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Libertarians speak against Obama’s War on Poker


Libertarians speak against Obama’s War on Poker

WASHINGTON – Following the Obama administration Justice Department’s April 15 shutdown of three online poker sites and indictment of their executives, Libertarian Party Chair Mark Hinkle said, “The Obama administration has just trampled on the rights of millions of Americans.”

Hinkle continued, “This is also a scary reminder of President Obama’s vision of a government with the power to shut down websites it doesn’t like, before a trial has even started.

President Barack Obama
“Even worse, shutting down this peaceful, honest commerce further weakens our economy.

“We Libertarians believe that adults have the right to gamble with their own money. Government has no business interfering. The Obama administration should drop these charges and restore the websites. Congress should repeal the laws that prohibit gambling, whatever the format.”

The Los Angeles Times recently reported on the crackdown.

The following are planks from the Libertarian Party platform:

1.0 Personal Liberty

Individuals should be free to make choices for themselves and to accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make. No individual, group, or government may initiate force against any other individual, group, or government. Our support of an individual’s right to make choices in life does not mean that we necessarily approve or disapprove of those choices.

2.0 Economic Liberty

Libertarians want all members of society to have abundant opportunities to achieve economic success. A free and competitive market allocates resources in the most efficient manner. Each person has the right to offer goods and services to others on the free market. The only proper role of government in the economic realm is to protect property rights, adjudicate disputes, and provide a legal framework in which voluntary trade is protected. All efforts by government to redistribute wealth, or to control or manage trade, are improper in a free society.

For more information, or to arrange an interview, call LP Executive Director Wes Benedict at 202-333-0008 ext. 222.

The LP is America’s third-largest political party, founded in 1971. The Libertarian Party stands for free markets, civil liberties, and peace.

50,000 New McJobs: Should We Celebrate?


By: Phil Stott, Vault.com

Today is National Hiring Day. Well, at McDonald’s anyway—the fast food chain is seeking to add up to 50,000 employees at neighborhood restaurants throughout the nation.

On the surface, that sounds like great news for an economy that’s struggling to create enough jobs to speed this sluggish recovery up. According to the National Urban League, the target of 50,000 hires “means that McDonald’s and their franchisees will generate more than $1.4 billion in consumer spending at a time when the U.S. economy needs the boost and our communities need jobs more than ever.”

Forbes’ Susan Adams points out, however, that the company has said the salary budget for those 50,000 employees is just $518 million. And, while she notes that a McDonald’s executive says it’s “not fair or accurate to simply divide that by 50,000, it does break down to little more than $10,000 per worker.”

While the McDonald’s exec may be correct that it’s not an accurate measure of what salaries will look like, there’s no easier way to slice the figure. At $10 per hour, the company can hire almost 25,000 full-time workers (defined as having a 2,080 hour working year). And that’s just salary—no benefits included.

At minimum wage, the number of full time employees that budget allows rises to a little over 34,000.

It’s clear, then, that many of the McJobs* are going to be part-time. And that none is going to come with an overly generous salary. Add to that the short average tenure of an employee in the fast food industry, and you could be forgiven for arriving at the belief that this initiative is more about publicity for the house that Ronald built than it is about job creation.

Of course, the firm points out that many of its managers and franchisees—and even the occasional senior exec—started behind the counter in one of its restaurants. But the scale of the current hiring push—50,000 employees in a single day–somewhat undermines the strength of that message.

While many will jump at the opportunity to get a foot onto any kind of ladder in this economy—and the National Urban League again praises the firm here for the opportunities it offers African American teens in particular—it’s difficult to view it in a purely positive light simply because of the reputation of the type of work involved.

(Full disclosure: during my college years, I spent many long, demoralizing hours flipping burgers, tending fryers and mopping up grease in the kitchen of one of McDonalds’ competitors. For all the positive spin that McDonald’s USA President Jan Fields can offer about gaining “a solid foundation in the basics of business,” I can attest to having learned three main things: that it’s all but impossible to get that kitchen smell out of your clothes; that levels of customer politeness enjoy an inverse relationship with those of hunger; and that the happiest day of your employment is the one where you realize you don’t need to do this—or take this—anymore.)

