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IS IT TRUE? May 18, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? May 18, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the grass and weeds at the McCurdy Hotel that face the $603,000 parking lot are nearly as high as the fence that surrounds the lawn?…that the landscaping and the grass at the McCurdy very clearly violate the City of Evansville’s weed laws?…that we wonder if the owners of record of the McCurdy Hotel have been notified by the City of Evansville regarding this violation?…that the owners of record are still Centre City Properties LLC of Carmel, Indiana?…that the property is classified for taxation purposes as parcel number 82-06-30-020-005.002-029?…that as of today’s date that the Vanderburgh County Assessor’s website shows that Centre City Properties LLC is behind on the last two installments of property tax in the amount of $21,040.21 including a $979.24 penalty for missing last November’s installment?…that there will now be an additional 10% penalty or $2,104.02 penalty added to the tax bill?…that we expect that the code enforcement department of the City of Evansville should notify Centre City Properties of the weed ordinance violation and get this eyesore taken care of immediately?…that every property owner in Evansville that has ever been fined for a week ordinance violation should keep an eye on the McCurdy to see if SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT is benefitting this loyal donor to the Weinzapfel for Mayor campaign?

IS IT TRUE that according to Mark Owen in an interview with the Courier and Press last fall that the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party exercised an automatic automatically five-year extension to a their lease at the Executive Inn parking garage in the Spring of 2010?…that it was known in closed circles and to the powers that be at that time that the Executive Inn parking garage would have to be demolished due to structural issues?…that at first Mr. Owen insisted upon being paid by the City of Evansville for the moving expenses but later reversed his position?…that the first 5 year lease expired on July 31, 2010?…that extending that lease while knowing that the building was to be demolished fits well into the category of “sneaky but legal”?

IS IT TRUE that finally there is a time established to start the demolition of the rest of the Executive Inn?…that the possibility of a refurbishment will officially start to disappear at about 4 PM next Monday May 23, 2011 after a long wait?…that John Kish is still insisting that the financing to go forward with the Hyatt Place is solid?…that the City County Observer intends to test this whole process by serving the City of Evansville with a Freedom of Information Act request for the contract between the Evansville Redevelopment Commission and Woodruff Hospitality LLC today?…that the City County Observer intends to test this whole process further by serving the City of Evansville with a Freedom of Information Act request for the contract between the Evansville Redevelopment Commission and VenuWorks today? ?…that the City County Observer also intends to by serve the City of Evansville with a Freedom of Information Act request for the details of Mayor Weinzapfel’s recent trip to Germany to visit Evansville’s sister city today?

IS IT TRUE that a local “Homebrew Club” that prides itself in homemade craft beer was contacted by a local ABC officer advising them that they will no longer will be allowed to donate their “Brews” to such charity events as SWIRCA, the Evansville Museum, and the Evansville Zoo to name a few? …that the “Homebrew Club” products are free of charge and given to patrons in sample size?…that this is a subject that should be addressed by our locally appointed members of the Vanderburgh County ABC Board?…that 3 of the 4 board members are appointed by our local elected officials? …that the Mayor of Evansville appoints one (1) member, Vanderburgh County Commissioners appoints one (1) member and the County Council appoints one (1) member and the other is appointed by the State? …that it looks like that the powers that be don’t appreciate the time and effort our local “Homebrew Club” members go through to help our local charitable organizations? …that one notable member of this prestigious “Homebrew Club” is none other than the owner of “TURONI’S”? …that the City County Observer asks you to contract your local elected officials to ask them to encourage their locally appointed ABC Board members to correct this outrageous decision made by a local ABC State Trooper?

IS IT TRUE? PART 2 May 17, 2011


IS IT TRUE? PART 2 May 17, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission was requested and approved spending $15,000 for the purpose of paying attorneys to negotiate with the Evansville Icemen to be the “official” hockey team of the new Evansville Arena?…that Arena project manager John Kish testified before the Redevelopment Commission that negotiating a lease with the Evansville Icemen was taking much longer than expected and that many 10 hour days have been spent attempting to reach an acceptable lease to both parties?…that at the customary legal rate of $150 per hour that the $15,000 which was approved will not pay for very many more 10 hour meetings if several lawyers are involved on behalf of the Arena?…that Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel announced the awarding of the home ice to the Evansville Icemen back in 2010 and announced that the Icemen were expected to bring over 100,000 people per year to the Arena?

