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IS IT TRUE? December 7, 2011


IS IT TRUE? December 7, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission had decided to accept the recommendation that allegedly was in a report from Hunden Strategic Partners to endorse the proposal of the Kunkel Group over the proposal of Prime Lodging to take the next step on the four year journey to attempt to construct and operate a Convention Hotel in downtown Evansville?…that this decision was made over the protest of Marco DeLucio, attorney for Prime Lodging who also submitted a proposal?…that Mr. DeLucio was simply stating that neither he nor Prime Lodging had seen or had discussions regarding any study by Hunden Strategic Partners and that to make such a decision without making the thought process and reasoning behind the decision is unfair?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #44 tells the City County Observer that in reality there is no Hunden Study that has been published at all?…that Mole #44 tells us that there was a powerpoint presentation made recently to the ERC that discussed the plusses and minuses of the two proposals but that there is no formal study that has been published or provided?…that Mole #44 furthermore stated that the main reason Kunkel was favored was because the financing that has not been disclosed will either happen or not happen faster than the EB5 financing that was proposed by Prime Lodging?…that we shall all know the status or existence of any study done or not done by Hunden Strategic Partners for the ERC is 18 more business days because the CCO has filed a Freedom of Information Act request to get that information and has every intention to publish it in its entirety?…that when the people pay for a study that the people have a right to read its contents?…that for Mr. Bob Goldman to refuse to release the so called study today is not only the height of arrogance but constitutes willful refusal to release publically owned information to the public?…that this shall not be allowed to stand?…that Mr. Goldman and the other four members of the ERC stand in contempt of the people that they serve with this cowardly and deceptive action?

IS IT TRUE that in reality even though no basis for any actions was released is the Kunkel becomes the 3rd group to get the endorsement of the ERC to build and operate a hotel?…that an endorsement in no way constitutes a funding source or an incentive package?…that all this means is that Kunkel’s proposal will now go to the next board of political appointees for another recommendation prior to going before the Evansville City Council that must vote to approve all city money to incent this project?…that even then it does not mean that Kunkel will secure a loan for the rest of the project, it only means that they can count on the city to do their part if they get funded privately for the rest?…that my friends is exactly where City Centre Properties LLC has been for the last 4 years with respect to the McCurdy Hotel project?…that is until yesterday when they formally notified the ERC that they can get the financing for the project in the time frame granted?


The Mole #??
that the five member of the ERC and their attorney were shocked and amazed that CCP wrote such a letter?…that competent members of the ERC, their attorney, and a financially competent mayor should never have been surprised by this?…that to anyone that understands valuation that this has been as plane as the nose on a face since the day the scheme was hatched?…that as long as the people of Evansville elect leaders with no analytical skills who appoint stewards of public money that refuse to use whatever skills that they may have this sort of thing will continue unabated?…that all eyes will be on City Councilman John Friend, CPA when the Kunkel deal comes before council for guidance and a competent line of questioning?…that Councilman Friend knows how to VET and how to ask the right questions of the right people to learn about the financial strength of any company that is posturing to start a $30 Million project that involves taxpayer money?…that Councilman Friend knows that local firm Klenck Construction has not been paid for demolition work on this very project?…that if Councilman Friend does not do proper diligence on this action and rubber stamps an agreement without a documented audit trail then he very much deserves to be Mr. Friend once again?

ERC Recommends Kunkel for downtown Convention Hotel


In a move that has been speculated for months the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has made the recommendation that Kunkel’s proposal should advance to build and operate the long time coming downtown Convention Hotel. It was stated by ERC Chairman Bob Goldman that the Hunden Strategic Partners had advised the recommendation of Kunkel. No study or written statement by Hunden was made available to anyone.

Marco DeLucio, attorney asked for the study to be released and for the ERC to table the decision until the Hunden study had been released but his action was to no avail as the ERC moved the proposal forward.

Kunkel representatives stated that they are considering both the Hyatt and Sheraton brands for the hotel. There was no mention of when either the construction will start or when the hotel will open for business

After the meeting Evansville City Councilman John Friend, CPA, Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel, and Arena project manager John Kish were seen in the hallway engaged in a very intense discussion about the recommendation but parted with handshakes and smiles.

