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Mayoral Primary Poll Results & New Consolidation Poll!



Democratic Primary: 246 total votes
Rick Davis – 184 (75%)
Troy Tornatta – 62 (25%)

Republican Primary – 194 total votes
Lloyd Winnecke – 115 (59%)
Douglas DeGroot – 79 (41%)

THE NEXT POLL: “What do you think of the proposed Evansville Vanderburgh City County Consolidation??”
There are options for both residents who live within the city limits, and outside the city limits. This poll should give us all a strong idea of what each demographic thinks about the proposed consolidation.
Vote on community-observer.com!

Texas Technology Center adds $100 Million Venture Capital Fund


Funds Investments to have Regional Focus

The Houston Technology Center said Tuesday that the newly created Houston Technology Future Fund plans to raise $100 million in venture capital to fund early-stage technologies in the greater Houston area.

The fund would provide equity to technology companies within a 30-county area in the aerospace, energy, information technology, life sciences and nanotechnology sectors. John White, a partner at Houston based venture capital firm Murphree Venture Partners, will serve as CEO of the fund.

“Houston is a fertile landscape for entrepreneurship and has an extensive history of innovation,” White said in a statement. “We believe the Houston Technology Future Fund will not only assist these innovations in reaching commercialization, but will also provide a terrific return to investors.”

White will serve on the investment committee with Scott Crist of Houston-based Texas Ventures, Benton Mayberry of Houston-based Winston Sage Partners Inc., David McWilliams of BioHouston Inc. and Dennis Murphree, general managing partner of Murphree Venture Partners.

The advisory board includes J. Downey Bridgwater, HTC board chair and Sterling Bancshares Inc. (NASDAQ: SBIB) president and CEO and Walter Ulrich, president and CEO of HTC, as well as two unnamed representatives.

Source: Houston Business Journal

IS IT TRUE? Part 2: April 12, 2011 Government Waste in Pricing


IS IT TRUE? Part 2: April 12, 2011 Apartment Refurbishment Reflects Waste in Government Pricing

IS IT TRUE that a well done project on the eastside in the area of income properties just celebrated its completion?…that the old Stonehedge apartments have reopened under the name Abbey Court?…that just last summer that the people of the neighborhood were upset at the prospect of Stonehedge being converted to low income housing?…that Stonehedge was purchased for $4.25 Million last summer and has just undergone renovations in the amount of $2.7 Million to bring the total cost of the project up to approximately $7 Million?…that when you divide that total cost by the 250 units that Abbey Court now offers that the cost per unit works out to $28,000 each?…that Abbey Court offers 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units at prices ranging from $514 to $874 per month?…that the average rent per square foot per month amounts to about 70 cents?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville should take some lessons from the developers of Abbey Court when it comes to budgeting for apartment style units?…that the recently announced projects by the Office of the Mayor somehow manage to have per unit budgets that are over 8 times as expensive to construct than Abbey Court has been?

IS IT TRUE that the Cedar Trace Apartments III located at 2000 North Seventh Avenue is a project to construct 48 new apartments consisting of 14 one bedroom units, 24 two bedroom units, and 10 three bedroom units?…that a thinking person would be inclined to expect the cost of Cedar Trace III to be about 48/250 of the $7 Million spent on Abbey Court?…that such a thinking person would be very wrong to make such an assumption?…that the total development cost stated in the Mayor’s press release of February 28, 2011 is exactly $5,760,000?…that this development cost works out to exactly $120,000 per unit or 329% more per unit than Abbey Court was refurbished for?…that we wonder who in their right mind would embark on such an overpriced project?

IS IT TRUE that Cedar Trace III is a relative bargain when compared to another program announced in the same official press release?…that the VISION 1505 project located at 1505 North Third Avenue at the site of the abandoned SAFE HOUSE takes overspending to a new level?…that VISION 1505 proposes to refurbish the old SAFE HOUSE into 32 apartments at a staggering cost of $7,677,308?…that this works out to $239,916 per apartment?...that we once again wonder who in their right mind would embark on an even more overpriced project?

IS IT TRUE that Abbey Court was done at market price and will be a sustainable investment that pays off for the private developer?…that if the Abbey Court project were to have been completed by the City of Evansville with a SAFE HOUSE style of refurbishment budget that Abbey Court would have cost nearly $60 Million and would have to charge over $4,000 per month for a 1 bedroom apartment to make ends meet?…that we understand that government projects have some red tape and restrictions that raise the prices but in no way accept the assertion that the government should be spending a 700% premium over private pricing to get things built?