IS IT TRUE that the Icemen played 31 home games at Swonder last year sometimes drawing capacity crowds of over 1,500 but usually drawing crowds in the 1,000 to 1,200 range?…that the Icemen drew something like 35,000 people to Swonder last year?…that some of the away games in places like Fort Wayne and Colorado that have long established hockey followings actually drew between 5,000 and 9,000 fans?…that with patience and a winning team that we agree with Mayor Weinzapfel’s assertion that the Icemen can average over 3,000 fans per game in the new Evansville Arena?…that we encourage the negotiators to take it easy on the Icemen and craft a contract that will allow them to prosper in the first few years with a 1,000 member fan base and to share the rewards as the quality of hockey played and the attendance increases?…that one of the largest reasons touted to build the Evansville Arena was the potential for hockey to prosper in Evansville?…that up front is not the place to hobble the Icemen with an oppressive contract?…that the Arena needs the Icemen more than the Icemen need the Arena?…that tearing down the Swonder Ice Rink is not an option to be considered to remove the competition with the Arena?

IS IT TRUE that if Evansville can (and it can) support two ice hockey stadiums then Evansville most certainly should be able to find a way to utilize two basketball stadiums?…that afterall this is Indiana and not Canada?…that good minds in search of profits or even feeble minds in search of utilizing Roberts Stadium can find a solution to keep it functional and to perform financially as well as the new Arena?…that a new Arena without a hockey deal would splatter egg on lots of faces?

IS IT TRUE that the United States of America has hit its credit limit?…that maybe we should say our credit limit?…that treasury secretary Timothy Geithner has immediately halted further investments in two civil service retirement and disability funds to keep the day to day operation of the government from needing to borrow further to pay the bills?…that this move keeps the government afloat until August 2nd?…that it is reported that the United States is now borrowing 40% of every dollar that it spends?…that we do not even profess to know what the right balance is but that we are certain that 40% is too much?…that the home town equivalent would be a family earning $60,000 spending all that it makes and then spending an additional $40,000 on credit every year to meet day to day living expenses?…that this is not any more sustainable for a government than it is for a family?…that as our grandparents used to say “the chickens have come home to roost”?…that we wonder just what the limit of borrowing for state and local governments is limited by?…that several local officials have been seeking that answer for about a year now and it is not so easy to find?

IS IT TRUE? May 17, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? May 17, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission may have recently paid the Vanderburgh Democratic party an undetermined amount taxpayer money to relocate its headquarters from the Executive Inn parking garage to the old Welborn Hospital building owned by the Kunkel group? …that we wonder why this transaction wasn’t detailed in the minutes of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission?

IS IT TRUE we wonder when political people attempt to use their connections and influences to tamper with the activities of an on-going business it is considered to be an illegal act under State law?…this act could be considered to be “Political Tampering” with a business?…that selective enforcement of laws for political purposes is a sign of tyranny, constitutes abuse of power, and violates the rule of law?…that aside from being inherently unjust selective enforcement almost inevitably leads to favoritism and extortion, with those empowered to choose being able to help their friends, take bribes, and threaten those they desire favors from?…that selective enforcement sets a bad precedent, corrupts governance, and encourages corruption among the general populace?

IS IT TRUE that CCO MOLE #131 reports that all elected City or County officials must file a conflict of interest statement with the Vanderburgh County Clerk?…that these elected officials must report if they or their business entities do business with the political sub-divisions they serve? …that CCO MOLE #131 wonders why individuals who are appointed to serve on boards or commissions aren’t required to do the same?…that it would be great if our Vanderburgh County Clerk would compile a list of present city and county elected and appointed officials who do business with the entities they serve and release it to the media?

