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EPD Activity Report: March 28, 2011


Evansville Police Department Activity Report: March 28, 2011

EPD Activity Report March 28 2011

IS IT TRUE? March 29, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? March 29, 2011

IS IT TRUE that yesterday we brought up the topic of big agenda driven by big money folks like George Soros and the Koch Brothers being refreshingly absent from the coffers of Evansville’s candidates for the eleven City of Evansville offices that are up for grabs this year?…that we still believe that Soros bucks and Koch Brother bucks are not a factor here?…that has not always been the case?…that if one Google’s the term Weinzapfel+Soros that one Jonathan David Weinzapfel shows up on the list of recipients of political contributions from Mr. George Soros and various other people of the last name Soros all associated with George?…that maybe some of Mr. Soros’s money is sitting on the sideline in Evansville and looking for an agenda to support after all?

IS IT TRUE that thirteen donuts or other confectionary items is called a baker’s dozen?…that the root of that is from 13th century England when King Henry III made it a crime to cheat someone out of bread?…that the punishment for shortchanging someone in a bread transaction in those days was removal of the offending hand with an axe?…that the MAYOR”S DOZEN aka THE CONSOLIDATION COMMITTEE will have the second of what promises to be a multitude of public meetings to discuss the contents of their plan to consolidate the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County?…that in the first meeting we were treated to answer after answer stating that certain issues were not considered because “Evansville hates change”?…that the only thing we know for sure from this plan is that the MAYOR’S DOZEN does not like change and had no intention of proposing any substantial changes?…that B. J. Watts the President of the Evansville City Council even uttered the old cliché’ “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” during the first meeting?…that the real problem is that many things in Evansville like our parks, our sewers, local government priorities, local government’s sense of the value of a dollar, and our policies toward litter and snow removal are BROKE and are in serious need of some FIXING?

Tom Terrific and his Wonder Dog
IS IT TRUE that rather than present a plan that has no substantial changes on the basis that “Evansville hates change”, why did the MAYOR’S DOZEN not propose some real changes that have a high probability of creating some real positive impact on all of Vanderburgh County?…that the people of Evansville may just surprise allot of people if some real common sense changes were proposed by voting yes?…that moving the boundaries, eliminating a few elected officials, and giving the Mayor a raise is not really any change at all?…that the powers that be need put their TOM TERIFFIC thinking caps on and do what the Reverend Adrian Brooks admonished them to do in the first meeting and “satisfy your constituency with your creativity”?…that the MAYOR’S DOZEN has presented a plan that reflects talent in the management of the merging of two governments but no creative problem solving to make the merger accretive to both the city and county dwellers?…that it is the act of creative problem solving that makes a profound positive difference in every endeavor whether public or private?…that the powers that be need to get busy and put some creative problem solver types into this process if there is to be any shred of probability that consolidation will pass in November of 2012?

IS IT TRUE that the next hearing at 5:30 p.m. March 30 in Room 301 of the Civic Center on Wednesday night?…that the hearing will be televised live on WNIN?…that Mayoral Candidate and President of the Vanderburgh County Commissioners Lloyd Winnecke has stated that he is prepared to keep this meeting going well into the night?…that this is reminiscent of the Roberts Stadium ballfields meeting that went on until after midnight?…that if it takes long meeting to hold real discussions and to reach the correct conclusions the City County Observer says “let the marathon meetings continue”?

IS IT TRUE that the wayward Democrats have returned to the Indiana House of Representatives?…that the Pied Piper Pat Bauer has claimed VICTORY for the Democrats month long trip into the State of Illinois to avoid pending votes?…that he seems to have gotten at least part of what he wanted?…that we shall see the price that is paid by the followers of the Pied Piper in November of 2012?…that while the Pied Piper may keep his lifetime job many of the perfectly good legislators who follow the former speaker in his run for the border shall lose their jobs for their flight?