In that light, perhaps the best way of assessing this particular piece of news would be to revisit the issue at some point in the future and find out how long the hires being made today lasted—and whether any of them have made any sort of career advancement.

Inventory Management Simplified


Ten Inventory Management Questions from Bain Management

Inventory management is often the Achilles heel of an organization. It is perhaps the biggest material risk that a business takes with respect to operating capital. Holding too much inventory depletes cash and keeps a business from being able to invest strategically while holding too little inventory can depress sales. Another often overlooked aspect of inventory management is spoilage or obsolescence which literally takes good money and makes it worthless.

Bain has developed a simple ten question tutorial on the basics of inventory control. The link below will take you too it.


Source: Joe Wallace, Hadannah Business Solutions

IS IT TRUE? April 20, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? April 20, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has an unwritten policy that it shall not endorse any political candidate for elected office? ….you can expect “9 CCO MOLES” to make their predictions known to whom they think will win in upcoming primary races? …we understand the final judge who shall be elected rests with you, the people of Evansville?…that the CCO urges you to go to the polls and cast your vote for the candidates worthy of being a “good steward of public policy” in the coming year?

IS IT TRUE that the United States Department of Justice-Civil Rights Division shall be looking into the minority hiring practices of the City of Evansville Fire and Police Department sometime next week?

IS IT TRUE that the landlords of Evansville are now being trained in how to spot meth labs?…that one good clue is when the Vectren bill for a one room apartment is dramatically higher than is typical?…that even with the high use of electricity in the meth making process and the excessive rates that Vectren charges (188% higher than Henderson) that it does not seem to drive meth makers across the money saving bridge to operate?…that some products are so addictive that production costs do not matter?…that meth is a scourge of this area and that the City County Observer applauds the Evansville Police Department for the instruction it is providing to the Property Owners and Managers Association?

IS IT TRUE that the IRS released a statement yesterday that headlined across America that the 400 highest earners income tax rate is only 17% down from 26% in 1992?…that has the “east the rich” crowd seething?…that beyond the headlines was the fact that 45% of the American people who file an income tax return pay no taxes or pay a negative tax in the form of getting an earned income credit?…that beyond the headlines was the statement that the top 3% of earners pay 57% of all income taxes?…that publishers can send different messages by choosing how to present the same facts?…that there is nothing wrong with achieving financial success?…that the tax code has been made so complicated and that there are so many “write offs” of various types that high earners seem to be able to pay accountants to legally pay less taxes?…that has the sound of redistribution from the IRS to Accountants and Lawyers to it?

IS IT TRUE that all people rich and poor will a support fairness of taxation?…that no one really knows what is fair?…that fairness to most people means some other guy gets taxed more while they get taxed less?…that FAIRNESS STARTS WITH SIMPLICITY and will only be achieved by SIMPLIFICATION OF THE TAX LAWS?…that when the tax preparation fees absorbed by the people of America goes to ZERO instead of the current $120 Billion per year, that whatever the rates are that the FAIRNESS will INCREASE?…that it is UNFAIR that working people have to spend $200 or so to have their taxes done?…that it is equally UNFAIR that wealthy people have to spend millions to get their taxes done?

IS IT TRUE that we are all in this together and that we cannot drive the poor from our borders any more that we should drive the rich from our borders?…that many of the so called rich come from poor and humble beginnings?…that while that is possible in other countries it happens every day in the United States of America?…that as long as we are the land of opportunity and attract the world’s best and brightest that we will continue to be an economic leader?…that as long as a poor kid can get a good education, work hard and become one of the highest earners that America will remain an attractive country?…that we must be perceived as FAIR to keep the American Dream alive?