IS IT TRUE that our part 2 yesterday regarding the number of dollars spent per person for local governance inspired some researching on the part of two of our comment writers who took issue with the numbers published regarding the comparison of Fort Wayne and Evansville?…that the research that they (JC and Mole #411) did clarified and illuminated much about the Fort Wayne budget?…that due to different publishing habits the “Fort Wayne budget” that we referred to yesterday was not all of the spending that the City of Fort Wayne does?…that Fort Wayne has a separate budget for utilities that needed to be added in?…that adding up the City of Fort Wayne budget of $210 Million, the Allen County budget of $91.6 Million, and the operating part of the utility budget of $65.3 Million that it seems as though the full budget for Fort Wayne-Allen County is $358.8 Million that is spent on behalf of their 355,329 people?…that this works out to a total budget (excluding capital projects) of $1,008 per person?…that if the same exercise is done for Evansville-Vanderburgh (excluding Darmstadt) that the budget is $306.4 Million for 179,703 (including Darmstadt) works out to $1,719 per person, or just over 70% more than is spent in Fort Wayne-Allen County?…that neither of these budgets included the school corporations?…that we wonder if we are missing something?…that we wonder what do we get for the 70% premium on the cost of services?

IS IT TRUE that in the course of doing this research the subject of electricity costs came up?…that the residential rates for Fort Wayne and vicinity that is served by Indiana Michigan Power a unit of AEP that operates a power plant in Rockport are 8.3 cents per KWh?…that Vectren charges us poor locals a rate that is over 60% higher than what the people in Fort Wayne pay?…that your $300 electric bill in Evansville would only be $185 in Fort Wayne?…that while that price is not as sweet as the price in Henderson that it is still enough of a difference to pay for all of a student’s books at USI or UE for a full academic year plus some?…that the City of Evansville is a large customer of electricity?…that if the City of Evansville is paying the same rate as the people of Evansville pay to Vectren that could make up for part of the difference in our governmental costs with Fort Wayne?…that the word “electric” appears 24 times in the 2010 City of Evansville budget and that the line items equal $1.3 Million?…that street lights appears once and the amount is $2.3 Million?…that would indicate that the City of Evansville spends $3.6 Million per year on electricity?…that if the City of Evansville could save the difference in residential rates as compared to Fort Wayne that we could save $1.38 Million?…

IS IT TRUE that this is a link to the Fort Wayne electrical rates?


IS IT TRUE? May 16, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? May 16, 2011

IS IT TRUE that it is time for the Vanderburgh County Council to give serious consideration to Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nick Hermann’s $250,000 request for County funds to cover expenses in the prosecution of alleged child killer Jeffrey Weisheit?…that the County Council has approved over $500,000 to cover the expenses of defense attorneys?…that this same County Council has only appropriated $25,000 for the prosecution?…that the citizens of Vanderburgh County deserve justice?…that providing public defenders with more than 20 times the funding of those representing the family of the victims and the citizens of the county is not justice?…that the County Council should act quickly to correct this disparity? …that the CCO moles will continue to monitor this situation and will provide updates to our readers?

IS IT TRUE that in a review of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission minutes that their minutes do NOT disclose the dollar amount of approved contracts and appropriation of funds?…millions of taxpayer dollars are spent without the official oversight of any elected officials?… that even though there is no elected official on the ERC that it is well known that the members are all appointed by the Mayor of Evansville and behave in lockstep with the Mayors demands?…that if any elected City Council member request information from this apparent secret organization, it is like pulling teeth?…that some think that an individual with the distinction of CPA after their name should have subpoena power to extract the necessary information from the apparent secret organization?… that if the requested information would be supplied to a City Council member with the initials CPA after his name that he would have the expertise to wade through the documents having the taxpayers’ interest paramount?… it’s past due that the taxpayers’ of the City of Evansville have some oversight of the free-wheeling expenditures of the ERC?…that it seems odd that one of the members of that organization is himself a CPA and is employed by a firm that the Chairman of that firm is the president of the City’s utility board that was also appointed by Mayor Weinzapfel?… that the people deserve transparency and demand that Councilman John Friend, CPA and head of the Finance Committee of the Evansville be granted free access to the financial dealings of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission?

