America?…that today Evansville checks in at #217 and counts places like Columbus, GA, Fort Smith, AR, and Peoria, IL as peer cities?…that we will discussing the 50 year decline in population and the 100 year decline in relevance along with many other factors that are symptoms of good public policy?

IS IT TRUE that Detroit was perhaps the center of the first production based entrepreneurship revolution in America?…that Detroit was essentially the Silicon Valley of the middle of the 20th Century?…that much of the decline of Detroit can be attributed to poor public policy?…that the United Nations evaluates the “goodness” of governance based on EFFICIENCY, TRANSPARENCY, AND PARTICIPATION?…that Detroit, Evansville, and many other American cities in prolonged decline would not score so well on the United Nations choice of metrics?…that the City County Observer would like to see its Public Policy Forums become the crucible from which influential business people and willing elected officials can formulate the knowledge and action plans to reverse the habits that have been enablers in this regions trickle down the relevance curve?

IS IT TRUE that scheduling a trip to Detroit for one overnight in about two weeks has become an eye opener for why the Evansville Regional Airport is having difficulty attracting flyers and flights?…that a round trip ticket to Detroit on the 27th and returning on the 28th is $1069?…that the same trip out of Nashville is $436 or out of Louisville is $347?…that this difference is not only unexplainable and unexpected but is enough to be worth the drive to save the money for a person travelling alone?…that at dinner last night with two travelers from the Detroit area that they confessed that they flew to Nashville to get to Evansville because of the FARE DIFFERENCE?…that these flights are all being paid for by multi-billion dollar entities that are very cost conscious?…that when something is so astonishing that it is disgusting there is often some piece of POOR PUBLIC POLICY somewhere in the chain of foolishness?

IS IT TRUE that back in 2007 that Mayor Weinzapfel raised a ruckus with the ownership of Casino Aztar over not keeping a relatively small number of jobs in staff?…that there is now much speculation among the SMG staff that up to 20 layoffs will be happening as a result of the choice of VenuWorks over SMG to manage the new Downtown Arena?…that we wonder if the Mayor will be asking VenuWorks to give special consideration to the soon to be displaced workers from SMG?…that consistency is a virtue within local government?…we will keep an eye on this opportunity to heal a wound that has been opened?…that if these 20 people lose their jobs and 20 different people are hired by VenuWorks that the actual job creation from this little shuffle is ZERO?…that we bet the official job creation count will not count job losses against the gains?…that this way of counting is misleading?

Democratic Field for Mayor Growing to Three Contenders


Albert E. Johnson Makes it a Three Man Race

Albert E. Johnson, 55, a self proclaimed father of 10 kids with lots of roots in Evansville will be throwing his hat into the ring and seeking the nomination of the Democratic Party for Mayor of Evansville.

Mr. Johnson has announced his intention to file his candidacy on Wednesday February 16th at 11:00 am at the Civic Center.

Check Back for Further Developments

Winnecke Opponent Opts out of Mayoral Challenge in Favor of At-Large City Council Seat


Economics of Campaign Changes Heath’s Perspective of Office of Mayor

Jeremy Heath after making it known that he had intention to file today to run for the Republican nomination for Mayor of Evansville against County Commissioner Lloyd Winnecke has changed his mind and has filed to seek one of the three at-large positions on the Evansville City Council. Mr. Heath has filed as a Republican and expects to receive the blessing and support of the Republican Party but has not had any conversation with party Chairman Wayne Parke yet.

Mr. Heath is 25 years old and works at Good Samaritan as a Certified Nursing Assistant, is married with one child and another child on the way. When asked why he developed an interest in running for local office, Mr. Heath responded that, “he is tired of the lack of transparency in local government and that his first idea to run for Mayor of Evansville was inspired by his disappointment with the old guard and the candidates from both parties who seem to be a part of it”. Mr. Heath stated furthermore that he is not a member of the Tea Party but is sympathetic with some of their positions.

On some local issues Mr. Heath expresses a desire to save Roberts Stadium and hopes that the people of Evansville will reach a decision on the best idea for its use and supports consolidation but was not impressed with the Consolidation Committee’s process with respect to law enforcement. Mr. Heath is a resident of the 1st Ward.



Joe Wallace

Paraphrased, Condensed, and Localized from “Public Governance Indicators” as published by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs

The City County Observer believes that being an advocate for good public policy includes being an informed, active participant in the development of public policies that affect our businesses, our citizens, and the community in which we operate. Good public policy begins with diverse stakeholders participating in open and transparent proceedings to carefully examine issues and offer different perspectives that promote effective solutions.

Indicators of Good Local Government: EFFICIENCY, TRANSPARENCY, and PARTICIPATION

The review of governance indicators shows that governments have many objectives. Governance indicators serve to inform the different stakeholders, including the public, on the state of public finances and governmental performance; they can assist the public in making informed choices, understanding the impact of their collective actions on public finances; and perhaps most importantly to enable the public to judge the performance of local government and their dependent alter-ego types of organizations. This process will ultimately lead society to evaluate and possibly redefine the tasks that are to be accomplished by the public sector and its specific institutions, which in turn would enhance democracy.

Any effort to monitor governance is limited by resource constraints, as well as the need to be realistic in terms of what data can be systematically collected and compared on a comparative basis. If it is desirable to collect data on a systematic basis on a comparative level, the following three inter-related dimensions of governance would seem to stand out.