Roberts Stadium, Candidate Position Paper from Pete Swaim


Thoughts on the Future of Roberts Stadium
By: Pete Swaim, Candidate for Republican nomination for at-large City Council seat

As many Evansville residents have pointed out over the last couple of years, Roberts Stadium has been more than a memorable fixture in our community for over 50 years. Those same folks have offered up a number of alternative uses, since the notion of ball fields has now been taken off the table. I became very familiar with the building and its operation during my time on the Sheriff’s Department, having worked security at events there for nearly three decades. I realize that any further use for Roberts, in its current configuration, must, first of all be made from a good business standpoint and that any of those uses should not conflict with the new downtown arena. I have compiled a partial list of events from the thoughts of others and some of my own that could extend the usefulness of the Stadium for many years to come. These would include, but are not limited to the following: A return of I.H.S.A.A. high school basketball regular season games and tournaments. During the hay days of a single class tournament, the building was packed during sectional, regional and semi-state play. The popular Great Lakes Valley Division II tournament was literally kicked out of town due to exorbitant rental prices. With reasonable fees, I can’t imagine they couldn’t be lured back to Evansville. Perhaps the Christian College Tournament, that’s now played in Oakland City, would be interested, not only in the building, but having additional hotel rooms and restaurants on the east side available to their fans. Other events such as monster trucks, tractor pulls and rodeos would be better suited to continue in Robert’s Stadium, allowing more time for total clean-up between events. I can also imagine the Jehovah’s Witness conferences, if given a choice, would rather be on the east side for the same reasons, if that event were not a conflict.

Even with events scheduled for Robert’s Stadium, it could also be kept as a regional disaster emergency center and house F.E.M.A.’s local offices, vehicles and emergency supplies for hundreds of potentially displaced residents.

The water being pumped from the water table beneath the floor is no longer a problem, since cleanouts were installed in the PVC pipes now in place. I’m proposing the 12,000 gallons per minute of 50 degree aquifer water, be channeled into geothermal heat exchangers to help defray the costs of heating and cooling the building. In theory, with this amount of water, the system could also incorporate Swonder Ice Rink into the loop. I will soon have the figures on the initial start- up costs for that equipment from a local company that specializes in this. So, these are some of the possibilities. I would be interested in hearing some more of your thoughts and ideas for additional events. Please forward your ideas to me at my campaign e-mail address…pete4council@gmail.com. Thanks for your interest in keeping the old gal a viable part of our community.

Pete Swaim
Republican Candidate for City Council at large

IS IT TRUE? April 19, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? April 19, 2011

IS IT TRUE that information has a way of finding its way out when enough attention is focused on faulty incidents?…that somehow a Master Plan for the Evansville City Parks that was published in 2009 has found its way to the City County Observer?…that many things about this plan are already obsolete and need to be revisited?…that much attention is given to the organizational chart and to the inventory of parks with their respective acreage?…that there are descriptions of all of the kinds of sports that are able to be played in the parks?…that this document is 74 pages long and took about an hour to read?…that some excerpts from the “Vision Plan” are as follows?

“That all visitors to park facilities and participation in parks programs leave with a positive, enjoyable and safe recreational experience.”

“Increase security monitoring at all park facilities, including lighting improvements, increased usage, restroom maintenance, and police patrols”

“Adequate maintenance, staffing and funding of existing facilities and programs, before addition of new programs and facilities”

“Use comment system to evaluate adequacy of maintenance at park facilities”

IS IT TRUE that those very fundamental parts of the “Vision Plan” are not being accomplished making the other 73 3/4 pages of the plan very difficult to put into operation?…that of lately the comment system has had to resort to shaming the City of Evansville through media coverage of vandalism, drug related activities, and prostitution to get the attention of the Parks Department?…that in the Maintenance section of the “Vision Plan” the following words were written in 2009?

“Maintenance deficiencies have reached a point that there is a perceived lack of safety and security in many parks because of the apparent lack of sufficient maintenance.”

“The general decline in funding available to maintain and operate parks combined with increased maintenance and operation costs has reached the point that park user’s no longer feel safe.”

“Maintenance budgets are often subject to changes caused by variations in political and budget priorities.”