Kunkel has two more administrative hoops to jump through for this project to be a reality. The most important of these steps is a vote of the full Evansville City Council on whether or not to fund the ERC recommendation.

This is a developing story:

McCurdy Meltdown: City Centre throwns in the Towel


Is a For Sale Sign in the Future of the McCurdy

Centre City Properties LLC today provided the Evansville Redevelopment Commission with a letter stating that they were not able to arrange for funding to go ahead with the project to turn the McCurdy Hotel into an apartment complex. CCP saved the ERC from having to make a tough decision in giving up on the over three year effort to try to fund the ill fated project.

The ERC had previously paid $603,000 for the McCurdy parking lot and extended a grant of $800,000 to CCP. The fate of the deal is not understood at this time. As there is a recorded loan by a bank against the building if CCP gives up on the project there is a possibility that the City of Evansville as a result of this series of extensions could see the building in the hands of a third party and get nothing at all for the taxpayer dollars that they have invested.

This is a developing story as CCP has not announced any intention of what they intend to do with the building that they hold title to and owe over $10,000 of taxes on.

Downtown Today: 12/6/2011


Time 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the first Wednesday of every 1 month effective 12/7/2011 until 12/7/2011 from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
SANDIE @ 5791
Categories ROOM 301

Time 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Subject DMD
Location 318
Reminder 15 minutes
ASHTON @ 7825
Categories ROOM 318

Time 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the first Wednesday of every 1 month effective 12/7/2011 until 12/7/2011 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 301

Time 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Location 301
Reminder 15 minutes
TINA OWEN @ 7897
Categories ROOM 301

Time 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Subject Code Enf. – Ron Beane
Location 318
Reminder 15 minutes

Time 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the first Wednesday of every 1 month effective 12/7/2011 until 12/7/2011 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318

USI Fall Commencement ceremonies to be held Saturday


The University of Southern Indiana will hold two Fall Commencement ceremonies on Saturday, December 10, in the Physical Activities Center (PAC).

More than 550 students are eligible to participate in the ceremonies. Of those, three will graduate summa cum laude, 33 magna cum laude, and 38 cum laude.

A 10 a.m. ceremony will be held for degree candidates from the College of Business and Pott College of Science and Engineering. Students in the College of Nursing and Health Professions, College of Liberal Arts, and Division of Outreach and Engagement will receive degrees at 1 p.m.

Graduating summa cum laude with a perfect 4.0 grade point average are Anthony King, Ellen Jackson, and Terry Priest. They can be recognized in the ceremony by their gold stoles and tassels.

Five graduates are University Honors Scholars and can be recognized by the white honor cords worn with their regalia. They are Chelsey Mullins, Meredith Woodard, Samantha Callis, Sarah Groeger, and Rebecca Reynolds.

Live video of the ceremonies will stream online at http://www.usi.edu/commencement/

As the recipient of the 2011 Distinguished Professor Award, Dr. Barbara A. Davis, professor of nursing, will deliver the Commencement address at both ceremonies.

USI began holding Fall Commencement in 2006 and added a second ceremony in 2008 to accommodate the growing number of graduates, family, and friends in attendance.

Libraries continue to collect food during Food for Fines


December 5, 2011 – Evansville, IN – Are there fines on your library card that need to be cleared? The Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library is still collecting non-perishable food items for Food for Fines, now through December 19th.

To date, 8,204 pounds of food have been collected, with a goal of collecting 15,000 pounds.

During Food for Fines, library card fines will be reduced by $1 for each non-perishable food item you donate, with a maximum of $10 waived. Canned and boxed items will be accepted, and all food donated will go to the Tri-State Food Bank.

Help feed the hungry, and reduce your fines at the same time. To have your account credited, bring food items to the Check Out desk at any EVPL location.

IS IT TRUE? December 6, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? December 6, 2011

IS IT TRUE that Mole #11 tells us that none other than Mayor Weinzapfel’s Chief of Staff Rose Young stepped up and did what it took to get Linda Durham’s Chief of Staff Tonda Pauley back onto the public payroll with a new job at the City of Evansville Garage?…that it was a big surprise when the CCO called the City Garage and the phone was answered by Ms. Pauley herself?…that as today is a day to discuss vetting we once again ask just what was the vetting criteria for this particular hire?