IS IT TRUE that in a world of a government that pays $100 for a hammer that can be bought at a big box retailer for $20 that people just shake their head and laugh?…that the people whose money is spent so frivolously are the taxpayers of America, nearly 118,000 of whom live in the City of Evansville?…that the $100 hammer is a better deal than the $239,916 apartments being proposed by the Mayor’s office?…that it is not so much the value of government that is raising the debt of the nation and all of the cities and states in it?…that it is the callous disregard of our elected officials to make rational decisions on what to pay for things that has saddled us with a staggering amount of debt?…that just because Uncle Sam hands a place like Evansville a token tax credit does not make it right to spend $239,916 on an apartment that could have been bought on the open market for $28,000?

IS IT TRUE that it is no wonder that the McCurdy Hotel stands vacant and a home to pigeons and Indiana brown bats?…that at prices like these the McCurdy will cost over $20 Million to restore?…that a good policy for elected officials should be that “if you would not spend your own money on something do not spend your governments money on it either”?…that after all the governments money is our money?

IS IT TRUE? April 12, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? April 12, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the fireworks are heating up in the campaign to seek the Democratic nomination for Mayor of Evansville?…that the heir to the Weinzapfel thrown will absolutely have to fight for it?…that the City County Observer does not condone or approve of the first volley of name calling and accusations of not being a team player that has been lobbed by the Tornatta campaign at the Davis campaign?…that we would prefer that this nomination were decided by a battle of wits instead of a battle of nits?…that calling someone disloyal and disruptive to a machine that operated behind closed doors, spent lavishly on a temple of sport, and found legal but sneaky ways to circumvent the will of the people should be worn by Mr. Davis as a BADGE OF HONOR?…that it is better to be a member of the loyal opposition who seeks to better the conditions of the whole than a water carrier for a team with a reputation for breaking the rules?

IS IT TRUE that as we have stated now for a full week that there are some real game changing issues that need to be addressed by the next Mayor of Evansville?…that substance and not schoolyard drama is what should be used to judge whom is the best man for the job of Mayor of Evansville?…that position papers of substance with JOBS, INFRASTRUCTURE, PARKS, and COMPETITIVENESS need to be addressed and they need to be addressed now?…that failure to address these issues in a public way with plans and strategies of depth is the only way to prove any candidate’s worthiness to lead this city?…that Evansville has the legacy problems that it has like a languishing economy, federally chastised infrastructure, litter, blight, brain drain, overflowing sewers, and lack of transparency because the status quo that created these problems has been coddled and celebrated as opposed to being challenged?…that any candidate that does not challenge the status quo and minimally communicate some detail regarding positive changes is truly unworthy of anyone’s vote?

IS IT TRUE that in plain simple “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it style” rhetoric we have now been treated to the old adage “if you ain’t with us you are agin us” by Mr. Tornatta?…that as we reminded the President of the Evansville City Council a few weeks ago, Sir there are many things that are broke and they are in need of fixing?…that in truth if any candidate is not on board in accepting the stubborn facts that our best and brightest young people leave town for better career opportunities, a large portion of the town has the smell of neglect about it, that crime is escalating, and that the housing stock is increasingly dilapidated really needs to have an intervention?…that celebrating where we are as a city is about as worthy of a celebration as a basketball team that just went 3 – 23 and lost its senior day game by 30 points?…that dramatic change is needed and it is needed now if Evansville is to reverse the slide to become Evanstroit?

IS IT TRUE that we and the people of Evansville are still waiting for substance and vision from a worthy candidate?…that we and the people of Evansville expect and deserve honesty and transparency in government?…that we and the people of Evansville expect and deserve a full accounting of the capital projects that are under way and on the drawing board that will consume local taxpayer dollars?…that whether it has been Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Whigs, Greens, or even Know-Nothings that the machine that has brought Evansville to the brink of operating in a third world manner is not worthy of support?…that it really is time for change on the banks of the Ohio?…that we are begging for the details of that proposed change to step forward and claim his place as our next Mayor?

IS IT TRUE? Part 2 April 11, 2011: Opus One-McCurdy Perspectives Revisited


IS IT TRUE? Part 2 April 11, 2011

IS IT TRUE that just four short months ago the Board of Directors of the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau was essentially run out of office for admittedly spending over $3,000 for dinner?…that the real straw that broke that camel’s back turned out to be 5 bottles of Opus One wine that sold for $250 each?…that if all things were considered that the group of rather decent human beings were let go from a volunteer board for spending about $1,700 on alcohol at their Christmas dinner gathering?…that when compared to other local spending of public dollars that this group of people were a bargain?

