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IS IT TRUE: August 26, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: August 26, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the townhall debate at Harrison High School yesterday was quite valuable to tell us what our young people are interested in seeing from government?…that their questions were probably not too different from what their parents and grandparents are concerned about?…that the topics of concern among young people are JOBS, PUBLIC SAFETY, METH, PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT, and of course CONSOLIDATION and ROBERTS STADIUM?…that the audience was respectful of the debate and the candidates were too?…that this is a bunch of kids that could make a difference in Evansville’s future if they have a reason to make a life here?

IS IT TRUE that during discussions about the economy that the unemployment rate was brought up by Democratic candidate for Mayor of Evansville Rick Davis?…that he quoted the unemployment rate at 7.3% which as official government statistics go may really be the “official” number right now?…that the “official” number does not count people who are underemployed?…that an underemployed person may be a banker with an MBA who was laid off from a job that paid about $100,000 per year but is now selling hot dogs at Ellis Park and earning roughly the minimum wage?…that such a person is simply considered to be “employed”?…that the “official” unemployment rate does not include people working part time who really want a full time job?

IS IT TRUE that the Gallup organization that tracks these statistics nationwide reported in July 2011 that the underemployment rate is still at a staggering 18.0%?…that neither of these numbers includes people who have used all of their unemployment benefits and are not eligible for an extension?…that neither of these reporting mechanisms includes people who have basically given up the search for a job?…that these figures do not include people who by their own choice do odd jobs for cash?…that in times like these that the “official” unemployment number has little meaning?…that when all of the officially unemployed people use all of their benefits that the “official” rate will drop to zero and thousands of smiling politicians will take credit for solving this problem while 20% of the population still has no job?…that some statistics are designed to lie while telling the truth?…that SNEGAL is alive and well in governments all over America?

IS IT TRUE that Rick Davis also threw out a number for people who are unemployed of 13,700 people in the Evansville metro area?…that the Courier and Press jumped on Davis and called him out for being inaccurate because this assertion does not conform to the official Indiana Department of Workforce Development numbers?…that we wonder if the Courier and Press reporter is fully aware that the “official” Metropolitan Statistical Area of Evansville, Indiana includes several counties in Kentucky?…that we are quite sure that the Indiana Workforce Development office does not tabulate any of its data from Kentucky?…that it is highly probable that candidate Davis had his numbers correct and that the Courier and Press needs a lesson in exactly what the Evansville MSA is?…that it is every reporters dream to catch a politician in a mistake but that this mistake was not made by Mr. Davis it was made by the Courier and Press?

IS IT TRUE that Mr. Davis and Mr. Winnecke will probably make some mistakes and will be justifiably called out for them?…that there may have even been a mistake or two yesterday?…that what was painted as a mistake yesterday really was not one?…that we in the media need to keep it real when we choose to delve into statistics and geography?

Mayoral Townhall at Harrison Sets the Tone for the Upcoming Campaign


Mayoral Townhall at Harrison Sets the Tone for the Upcoming Campaign

The race for Mayor of Evansville got a jumpstart today at William Henry Harrison High School in a town hall style of forum where candidates Lloyd Winnecke and Rick Davis answered questions posed by students of Evansville’s high schools. The format of the day was a one minute opening followed by twelve questions to which each candidate had two minutes to respond to.

The demeanor of the candidates toward one another was candid and respectful with no personal barbs as has become routine in American politics. The City County Observer was on the premises to report and would like to congratulate and thank both candidates for the respectful manner that they treated each other and the various ideas that each campaign has put forward to improve Evansville.

The first question addressed what a Mayor should and can to keep Evansville safe. The candidates agree that public safety is the number one job of government. Mr. Winnecke expanded with an intention to address the maintenance issues within the City of Evansville’s fleet of police and fire vehicles which has been a nagging concern during the Weinzapfel administration with parts being scavenged from one vehicle to keep another rolling.