IS IT TRUE that all but one of the candidates in the 2011 City of Evansville election who chose to advertise with the City County Observer have paid their invoice?…that we have sent two notices and will have to decide how to proceed to collect for what we delivered in the very near future?

IS IT TRUE that a traditional way to make sure that one has the cash coming in to cover the electric bill has been to buy stock in your local public utility?…that as the stock of Vectren (VVC, NYSE) has an attractive dividend of $1.40 per share per year this would be a good strategy for the people who have the means to do so?…that the question of interest is just how much would it cost to purchase enough shares to do that?…that if you live in Henderson and your monthly electricity consumption is 1,000 kWh that you would have to purchase 450 shares of Vectren stock at a price of $13,050 to cover your bills at today’s prices?…that if you are from Evansville and have the same consumption that you would have to purchase 1,350 shares at a total cost of $39,150 to cover your electric bills from dividends?…that all other things considered equal that the difference in those amounts of $26,100 is the amount of pure wealth that is consumed due to the rate difference?…that if that number is multiplied by the 141,000 ratepayers that the wealth required to cover all of the electricity cost on this side of the river is $680 Million?…that puts the rate differences in a different perspective to an outsider who is looking in?

IS IT TRUE that today there are only 25 days remaining in the Weinzapfel Administration?…that it is also the first day in which the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has an opportunity to rescind the agreement that they have with City Centre Properties LLC with respect to turning the McCurdy Hotel into 90 luxury apartments?…that it is time for the ERC to fish or cut bait on this project?…that even in the simplest of games using a stick and a ball after three strikes you are out and this is the 4th Strike for both City Centre Properties LLC and the Evansville Redevelopment Commission in its present embodiment?…that we are all out here in taxpayer land wondering if a 5th extension will be granted or if this lingering deal will finally be unwound so the Winnecke Administration can start with a clean slate?…that the TAXES ON THE PROPERTY THAT WERE DUE ON NOVEMBER 10TH ARE STILL NOT PAID?…that we would hope there would be some discussion about this situation at today’s ERC meeting?

IS IT TRUE that all eyes and ears will be focused on the resolution that is being considered with respect to the downtown Convention Hotel?…that the eyes of Klenck Construction that has thus far been on the receiving end of some shoddy treatment by the City of Evansville will certainly be on this resolution and on any decision that may come from the ERC about proceeding?…that the last minute spending that is being presented to the ERC and to the Evansville City Council is just getting oppressive?…that every time in December that either body meets it is all about spending everything that can possibly be spent?…that we are counting on City Councilman John Friend, CPA to provide the financial oversight and guidance so that no shenanigans are pulled in the last days of the reign of Mayor Weinzapfel?

IS IT TRUE that above all things the CCO hopes that any actions taken by the Evansville Redevelopment Commission with respect to these projects reflect the same kinds of actions that the members of the ERC would make in their real jobs in banking, architecture, accounting, and pawn shop operation?…that in the particular case of pawn shop operation paying too much for something or doing business with financially incapable people is of utmost importance for success?…that the mantra for tomorrow’s meeting needs to be “IF YOU WOULD NOT DO THIS WITH YOUR MONEY, PLEASE DO NOT DO IT WITH OURS”?

Terry White opts out of 8th District Congressional non-Primary


The CCO has learned that Terry White is opting out of the Democrat Party smokey back room candidate choice machine and into the race for State Senator. Mr. White’s exit from the race for his parties nomination leaves only two people left to schmooze for the affections of the Party Bosses for the Democrat nomination for the 8th Congressional District for the US House of Representatives.

Mr. White will be challenging incumbent Republican State Senator Vaneta Becker for her long held seat.

The Vanderburgh County Democrat Chairman Mark Owen and Vice Chairwoman Connie Robinson who recently endorsed Republican Lloyd Winnecke for Mayor of Evansville are calling about 250 Democrat office holders and precinct committee people together Wednesday night at 6:30 at the C. K. Newsome Center to discuss the remaining two candidates for the party nomination.