IS IT TRUE that the McCurdy Hotel is well on its way to making the Opus One consumption by the former ECVB board look like a gift horse?…that we are coming up on the 4th anniversary of the grandiose announcement by Mayor Weinzapfel that the McCurdy would be refurbished into about 90 luxury apartments?…that this announcement took place on May 14, 2007 and was basically one of many election year announcements?…that this one has not yet come to fruition and that the owners of the McCurdy, Centre City Properties are now behind on their property taxes?…that they have not performed according to the agreement that they made with the Evansville Redevelopment Commission and still have been granted extension after extension to get that “last signature” needed to start working?…that the City of Evansville through the Evansville Redevelopment Commission is now $1,403,000 into the project and the taxes are not being paid?…that that money could have bought 5,612 bottles of Opus One at $250 per bottle?… that between City Centre Properties, McCurdy Investments Inc., and other affiliated businesses that more than enough contributions were made to the Weinzapfel for Mayor campaign to fund several Bacchanalian Wine Festivals for the ECVB Board of Directors?

IS IT TRUE that it is easy to rouse a rabble about excessive consumption of wine at a Christmas party and that was truly something that make you think “they should know better”?…that what we are really confused about is why that same rabble is not calling for the appointments of the governing bodies that oversee debacles like the McCurdy that has wasted 5,612 bottles of Opus One to date without interest, Front Door Pride that squanders about 300 bottles of Opus One per house built and sold, or one of the proposed housing projects that will be overpaying relative to the free markets by over 27,000 bottles of Opus One?

IS IT TRUE that hotels actually do create jobs?…that one of the things the some of the current candidates for Mayor of Evansville could propose to create a few jobs would be to take the McCurdy Hotel back from City Centre Properties in a contractually legal manner and to put it into the hands of some group that actually has the resources and the vision to do something with it?…that perhaps the best use is to make it what it was built to be, A HOTEL?

IS IT TRUE? April 11, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? April 11, 2011

IS IT TRUE that we are down to the last three weeks of the primary season in this watershed year in Evansville politics?…that the City County Observer has republished our readers choices for what are the most important things needing to be done right in 2011?…that at the top of the list was an EVANSVILLE FOR THE NEXT DECADE PLAN?…that inside of that plan there will be (if it is ever written) a page called the TABLE OF CONTENTS?…that minimally the table of contents will have items called JOBS STRATEGY, Parks and Recreation, INFRASTRUCTURE, and COMPETITIVENESS?…that there will be more but that these items are the ones that have the potential to define who and what Evansville is for the next 50 years?…that we are coming off of nearly a decade without planning and are in dire need of logical and achievable direction from our leadership?

IS IT TRUE that we demand and encourage the FOUR CANDIDATES for Mayor of Evansville to write and release to the public their detailed preliminary plans to address each of those subjects?…that we further encourage all FOUR CANDIDATES to release the balance of their own opinion as to what the rest of the table of contents will look like?…that the City County Observer will publish any and all position papers of substance written by all four or any one candidate?…that 30 second sound bites and 60 word abstracts to address subjects that require cognitive thought are nothing more than a platitudinal insult to the people of Evansville who are hungry for substance, competence, and honesty?

IS IT TRUE that one thing that the candidates all seem to agree on is that JOBS is the item at the top of their list?…that one TV commercial from Troy Tornatta even references a JOBS PLAN of Mayor Weinzapfel that he would like to continue?…that we reiterate our offer to publish this jobs plan in its full content IF THERE IS SUCH A PLAN which we seriously doubt?…that for any candidate to squawk the words CREATING JOBS like Parrots of the Caribbean with no plan to back up the squawking is just more election year nonsense?…that CREATING JOBS takes much more than just chirping the words?…that we are quite interested in the details of how the campaigns have thus far done nothing more than acknowledge the problem?…that there are most likely a full 117,429 people in the City of Evansville that know that JOB CREATION is a problem here?…that only four of those people have put their names forward as candidates for Mayor of Evansville?…that those seeking office should be the ones developing the plans to lead the other 117,425?…that if the people who want to be Mayor will not advise us of their plans and ideas then we need to just hold a lottery of the total citizens of age and appoint our Mayor through a game of chance like the radio stations award people with disk jockey jobs for an hour in their contests?…there is much more expected of a Mayor than smiling for the camera and speaking in catchy phrases?…we look forward to these four gentlemen taking the opportunity to prove that they are men of substance and not just everyday politicians?