Lloyd Winnecke
Question two from the audience was with regard to helping organizations that are dedicated to providing help to the “less fortunate”. Mr. Winnecke was first to answer and committed to use the Mayor’s office as a bully pulpit to get the 36 organizations to collaborate fully and to assist the United Way in achieving their fundraising goals. Mr. Davis used this opportunity to point out that much of the need for assistance can be directly traced to unemployment and was careful to point out that non-profit entities are a major employer in the area with some 10,000 people on their payrolls.

Next up was a question on “how to get the people of Evansville involved”. Mr. Davis was first to answer to tout his proposal to hire 50 young people per summer to keep the parks clean but to also leverage the new $128 Million Ford Center to have more young person friendly events than Roberts Stadium has been holding. He particularly cited Roberts for only having 10 concerts in the last year and committed to hold VenuWorks feet to the fire. Mr. Winnecke in a departure from what may be expected acknowledged the litter problem in Evansville and stated an intention to hold monthly neighborhood cleanups that he will personally participate in. He stated that this program while easy is the type of thing that instills civic pride in the community which is missing in some areas.

The subject of consolidation was breached in what was the biggest point of difference of the day. Mr. Winnecke stated his agreement with the theory of consolidation along with his support for the referendum process to allow the people of Vanderburgh County to choose their form of government. Mr. Davis came out as emphatically planning to vote no for consolidation based on the fact that no real savings has been identified in the current plan and stated his support for the so called “threshold rejection” that requires both the city and county to pass this independently for consolidation to be enacted. In an animated moment he referred to the current situation where the city has enough voters to effectively annex the county at the ballot box as a “shotgun wedding”.

Rick Davis
Of course the future of Roberts Stadium was raised with Rick Davis bringing up the idea of converting it to a natatorium and to utilize some of the funding that was planned to build 8 ballfields to be used for the conversion. Mr. Winnecke took the position that the people of Evansville need to be prepared to accept that demolition may be the best solution for Roberts but that he personally preferred that a prosperous solution to maintain the stadium is identified. He also stated that whatever he eventually proposes will identify the cost and funding sources prior to being disclosed.

The next student inquisitor asked what may be done by 2016 when he will be graduating from college about creating a job that he can come back to. Mr. Winnecke used this question as an opportunity to tout some elements of the jobs plan that he released in June like the technology transfer agreement between GAGE and the Federal Labs Consortium and to state that the Mayor should be the chief salesperson for the City of Evansville. He also stated that he would like to eliminate local government red tape so that permitting is simplified. Mr. Davis also touted elements from the jobs plan that he released today with particular preference stated for business retention and expansion. Using a metaphor of growing a one pound bass into a two pound bass as being a very effective way to grow sustainable jobs for Evansville.

Meth was the next topic that was brought up with Mr. Davis expanding on his plan from the previous week that would work to make pseudoephedrine based medicines require a prescription. He told the crowd about how an elementary school child explained to him how the meth dealers in a house that recently exploded would alert the “meth heads” that they were open for business by strategically placing a bicycle in a place that meant “open”. In the only barb of the day Mr. Davis mentioned that Mr. Winnecke was only calling for education on this subject. Mr. Winnecke then countered that by stating that he had never been criticized before for supporting education and continued to expand on how meth is a serious problem and that using law enforcement and education are critical tools to use to fight this battle.

In a quirky question the next student asked “what is something about your own party’s position that you do not personally agree with”? Mr. Winnecke candidly and quickly stated that he disagrees with the Republican Party position with respect to gay rights. For those who do not know that would mean that Mr. Winnecke supports the rights of gay people not to be discriminated against. Mr. Davis stated that even though he is a staunch Democrat that he departs from the party position on the subject of gun control and is himself a member of the National Rifle Association.