“Prior to construction of major capital projects, make sure that projected revenue is balanced with maintenance and operation cost, to ensure new facilities are self-sufficient; and if not self-sufficient that a plan is in place for providing adequate funding of maintenance and operations without placing additional burden on EDPR personnel and resources.”

IS IT TRUE that those excerpts sort of blow a hole in the recently heard excuse of “WE DIDN’T KNOW” that the maintenance was not getting done or “WE DIDN’T KNOW” that there was a safety problems in the parks?…that a current machine candidate for Evansville City Council said last month that “I live on a park and see nothing at all wrong with any of the parks in Evansville”?…that whoever wrote that Master Plan knew about the problems in the City of Evansville Parks System?…that anyone who has actually read this Master Plan or even the 2002 Master Plan would have or should have known that the City of Evansville has maintenance and safety problems in the parks?…that it would be interesting to depose some of the people who have held elected office since the 2002 Master Plan went into effect and see how many have really read either Master Plan?…that it would be even more interesting how many of those who would claim to have read the plan would also have used the “I DIDN’T KNOW” excuse when the stories of needles and vandalism were exposed?…that one can’t have it both ways unless reading and comprehension is not one’s forte’ in which case one should not hold public office?…that maybe the ISTEP should be administered on an annual basis for elected officials and those appointed by elected officials?…that young children are afraid of the dark but that some adults are afraid of enlightenment?

IS IT TRUE that well lighted, clean, and manicured parks are not places that are frequented by drug addicts and prostitutes?…that lights and order are like Kryptonite to whores and drug addicts but that darkness and squalor attract them like a flame attracts moths?… that if the Master Plans of 2002 and 2009 has been followed that the parks of the City of Evansville would have never fallen into disrepair?…that it is time to take back our parks and today is a good day to take a volunteer minute and either pick up some trash or pull a weed?…that the City County Observer encourages all of our readers to do this and will lead by example by doing it ourselves?

NOTE: The 2009 Parks Master Plan is over the file allocation size to upload into WordPress. If you would like a copy please email Joe Wallace at jjw0729@aol.com and you will be provided with a copy.

IS IT TRUE? Part 2 April 18, 2011


IS IT TRUE? Part 2 April 18, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the personnel committee met with a candidate for the position of Executive Director of the Evansville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau last Friday at Casino Aztar?…that Mole #3 says that an offer is being drafted to present to a candidate in the very near future?…that we will not publish any of the information about this candidate including name, current hometown, current employer, etc. out of respect for this candidates privacy concerning their situation if the ECVB opportunity does not work out?…that more interviews were held with other board members on Friday?…that the CCO truly hopes that when a candidate is hired that all “Sunshine” laws are complied with and the new Executive Director becomes a huge success?

IS IT TRUE that nearly a year after it was admitted that the Executive Inn and its parking garage were unfit for refurbishment that the wrecking ball has finally started to swing?…that the towers on the roof are gone, the cellular service in downtown Evansville is working and finally after a two month delay the hunk of junk is finally coming down?…that the Executive Inn is next and that the lots where a new Hyatt Place hotel will be and the back lot park or whatever goes where the Big E is now will be vacated?…that a dynamite show would have been more fun to watch but that the City County Observer is pleased to see the final solution to the Executive Inn Dilemma finally start to come to fruition?…that we hope that there are no snags or oversights to put the brakes on the progress yet again?

IS IT TRUE that Ann Ennis is at it again in asking the citizens of Evansville to get on board with picking up the litter that blows so freely?…that we are in full support of Ann and in her expanded role at Keep Evansville Beautiful that involves Getting Evansville Beautiful before you can keep it that way?…that a candidate for City Council will be coming forward to lead a litter picking and weed pulling brigade in the very near future?…that this may just be a summer of Getting Evansville Beautiful so Ms. Ennis can keep it that way? Thumbs Up Ann!

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has grown in visibility to the point that its representatives are being asked to speak about its missions and methods at civic organizations around Evansville?…that we consider this to be a good thing?