IS IT TRUE that the day of the puppetmaster and his loyal puppets in the City of Evansville should come to an end?…that for an appointed entity like the Evansville Redevelopment Commission to operate in secrecy and to publish incomplete minutes where the financial details are withheld from the public?…that in the case of the demolition of the Executive Inn and its parking garage that John Kish said the price would be $1 Million total in an August 2010 meeting?…that when questioned he said he had a quote?… that he said it would be $1.5 Million in a later meeting?…that neither number was recorded in the minutes nor was the second number questioned by any of the members of the ERC?…that rubber stamping is not the purpose for such a commission?…that if all we need if 5 bobbing head dolls that rubber stamp the Mayors wishes on the ERC that we could just round up 5 random hobos to provide that service?

IS IT TRUE that there is a recent case of what would certainly qualify as selective enforcement of the law when it comes to campaign finance is driveling itself out in Evansville?…that some campaigns receive the benefit of a wink, a nod, and a look the other way from a certain law enforcement agency and others are watched like a hawk?…that if the widely witnessed antics of the past are ever the subject of a deposition that some high ranking heads may just get thumped pretty hard if equal justice prevails?

IS IT TRUE? May 15, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? May 15, 2011

IS IT TRUE that on April 29, 2011 that the City County Observer was the first to publish a Gallup Survey that awarded the Evansville MSA the distinction of being the most obese MSA in America?…finally today 16 days after this survey was released that the Evansville Courier and Press has decided that this distinction is worthy of publication?…that being singled out as the most obese MSA (metropolitan statistical area) is really some pretty bad news from an economic development perspective?…that such a distinction tells outsiders who may be considering moving a business to this area some things about our workforce?…that what it tells them is that our workforce will take more sick days than less obese places, will cost more provide health insurance for, will move a bit slower on the job, and will pass away at an earlier age?…that none of these things are viewed as positive by potential employers?

IS IT TRUE that the broad statistic of 37.8% of our population is obese does not apply to any individual?…that there are some people who are technically obese (Body Mass Index > 30) that are quite healthy, full of energy, and are very productive?…that when it comes to the herd that statistics do not lie?…that taking a sample of 10,000 people with a BMI of over 30 and comparing it to a sample of 10,000 people with a BMI of 20 will be quite accurate in predicting sick days, insurance premiums, and energy level 100% of the time?…that Evansville will be judged by this distinction for the foreseeable future?…that if this distinction is not overcome by exercise, healthy eating, and living an active lifestyle that this could become a permanent situation?…that Evansville did not just lead this infamous statistic, but we were first by a wide (no pun intended) margin?

IS IT TRUE that when you combine this distinction with being the suicide leader, the much publicized problems like litter, ugliness, park degradation, and low educational attainment that this picture is not very pretty?…that the other side of this coin is that 62.8% of us are not obese?…that there are larger numbers of motivated healthy people who choose to call Evansville home?…that the 37.8% who seem to have defined us as the cellulite capital of America need to take this as an intervention and do something about this?…that there are plenty of good examples around to follow?…that the negative attributes of the first sentence are all indicators of low self esteem, lack of pride, and an unwillingness to better ones self?…that some type of mass encouragement needs to be followed to right this wrong?

IS IT TRUE that just this week a person was observed planting flowers in a public area?…that several people are now being observed picking up litter of their own free will?…that these are positive steps and that the obesity problem can be solved the same way through the same efforts?…that resolving to do something positive like picking up litter or planting a flower in public will also burn off calories?…that the City County Observer encourages all of the people of Evansville to better themselves and our community through activity, awareness, and pride?…that if we do this for 5 years that we will lose this dubious distinction and that many of our other maladies will vaporize as well?…that civic pride often starts with personal self esteem?

Link to the full study:


IS IT TRUE? May 14, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? May 14, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the saga of at-large City Council candidate Jonathan Weaver and his on camera SIGN THIEF allegations has resulted in his not taking the City County Observer up on our more than generous offer to make a $2,000 donation to the charity of his choice IF HE BACKED UP HIS ALLEGATIONS WITH CHARGES AND CONVICTION of any of the broadly accused thieves?…that this was not a personal vendetta against Mr. Weaver?…that the CCO has a policy to attack the deed and not the person?…that for a candidate for public office to make allegations of criminal activities against their opponents is downright irresponsible?…that any future allegation by any candidates in the 2011 elections will be met with a bounty and continuous posting?