The remainder of the questioning was directed at more traditional campaign topics like “tell me why I should vote for you”, “who influenced you most”, and “what will you do first when you take office”. Of course both candidates spoke the truth when talking about their educations, their many years of board membership, and of course giving credit to family and teachers. Mr. Winnecke did mention that one of his biggest influences was President Ronald Reagan.

The townhall closed with a one minute appeal from each candidate to the students to register to vote and to be a part of the election process as a volunteer and to be sure and vote in their first election.
From the City County Observer we thank both candidates for keeping it respectful, being well prepared, and for sharing where you depart from your party’s positions. The CCO supports both gay rights and the 2nd amendment so these “break from the pack” positions were welcomed and appreciated. We are looking forward to the next two debates.

Mayoral Candidate Rick Davis Releases Economic Plan


Rick Davis

Democratic candidate for Mayor of Evansville Rick Davis released his long awaited plan for jobs today just after the first townhall forum at Harrison High School. Davis made reference to his plan during the forum and had volunteers handing out one page overviews at the entrance.

In his plan Davis addresses a plan to address skills improvements for at risk youth by implementing the “Jobs for Americas Graduates” program that has been in practice in several Indiana cities. Davis also is proposing to tap into existing funds within the Department of Metropolitan Development with matching funds from local banks to assist existing businesses with growth.

Davis plans to use the six unsold Front Door Pride homes to attract minority police officers and fire fighters to Evansville in hopes of making the neighborhood safer and creating positive role models for at risk children.

Finally candidate Davis is calling for accountability and transparency in the job creation and tax incentive tools use by economic developers. The one pager and the full plan are available on the following links.

Rick Davis Economic Plan: One Page Overview


IS IT TRUE: Part 2 August 25, 2011


IS IT TRUE: Part 2 August 25, 2011

IS IT TRUE that it seems as though the VETTING PROCESS for the downtown Convention Hotel is going to slip its unpublished schedule by at least a week?…that yesterday was supposed to have been the day of face to face vetting for the second responder?…that yesterday’s meeting has been rescheduled for next week?…that the City County Observer will maintain its silence on the merits of the proposals themselves including expressing any opinions with regard to the analysis that we posted yesterday that was sent to a large number of local officials yesterday by Prime Lodging?…that for those readers that are interested we have made this analysis available to you at the following link?…that we would welcome a comparison analysis of the two proposals by the Kunkel Group and would publish any analysis that they choose to provide us with without edit, opinion, or bias?


IS IT TRUE that an examination of the 2009 campaign contributions to the “Weinzapfel for Mayor” effort lists a contribution from London Witte in the amount of $9,000?…that contribution along with the $8,500 that they contributed to Mayor Weinzapfel’s campaign in 2010 brings the two year total to $17,500?…that London Witte was the financial consultant on the Ford Center proposals?…that we do not have records of either the amount that London Witte was paid to advise the City of Evansville on the Ford Center project nor has the amount that is being paid for the VETTING PROCESS been disclosed by the ERC?

IS IT TRUE that Steve Jobs has resigned from Apple due to his health?…that Jobs along with his childhood pal Steve Wozniak started Apple in a garage in Cupertino, CA?…that through continuous innovation and implementing vision that Steve Jobs saw what is now the second highest valued business in America at $350 Billion spring from his parents garage?…that the headquarters of Apple Computer is still at 1 Infinite Loop in Cupertino, CA, the town where it was founded on April Fool’s Day of 1976?…that there was much Angel and Venture money in the early years used to get Apple going?…that Apple’s board dispensed with Jobs for a time in the mid 80’s but eventually found that without vision and passion that corporate structure in a creative industry was incapable of prospering?…that Steve was invited back to Apple and that his triumphant return has been marked by vision, creativity, and financial success?…that Apple employs nearly 50,000 people and has been named the most admired company in America for 3 years running?

