IS IT TRUE? August 9, 2011
IS IT TRUE that both of the new football stadium that are under construction for the EVSC have had construction delays and will not be available for the scheduled first games of the season?…that both Harrison and North will have to reschedule their opening games to other venues as they have for years since they have not had stadiums of their own?…that we hope that the new downtown Arena does not have last minute delays in opening that cause events to be moved?…that Harrison and North had the good sense and good fortune not to mothball the stadiums that they have called home and that their problem will be an inconvenience but not a big deal?…that if the Arena is not completed on time and UE games with Butler and IU need to be moved that we wonder with Roberts Stadium mothballed exactly which high school these certain sellouts will be moved to?…that some oversights are simply unnecessary risks?
IS IT TRUE that Nexstar has taken another dive into the Evansville video media market?…that WEHT Channel 25 has been bought by Nexstar for $18.5 Million?…that is a parallel move that Nexstar which has owned WTVW (Fox 7 or Local 7) is being sold to a subsidiary organization called Mission Broadcasting for only $6.7 Million?…that when the ownership and the passion for a business moves out of town that it all comes down to numbers and just going through the motions?…that we hope for additional investment in these stations so that competitive high quality local news will survive and thrive in Evansville?…that we hope that these investments will be a conduit to grow and become better?…that we will not be holding our breath on this one?
IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville through a subsidiary non-profit organization was at one time semi active in making loans to local businesses?…that at the end of 2009 there were a total of 21 loans outstanding amounts to $4,017,015 with the smallest balance being only $2,000 to the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau and the highest being a balance for $1,367,419 on a $2,300,000 to Citizens Bank which was reportedly made on 3/25/2008?…that we are certain Citizens Bank was taken over by Fifth Third Bank at least 5 years prior to that date so we are sort of confused how that could be possible?…that the range of interest rates on the loans is from a low of ZERO PERCENT to a high of 7.25%?…that the Kunkel Group occupies both ends and the middle of that spectrum having a loan for $310,000 at 0%, $150,000 at 6.25%, and $221,250 at 7.5%?…that the most common interest rate is 3%?…that a list of the loans with amounts and holders is on the following link?
IS IT TRUE that a certain trip recently made to California originated and terminated in our very own Evansville Regional Airport?…that despite all of the hoopla about the FAA and the government shutdown that the flights all left and arrived on time?…that there was not a single thing that could have been improved with respect to the travel experience into and out of EVV?…that when the flights into and out of EVV are compatible with ones schedule and priced competitively that EVV is just about the most pleasurable airport experience in the United States?…that the City County Observer encourages all local air travelers to give EVV a chance with your next trip?…that all things being equal our airport delivers great value and needs to be supported locally?