IS IT TRUE that our week of offering a bounty for Mr. Weaver to come forward is over and that we have an offer to make a donation of $100 to his favorite charity if he will do the right thing and apologize publically to the unnamed group of campaign workers that he accused of thieving?…that this is the right thing for Mr. Weaver to do and that he has one week to do so and still get the $100 donation for his favorite charity?…that this can be a lesson to the other candidates that if they “CRY WOLF” that they had better be able to back it up with names, time, pictures, and charges or they too will be offered a bounty by the City County Observer?

IS IT TRUE that in the first 13 days of May that the City County Observer has been read by enough ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE VISITORS to win any election that is going to be held in the City of Evansville in 2011?…that we are quite pleased with the growth in our readership?

IS IT TRUE that the minutes of the meetings of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission that are posted online do not include the prices that they have discussed and approved in their meetings?…that even members of the Evansville City Council have difficulty getting their hands on the numbers and contracts?…that even when members of the City Council ask they are not often accommodated?…that it is time for a financially astute member of the Evansville City Council to be appointed to the Evansville Redevelopment Commission as at least an ex-officio member?

IS IT TRUE that it has now been 1,472 days since the announcement was made on May 14, 2007 that the McCurdy Hotel was to be refurbished into luxury apartments?…that it has now been 1,326 days since the Evansville Redevelopment Commission at the request of Mayor Weinzapfel approved the spending of $603,000 to purchase the parking lot?…that City Centre Properties and Scott Kosene the developers of the McCurdy project are both listed as contributors to the Weinzapfel for Mayor committee for 2010?

IS IT TRUE that there are now 537 days remaining in the two years that the EPA had given the City of Evansville to present an acceptable solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem?…..that this plan is an expensive and complex endeavor that needs immediate attention to avoid the embarrassment and expense of another round of fines?

IS IT TRUE? Part 2 May 13, 2011


IS IT TRUE? Part 2 May 13, 2011

IS IT TRUE that it has been over 3 months since Mayor Weinzapfel, John Kish, and Evansville Redevelopment Commission selected VENUWORKS to manage the new Evansville Downtown Arena? … that as of today, copies of the Management Agreement contract have never been given to members of the Evansville City Council?…that in addition to the failure of the signers of the contract to distribute this contract to the Evansville City Council that there has been no public release of this document?…that maybe there is no such document or that maybe there is a concerted effort to conceal the contents of this document?

IS IT TRUE that VenuWorks was pleased to hang their hat on the success of managing the LA Forum just a couple of months ago when they were wooing the Weinzapfel Administration to let them manage the Evansville Arena?…that VenuWorks no longer lists the LA Forum as one of the arenas that they manage?…that the LA Forum is now managed by a start up management company that calls itself “The Planning Company”?…that you can learn about who replaced VenuWorks as the management company of the LA Forum at the following website?


IS IT TRUE that this website is not very impressive but that we are intrigued by this change in LA?

IS IT TRUE that a similar situation exists with respect to the agreement between the Evansville Redevelopment Commission and Woodruff Hospitality?…that whatever the details are about the agreement with Woodruff Hospitality LLC that only a few of the details have been alluded to in public and those came as a result of a Friend-Quisition?…that we now know that there are a series of escrows as opposed to a performance bond?…that we now know that there are financial performance deadlines at the end of May and the end of June?…that we have no idea what these performances are?…that there is already consideration being given to extend the deadlines as per public record statements by John Kish?

IS IT TRUE that it may be time for the City County Observer, the Evansville Courier & Press, the local TV stations, the Evansville City Council, and even concerned citizens to demand these documents by formal request using the Freedom of Information Act?…that one does not have to be a news agency or work for a news agency to file a request under the Freedom of Information Act?…that government Agencies have 20 days to respond to FOI requests?…that government agencies must publish an annual report which includes reasons for denials, appeals, number of days required to process requests, number of backlogged requests, number of full-time staff devoted to processing requests, and amount of fees collected from requestors?