IS IT TRUE that many people have contacted us and expressed the belief that the total good private sector jobs created by the four candidates for Mayor of Evansville is exactly ZERO?…that we find this to be disturbing and do not want to believe it?…that we offer each and every candidate the opportunity to articulate the private sector jobs he has created, how he did so, and to release the details of the quality of the jobs?

IS IT TRUE that we also challenge all four of the candidates to share a “Take Back the Parks” plan?…that this would be a good exercise to get the brain cells working?…that the locations, the sizes, and nearly every other feature about our parks are well defined?…that the initial conditions are fairly well known?…that a thinking person should be able to put together a first draft of a “Take Back the Parks” plan in a couple of weeks even with a full time job?…that this is a softball challenge and we really hope our candidates will step up to the plate and take a swing at this one?…that sometimes leadership involves getting out there first?…that this is a fairly easy opportunity to grab by the horns and prove yourselves worthy with?

IS IT TRUE? April 10, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? April 10, 2011

IS IT TRUE that in his recent TV commercial in his effort to seek the Democratic nomination for Mayor of Evansville, Troy Tornatta has stated that “starting over” is not needed in Evansville’s search for jobs?…that Mr. Tornatta states that what is needed is for the current Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel’s “JOBS PLAN” to be continued?…that the City County Observer is neither aware of nor can we find anyone who is aware of any written “JOBS PLAN” or even an unwritten strategy that has been practiced by the Weinzapfel Administration?…that we offer to publish any written “JOBS PLAN” that has its origin in Mayor Weinzapfel’s office that is a public document in existence or has ever existed with respect to a JOBS STRATEGY?…that we challenge Mr. Tornatta to put some meat on the table and share some of the details of this plan that he refers to in his commercial?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer extends the same offer to all of the other candidates for their party’s nominations for Mayor of Evansville?…that the last downtown development plan for the City of Evansville was developed during the Lloyd Administration and has a baseball stadium where the District is and shows no Downtown Evansville Arena at all?…that one of the hallmarks of the reign of the Weinzapfel Administration has been a failure to plan in a tangible, meaningful, or transparent way?…that the planning that we have all been painfully aware of are the secret meetings to take away the Homestead Tax Credit, the GAGE-Barnett supplemental salary arrangement, Front Door Pride, a Green Brick Alley, the Executive Inn Dilemma, the McCurdy Debacle, and of course removing the booth at the Fall Festival?…that none of these plans were written or transparent either?

IS IT TRUE that we are scratching our heads in disbelief that Team Troy has chosen a “SECOND COMING OF WEINZAPFEL” strategy to seek his party’s nomination?…that if this is what kind of advice he is paying his political consultants to provide him with that he will be applying for a refund in the first week of May?…that we are curious as to whether or not the Weinzapfel for Mayor committee has contributed to Team Troy’s campaign since the commercial offers more praise for Mayor Weinzapfel than ideas from Tornatta?

IS IT TRUE that publishing the EPD Activity Reports has been very favorably accepted by the readers of the City County Observer?…that we are working with Vanderburgh County Sheriff Eric Williams right now to come up with a similar publishing service to inform the citizens of Vanderburgh County about the professional activities and benefits that all of the law enforcement bodies in the county provide?

IS IT TRUE that the Indiana legislature has failed in a lifeless attempt to craft a statewide smokefree workplace ordinance?…that the legislators amended and excepted group after group to the extent that even cancer prevention groups rejected the toothless pile of paper that the Indiana Senate produced?…that one of the biggest reasons to exempt casinos was “loss of state revenue”?…that casinos and lotteries were sold to the citizens of Indiana and nearly everywhere else as the “Sugar Daddy” that will save our schools?…that was either a colossal mistake or just a bunch of darn lies?…that bars cry that if casinos are exempted that they need to have smoking to level the playing field?…that bars do not have one-armed bandits and video poker but casinos do?…that gamblers cannot feed their addiction at a bar so the level playing field argument doesn’t hold much water?…that if the bars really want a level playing field that what they should be asking for is deregulation of gambling?…that if you really want to rev up the profits in a bar just put in a bank of one-armed bandits and video poker machines?…that maybe even some card tables and pull tabs would really level the playing field?

IS IT TRUE that our government needs to find some way other than feeding on the weaknesses and addictions of the citizens of our state to keep its coffers filled enough to provide the services that we expect to receive?…that the way the State of Indiana and others have embraced smoking and gambling that it won’t be long before we are treated to drug sales and prostitution as ways to “help our kids win too” as a financial windfall to fund education?