IS IT TRUE? November 20, 2011
IS IT TRUE that with the 2012 election cycle upon us that it is time to start thinking about what will be the topics to tackle in the upcoming year?…that of course one very important topic to keep in the forefront will be just how our newly elected but not yet seated officials execute on their campaign promises and on how the Winnecke Administration will attack the unresolved issues that the Weinzapfel Administration will be leaving for his successor to resolve?…that the big issues that are unresolved are the McCurdy, the downtown Convention Hotel, the Parks Disaster, Combined Sewer Overflows, and of course Roberts Stadium?…that there are many other issues like friendly city employees, efficiency, fire contracts, board appointments, etc. that will keep the Winnecke Administration fully occupied just cleaning out the barn?
IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County will have a pretty full election cycle this year with two Commissioners and three County Council seats up for grabs?…that at the state level we will of course have the entire Indiana House of Representatives, some key Senate seats, and a Governor’s mansion to fill?…that nationally 2012 promises to be an election year to remember with the top office of interest being that of President of the United States?…that at the congressional level it will be interesting to see if the Republicans can extend their gains from the 2010 election cycle to hold both houses of congress?…that the real issues at the national level in most elections will be a referendum on the success or failure of the Obama Administrations first term?…that whomever the Republicans nominate will have their hands full as President Obama is already in full campaign mode and seems to be able to raise whatever money is possible?…that Indiana economist Morton Marcus opined one big thumbs down on Republican hopeful Texas Governor Rick Perry today stating in layman’s terms that Perry is just too dumb to be president?…that Governor Perry seems to have gotten an F in college chemistry to prove it?
IS IT TRUE that in a court of law if one withholds material information that means big trouble and is called “obstruction of justice”?…that in a public company that withholding material information or trading stock on inside information is punishable as a crime?…that it seems as though in every election cycle there seems to be someone somewhere that uses a strategy of withholding material information until after an election and that it is condoned as a viable strategy?…that the CCO believes that withholding or delaying material information until election day should be dealt with the way it is dealt with in court cases and business?…that who we elect is more important than who we electrocute?…that Penn State is going through serious issues now because of several people’s decision to withhold information?…that there is no place for that kind of behavior in politics?
IS IT TRUE that perhaps the most important decision locally next year will be the referendum on consolidated government?…that it is widely accepted that there is much potential for savings by consolidating all of Vanderburgh County under a single government?…that it is also widely recognized that the plan that we will be voting on not only failed to identify significant savings but that it has forbidden future officials from enacting savings in the largest budget items for a period of 10 years?…that the identified savings in the current plan only amount to 0.20% of the combined City-County budgets?…that if one scales that to the average family income in Vanderburgh County that this is the equivalent of $1.31 per week or the cash value of about 40 aluminum cans?…that what we are really faced with is to vote for a good idea with a poor plan or to vote down the poor plan?…that the consolidation committee could have killed this argument by developing a solid plan that identified solid and significant savings?
IS IT TRUE that on a statewide level the “Right to Work†issue seems to be the most controversial thing that will be under consideration?…that this issue may very well shape the narrative for the 2012 State of Indiana campaigns?…that the term “Right to Work†is much understood by both supporters and opponents and that the first real order of business should be to educate voters about exactly what “Right to Work†really means?…that the eyes of the country will be on Indiana with this as the natural fact is that if Indiana adopts “Right to Work†into law it will be the first of the traditional Rust Belt states to do so?…that the one thing that the City County Observer encourages from our state legislature is to stay in Indiana and enter into a constructive dialog as opposed to running for the border like the Democrat contingent did last year?…that this is the year to face this head on and make a well thought out decision for our state?