IS IT TRUE that for those of you who are interested the following is a link to an example of a letter that can be customized to your individual requests?…that these letters can be hand carried to the government agency that you wish to file a FOIA with?…that prior to actions taken by President Lyndon B. Johnson to establish the Freedom of Information Act that closed door meetings and secret file cabinets were just the way business was done in Washington?…that President Johnson may just be the father of American transparency laws?…that after over 40 years that it is time for transparency to come to Evansville?

FOIA Request Letter

Weaver Blows Deadline: Forfeits $2,000 Bounty for Charity


Claims of Theft not Substantiated or Officially Alleged

Jonathan Weaver has failed to step forward to claim the $2,000 bounty that was offered by the City County Observer if he could back up the claims regarding stealing of campaign signs that he made in an interview with a WTVW reporter just after the Democratic primary.

As we specified yesterday the offer to make a donation to Mr. Weaver’s favorite charity became null and void at 10:00 am CST today May 13, 2011.

As Mr. Weaver was quick to point the finger of accusation at the campaign of Democratic nominee for Mayor of Evansville, he was completely silent when we offered a bounty on the alleged thieves. It would seem as though Mr. Weaver may have been speaking out without evidence to back up his statement.

That being the case we feel that Mr. Weaver owes the Davis campaign and apology for his on camera statement. The City County Observer would like to offer Mr. Weaver an opportunity to extend such an apology in our publication. We will furthermore make a $100 donation to the charity of Mr. Weaver’s choice if he should accept our offer of free column space to make a public apology.

Take That: May 13, 2011


Take That: May 13, 2011

In Response to: CCO Increases Bounty on Election Sign Thieves to $2,000

“Keep ‘em honest, CCO!

The only signs I advocate folks “removing” are ones that have been posted on public right-of-ways. Like intersections. Also, I sometimes wonder about signs that appear in vacant lots or abandoned properties.

To me, signs that appear in those places do not portray a “grassroots” support for any candidate. I see it as an easy, lazy way for candidates to promote themselves. I much prefer to see a yard sign in an actual person’s yard as opposed to just stuck at a random, “public domain” location.” 对上帝

“At what point does a political sign that is associated with a failed campaign (that is over) cease to be promotional and become litter? I would think that the clock is ticking on Troy before he could be cited for littering the public street, carries a hefty fine I’m told.” Blanger

“why don’t you guys just increase it to $100,000? You know Weaver just ran his mouth with no proof” VVC1

“… or he pulled that story out of the same orifice that he pulled a lot of those assessment figures out of!” Soon2B

“How about a fund/reward for an acknowledgement from candidate Weaver that the CCO even exists? It could come in the form of an apology for his statements, a retraction, an explanation that he made those comments in the heat of battle/emotion or he stands by his statements. If the latter then we can move to Step B. I’d chip in, anybody else?” Steve Smith


“I believe the disgruntled Democrats are few in number, and are more than made up for by the Democrats who voted and see the change as good. The independants that have rallied to Mr. Davis will still vote for him in November as well. Mr. Davis won the “Hero’s Mantle” this past primary. Winnecke is “Homestead Tax Toast”.” Crash Larue

“What is it that Ron White sez…..”You Can’t Fix Stupid!”

Rick Davis made it through the primary without “The Machine” if he stays his course he will be elected also without the support of the machine, what they always seem to forget is that it’s the voters who put candidates into office not political machines….it should be a interesting summer/fall.“ Blanger

“I’d liike to point out that all the Dems are not sore losers, there are some sore winners, like Missy Mosby and Jon Weaver who still have not come under the party umbrella. With Lon Walters breathing down her neck, Missy better rethink her position and come on board or she will soon be a one term has been. And I’m still waiating for Mark Owen to send me the invitation to his rescheduled Awards Dinner.” Henry

IN RESPONSE TO: IS IT TRUE May 10, 2011 (the Friend-Quisition)

“At the end of the day, no one is in charge of this project, and no one is accountable for the largest public works project in over 50 years.” Beerguy

“The real problem with the hotel deal will arise when the city has to pony up more than the 8 million plus tax abatement. The point is we all know the arena costs much more than advertised by the city. It will all come out in the open eventually.” BAM