IS IT TRUE that the 1985 Apple Super Bowl party outside Stanford Stadium was a blast and this writer’s opportunity to party with Steve and Woz?…that we and our nation shall miss the vision, innovation and the fearless entrepreneurial spirit of Steven Jobs?…that if President Obama or any other politician at any level really was serious about learning what wealth creation and job creation is all about that Steve Jobs would be much more valuable that the CEO of GE?

IS IT TRUE that in after hours trading yesterday that the value of Apple dropped by $10 Billion on the news that Jobs was retiring?…that 35 years ago in the town of Cupertino two irreverent and clever guys set out to make a toy for themselves?…that this toy is the machine that changed the world?…that the infrastructure, the capital, the talent, the markets, and the lifestyle that Steve and Woz needed to make Apple happen was in place in Cupertino in 1976?…that Apple is a homegrown corporate headquarters that is less than 5 miles from the garage in which it was started?…that if and only if all of these things are available can a wonderful story like this play out in an American medium sized city?

IS IT TRUE that both Steve and Woz were Wayseers before the Wayseers know it?

9th Annual S. Indiana Brewery, Winery, & Spirits Festival This Weekend!


Saturday, August 27th from 6-10PM
The Ivy Room
16 W. Virginia St.

Tickets are $30 if pre-ordered, and $35 at the door. The group rate is $25/person if you pre-order for a group of 15 or more.
Admission price includes beverage samples, a commemorative sampling glass, sampling during festival hours, festival program & entertainment.

– Sample over 100 wines from local wineries
– Bourbons, Whiskeys, Spirits, and Margaritas!
– Food from local area restaurants
– Cab rides provided by Woods & Woods

For more information, visit: http://www.swirca.org/SpecialEvents/SoIndianaBreweryWinerySpiritsFestival.aspx

Jumpin’ for Joy to Welcome our Frogger Friends!


EVANSVILLE, IN. – For the 37th year, the Frog Follies return the Vanderburgh 4-H Center in Evansville this weekend for the annual E’ville Iron Street Rod Club car show. This event draws approximately 12,000 people and 3,500-4,000 vintage cars from throughout the United States to participate in what has become our most successful leisure market event of the year. August 26th, 27th, 28th, 2011

Hotels are booked near capacity, restaurants will be filled and the roads will be jammed with classic, colorful cars. The Evansville Convention & Visitors Bureau encourages restaurants, gas stations, convenience stores and retail outlets to get ready to do business this Friday-Sunday, August 26-28, 2011. We suggest welcoming them with signage on marquees, doors or elsewhere so they know how appreciative our city is to have them as our guests.

The public is invited to attend. Gates open at 8AM each day and close at 4PM on Friday and Saturday and 2PM on Sunday. Admission is $5 per person – children under 12 are free.

Top 5 reasons to love The Froggers –
5. They spend over $3.6 million while they are here.
4. They make our hoteliers VERY happy.
3. They brighten up our city with their colorful, beautiful cars.
2. They are fun and just plain nice folks.
1. They have been coming for 36 years and they love Evansville!

We invite everyone to love them back this weekend with a friendly smile and wave as they pass.
Thank you.
For more information on Frog Follies, visit their website at www.frogfollies.org or call the Evansville Convention & Visitors Bureau at 1-800-433-3025. For interviews, call Organizing Chairman Bob Bell at 812-455-5656.

Downtown Today: 8/25/2011


Time 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the fourth Thursday of every 1 month effective 8/25/2011 until 8/25/2011 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
The meeting actually starts at 10:00.
Categories ROOM 301

Time 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location 307
Reminder 15 minutes
KIM JOSEY @ 7889
Categories ROOM 307

Time 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs every Thursday effective 8/4/2011 until 9/1/2011 from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Sharon Evans @ 4982
Categories ROOM 301

Time 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the fourth Thursday of every 1 month effective 8/25/2011 until 8/25/2011 from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318

Time 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the fourth Thursday of every 1 month effective 8/25/2011 until 8/25/2011 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
BONNIE @ 4927
Categories ROOM 301