IS IT TRUE? March 28, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? March 28, 2011

IS IT TRUE that we have been notified by a supporter of B. J. Watts and Missy Mosby that they have also had signs go missing?…that this person who notified us seemed a bit perturbed that the City County Observer had not expressed disappointment that this had happened?…that some of the language in the notification was not all that nice and implied that we are biased?…that we rely on reports from outsiders to alert us to such mischief to be able to report it?…that we abhor the practice of stealing and destroying campaign signs that have been bought and paid for by contributions from campaign supporters?…that the City County Observer is opposed to the stealing of campaign signs with the name of any and all candidates on them that have been purchased with the contributions of working people?…that it is our belief that any sign seen in Evansville with the name of Missy Mosby or B. J. Watts was bought with contributions of everyday working people and should never be stolen or destroyed?…that we do not think that any candidate having their car or truck egged is appropriate either?…that the City County Observer advocates for free and honest elections that are without malicious distractions?

IS IT TRUE that thus far there is no big agenda driven money like money from George Soros or the Koch Brothers that we know of to have found its way into the coffers of any current local candidate?…that targeted contributions from agenda pushing billionaires corrupt the political process?…that it is refreshing to be small enough to be off of the radar screens of agenda pushers who try to buy elections with signs, billboards, and TV advertising?…that local races are best when they are funded by local dollars?…that if one of the big agenda pushers made a massive contribution to a local campaign that gave a certain candidate a decided advantage we may have to rethink our position on sign snatching?

IS IT TRUE that the FINAL FOUR is now set and that there are two big surprises playing each other for the right to play for the NCAA Championship?…that Indiana’s own Butler Bulldogs are back to the FINAL FOUR for the second year in a row?…that Butler is a private liberal arts college with an undergraduate enrollment of just over 4,000 students and an incoming freshman class that has a GPA of 3.69 on a scale of 4.0?…that Butler’s opponent in the national semifinal will be Virginia Commonwealth University that is located in Richmond, VA (population 204,212)?…that VCU is a large public university but does not have any tradition in basketball and was one of the “bubble teams” as the last group chosen by the tournament selection committee?…that these two teams by all talent metrics should not be in the FINAL FOUR?…that by the metrics of planning, teamwork, and execution that these teams have both taken out much more talented but much less disciplined teams?…that one to these schools will be playing either Kentucky or UCONN for the national championship next Monday night?…that the City County Observer is rooting for a Butler vs. Kentucky final?…that will rev up the Tri-state with pride and interest to see an Indiana vs. Kentucky NCAA Final?

IS IT TRUE that on November 27, 2010 the Evansville Purple Aces went to Hinkle Fieldhouse and defeated the FINAL FOUR Butler Bulldogs by a score of 71 – 68?…that the Aces turned the tables on Butler with planning, teamwork, and execution?…that teams like Butler and VCU should give the Aces and their fans hope that someday a FINAL FOUR could be in our future?…that UE most certainly has the same attributes to use in the recruiting game that Butler does?…that UE has a much deeper basketball tradition than VCU has?…that back in the 60’s when Coach McCutcheon was winning Division II National Championships that there was that one magic year in 1965 when the Aces went undefeated and won their fourth championship?…that the Division I Champs that year were John Wooden’s UCLA Bruins?…that UCLA lost in the regular season to Iowa that lost to the Aces?…that if the Aces would have been in Division I in 1965 there is a high probability that one of those banners hanging in Roberts Stadium would have been a Division I NCAA Championship?…that deep in the archives of Sports Illustrated is a great story about how much of a positive effect the 1965 Aces had on the pride of the people of the City of Evansville?…that it can happen again?…that for those of you who would like to feel a bit of that pride we have included this link to the SI story about the 1965 Aces?…that this story is as much about the City of Evansville at a time when things were going well as it is about the Aces?


EPD Activity Report: March 26, 2011


Link to Saturdays Evansville Police Activity Report.