“My question is, where has Mr. Friend been for the last year? Why is he just now asking all of these “important” questions? If the City Council felt Mr. Kish was not being “transparent” enough all along, why wait until the project is nearly complete to start complaining? Why haven’t they been asking for all of the documents at each of the meetings Mr. Kish attended? If this is a City project, why hasn’t the City been keeping track of all the money? Mr. Kish doesn’t write the checks, the City does. Easy to deflect responsibility and make someone else a scapegoat to cover up your own inefficiency Mr. Friend.” Whatabunchof

IS IT TRUE? May 13, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? May 13, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville City Council and the Vanderburgh County Commissioners held a workshop last night to see if they could do a little surgery to the proposed consolidation agreement?…that the most discussed subject of the meeting was the power that the proposal grants to the Mayor of the County?…that the winds of change in the wake of Team Weinzapfel are most certainly toward clipping the wings of any future Chief Executive of a consolidated Vanderburgh County?…that if it is such a great idea to limit the powers of a Mayor at the county level it should be an even better idea to act now and limit the powers of the Mayor of Evansville and see how it works?…that nearly every astute observer seems to recognize that big changes are needed in the way the City of Evansville is run but that deficiencies are not so apparent in unincorporated Vanderburgh County?…that if some of the “big ideas” to improve a consolidated Vanderburgh County should be tested out in the City of Evansville prior to pronouncing them to be the magic bullets for Vanderburgh County?

IS IT TRUE that most of the time when a head of government has their wings clipped from a power perspective that it is a reaction to a strong self serving head of government that alienated the affections of the people the government is there to serve?…that without the poor top down governance of King George III that the United States of America may have never existed?…that without the self indulgent lifestyles of Marie Antoinette and her husband Louis XVI that the French Republic may have never existed?…that in case after case a sharp transition where power was spread around in a change of government form that it was preceded by someone who abused the power that was entrusted in them?…that the discussion of the limitation of power of the Mayor of Evansville needs to examine the successes and failures of the Mayors of Evansville over the last 50 years?…that maybe the problems here can be solved by limiting the powers of the Chief Executive but that maybe what is needed is a more informed electorate that entrusts the City or County to less self serving leadership?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville should be the guinea pig for these ideas because the city is the outwardly dysfunctional entity that is in need of dramatic changes?…that if recently defeated City Council President B. J. Watts says “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” is the mantra to follow then the Evansville City Council should get on about the business of fixing those things that are broken and leave the county to its own self examination?…that both Rick Davis and Lloyd Winnecke seem to be much more amenable to self limitation when it comes to Mayoral power?…that both of the gentlemen candidates are deliberative individuals who have indicated that they are completely open to surrounding themselves with highly qualified people as advisors?…that it is the person who holds the office of Mayor that determines the extent to which power is spread around?…that if a collaborative deliberative style is what is needed in the City of Evansville that our future is looking brighter because both of the candidates for Mayor have a more cooperative demeanor than we have been accustomed to?

IS IT TRUE that it has not yet been established that consolidation is the right thing to do?…that if the only reason to consolidate is to save money through efficiencies that not enough savings have been put forward yet to bother to consolidate?…that the consolidation proposal needs to be dissected for feasibility before it becomes a Magna Carta for the entire county?…that the right question to ask is still “WHY CONSOLIDATE?” as opposed to the presumptuous “HOW DO WE CONSOLIDATE” that the consolidation committee under the thumb of a STRONG MAYOR has been asking?…that we wonder if the powers of the Mayor of Evansville had been limited in the past if the question of “WHY CONSOLIDATE?” would already be answered?

IS IT TRUE that a tangible and measurable goal for efficiency should determine the answer to the question of “WHY CONSOLIDATE”?…that if a savings threshold of 10% were adopted that a savings level like that would likely benefit all of the would be governed?…that 10% savings of the combined budgets of the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County would amount to over $30 Million per year?…that any private company in America that can’t cut 10% through implementing lean principles is either perfectly managed already or has the wrong management team in place?…that the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County are certainly not perfectly managed which leaves only one conclusion as to which it is?…that if the consolidation committee show us $30 Million per year in savings that the probability of passing will increase dramatically?…that these powers that be do not seem to care for voting thresholds and will probably run from savings thresholds like a rabbit runs from a bird of prey?