Terry White’s official Press Release


​​December 5, 2011

For Immediate Release
Contact 812.423.3143

For the last nine months, with my family’s support, I have undertaken the daunting task of being your Eighth District Candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives. We went into this venture with the noblest of intentions that this high calling was in the best interests of our Hoosier citizens. As this endeavor progressed, as expected, other individuals entered the race for Congress. Both Dave and Patrick are good people and deserve our respect for their willingness to make a large sacrifice of their lives to become our public servant. I am uniquely blessed with the opportunity to wear different hats in this contest: first as a citizen, then as a County Chairman, and finally as a candidate. It gives me a vantage point to take in the big picture that I would not otherwise have. This is a perspective that is enlightening to say the least.

As a citizen, I have been and always will be proud to call myself a Democrat. I wholeheartedly believe that the philosophy of the Democrat Party is the bedrock upon which our country is built: hard work – responsibility – sacrifice – looking out for one another – giving everybody a shot, everybody a chance to share in America’s prosperity, from the factory floor to the boardroom. We believe in the goodness of our government – one that allows each of us the opportunity to live our own American dream. That is what our Party is all about.

As Warrick County Chairman, I take my job seriously. I have always been a team player. I worked my way up through just about every Party position from Indiana Young Democrat State President to Central Committee Secretary, Vice-Chairman, and now as County Chairman. I believe in the importance and purpose of an organized Party in order to elect like-minded candidates to promote our middle and working class principles. I feel honored to be one of you.

As a candidate, I play a different role. My entire career is focused on championing justice and protecting the rights, freedoms, and safety of our citizens. I pride myself on being a problem solver and conducting myself with honesty and integrity. I would rather be part of the solution than the problem. In this situation, after painstaking consideration and deliberation, it simply does not make sense for all three of us candidates to spend collectively around a million dollars (much of it our own money) to try to win a primary and then have the winner end up on May 9th with zero dollars in the account to take on Larry Bucshon. The winner basically becomes a loser because it will be virtually impossible to raise the necessary 1.6 million campaign dollars in that short period of time to fund the general election.

Because the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee has certain time and financial deadlines, the one who prevails in the primary will lose out because he will have missed the first and second tier of targeted races through the DCCC. Campaign funding will be crippled to the point that winning the general election becomes less and less probable. So, it is time for us to be united and not divided. We need to get behind one candidate if we want to win this race. It is time for us to work together to beat a Congressman who does not represent the mainstream values of our District.

I, naturally yet humbly, believe I would be the best candidate for the job, but the Party loyalty and pragmatism in me have convinced me that I should place my energies in a different direction. While one door may close, other doors open. Therefore, I am withdrawing my name as a candidate for Congress. Rather, I will be running for the office of Indiana Senate District 50 in Vanderburgh and Warrick Counties. I feel I can serve our citizens well as their new State Senator. The Indiana State Legislature touches our lives in so many important ways, many of which are never addressed by the U.S. Congress. I am eager to take on those challenges at the State level. It will not be easy to defeat the incumbent, but with your support this task is certainly achievable.

Both of the other candidates are deserving, and I urge you to exercise your conscience in determining who is the best person to bring the Eighth District back into the Democrat column.

Thank you for all your kindness, your hospitality, and your fairness which I have experienced throughout my campaign. I truly appreciate being able to call you my friend, and I look forward to many years of service by your side.

As always, I am Democratically yours,


Terry White

DMD Responds to CCO Freedom of Information Act request regarding VETTING


The Evansville Department of Metropolitan Development today responded to the Freedom of Information Act request made by the City County Observer with respect to the Vetting of the downtown Convention Hotel proposals.

The CCO has every intention to make the entire package of materials that have been assembled from the Hunden Strategic Partners study if indeed there is one through the notes taken in meetings regarding this project when it comes to financing, experience in the hospitality industry, and in reviewing the proposed construction plans.

These notes and studies should also include insurance products including errors and omissions insurance that may have been taken out to protect the taxpayer’s commitments to this project should a decision to move forward be made.

FOIA Response to Vetting Study