EPD Activity Report March 26 2011

How Cities Use Parks for Economic Development


Beautiful Well Kept Park

Chester Downs, the concerned and interactive parent who has recently been profiled for taking on the task of drawing attention to the conditions at the Vann-Pollack park has supplied us with an article the American Planning Association regarding how parks enhance economic development. The key points in the article are as follows:

1. Real property values are positively effected

2. Municipal revenues are increased

3. Affluent Retirees are attracted and retained

4. Knowledge workers are attracted to live and work

5. Families buy homes

This is a great article and we hope that some of our readers will click on the following link to read the entire contents.


IS IT TRUE? March 27, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? March 27, 2011

IS IT TRUE Al Lindsey’s pickup truck was egged by vandals early Saturday morning?…that campaign yard signs belonging t Mr. Lindsey’s campaign continue to disappear in the night?…that a couple of people who oppose Mr. Lindsey’s candidacy have launched a lawsuit naming both the Vanderburgh County Election Board and Mr. Lindsey as respondents?…that Mr. David Mosby and his cohort in keeping meticulous notes on the whereabouts of Mr. Lindsey, Randall Whitehouse have launched this suit in an attempt to overturn the decision of the Election Board to allow Mr. Lindsey to run for the democratic nomination for Evansville City Council from the 6th Ward?…that if these two people would work as hard on behalf Mr. Lindsey’s opponent in traditional campaign methods as they are at trying to get Lindsey disqualified that the true purpose of a campaign may be fulfilled?…that is to LET THE VOTERS DECIDE who wins the primary at the ballot box?…that we are interested in the issues that we are in frivolous legal maneuvers?

IS IT TRUE that Rick Davis had a BBQ fundraiser at the Westside Sportsman’s Club yesterday that was well attended?…that something north of 827 people attended and consumed nearly every bite of the BBQ, baked beans, and potato salad on site?…that every piece that was not consumed was taken home for Sunday dinner?…that much money was raised yesterday to fund the campaign as it gets down to the last month of the primary?…that retired Indiana Senator Paul Bitz was well positioned just inside the door and using his cane like a shepard’s hook to corral people in to talk with them about supporting the Davis campaign?

IS IT TRUE that Mort Marcus published an acidic column today on the subject of blaming and denigrating school teachers for the performance problems in Indiana’s schools?…that blaming teachers for problems that are systematic within the administration of education is a miscarriage of justice and an incorrect conclusion?…that Marcus tied the current atmosphere of “tarring and feathering” teachers to the downfall of political leadership?…that an excerpt from this excellent column read:

“The tragedy is that ignorant and bigoted people are encouraged to run for public office when they witness the dumbing-down of society. Lately they have been victorious. We see this in Congress and the Indiana General Assembly. Recently a minority block of Indiana representatives took decisive and divisive action. They left the state rather than permit the majority to push through a retrograde agenda of legislation. … This passive aggressive behavior will not solve the problem. Protest draws attention but rarely wins converts. If progressive thought is to spread and triumph we must communicate our aspirations for a better world and be willing to struggle for their achievement.”

IS IT TRUE that if you have the ability to develop aspirations and to communicate them clearly you need to thank either your teachers or your parents and hopefully both?…that we all come into this world without the ability to do anything at all to survive?…that we all owe our very existence to the fact that someone loved us and cared for us when we were children?…that as we grow that good parenting and education are the only things that separate us from animals?…that in the upcoming elections and in our day to day lives that thinking before acting is the best way to go?…that we may not all agree but in a world of thinkers, there will be respect and that much of that comes to us from teachers?

IS IT TRUE that the most expensive home reported sold this week in Evansville sold at a price that was enough to buy the 30 lowest priced homes reported?…that this expensive home sold at a 69% discount to an appraisal that was done on that very home in 2005?…that to build the home from scratch even in today’s market would cost in excess of $1.5 Million?…that the 30 low end homes are also selling at big discounts relative to the prices they drew 3 to 5 years ago?…that anyone who tells you that the Evansville housing market has not experienced significant declines similar to the rest of the country is either misinformed or trying their best to win a “Pinocchio Award”?