IS IT TRUE: August 25, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: August 25, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the subject of the value and competitiveness of the Evansville Regional Airport comes up from time to time with respect to our regions attractiveness to businesses with customers that are further away than a reasonable drive?…that would include just about any business other than locally owned in-person service businesses?…that everyone seems to agree that an airport with competitive pricing and a reasonable flight schedule would be a good thing for business and tourism?…that it is business followed by tourism that will either lead this region out of the recession or not?…that a study was released today regarding the competitiveness of the nation’s 100 largest airports?…that Evansville did not make the list of the 100 largest airports so a good goal would be to use the statistics reported and see what it will take to actually get our EVV onto the list of the largest 100 airports?

IS IT TRUE that the there seems to be two indicators of non-competitiveness in airports from the perspective of good pricing?…that one of those is being a hub airport that is dominated by a single carrier in what could be called a “localized monopoly”?…that very large airports that are localized monopolies like Houston’s Bush Airport, Cincinnati, Washington Dulles, and Dallas-Fort Worth all made the most expensive list with average fares that exceed $430 per flight?…that the average of all of the largest 100 is $356 so that $430 and up amounts to a 21% premium to feed the monopoly?…that Houston Bush at $477 is a 34% premium to the average and a full 169% ahead of the small Atlantic City Airport that won the award for least expensive flights of the largest 100 airports?

IS IT TRUE that the other indicator of non-competitiveness is exemplified by the #2 most expensive Huntsville, AL airport?…that the kiss of death for Huntsville is that it is a small market with no economy carrier like Southwest Airlines and is an easy drive to two big airports (Nashville and Birmingham) that offer very competitive fares?…that the situation at Huntsville describes the situation right here in Evansville?…that the article went on to state that a traveler could usually save $100 by driving for 2 hours, get more convenient flights, etc. etc. etc.?…that the Huntsville airport’s dilemma’s in establishing competitiveness sound very much like EVV’s challenges?…that it would be interesting to see the numbers for EVV and get a feel for exactly where we would be if we were in the largest 100?

IS IT TRUE that Huntsville, AL went after the Volkswagen plant that eventually chose Chattanooga with a vengeance?…that Huntsville officials consider their non-competitive airport as a factor that lead to Chattanooga being chosen over Huntsville?…that Evansville has felt that sting before when Mead Johnson Nutritionals chose Chicago for their headquarters over Evansville where they have had a substantial operation for about a century?…that EVV officials know these things and that the important piece of information that we wish to convey is to the people of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer encourages people and businesses here to use the Evansville Airport (EVV) whenever possible even if the fare is a little higher and it means having a three hour layover instead of a one hour layover?…that if you think things are a little higher and more challenging now, imagine life without an airport?…that without a local airport with commercial service that we may actually lose existing jobs and future opportunities?…that when you think about it, paying an extra $100 to support EVV as opposed to driving 6 hours and paying more for parking is not even a great economic decision?…that we do understand if you are a family of 5 or if there is a 20 hour layover that money and convenience dictates your decision?…that we stand by our encouragement to use EVV and believe that a $100 or even in some cases a $200 premium is WORTH IT?

Prime Lodging Provides Officials with Comparative Analysis


The City County Observer publishes this analysis in its original form without bias, edit, or opinion?

Link to Analysis:


Top 10 Angel Investor Networks in America


The Rankings are below:

1. Ohio TechAngel Funds: Columbus, Ohio

2. TechCoast Angels: Los Angeles, CA

3. Investor’s Circle: San Franscisco, CA

4. Golden Seeds LLC: New York City

5. North Coast Angel Fund: Cleveland, OH

6. Band of Angels: Menlo Park, CA

7. Hyde Park Angel Network: Cicago, IL

8. Alliance of Angels: Seattle, WA

9. Pasadena Angels: Altadena, CA

10. New York Angels Inc.: New York City

Link to Full Story with Video on Seeking Angel Investment