The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? March 26, 2011

IS IT TRUE that finally after over 10 years on the drawing board the direction of Main Street in the downtown is being reversed to run toward the Civic Center instead of toward the river?…that a South Bend based electrical contractor is doing the electrical work associated with the changes needed to reverse the streets?…that we were under the impression that local firms were being considered as preferred providers for Downtown Evansville projects?…that there are plenty of competent and professional electrical contractors from Evansville, Indiana that could have taken on this work?

IS IT TRUE that the section of Main Street that is being reversed to increase traffic was reconstructed from being a load bearing vehicle supporting street into a WALKWAY back in the 70’s?…that the engineering specifications for a WALKWAY are very different that the specifications for a high traffic and heavy vehicle road?…that this WALKWAY has been exhibiting a plethora of pot holes in the brick pavers since traffic was reinstated?…that somehow these problems are magically occurring on the north side of the street where the moving traffic flows?…that when this is reversed that the south side where the parking is now will start to show the wear associated with use?…that we hope that the powers that be remember to check the base and the sub-base on which the WALKWAY PAVERS are installed before opening Main Street up to more and heavier traffic?…that big trucks and continuous traffic will most likely ravage the street rather quickly along with the infrastructure beneath it unless the base is sufficient for the weight and duty cycle associated with heavy use?

IS IT TRUE that changing the direction on the road to nowhere will make no difference whatsoever in the number of people wishing to go there?…that Sarah Palin’s bridge to nowhere did not make people want to cross that bridge to get to nowhere?…that what makes downtowns attractive to shoppers and seekers of entertainment is the content of the entertainment and the quality of the experience?…that if there is something that is so attractive that 20,000 are willing to pay $50 each to see it that the direction of the street makes NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL in their decision to attend?…that 500,000 people ride motorcycles across the country to Sturgis, SD every year to attend the Sturgis Rally?…that a smaller but similar venue in Sturgis KY (population 2,000) has drawn between 20,000 and 50,000 people per year for over 15 years?…that having a successful downtown is about MINIMALLY having as a famous consultant came to Evansville to teach us in 2007—–10 UNIQUE RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS + 10 DIFFERENT RESTAURANTS + 10 PLACES THAT ARE OPEN AFTER 5 PM?….that not one of the consultants brought in to teach Evansville how to design a thriving downtown has mentioned direction of traffic flow as a factor that brings progress?…that they have repeated the advice of unique retail, a variety of restaurants, expansive entertainment, free parking, and yes even a smoking ban so professionals and families alike will come downtown?…that the powers that be only seem to understand building stuff and pay little attention to sustainable commercial activities?

IS IT TRUE that there is a Facebook page dedicated to bringing Lady GAGA to Evansville to open the Evansville Arena?…that as much as she is a great entertainer that another band with a much more appropriate signature song would be just right for the Arena christening?…that DIRE STRAITS should open the show with the theme song of downtown development?…that this song was written and the title was chosen perfectly for projects like street reversals, Front Door Pride, Green Brick Alleys, and $240,000 public housing apartments?…that “MONEY FOR NOTHING” should be adopted as the anthem of downtown Evansville?..HAPPY SATURDAY ENJOY THE VIDEO! Clapton playing lead for DS is a bonus

Mosby and Whitehouse File Suit Against Election Board and Lindsey


In yet another challenge to the candidacy of Al Lindsey for the democratic nomination for the 6th Ward City Council David Mosby and Randall Whitehouse have filed a lawsuit against the Vanderburgh County Election Board and Mr. Lindsey. Cause number 82C01-1103-PL-157 was filed on March 23, 2011 by attorney Robert Faulkner.

This is a developing story. A link to the suit will be posted as soon as the extensive file is compressed.

City-CountyObserver is now hosting the full scanned document. To read the entire suit, CLICK HERE

EPD Activity Report: 3.25.2011


Link to the Daily Activities of the Evansville Police Reports

EPD Activity Report March 25 2011